Why Is DHS Mapping Radiation In Baltimore ? -- Episode 264

from X22Report



@00:12:49 china china is moving forward and they
@00:13:07 and right now china is continuing its
@00:13:11 bullion market china has granted
@00:13:16 banks for the first time china is
@00:18:14 were in china russia the eu india saudi
@00:20:39 demonizing china they're demonizing
@00:21:05 attack oh china yes china was the
@00:22:02 have china on the other side which
@00:22:08 to take their country back and china is
@00:22:28 libya we have the china on one side
@00:23:10 in on this where they're provoking china
@00:23:35 threats from china within the last year
@00:23:50 warships because they're feel that china


@00:29:57 baltimore to map radiation levels and
@00:30:05 tomorrow to map background radiation the
@00:30:13 as 150 feet and will map the net


@00:25:27 or to get into iran who knows what

false flag

@00:20:46 for war they know who to blame the false
@00:20:49 flag event on and people say oh yeah i
@00:24:53 type of false flag and that is what it's
@00:27:59 this is where the false flag event is
@00:28:05 false flag event well they would need to
@00:28:16 sochi which then will lead to a false
@00:28:20 flag event here in the us and in the
@00:31:23 type of false flag event and we also
@00:32:36 going on and again this main false flag


@00:30:59 underground enough until they needed it

North Korea

@00:19:59 activity okay moving on here now north
@00:20:04 korea is warning of a disaster over the
@00:20:13 government are provoking north korea
@00:20:19 bank and again of course north korea is
@00:20:22 out there saying north korea warned
@00:20:37 they're demonizing north korea they're
@00:20:51 remember it was north korea they were