Very Interesting! Are We Watching the Bolton Exit "Marker"?

from Truth and Art TV



@00:18:40 know this epstein associate who's doing
@00:18:44 epstein associate is doing schumer will
@00:19:07 guaranteed that's what this epstein
@00:19:17 plans that is what this epstein
@00:25:27 dinner with jeffrey epstein just two

William Barr

@00:14:24 bar is getting better at fighting rogue
@00:14:39 friday attorney general bar wrote a
@00:15:12 do now it's good to know that bar is


@00:03:31 is saying on his twitter account we now


@00:25:40 pedophile
@00:25:54 pedophile we want to meet with you there


@00:17:43 campaign rallies that mexico would pay
@00:18:23 the us-mexico border in other words


@00:21:03 recommending jail time for flynn instead
@00:21:14 recommended that flynn received
@00:21:20 investigations so now that flynn is
@00:21:30 transcripts release from general flynn
@00:21:48 exonerates general michael flynn this is
@00:22:02 from january 30th 2017 exonerating flynn
@00:23:03 coming up soon for general flynn which i