Trump Goes Head To Head With The Dragon And Is Winning - Episode 1860a

from X22Report



@00:05:28 china getting rid of the wars all of
@00:06:51 on trade with china we lose about five
@00:07:10 moved to china why do you think all of
@00:07:24 dragon it's china xi jinping and trump
@00:08:00 deal with china was structurally
@00:08:12 china has been paying tariffs to the us
@00:08:29 additional goods sent to us by china
@00:08:40 product cost mostly borne by china the
@00:08:45 trade deal with china continues but too
@00:09:50 because he knows china will never
@00:10:44 wants from china and trump actually has
@00:11:07 remember that china controls north korea
@00:11:31 controls him right now and china well to
@00:11:51 wants and china to save face to get a
@00:12:09 china than china is for the us and
@00:12:39 and once trump does this china will
@00:12:50 meaning that china will henceforth need
@00:13:03 allocate capital to china could mean all
@00:13:16 it helps china when china's gdp rises it
@00:13:26 states they help china and china they
@00:13:39 this so china well they have no place to
@00:13:50 and is going to put pressure on china
@00:13:56 absorbed by china and they are taxed
@00:14:34 is going to use this china understands
@00:14:38 this china realizes that they want a
@00:14:46 was to shift everything over to china to
@00:15:04 trump is using all of this against china
@00:15:07 and china well they have no other place

William Barr

@00:01:08 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

Deep state

@00:01:26 mainstream media the deep state the
@00:01:51 mainstream media the deep state the
@00:07:12 this was happening deep state the
@00:12:34 deep state the central banks have used
@00:15:29 have done what the deep state the

North Korea

@00:10:18 the trade deal g is using north korea
@00:10:23 using north korea and their nuclear
@00:10:29 north korea will denuclearize g is
@00:11:07 remember that china controls north korea
@00:11:17 working together north korea is going to
@00:11:23 that north korea eventually will be an
@00:11:39 north korea is going to denuclearize and
@00:11:57 outcome they're going to say okay north
@00:11:59 korea is going to be nuclear ice why is