
10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:07:42 refer to huber fbi protection of hrc fbi
@00:07:45 criminal acts refer to huber
@00:08:01 tarmac referred to huber our our ig
@00:08:08 of huber when he he actually started in


@00:27:32 huber it says we're all good

Crimes Against Children = Common Denominator = Mass Population Awakening (FULL EPISODE)

@00:38:38 tender their resignation as was huber
@00:38:41 but huber

deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:21:23 about huber and the ig and when the
@00:21:29 when okay secretly engaging with hubert
@00:21:32 hubert timing is everything department
@00:27:12 about it was talking about huber ok that

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:03:30 anything anyway right john huber the us
@00:17:03 you write this them about hubert give me
@00:27:13 that huber was looking into uranium one
@00:35:14 huber was distracted there was too much
@00:35:30 and huber was scheduled to be there and
@00:35:40 think that the heat was getting on huber
@00:35:54 d-class special counsel report in huber
@00:37:42 now let me go to the next part for huber
@00:38:36 charges know why close when did huber
@00:38:53 deal requests yes she did y ig t huber
@00:39:46 huber coincidence that they know about
@00:39:52 ig started long before huber setting the
@00:39:59 ig is acting as the fbi huber is acting
@00:40:09 involved with the with huber being
@00:40:50 dates huber drops 1st through last
@00:40:57 know put the d 5 drops against the huber
@00:41:02 okay content and dates role of huber as
@00:41:09 mathematical probability that huber
@00:42:25 huber us attorney alright
@00:42:29 regarding a huber interview okay let's
@00:43:28 says meet ig hugh huber interview
@00:43:36 this is huber talking here they range
@00:45:48 john huber says every one of the
@00:46:51 utah's us attorney john huber says every
@00:47:16 where it talks about meet ij huber
@00:48:28 that meeting with horowitz and huber

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:15:37 bar durham huber i love that he

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:09:40 regarding doj fbi ig huber who appoints
@00:11:00 noose refer to huber non-public clinton
@00:11:11 criminal acts refer to herbert huber
@00:11:32 tarmac reference to huber rr ig report
@00:12:22 says right here but huber ability to
@00:15:00 baker confirmed note ig involved huber
@00:26:26 undercover huber did these notes

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:21:10 kind of what that how huber was supposed
@00:21:17 where's hubert nobody is above the law
@00:22:25 chain of command followed huber doj
@00:23:08 doj plains clinton foundation huber utah
@00:28:39 believe there's an equivalent to huber
@00:29:07 that that huber and the doj planes in
@00:29:12 foundation that's huber was taken out of
@00:29:17 was be i mean it was hubert hubert
@00:29:19 hubert hubert us you were that so when
@00:29:27 huber he didn't show up for the for the
@00:29:45 you know why would you huber goj plains
@00:30:14 huber the doj planes in the clinton

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:19:38 trusts huber q all right and then we get
@00:25:01 remember the testimony and what huber
@00:25:23 own post saying whittaker horowitz huber

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:27:18 to include things that durham and huber

What happens when PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [D] party corruption?

@00:29:12 john huber remains on going and q said
@00:29:18 position of power huber is still
@00:29:22 convince you that humor huber is out and

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:39:19 i guarantee one of them's huber there's

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:33:53 huber so the heat the heats been taken
@00:33:56 off a hubert now he's investigating the
@00:38:35 huber and the filling foundation being
@00:38:45 public for huber so they're not even

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:32:20 there's prosecutors led by hubert
@00:32:22 they're keeping huber out of the

Sacrifices will NEVER be FORGOTTEN - Role of Gowdy?

@00:19:08 2017 hueber right he was hubert hubert
@00:19:11 he were huber horowitz horowitz horowitz
@00:19:41 telling us huber horowitz whittaker


@00:27:33 to take the heat off huber and put it on
@00:27:39 you don't hear talk of huber anymore do
@00:29:38 huber hmm
@00:29:41 define ig when does huber is doj ig is
@00:29:56 engage huber why did si sessions review
@00:29:59 reveal huber timing is everything what
@00:37:29 involved yes reread crumbs doj fbi huber
@00:37:34 okay who appointed hubert sessions what

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:03:24 foundation and huber still doing all
@00:03:30 anything because huber is director of
@00:19:37 huber i'm sorry with horowitz that's who
@00:19:42 probably huber too because there's
@00:20:24 huber hasn't either dr. after that and
@00:20:42 hannity did this huber has already
@00:21:10 the heat off of huber because it was
@00:24:55 the inspector general huber i g horowitz
@00:29:34 huber horowitz storch they're working
@00:29:53 us attorney john huber for a leadership
@00:31:19 versus the huber start november of 2017
@00:34:56 set in november of 2017 when huber was

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:03:52 released plus seven huber and ig so yeah

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:30:38 was the us attorney in maryland huber
@00:40:03 candidates among them or john huber and
@00:40:06 jessie lou huber was rinat nated for his
@00:42:43 out okay and then john huber right so

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:10:10 horowitz trust huber and i'm imagining

PAIN! #NewQ Epstein Placeholder, Connect the Dots!

@00:31:46 foundation what's huber working on hmm
@00:32:08 so this is how i know it's not huber but
@00:39:45 could mean huber but because of all the

QAnon - New Q! What does it mean? BE PREPARED for GOD AND COUNTRY

@00:08:28 that huber is not doing anything that
@00:08:45 saying false hubert hubert will bring

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:04:42 chuck grassley informing them that huber
@00:04:51 counsel to investigate huber has been
@00:05:01 there was huber we knew there was huber
@00:06:53 huber to lead this effort
@00:06:55 mr. huber is an experienced prosecutor
@00:07:11 since november 13th huber had been
@00:07:18 anything humors not well huber can say
@00:07:37 like what's going on where's huber
@00:07:55 you hover over it it says so huber is a
@00:08:15 dc sessions forced release name of huber
@00:08:25 appointed huber to look into this
@00:08:59 huber wasn't doing anything and
@00:09:58 you is huber name got forced into the
@00:10:10 huber will bring severe pain to dc is
@00:10:25 somebody somebody the where is huber
@00:10:27 where is huber everybody's asking this
@00:10:40 foundation huber was member huber was
@00:10:42 gonna testify huber was gonna show up
@00:11:01 this guy is another huber and he's been
@00:11:17 and that's what that's what this huber
@00:14:01 huber who was to command a team okay so
@00:14:08 same mandate as huber he's not working
@00:14:11 for huber he's got his own team that
@00:14:14 reports to him he is a huber okay the
@00:17:21 and now huber went public and like oh
@00:17:50 same same mandate and authority as huber

All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

@00:21:46 was still gonna be huber okay trust me
@00:25:13 huber flies us two-way street

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:06:16 note ig involved huber i j storch storch

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:41:52 tert with the huber investigation if you
@00:41:56 and over and over and over that hubert
@00:41:57 hubert hubert okay

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:10:22 attorney in maryland john huber the us
@00:18:10 among them were john huber and jesse lou
@00:18:12 huber was read on nated for his us
@00:21:05 of house members john huber okay goes

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:42:20 john huber was first appointed to his

It was SPYING! Panic. Q calls out FAKE MAGA AGAIN!

@00:13:44 no secret huber grand jury um yeah

This Can NEVER Happen to a President Again!

@00:07:07 huber is looking at fisa and hillary
@00:07:29 inspector general and passed on to huber
@00:07:50 prosecute for john huber so and you know
@00:07:54 what all these thing like a john huber
@00:08:03 anything and it may not be john huber
@00:36:03 for utah john huber who was appointed a
@00:36:26 huber republicans of caution has
@00:36:59 and what and that huber is expected to
@00:38:41 sessions announced he brought in huber
@00:38:44 people said okay we got huber on it the
@00:39:09 public about huber and horowitz working

Largest Pre-planned and Coordinated Propaganda Event in History

@00:05:12 and huber etc so right now we're seeing

The LEAD IN, Ukraine, RC, These People are SICK!

@00:33:26 update on it from hubert no we're in

Who has the 'real' control? AskTheQ T[-1]

@00:44:37 really had direct oversight over huber
@00:44:43 huber saying they had a clear vision for

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:09:08 he's leading us to this doj huber
@00:09:39 official letter from sessions to huber
@00:09:50 mr. huber this is from jeff sessions in
@00:18:33 that the letter was sent to hubert okay
@00:41:14 has told congress that huber is

Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

@00:43:30 john huber who serves as vice chair of
@00:43:44 huber and oh i g and he's alright you

"Meet IG" Crumbs are Being Dropped and Missed. A Puzzle within a Puzzle.

@00:03:39 huber interview regarding quote they
@00:05:44 utah's us attorney john huber says every
@00:07:18 again and he talks about the huber
@00:07:31 undercover huber ok i'm sure they're
@00:08:23 huber is conducting a full-fledged
@00:08:29 counsel to investigate huber hasn't been
@00:09:19 investigators giving huber access to
@00:09:37 investigate then huber can act on any of
@00:15:52 talking about in conjunction with huber
@00:19:07 pompeo has been dealing with huber and
@00:20:35 and also huber so they're all working on
@00:29:23 believe it's referring to huber scope

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:15:59 appointed and tasked huber sessions who
@00:17:52 all this coordinating with huber and can
@00:33:37 between the lines here quote huber says

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:40:15 huber happenings coming and cue confirms

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:08:37 that the us attorney john huber is
@00:09:08 about how sessions revealed that huber
@00:09:39 important here huber wields significant
@00:09:48 he's got whitaker talking about huber
@00:11:07 huber huber tasked by then attorney
@00:11:43 talked about huber and whitaker has
@00:11:46 talked about huber okay
@00:23:36 the order loop bar meeting huber and
@00:23:52 counsels report huber etc the want to
@00:24:25 report and huber the act that you know i
@00:33:29 bar reviews huber and oh i g work d

Q-"We never left. It is Time To Return Publicly" - Mueller Probe and RR END, SDNY

@00:01:01 huber the inspector general horowitz
@00:04:09 bomber huber okay so just kind of wanted
@00:15:29 the truth zero leaks regarding huber
@00:15:52 mr. huber is working on all this stuff

Whitaker's 5 Mins, Huber Confirmed, Burr says no collusion, Jim Jordan on RR Memo

@00:22:26 simultaneously by mr. john huber who's
@00:23:11 simultaneously by mr. john huber who's
@00:23:57 huber is looking into alleged misconduct
@00:26:12 department official john huber was

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:12:31 children noose refer to huber non-public
@00:12:39 this stuff has been referred to huber
@00:12:46 to huber plus f fbi protection of hrc
@00:12:49 plus fbi criminal acts referred to huber
@00:13:08 house tarmac refer to huber rr
@00:17:59 also oversee huber and the oig
@00:18:11 utah terminal 1 through 12 uh huber

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:14:38 use logic who is huber define ig c when
@00:14:50 huber why does sessions reveal huber
@00:16:26 huber we know all about that but i will
@00:19:50 attorney john w huber to lead this
@00:19:57 to who to huber mr. huber is an
@00:21:10 inspector general horowitz and huber
@00:21:22 attention got brought to huber there's
@00:21:33 huber is gonna testify oh my god they'll
@00:22:41 huber start november and then he brings
@00:23:05 huber can the ig disclose evidence in a
@00:23:21 going on that's why huber took so long
@00:23:27 jp john podesta and human november huber
@00:23:35 think huber coincidence and that's
@00:24:13 referred to huber non-public clinton
@00:24:18 connected refer to huber yes it's all
@00:24:21 been referred to hubert who's who's got
@00:25:13 house tarmac refer to huber yeah
@00:25:16 referred to huber ig report release does
@00:25:49 yourself does huber have the ability to
@00:26:26 the amount of people that huber has at
@00:26:33 members okay huber doesn't have that
@00:26:43 so but huber ability to prosecute and
@00:26:54 but huber but huber is not directly
@00:26:59 witnesses therefore huber therefore ig
@00:30:42 involved huber to ig horowitz
  • inspector general's in huber they're
@00:34:50 jury investigation headed by john huber
@00:43:57 huber who was tasked by cessnas sessions
@00:45:12 attorney john huber has publicly quiet

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:46:20 huber the us attorney in utah who has
@00:46:31 realizing that john huber is doing

QAnon - Elf on a shelf, Google Fire, Oversight Committee Hearing

@00:00:58 know who huber won't be appearing at
@00:18:21 on huber and it's basically a twitter
@00:18:50 where's huber nobody is above the law
@00:18:54 where huber is right now i'm gonna quiet
@00:19:47 but where is hubert nobody is above the
@00:20:50 get this here it is it says so huber is
@00:20:56 saying in addition to hubert false
@00:20:58 hubert huber will bring severe pain to

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:12:37 huber coincidence panic this is as real

Qanon - Whitaker - Scaramucci Play, No leaks leads to Raid? Huber - Clinton Foundation

@00:13:50 sitting before huber had it before a
@00:17:21 the pain with huber and then we're going
@00:24:35 mr. hubert john huber the special us
@00:27:23 in october of 2017 so when was hubert
@00:27:34 storm hubert was set up now people are
@00:27:37 saying that huber was activated in march
@00:28:47 huber activated by sessions right around
@00:28:56 who was and is assigned to huber the
@00:32:12 model like you know so huber alright so
@00:32:17 huber to testify regarding clinton
@00:32:20 yes huber to reveal active probe
@00:35:04 so then he says when did huber and that
@00:35:35 foundation okay huber did remember in in
@00:35:41 just revealing huber and his team were
@00:36:29 he's watching over mr. huber so he's
@00:36:50 working in tandem with horowitz huber
@00:40:30 federal agencies huber horowitz storch
@00:41:06 special counsel huber not directly
@00:41:46 but it's important so he says huber and

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:01:32 huber nbc news again this is like let's
@00:07:05 huber and the oig horowitz yes
@00:07:08 what case cases is huber and oh i jean
@00:07:18 go back and look at all the huber posts
@00:08:04 huber humor has the servers or horowitz
@00:08:14 the nsa utah terminal 1 through 12 huber
@00:10:59 what is huber doing with terminals one
@00:12:08 and dates huber drops first to last
@00:12:21 huber as portrayed by cue special
@00:12:28 mathematic probability that huber would
@00:15:31 i'm just glad to be hearing huber morg
@00:17:15 huber and it'll bring them all up or you
@00:17:47 everything huber has everything okay
@00:17:53 huber has it all that's kind of what
@00:23:23 interview huber postponed while played
@00:25:22 which means huber is probably wrapping
@00:30:11 and he says whittaker horowitz huber and
@00:30:52 whittaker horowitz huber and ray and

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:01:37 a special prosecutor and mr. huber is
@00:18:18 then talking about sessions and huber
@00:18:22 huber has everything so you can look it
@00:20:36 all okay huber has it all and then he
@00:21:34 and huber you slam him panic regarding
@00:21:39 whitaker panic regarding huber

CF Whistleblower, GHWB & Comey Owls & Y's 322, The China 8, Monday!

@00:03:29 trump whitaker huber etc okay that's all
@00:03:38 say huber is loaded you can say whitaker
@00:04:59 person who leaked huber clinton
@00:06:49 doubted sessions in hubert you will all
@00:07:09 huber you will all pay the price very
@00:07:41 leaked public regarding huber activities
@00:09:23 happening fire sessions but huber
@00:10:13 investigating so just because huber
@00:11:33 and that breaking news huber to
@00:37:10 huber the us attorney investigating the
@00:39:57 huber that are working for huber you

BREAKING: FBI Raids Protected Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation

@00:10:04 huber on december 5th and why are they

LIVE W/KatieG 8pm EST - Re: Julian Assange

@00:23:31 got huber up on deck now we got this

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:03:03 actually mr. huber with the department
@00:04:23 an article like mention huber and what
@00:04:37 took away is he said huber will be a
@00:07:44 to do with huber and and what what's in
@00:08:15 says this cue we have it all huber and
@00:09:52 to what's coming up with huber
@00:10:34 about huber at that time so anyway why
@00:10:40 charges know why closed when did huber
@00:11:40 he was talking about huber ok there were
@00:12:12 they were indicted by hubert ok and
@00:12:31 when did huber start because they knew
@00:12:33 what was coming when did huber start
@00:12:47 hrc deal requests y ig huber now listen
@00:13:10 working with huber and at this point
@00:13:33 slash human november huber recent
@00:13:47 huber so in december of last year she
@00:14:46 last post huber started in november what
@00:15:05 ig started long before huber setting the
@00:15:18 huber eat
@00:15:25 the fbi and you have the huber acting us
@00:16:06 huber made a sealed indictment 11 6 when
@00:16:20 important huber has been to this whole
@00:21:15 with huber uh-huh oh it feels good

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:05:24 obviously huber he who is huber now i've
@00:05:30 huber has a four hundred and seventy man
@00:05:32 army no huber no that's inspector
@00:05:44 who reconfirmed huber the senate who
@00:05:47 originally appointed huber obama
@00:05:51 mandate charged to huber he's
@00:06:27 counsel is being given to huber all
@00:06:29 right resources provided to huber his
@00:06:47 so basically huber is acting as the
@00:07:07 does the investigation refers to huber
@00:07:10 huber does decides what will be
@00:07:14 people so horowitz has the 470 huber
@00:07:24 because i see people saying huber has
@00:07:59 people huber horowitz and whittaker have

Qanon - Red October, Red Line & FISA Brings Down the HOUSE, Sessions FIRED

@00:42:08 general horowitz and huber for right now

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:08:37 information oh ij huber i'm sorry did i
@00:08:40 say huber i meant horowitz oh ig
@00:08:43 horowitz works with huber important to
@00:08:45 remember huber reports directly to seth
@00:08:50 huber horowitz huber and sessions are
@00:10:28 what the fbi would do huber doing what

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:13:50 huber okay so let me ask you a question
@00:14:01 mainstream media is speaking about huber
@00:14:21 know huber was set forth in november and

Mind Blowing Double Standards and the Curious Case of Rod Rosenstein

@00:24:45 mentions huber and sessions and what
@00:41:08 the name of huber yep and huber has been
@00:41:22 with huber in utah and in addition to
@00:46:42 going to see huber the word is that
@00:47:21 john huber according to dr. turley an
@00:47:33 us about huber he's been he's been
@00:47:55 referring things to huber on the

QAnon - Feinstein Investigated? Sessions Unrecuse? Explosive Testimony!

@00:16:16 he is with you with huber and sessions
@00:16:23 oh there's huber talking and there's
@00:16:30 more there's huber still talking and
@00:18:26 sessions meeting huber the same day as
@00:18:29 the potus alert sessions meeting huber
@00:18:48 huber and okay let's check this out
@00:34:37 to he's or be out there talking to huber
@00:34:41 boy and he had to talk to hubert about

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:12:23 that's code there for the ig and huber
@00:12:50 involved huber i g storage and storage

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:33:43 huber communicated with horowitz and
@00:34:01 huber acting us prosecutor or as the doj
@00:34:23 huber to leadership position and that
@00:34:52 but huber has not directly interviewed
@00:35:02 not true but sessions in huber are
@00:35:11 be happening fire sessions but huber
@00:36:07 acts coincidence versus huber start no

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:22:40 days at fbi quote huber is running a
@00:25:33 at fbi huber is running a grand jury
@00:25:55 attorney john huber was selected by
@00:26:52 determined that huber was the head of
@00:26:59 huber was going to act as the department
@00:27:37 given it to you to the us attorney huber
@00:28:19 things to huber that needs to be before

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:03:18 go through foundation built for huber

QAnon - WAPO CIA TOOL, Ohr & Weissman

@00:33:33 britt that huber hasn't hasn't even
@00:33:49 why is huber being discussed now why is
@00:33:52 huber all of a sudden being grouped into
@00:34:03 discussed by the right huber did not
@00:34:05 directly interview or okay hubert did
@00:34:13 sessions who does huber work with
@00:34:18 prosecutes so huber works with attorney
@00:34:28 ig and who prosecutes huber remember
@00:34:37 released of course they will huber plus

QAnon - Treason, Huber Interviews, Cooperating Witnesses 8/29/18

@00:44:50 regarding huber and or in the kill box q
@00:45:31 named john huber who's been he's the us
@00:45:42 to mr. huber would be would be for him
@00:46:09 you know that huber has never
@00:48:14 warrant disclose trust the plan huber
@00:49:40 huber blah blah blah okay we've already

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:15:59 where we could go back and do a huber a
@00:16:00 huber die because there's a lot to be
@00:16:04 said about what's going on with huber
@00:16:06 don't forget about huber they can't
@00:21:46 that right section tour with and hubert
@00:25:38 on huber and let's go backwards from the
@00:25:45 name huber and huber works for sessions
@00:25:57 alright john huber was appointed by seth
@00:26:19 but if huber was appointed by obama and
@00:26:39 they're saying huber was revealed in the
@00:27:43 why was huber made public why now
@00:28:39 horowitz trust huber what are the powers
@00:28:43 of huber and then we're going to the
@00:28:57 horowitz okay alright so who is huber to
@00:29:09 engage huber why did sessions reveal
@00:29:11 huber timing is everything you know i
@00:29:31 arrest i g huber you have more than you
@00:30:07 huber coming these people hate america
@00:30:19 trust q we have it all huber and he says
@00:31:59 why closed when did huber start so if
@00:32:13 when did huber start in november when
@00:34:59 podesta human november huber recent
@00:35:07 december thanked huber coincidence you
@00:35:30 last post huber started in november what
@00:37:38 huber is going to decide based on those
@00:38:55 all those not getting it 11:3 when huber
@00:38:59 made a sealed indictment 11:6 when huber
@00:40:20 door to that noose referred to huber
@00:40:32 to hubert yes non-public clinton
@00:40:44 so yeah it's connected refer to huber so
@00:41:22 to huber you betcha
@00:46:07 real they can cuber can huber make

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:31:15 again of sessions i'm sorry of huber

Billionaire Island, Setups, Booms, Think Waves #Qanon Posts 1866-1875

@00:05:41 utah q for huber okay so there it is

CF, Haiti, Spy Ops, and FISA Comfy? #Qanon 8.10.18

@00:05:41 john huber is investigating uranium one

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:12:05 about hubert one when it's over so let's
@00:17:16 legal in review and it's with huber even
@00:17:38 in review with huber because i think
@00:30:20 structure in layers huber layers you
@00:31:07 huber thank you philo appreciate it
@00:31:14 that that there were huber started back
@00:37:34 okay it's got to be huber you know and

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:01:45 renewed as huber directly report - is it
@00:01:53 regarding huber and chain of command so
@00:04:41 left because huber reports to sessions
@00:04:44 when work when the work huber is doing
@00:12:55 to mr. huber on thursday the attorney
@00:13:06 out mr. huber has been working on this

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:03:59 what does huber report who does huber
@00:05:56 some stuff from the nonce huber reports
@00:06:01 delivered in the hands of huber this was
@00:09:54 honorable john huber and i'm not gonna
@00:11:18 the previous post was think huber
@00:14:57 in utah the huber has a team of
@00:20:32 think huber and that's exactly what i
@00:21:23 sections joining john huber a us
@00:26:04 about huber and at the time you know we
@00:26:07 did that deep dive on huber so let me
@00:43:53 been criminally referred to huber for
@00:43:59 huber huber's coming big drop coming i

QAnon - Q&A @ 4PM EST TODAY - Have your questions ready!

@00:38:23 overseeing huber huber's overseeing us

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:12:36 john w huber to lead this effort so he's
@00:13:09 so ask yourself does huber have the

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:29:25 refer to huber it's already been
@00:29:27 referred to huber okay non-public
@00:29:37 to hubert plus fbi protection of hrc
@00:29:44 pre-election okay referred to huber what
@00:30:29 refer to huber it's already been
@00:30:37 info push to heat to of huber regarding
@00:31:20 referred to huber and it says it here it
@00:31:28 with the true start date of huber
@00:32:00 to huber it's already probably almost
@00:32:22 huber is investigating claims of fbi and
@00:32:27 noting that huber would be conducting
@00:32:39 deep dive on huber he's cut plenty of
@00:32:47 attorney john huber continues his work
@00:33:37 huber is the head of many prosecutors
@00:33:46 it's one says deep huber deep dive go
@00:33:50 somewhere the big thing is huber hasn't
@00:35:34 huber huber used fancy language and he

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:29:49 all huber and q says news unlocks just
@00:32:42 why close when did huber start this is
@00:33:19 deal request why inspector general huber
@00:34:20 when did huber start know
@00:35:27 huber he's telling us right here why did
@00:35:45 general and huber were working on it
@00:38:00 read last post huber started in november
@00:38:19 huber setting the stage important note
@00:38:23 think ig equals fbi huber equals doj
@00:38:35 done by the fbi and huber is prosecuting
@00:39:17 3 when huber made a sealed indictment 11
@00:39:20 6 when huber made a sealed indictment

QAnon - Snowball [[RR]] IG Report Reaction and Huber Deep Dive

@00:15:23 and he talks about who appointed huber
@00:21:52 what i want to do here is horowitz huber
@00:24:34 informing them at huber is conducting a
@00:24:47 including uranium one okay huber
@00:24:49 especially from grassley huber has been
@00:34:37 issues so it's not just huber okay
@00:34:39 who's huber then specifically i asked
@00:34:42 united states attorney john w huber to
@00:34:45 lead this effort so huber is directing
@00:35:03 grand juries okay mr. huber is an
@00:35:19 of utah 2015-2017 mr. hubie huber
@00:35:27 he's yeah mr. huber is conducting his
@00:35:40 and huber they don't have to tell us but
@00:36:25 federal prosecutors there's many huber

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:05:48 why it's because huber and sessions
@00:07:15 to bring the us attorney john huber
@00:07:46 you know when varney asked huber
@00:07:59 investigator and we know that huber does
@00:08:08 versus the team of huber horowitz who

QAnon - Dark to Light, RR, ES, Missing Letters 4BOOMs! 6.12 part 1

@00:21:50 first then huber is coming these people

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:13:22 said you know he says ig huber you have
@00:16:22 huber yeah because everything the
@00:16:27 huber who appointed huber reread again
@00:17:14 sessions huber are are fired
@00:18:46 decision to bring us attorney john huber
@00:19:32 stick of winning sessions huber can

QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD*

@00:29:12 huber connection i don't this is not
@00:29:19 sit huber is working with the ig and a

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:00:22 toward us attorney john huber which is
@00:01:00 john huber on the criminal criminality
@00:05:11 attorney huber from utah to look into
@00:05:40 that prosecuting will it be mr. huber
@00:05:47 mr. huber got the matter outside of what
@00:06:26 excuse me about huber there and this
@00:07:03 to john w huber the us attorney in utah
@00:07:10 said huber was appointed by attorney
@00:08:49 misconduct to huber
@00:10:01 then they were referred to huber so this
@00:11:56 misconduct to huber for possible

QAnon - It's Happening! The Flood is Coming, and the Gang of Moles

@00:01:34 the article as a us attorney huber has

QAnon - Unsealed Weiner SEARCH WARRANT NOT a Sealed INDICTMENT

@00:23:47 pompeo trust horowitz trust huber cue
@00:24:03 john huber was appointed by his sessions
@00:24:18 went over it in other videos about huber
@00:26:43 potential criminal misconduct to huber

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:29:51 resignation as was huber but huber was

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:28:54 attorney humor who appointed huber
@00:33:49 huber has already been looking into
@00:35:57 with huber okay so then what happened

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:07:52 because of huber and others okay what
@00:12:47 us district attorney of utah huber was
@00:13:39 why did sessions secretly engaged huber
@00:13:52 why did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:13:56 he revealed huber because somebody outed
@00:14:18 the reason he revealed huber was because
@00:14:37 on fox news that he had appointed huber
@00:19:49 letter to the congress regarding huber

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:30:01 huber was brought on board there is
@00:30:30 with hubert added there's now white hats
@00:37:19 huber really had to fight he was he
@00:41:28 of huber inspector-general horowitz so

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:10:13 seals broken arrests huber why now

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea
@00:46:22 huber cue it's kind of nice you notice

QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7

@00:05:48 warrants arrests huber you know all the

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:11:12 this made public john huber appointed by
@00:12:32 this one down so here is john huber and
@00:13:21 huber us attorney as a special
@00:14:43 hubert offered his resignation in march
@00:15:10 huber sorry as interim united states
@00:15:19 him huber was renown ated by president
@00:15:49 made public john huber appointed by he
@00:20:46 the us attorney that this huber guy
@00:23:39 seals broken arrests why was hubert made
@00:24:22 huber made public now because sealed
@00:24:39 huber they're going to make some of
@00:25:12 why huber was made public now everything

#Qanon 2 Witnesses Regarding Scalia

@00:23:42 anyway the 2010 order of st. hubert