
Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:34:05 why are the awan brothers free after

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:31:58 involving the awan brothers the hearing
@00:32:21 related to the awan brothers in august
@00:33:44 court the cover-up of the awan brothers
@00:34:27 brotherhood who is a 1 what is the awan
@00:39:28 owan awan pakistani intelligence a one
@00:45:06 you got the awan brothers coming up you

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:33:46 on democrat ita tamra imran awan make
@00:33:56 imran awan
@00:36:13 is the awan group well the one group is
@00:36:42 really ok so this says this is the awan
@00:39:08 cute is this tied to the awan scandal
@00:44:59 through the awan group of information on
@00:45:23 our justice department must not let awan

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:41:45 juan imran awan a former it employee for

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:25:38 owan awan brothers you know being

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:20:21 awan a former it employee for the house

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:40:19 uranium one fbi informant awan debbie

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:13:33 just like like the awan brothers for

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:17:34 so like the awan brothers in particular

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:23:40 about the awan brothers house democrats
@00:23:59 about the awan brothers and if you keep
@00:24:05 imran awan handled it for representative

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:27:49 don't think the awan issue has gone away

QAnon - "Divide they try. Fail they will." FVEY/State Dept Exposure

@00:35:55 leverage singh awan singh oh that's the
@00:36:27 purpose of the awan plea bargain is to
@00:39:53 awan brothers and the muslim brotherhood

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:19:46 saying there was 42 people in the awan
@00:26:12 there - we know emraan awan we know that

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:40:50 the ig s allegation that the awan made

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:44:13 destroy okay so the awan geranium one

QAnon - "Wendy", Hussein, and Potus Warning Shot

@00:26:58 learn for the first time about the awan

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:10:37 forward to the awan brothers being

#QAnon - DC Access, Sold Out, Pics leaked for THIS moment

@00:23:40 they're tied to of the awan brothers
@00:23:49 is just like the awan situation they're
@00:24:01 that what i just read you about the awan

#QAnon - Report Today April [A] [A]rrests [A]wan

@00:03:10 act emraan awan has been indicted on

#Qanon - Heart Attacks, U1 Informant, Shanghai Windows

@00:24:32 information on all this the awan

#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

@00:19:45 about the awan for others because he

#Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:03:01 awan brothers if you're not aware of
@00:03:48 reporting done about the awan brothers
@00:13:34 the awan brothers and a lot of times
@00:14:53 is the one who is a one what is the awan
@00:17:49 laundered through the awan brothers
@00:27:58 exact time the awan brothers for in