deleted ℚ 10.9.18 - More GMO Corn to Fight China? Ugh.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:03:44 in china off the polls and it's supposed
@00:03:49 a certain part of china for what holiday
@00:04:08 over in china and they had flags in the
@00:04:35 were basically hacked by china the
@00:05:01 southeastern china going zhou is 90
@00:05:33 really going on there google and china
@00:05:37 google china since her search engine
@00:05:40 is the the search engine for china that
@00:05:44 thing that everyone does in china and
@00:05:55 russia do not look here china he said
@00:06:00 what's really going on in china who are
@00:06:34 change for everything to do with china
@00:06:41 all inside roads to china are being
@00:07:33 in terms of china trying to cut us off
@00:09:33 corn to fight china that that's an
@00:09:38 i'd rather see china grow more gmo core