deleted Qanon August 3, 2018 - Trump Attack Foiled

from prayingmedic



@00:20:17 andrew mccabe fired james baker he was


@00:04:48 that john f kennedy jr. faked his death
@00:04:52 john f kennedy jr. was posting hazara


@00:01:56 you kind of dropped off the map on the


@00:20:11 investigation james comey fbi director


@00:21:21 sealed indictments around the country
@00:21:30 sealed indictments through the pacer gov


@00:17:26 jeff sessions and his safety
@00:17:31 sessions in prayer
@00:17:34 more than that just keep jeff sessions


@00:02:25 use twitter so i want to reach as many
@00:08:47 account on twitter it's not a verified
@00:08:58 twitter account it seems to be another
@00:10:41 a twitter status from kate mezack eddie
@00:11:09 is a link to a twitter article and over
@00:16:38 war economy on twitter or economy did a
@00:17:07 economies thread on twitter if anyone is
@00:21:26 twitter account she is tracking the
@00:22:03 trump jumps on twitter and starts

Seth Rich

@00:13:01 you can think of me as a female seth
@00:13:04 rich that know she was being hunted and