Pence Attacks General Flynn Yet Again

from dnajlion7



@00:09:29 mccain yeah spoke glowingly of john
@00:09:32 mccain said john mccain was this
@00:09:42 mccain is such an evil man that he won't
@00:09:53 john mccain john mccain has been very
@00:09:59 bushes with john mccain with the whole


@00:03:57 touch on the child sex trafficking or

William Barr

@00:05:26 discovered evidence ag bar sd n wine

Deep state

@00:09:18 part of the deep state you know some of


@00:11:57 few years ago said on twitter hey mike


@00:05:20 wife fbi 302s fisa spy flynn will newly


@00:01:05 falsely accuses general flynn again and
@00:01:21 just done to stab a general flynn in the
@00:02:20 attack again on general mike flynn
@00:02:33 people leave the general michael flynn
@00:02:53 flynn was under enormous pressure and it
@00:02:58 they did to general flynn was a disgrace
@00:03:37 would he go and approach general flynn
@00:03:41 flynn can you at least admit that you
@00:05:20 wife fbi 302s fisa spy flynn will newly
@00:05:29 free flynn q and you go and read this
@00:06:33 said up general flynn lied to me
@00:06:50 flynn here's another thing that happened
@00:10:24 flynn get totally exonerated and then
@00:10:40 and michael flynn a newly vindicated
@00:10:42 michael flynn would then step in and
@00:10:46 trump flynn ticket that that would be
@00:13:16 shut and let flynn be exonerated flint