The Battle Begins, MSM Begins To Protect The [CB] - Episode 1865a

from X22Report



@00:02:49 been no deal with china china came to
@00:02:56 basically china left now the question is
@00:03:03 they left because china was trying to
@00:03:18 china and have them renegotiate all
@00:04:46 china there was this 150 page draft
@00:05:36 fighting china they're fighting us
@00:05:38 politicians or beneficiaries of china
@00:05:59 self-interest if china can gain economic
@00:06:08 think about it who had deals with china
@00:06:12 that big of a deal but china is a really
@00:06:20 government who have interest in china
@00:06:25 investments with china he's listening to
@00:06:43 finally i think that china felt they
@00:07:26 china might say ok we've given it some
@00:07:54 they they're done in an hour and china
@00:08:27 because out in china they're already
@00:08:29 saying because of these tariffs on china

William Barr

@00:01:10 bar for anyone

Deep state

@00:11:17 tools against the deep state the central