Don't Worry The President Will Fix The Economy, Round 2 -- Episode 123

from X22Report



@00:25:56 and the us government know that china is
@00:28:13 create an arc around china and what they
@00:28:41 china for any type of serious incident
@00:29:37 china have their assets in position in
@00:35:34 trillion dollars from china but somehow


@00:23:07 iran which is also not trading in the
@00:23:37 iran also realizes that eventually that
@00:23:46 come to that region iran is again
@00:26:44 sanctions on iran and syria and to get
@00:26:53 different items and now syria and iran
@00:27:02 and the iran is going to give a credit
@00:27:29 there to provoke iran and syria into
@00:27:36 realize that iran i think the last time

William Barr

@00:32:37 bar and the the person who has a bar you
@00:34:13 owner of the bar went on to say if the


@00:29:59 espionage act does not require proof of