Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:01:38 directors james comey the injured mccabe


@00:18:07 think connections define map the truth
@00:28:07 it says to think connections define map
@00:28:11 so we've learned what map meant there's
@00:28:17 separate investigations one into map
@00:28:29 map was a handkerchief with a map on it
@00:28:32 it meant semen so your dna map okay with
@00:30:22 map left i don't know if you've ever
@00:30:51 a handkerchief i think it has a map that
@00:31:19 right i think it has a map that seems
@00:31:35 map well what kind of map would be on a
@00:32:24 like it seems to be map related to this
@00:35:49 know she's a map alright next post


@00:35:38 pedophilia sex trafficking stuff makes


@00:01:18 john brennan extra rector of the


@00:01:38 directors james comey the injured mccabe


@00:03:37 but fbi indictments are needed against

William Barr

@00:00:51 about dear attorney-general bar advice
@00:02:18 attorney general bar in person what they


@00:11:17 twitter like look at this guy look at
@00:14:23 on twitter found a tweet by patton
@00:14:34 replied to matt's tweet twitter said it
@00:16:36 one that i just showed you on twitter
@00:18:28 know career-ending twitter type twitter
@00:40:30 things on twitter like why would you do
@00:40:39 you get a twitter status picture from an
@00:40:40 anon make sure you go to twitter look it
@00:40:45 unless they put the twitter status you


@00:26:04 just took a delta flight to 643 from


@00:08:19 proud pedophile like seriously who does
@00:20:07 pedophile jokes such as this plate on
@00:20:12 know i am a proud pedophile blah blah
@00:28:00 pedophile down there

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:34:14 2895 a free drop of photo of ruth bader
@00:34:17 ginsburg in hanoi he drops it and said

Inspector General

@00:03:05 hand-picked inspector general

Pizza gate

@00:15:36 all the pizza gate digging that's going
@00:28:49 on pizza gate that's kind of like
@00:29:06 minutes long but it's all about pizza
@00:29:08 gate and exposure of pizza gate it's
@00:41:25 okay and the one for the pizza gate


@00:03:00 review the fisa obviously transactions
@00:03:54 know implemented review the fisa and