POTUS, Q, Darkness to Light, Elites on Twitter, Hanukkah Begins Tonight

from dnajlion7



@00:08:30 miami site sex child trafficking sting
@00:09:14 on child sex trafficking and he's going


@00:04:01 21st john brennan
@00:04:23 whining john brennan you know it's
@00:05:00 brennan strikes out at that now i what's
@00:05:03 interesting about brennan is that
@00:05:06 brennan would be publicly tried and


@00:01:08 so i looked again on the twitter
@00:05:26 great guy to follow on twitter but he


@00:01:52 peddapuram pedophile obama go look at my
@00:03:00 not the pedophile pedophile hillary
@00:04:51 satanic pedophile monetary system for so
@00:07:10 sanders is a major satanic pedophile
@00:10:18 such a sick satanic pedophile himself in


@00:02:47 week about michael flynn changing his

Timothy Holmseth

@00:08:42 listing all these things timothy holmes