SRA Survivor David Shurter -- Antonin Scalia Raped Him as a Boy/Bohemian Grove

from dnajlion7



@00:24:33 in china had i haven't even been sick


@00:09:27 of money trafficking kids and it's still


@00:07:55 on twitter i've just you know really

Satanic rituals

@00:02:45 was and then we were doing satanic
@00:02:48 rituals at hummel park this is on omaha


@00:35:43 serial pedophile can you share a little
@00:50:27 yourselves and go find the pedophile
@00:50:32 in the open so go find the pedophile


@00:20:51 isaac cappy and i've heard fiona i've

Pizza gate

@00:18:58 you lost weight now with pizza gate and
@00:20:08 and so i they brought up pizza gate
@00:20:12 dismissed and pizza gate didn't get
@00:41:31 pretending to investigate pizza gate and
@00:41:35 now realizes that pizza gate was fake i
@00:45:00 try and get the exposure out of it pizza
@00:45:04 gate a thing about pizza gate that


@00:02:38 mkultra stuff at offutt air force base i
@00:02:42 did that was where my mkultra training
@00:03:40 and it wasn't part of my mkultra


@00:00:22 sources for exposing antonin scalia the
@00:00:29 by antonin scalia when he when david was
@00:14:31 scalia and a myriad of other people and
@00:14:46 exactly how did antonin scalia meet you
@00:14:56 know as a sex slave anton scalia was
@00:15:57 go through bait anton scalia was part of
@00:16:23 people there and anton scalia stood out
@00:35:09 graham or antonin scalia yeah but like
@00:39:30 exactly where that ranch was that scalia
@00:41:53 in self-defense killed antonin scalia no
@00:42:25 personal experience with anton scalia i
@00:42:47 said that antonin scalia is very