
Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:10:58 why it's so important that the durham

It's About Time Something Happens, Red October, Marathon End

@00:07:04 capable prosecutor john durham they've
@00:21:34 the bar durham probe as they investigate
@00:22:28 mi6 meetings with durham the only way to

BREAKING: RIG FOR RED: JA, SR, JB, and "L"uccifer 2.0

@00:05:22 trust the fbi until until bar and durham


@00:02:47 it when i see it hashtag the durham
@00:03:25 durham

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:26:55 barr and john durham think they're not
@00:27:31 cooperated as a witness with john durham


@00:01:54 john durham is investigating it and
@00:11:54 he's meeting with durham people i think
@00:18:07 john durham and u.s attorney general
@00:22:04 interesting aspects to the durham probe
@00:29:21 is presumably what john durham is
@00:29:41 intelligence community work that durham
@00:32:50 specifically that john durham is looking
@00:33:57 veteran mob prosecutor john durham was
@00:34:11 president trump nominated durham as u.s

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:01:16 don't know what durham is up to which i

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:33:37 are you telling me it's okay that durham

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:39:19 the durham probe calls findings very

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:12:24 that you know durham won't be
@00:34:50 still grand juries going on with durham

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:01:26 john durham could write up a report but
@00:02:04 never about john durham writing a report
@00:02:20 about john durham i'd like to have wind
@00:02:40 with john durham that there was no
@00:04:33 durham is pursuing is a massive
@00:05:42 any doubt that john durham is going to
@00:08:36 there's no choice now since durham is
@00:10:15 conspiracy in other words john durham
@00:22:59 coming out which means probably durham
@00:40:48 important cue the durham for call for
@00:41:00 know durham start and cue ops start get
@00:41:20 and so did durham okay alright now i

deleted Rig for Red - Silent Running - WHO IS Q? Controversy

@00:02:05 durham was not appointed by ag bar
@00:02:08 durham served as interim us attorney
@00:02:17 posting president trump nominated durham
@00:02:36 durham and okay the second one was from
@00:04:52 other twitter was about durham remember

HRC & GOOG: Up Platt River without a Paddle

@00:16:27 through through durham it's and of


@00:01:39 far and wide durham has spent weeks in
@00:03:51 until the durham investigation concludes
@00:04:05 investigated by john durham which we'll
@00:04:30 durham is what he's saying talking about
@00:05:13 know it's talking about the whole durham
@00:09:16 that says durham scrutinising john
@00:09:28 john brennan blah blah blah so durham is
@00:09:57 us attorney john durham is reportedly
@00:10:20 it wasn't even true okay durham he was
@00:11:34 hey durham interviewed agents and
@00:13:44 enforcement officer such as durham
@00:13:49 intelligence agencies though durham
@00:13:58 of detainees durham hasn't yet
@00:14:14 at the time was interviewed by durham
@00:19:05 known whether durham has questioned him
@00:20:56 john durham so these will both have to
@00:20:58 do with john durham and andy mccabe also
@00:23:27 john durham or that he's looking or a
@00:23:30 suspect in the john durham now criminal
@00:23:35 somebody that john durham would want to
@00:23:56 durham or it could be that he's still
@00:24:06 john durham and what he is looking at
@00:24:19 the cia in your view what is john durham
@00:24:48 campaign i'm sure john durham is looking
@00:27:15 know and john durham i hope is going to
@00:27:22 durham is looking at john brennan as he
@00:27:31 informants in us attorney john durham
@00:30:17 what we do know is that john durham is
@00:30:56 durham has expanded his probe to the

Admiral Rogers, the 17th Director of the NSA, AS and OTHERS Ukraine problem, Coming SOON!

@00:20:01 attorney john durham i believe that they
@00:39:51 connecticut us attorney john durham on
@00:40:32 re told us ag and rogers meeting durham
@00:41:16 help durham when did durham start
@00:41:33 if you see the anon says durham and

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:05:25 talking about durham we'll get to that
@00:05:31 and he was on the durham boat remember
@00:05:34 so if you go to a durham boat it is a
@00:05:47 etc so the durham name became associated
@00:05:55 the durham ironworks of durham
@00:06:28 this and told us about the durham boats
@00:07:07 delaware river using durham boats in a
@00:07:16 durham boats he says and was exclamation
@00:07:26 forces led by a durham probe ok and then
@00:07:45 boats sure did help potus durham
@00:08:21 durham they start durham was appointed
@00:08:32 the durham boats this is the post that
@00:10:55 and we found out about the durham the
@00:10:57 durham boat anons found the sun the
@00:11:01 think durham start think cue start you
@00:11:24 referencing durham boat as hint missing
@00:11:41 here who was helping potus durham the ds
@00:18:57 jersey with the durham boat you just
@00:31:31 potus - bar bar to durham foreign
@00:31:41 does durham want a hold or freeze public

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:35:37 you know durham came forward because i

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:08:40 additionally us attorney john durham is
@00:17:57 well durham is is looking at the whole
@00:19:28 where john durham is going well it's

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:38:59 durham yes it's been in the news right
@00:39:01 that she's meeting with durham the only

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:02:34 he is working with durham okay and so
@00:02:54 rogers meeting durham and rogers
@00:10:36 and i'm looking at durham to hold people
@00:15:37 bar durham huber i love that he
@00:20:57 bill barr and us attorney john durham

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:00:56 durham discoveries can lead to early
@00:00:58 retirement meaning what durham is

Byron York - Devin Nunes Interview 12-18-19 SO GOOD!

@00:16:10 don't know if it's too late for durham
@00:17:15 have john durham the us attorney out of

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:12:32 we've got durham got one huber's got one
@00:15:50 i believe what happened was he durham
@00:15:53 just hadn't been durham probably was
@00:16:02 the stuff that he that that durham is

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:05:15 that durham amongst his many chores is

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:05:00 statements last week durham start cue
@00:06:36 asking you know durham start well he
@00:07:28 but the durham start and the q start and
@00:21:29 talking about durham one for the history
@00:21:39 day durham initiated october 28th 2017
@00:22:10 durham in with his wikipedia post it's
@00:24:15 it now that bought the durham is on this
@00:30:37 that now it's on durham that freed up
@00:38:50 durham to look at from a criminal
@00:41:57 durham horowitz set sights on senate
@00:42:09 here's the one ray and then durham

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:06:45 durham is empowered to go back and re
@00:13:44 prosecutor durham and the attorney
@00:14:09 all i can tell you is that durham is
@00:14:41 reckoning may be coming i trust durham
@00:36:57 these issues john durham is

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:27:18 to include things that durham and huber

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:16:41 durham is for sorry he was never
@00:17:38 durham the media attempt to conflate the
@00:18:12 attorney john durham obviously the
@00:18:14 investigation by durham is the key
@00:18:25 interview durham about the progress
@00:18:42 even once since us attorney durham was
@00:18:57 durham know the reason for the void is
@00:19:21 durham because then the public will
@00:19:56 durham within the washington post
@00:20:45 understanding that durham is looking at
@00:21:01 additionally understanding that durham

What happens when PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [D] party corruption?

@00:29:20 involved i say don't let durham probe

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:14:37 cue it on john durham was appointed by
@00:39:14 he's saying with the doj bart durham and

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:00:46 for an update on the horowitz and durham
@00:05:33 support reports us attorney john durham
@00:09:33 interesting aspects to the durham probe
@00:16:51 presumably what john durham is currently
@00:17:11 that durham is now unraveling so i want
@00:20:20 john durham is looking at the construct
@00:21:27 mob prosecutor john durham was not
@00:21:39 posting president trump nominated durham

QAnon is Back! Rigged for Red and Ready to Surface!

@00:18:59 durham was not appointed by a g bar
@00:19:02 durham served as interim us attorney
@00:19:12 nominated durham as us attorney on

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:01:41 indictments now john durham has been
@00:02:00 john durham has been doing for the last
@00:04:09 durham and bar and the grand jury
@00:05:38 gonna have horowitz and durham laying
@00:05:58 what durham has done is put together a
@00:06:27 that bill barr and john durham traveled
@00:39:04 humor so durham is doing his job but
@00:39:10 durham okay alright so that's just kind

Remember Romania? And Finalizing FISA, Durham Criminal Investigation

@00:19:34 bar and durham were played a tape
@00:20:06 told fox news that durham was very
@00:28:25 attorney john durham who has subpoena

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:02:54 durham has expanded his scope and i've
@00:08:16 to durham okay so a doj fbi small group
@00:13:45 report is from nbc top lines the durham
@00:13:50 therefore more troubling durham is
@00:14:05 durham the durham investigation appears
@00:14:35 durham is visiting italy the uk and
@00:15:39 durham has expressed his intent to
@00:16:13 brennan durham has also requested to
@00:16:32 what classified documents durham can
@00:16:39 see durham doing what we suspected five
@00:16:44 durham is looking at who put together
@00:17:11 therein with bars approval durham has
@00:17:42 false and it was if durham is conducting
@00:18:17 durham has found something significant
@00:19:11 durham has been asking a foreign
@00:19:35 durham is doing interesting pay
@00:19:44 john durham relaying information back to
@00:31:57 presentation of john durham has gone
@00:32:14 durham is probably one of 25 okay
@00:32:17 the prosecutors led by john durham and
@00:32:24 clinton okay led by john durham the
@00:32:51 prosecutors durham also has two fbi
@00:33:43 wait mr. durham has yet to interview all
@00:34:07 counsel so mr. durham has not questioned
@00:34:23 durham may be waiting until he has
@00:35:06 hello okay that means he gave mr. durham
@00:37:54 his home safe mr. durham has also
@00:40:31 okay in his review mr. durham has asked
@00:41:12 write that mr. durham has interviewed
@00:42:17 readers to know john durham interviewed
@00:44:41 senior fbi agents assisting mr. durham
@00:44:44 like mr. durham who investigated cia

Flynn Attorney: DOJ HAS 2 MIFSUD PHONES, Asks for New Brady Material

@00:11:32 2014 with a us attorney john durham and

Sacrifices will NEVER be FORGOTTEN - Role of Gowdy?

@00:00:49 durham and the rest is gonna be bang
@00:04:43 scope now of ag bar and durham have
@00:05:14 attorney john durham appointed by
@00:05:19 with durham recently traveling to
@00:05:45 enforcement the expanded durham probe
@00:05:51 wrongdoing by reputation durham is not a


@00:27:36 to durham okay and that's what they've

FISA (spy) - Flynn - Sidney Powell Makes SMART Move

@00:06:16 investigations by durham are so
@00:33:30 durham why they're focusing on the

AG Preparing to Deliver Evidence of "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY"?

@00:06:18 durham is aware of all of this where is
@00:06:26 doing i am hearing that john durham and
@00:08:23 i know both john durham and two members
@00:13:12 us attorney john durham with the
@00:15:48 background bar via durham was peeking at

Origins of "Muh Russia!" - UKRAINE, CROWDSTRIKE, and a STABLE GENIUS!

@00:25:00 beginning the origins what durham is

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:02:55 summarizes durham that durham is also
@00:03:07 barr assigned us attorney john durham in
@00:21:07 durham the hype of durham was to take
@00:30:01 durham is doing a very limited scope
@00:30:09 general and then durham will be able to
@00:30:24 but durham is gonna do what happened

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:35:55 attorney durham is supposed to get to

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:10:22 attorney john durham
@00:10:41 that mr. durham and his team will likely

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:10:13 we can add durham to that all right
@00:24:04 that's because durham is progressing

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:03:12 durham special prosecutor looking at the
@00:09:30 john durham are doing they're gonna find

IG Horowitz Reportedly Nears End of Probe into FISA Abuse

@00:03:09 durham is looking at what happened and
@00:04:45 findings and john durham and his
@00:07:55 the us attorney john durham and so
@00:08:17 speak to the us authorities think durham
@00:17:05 john durham okay that'll give us an

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:07:15 bill barr and john durham are willing to

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:13:59 john durham same mandate see that as as
@00:15:09 the department's review team john durham
@00:16:01 review mr. durham will continue to serve
@00:16:08 washington dc area by mr. durham and his
@00:17:30 equal okay i don't believe durham is
@00:17:36 hubert's got a team and and and durham
@00:19:13 durham the united states attorney by
@00:20:23 durham and his team of investigators

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:01:09 john durham okay so let's look at that
@00:01:31 first heard the name durham in a letter
@00:01:34 to us attorney john durham
@00:02:06 found out that it was john durham okay
@00:05:05 when we first start about durham so we
@00:07:49 durham and we just didn't know he was
@00:13:09 us attorney john durham has been
@00:13:19 about a massive step forward now durham
@00:13:33 durham was appointed to investigate the
@00:13:49 in 2009 durham was appointed to
@00:13:55 decades-long career well durham has
@00:14:24 the durham is collaborating with the
@00:14:52 dunham's invested the durham i keeps
@00:14:53 called him dunham but it's durham
@00:27:33 had a moab coming in and it's durham
@00:27:38 durham to me is the big it was the boom
@00:33:37 well we had the boom with durham we go

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:03:52 durham who's been appointed and our
@00:08:42 durham is supposed to get to the bottom