Black Hawk Choppers Seen Flying Secret Missions Over D.C.

from Truth and Art TV



@00:06:14 horowitz to release report with evidence
@00:18:01 and with the horowitz report and shadow


@00:03:50 trump is going after iran as well


@00:19:31 saying pedophilia child trafficking


@00:06:17 comey conducted counterintelligence of
@00:06:45 james comey was misleading trump about
@00:07:05 coming out saying comey was running a
@00:07:10 on the sly comey didn't even need to
@00:07:23 incidentally comey of course denies he


@00:18:23 was assigned directly to his sessions by
@00:19:02 justice department advising mr. sessions

Deep state

@00:05:17 good for the dems and the deep state
@00:17:17 mean on the deep state letting them know
@00:22:03 trolling the deep state daring them to


@00:01:34 begin by going to the trump twitter
@00:01:42 drops trunk twitter same thing right so
@00:15:12 comes back with another link to twitter
@00:16:17 the link to twitter right there news us
@00:19:28 another twitter link here kevin ship
@00:20:15 twitter link this time it is this

Inspector General

@00:06:11 then we have this inspector general
@00:06:30 says here doj inspector general hores is