How Much DEEPER & DARKER Does This All Go?

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:01:33 epstein how president trump's going to
@00:07:08 the elle brand ceos epstein connections
@00:07:42 pointing us to saying epstein wexner the
@00:12:00 epstein
@00:12:03 tunnels underneath the temple on epstein
@00:12:19 epstein arrests what i will say is we
@00:13:15 like beer jeffrey epstein had claimed to
@00:15:06 covered up by cases related to epstein


@00:09:18 talks about hillary i think and comey
@00:09:37 report released necessary prior to comey
@00:12:56 notes in an fbi meeting with comey about

Deep state

@00:22:28 people who run the deep state who are


@00:06:57 what q points is - is this twitter post
@00:25:40 on twitter at just inform you it's a

Inspector General

@00:12:49 what was in the inspector general port


@00:08:16 us resignations q told us who is going