[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:06:46 attacks september 11 9/11 john f kennedy


@00:04:32 addressed to john brennan it's really


@00:00:23 was mailed to george soros a couple of
@00:00:40 pull the victim card george soros you
@00:03:27 have the list up here soros clinton
@00:05:07 times op-ed by george soros his son
@00:05:10 alexander soros you wrote an opinion
@00:10:12 soros --is explosive device sent to his

Red Cross

@00:09:19 these migrants being housed in red cross
@00:09:26 tent cities with little red cross looks
@00:09:29 like actually it's a red cross set it up

Deep state

@00:05:31 they say as these deep state liked to
@00:06:19 how the deep state operates when you
@00:06:26 picture a lot clearer but when the deep
@00:06:28 state pulls their false flags whether
@00:07:07 the worldwide deep state whenever they
@00:10:48 definite thing the deep state wanted to


@00:13:22 like that go on on eight qian on twitter
@00:13:52 twitter just throw and scroll through

false flag

@00:00:54 that said cue non-adherence cry false
@00:00:57 flag about explosives found near george
@00:01:20 it being a false flag and of course it
@00:02:42 started the false flag alarm started
@00:11:16 false flag i'm seeing just those two
@00:11:19 words false flag being put on the
@00:11:45 words false flag and learning about it a


@00:08:54 asian coming up through mexico from


@00:07:54 either a rockefeller or a rothschild i
@00:07:56 believe it was a rothschild he said or