[3.8] Big Pharma News - Vaccines / AntiVax Censorship / FDA Commissioner resigns / AIDS Cure

from Destroying the Illusion


Deep state

@00:07:02 fed by big pharma and the deep state
@00:11:49 fu to big pharma and the deep state by
@00:12:29 arm of the deep state is much more
@00:12:41 pharma arm of the deep state we've been
@00:13:07 aids was probably created by the deep
@00:13:10 state to debilitate us and to funnel
@00:13:32 diseases were created by the deep state
@00:13:48 the deep state trillion plus dollar per
@00:14:13 arm the deep state being taken down in
@00:16:40 individual in washington state here
@00:16:47 deep state attacking it so vehemently


@00:16:00 is mms you can literally youtube mms
@00:16:06 of them of people who have tried mms and
@00:16:12 and mms is very cheap very simple
@00:16:37 posts about mms in the past there was an
@00:16:51 check out mms in regards to aids
@00:16:53 mms great stuff in general you can look


@00:01:06 vaccines and we have increased
@00:01:33 monday about autism and vaccines so
@00:01:58 vaccines were more likely to be
@00:02:16 who get more vaccines get less autism
@00:02:20 people who get less vaccines get more to
@00:02:28 particular study and vaccines causing
@00:04:33 into vaccines urgent action is necessary
@00:09:42 easier to get exemptions for vaccines
@00:10:21 vaccines docu-series they have a youtube
@00:10:34 vaccines mercola
@00:11:25 for states to mandate vaccines he was
@00:11:45 vaccines and i actually see this as
@00:12:05 doing about big pharma about vaccines
@00:12:51 congressional hearings into vaccines
@00:13:57 that is vaccines it's probably why