Haitian Protests Against the NARCO Deep State - NO MSM Coverage

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:10:35 honorable michael horowitz inspector

Human trafficking

@00:07:17 where you see drug trafficking you're
@00:07:20 going to find human trafficking as well
@00:12:42 trafficking so you know this isn't far
@00:12:48 theory this is you know haitian human
@00:12:51 trafficking connected to the united
@00:12:52 states human trafficking in haitian to


@00:07:17 where you see drug trafficking you're
@00:07:20 going to find human trafficking as well
@00:12:25 trafficking co-conspirators a worldwide
@00:12:32 trafficking and and in this case lots of
@00:12:42 trafficking so you know this isn't far
@00:12:51 trafficking connected to the united
@00:12:52 states human trafficking in haitian to


@00:02:28 twitter they are very they are they are
@00:03:33 were on twitter when she was doing this

Inspector General

@00:09:36 trey gowdy sent inspector general whore
@00:10:35 honorable michael horowitz inspector
@00:10:36 general the us department of justice it