deleted Fake Maga Case Study - Jennifer Hammons aka Veterans4truth @jennvets4truth

from Dustin Nemos



@00:04:22 of the channel i had seen it on twitter
@00:09:43 back from zero hour one on twitter which
@00:09:49 case i actually put out on twitter that
@00:25:05 happened again on twitter later and i


@00:17:00 zero defence zero proof of anything you
@00:17:13 zero evidence you were proof which is
@00:17:38 zero evidence or zero proof doesn't
@00:17:41 or zero proof it's just a trick to try
@00:17:50 saying saying q proof is all all you
@00:18:50 proof that i had a top-secret security
@00:21:07 information never showing proof of
@00:24:43 she's got screenshots of some proof or
@00:30:11 proof she was impersonating a dead woman
@00:30:21 i have proof i use my fake magaz all