In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:02:09 hack same has china sub wash set up god
@00:14:36 same has china sub wash setup god save
@00:26:31 led to this china submarine event that
@00:27:15 china same as china sub washington setup
@00:27:27 the china sub attack and of course we


@00:07:44 we've got iran checking out q and on and
@00:08:37 intense focus on iran so this might be
@00:08:42 exciting that we've got iran in the
@00:13:53 done why why why why iran getting


@00:01:16 says jeff sessions has already caused
@00:01:25 sessions but he ain't done nothing to
@00:09:08 anan says jeff sessions has already
@00:09:15 100% support sessions but he ain't done
@00:10:51 section here sessions sent a letter to
@00:38:22 i suppose if sessions wanted to drop the

Deep state

@00:28:56 throwing the deep state off the deep


@00:00:52 twitter link busy day q 12:26
@00:01:02 tagging qi on on twitter big things
@00:06:31 gives us a twitter link and says busy
@00:06:36 to the potus schedule twitter wednesday
@00:07:34 and on on twitter big things coming
@00:07:49 twitter it means they're passing their
@00:16:03 on my twitter feed and i'll repost it
@00:17:11 followers on twitter thank you very much
@00:21:21 the top of my feed my twitter feed and
@00:27:39 good work and i will leave his twitter
@00:30:39 twitter posts and conflicting youtube

Seth Rich

@00:24:20 information that got leaked by seth rich
@00:24:33 discovery of how seth rich was murdered

North Korea

@00:08:30 seen in north korea and of course now

Five Eyes

@00:24:40 not just the five eyes but particularly


@00:11:01 informing them that huber is conducting
@00:11:14 informing them that huber is conducting


@00:07:01 another cue proof seeing that the post
@00:07:17 another queue proof for you for those