deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:05 out of china there's a lot of
@00:27:23 that route and the issues with china are
@00:27:29 health supplies chain way from china
@00:27:46 manufacturing base from china or even
@00:27:50 china that's inevitable but it's not
@00:28:43 pay back china the goal released i think


@00:01:58 just epstein and the lowly the island

Bill Gates

@00:10:01 hats are permitting gates bill gates to
@00:10:15 theory there they're inviting gates to
@00:10:23 it out for us bill what do you want what
@00:10:26 do you want done lay it out gates just


@00:07:58 be that iran has the worst of all the


@00:00:43 coronavirus but i would argue that
@00:07:48 think the corona is far weaker than what
@00:08:28 from the coronavirus not in the news
@00:08:40 disease is being labeled the corona and
@00:08:53 corona virus
@00:08:57 being marked as coronavirus positive
@00:09:20 dead of coronavirus don't have any cases
@00:10:44 the origin of this coronavirus ten
@00:43:22 corona virus x-ray try to get some
@00:43:41 identical pneumonia and coronavirus for
@00:44:58 for corona tests and shut down the
@00:45:39 they're introducing coronavirus yeah i
@00:45:59 coronavirus would be more important and
@00:46:23 coronavirus testing effort hampered by
@00:46:48 kovat 19 or coronavirus so cv helps to
@00:49:05 coronavirus for sure i actually giggle
@00:49:41 the corona virus had arrived in costa
@00:50:02 corona cases as a result and now we're
@00:50:27 corona cases in new york city their

Las Vegas

@00:14:12 involved with las vegas okay you got an
@00:15:28 las vegas profit i would say football
@00:15:59 percent gain for las vegas well roughly
@00:16:17 las vegas is gonna say show us the beef
@00:16:44 las vegas is doing their own research so
@00:37:17 suffered the most from tourism is las
@00:37:21 vegas the next is orlando florida
@00:37:28 epcot is shut down las vegas doesn't


@00:38:16 of going up against the soros cabal at

Deep state

@00:02:18 the deep state for creating a network of
@00:21:37 fed as a weapon against the deep state
@00:22:06 the deep state players tanking it with
@00:24:06 against deep state financial entities i
@00:24:56 take over the deep state financial
@00:25:23 new arbitrage run certain deep state


@00:47:54 about facebook and i know twitter and


@00:33:20 vaccines i gave it all to her and i
@00:35:06 vaccines in other words anyone who was
@00:35:11 not vaccines beck's i'm sorry vaccinated


@00:42:41 to move to 5g with all of its damage and
@00:42:48 access channels they're rolling out 5g a
@00:49:55 city at a fast track roll out of 5g and

false flag

@00:01:13 its justification is a false flag
@00:21:26 false flag since 9/11 this is a miracle
@00:21:29 false flag dude i want to circle back
@00:38:07 a false flag you know we're looking at


@00:06:49 fed the rothschild franchise system so
@00:07:12 needled the debt to the rothschild yeah


@00:16:23 show us the proof we're not gonna put
@00:16:31 this effing ruse going on with no proof
@00:21:14 anymore where's your proof because
@00:33:00 imaginary virus with no proof i gave her