North Korea

10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:04:38 north korea
@00:04:43 i'm gonna get into the whole north korea
@00:04:49 why was eric schmidt in in north korea
@00:04:52 why was eric schmidt in north korea he
@00:04:55 was in north korea in 2013.
@00:05:09 north korea what private network did
@00:05:16 up in north korea
@00:05:18 who else was in north korea at this time
@00:05:53 to north korea why would north
@00:05:55 korea allow access to edward sn or to
@00:06:24 that it's connected to north korea
@00:06:51 going to come up about north korea
@00:10:35 live in fear coverage regarding north
@00:10:36 korea do you remember when hawaii
@00:10:42 north korea no longer a nuclear threat
@00:10:47 china seeking north korea commitment to
@00:11:00 this article about north korea unveils
@00:12:02 and uh so let's go into north korea just
@00:13:34 this blind eye north korea nuke build
@00:14:01 north korea plus reduce u.s capacity so
@00:14:45 north korea being nuclear we basically
@00:14:48 blind eye to north korea's nuke build
@00:14:57 north korea blind eye classified 23
@00:15:05 iran and north korea
@00:18:15 the case with north korea and iran
@00:19:18 north korea was especially used as a hub
@00:19:29 north korea as a garden that is
@00:20:28 then north korea dictator kim jong-il
@00:21:10 is that north korea actually had new
@00:21:26 here's the post what if north korea had
@00:21:31 what if north korea had icbm capability
@00:21:50 asia north korea iran deal russian reset
@00:21:58 north korea then
@00:22:02 utilize north korea then would be for
@00:22:22 brokering peace with north korea early
@00:22:30 like you can't believe because north
@00:22:32 korea was being used as a countermeasure
@00:22:48 agents embedded deep undercover in north
@00:22:50 korea
@00:26:43 here we go anons wow huge north korea
@00:26:56 already did think back north korea picks
@00:27:15 seeing in china and north korea right
@00:33:01 north korea given that trump had already
@00:33:03 been to north korea in november
@00:34:03 had been to north korea in november
@00:34:32 why is north korea out of the news as
@00:34:51 so um q and the reason that north korea
@00:36:30 north korea no longer a nuclear threat
@00:37:54 north korea that made that happen that
@00:38:13 but it's saying china's seeking north
@00:38:15 korea commitment to fire
@00:38:24 about north korea unveils monster new
@00:40:23 north korea held a massive military
@00:41:33 disappointed to see north korea
@00:41:40 however given that both north korea and

SNOWDEN Review- Potential Pardon by POTUS - Homecoming2020?

@00:15:06 uranium one north korea i mean this is

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:31:52 like north korea and russia in full of

Call the Ball - Buckle Up Here We Go

@00:16:12 with post 211 saying north korea spacex

We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Older Q Connections

@00:17:44 we've seen potentially with north korea

Betrayal. Bribes. Treason. Justice IS Coming No Matter What!

@00:15:55 of state north korea iran russia china

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:19:19 schmidt in north korea
@00:19:21 why was eric schmidt in north korea now
@00:19:45 was involved in north korea with eric
@00:19:50 why was eric schmidt in north korea
@00:19:51 probably why was edward snowden in north
@00:19:54 korea what private network did eric
@00:19:56 schmidt set up in north korea what
@00:20:00 up in north korea see what i mean who
@00:20:02 else was in north korea at this during
@00:20:33 north korea at this time edward snowden
@00:20:43 north korea
@00:20:44 why would north korea allow access to

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:36:14 think ok meeting with north korea huh
@00:36:17 meeting with north korea you know him

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:13:20 rhenium one north korea why would russia

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:37:30 poor talks coming up from north korea
@00:37:57 out of north korea and stuff i'm they're


@00:26:28 travel to moscow north korea and north


@00:16:10 face 'iron to face north korea to
@00:20:16 north korea russia china they're looking


@00:23:11 north korean nuclear reactor sites no
@00:23:16 icbm think north korea who controls the
@00:25:07 north korea russia china mexico mm-hmm

[They] are Trying to Start a WAR: SA & IRAN According to QAnon

@00:06:32 and here's north korea over here alright
@00:30:32 is why north korea can't straighten out
@00:30:35 chatter going on once north korea once
@00:30:38 iran is subdued then north korea will
@00:36:53 actually from north korea because
@00:37:11 here's north korea you know did north
@00:37:14 korea send it and japan our troops in


@00:23:33 your thinking and north korea tied to
@00:24:12 north korea and elon musk at the same
@00:31:00 and tech who controls north korea think
@00:31:08 by google who controls north korea who
@00:31:11 really controls north korea what
@00:34:33 weaponization of iran and north korea
@00:37:28 in north korea
@00:37:29 why was eric schmidt in north korea what
@00:37:34 network did eric schmidt set up in north
@00:37:36 korea what private network did eric
@00:37:38 schmidt set up in north korea remember i
@00:38:05 north korea and why did he set up a
@00:38:07 private network from noor in north korea
@00:38:10 well north korea is closed nobody's
@00:38:22 in north korea who else was in north
@00:38:24 korea during this time richardson
@00:38:39 travel to north korea
@00:38:41 why would north korea allow access to
@00:39:26 emails google north korea
@00:39:28 tesla hmm google north korea

Attacks on QAnon Movement will Increase: Stay the Course

@00:12:04 cause war with north korea he'll cause
@00:12:12 north korea fired missiles it's they're
@00:12:23 would rather see north korea peace
@00:14:14 iran and north korea and looking into
@00:32:47 your eyes on iran in north korea north
@00:32:49 korea set off a couple of missiles the

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:34:18 north korea iran poop

#ClandestineQ? Antifa & the NWO Featuring: New NEONREVOLT Article

@00:10:50 between north korea and south korea so
@00:11:40 is at the dmz between north and south
@00:11:42 korea and it says stay ready stay ready
@00:12:35 where he stepped into north korea while
@00:40:02 war economic decline promote north korea

Stable Genius Alert: POTUS moves with China, NK, SK, and Japan - What's really going on

@00:00:13 to north korea on the 20th and the 21st
@00:00:57 biggest spotlight is this week's north
@00:00:59 korea china summit the fact that
@00:01:01 president xi is visiting the north
@00:01:07 that beijing is trying to use north
@00:01:10 korea as a diplomatic cart amid
@00:01:18 north peter kim jong-un having met with
@00:01:25 korea there is hope that the fifth
@00:01:30 the north is ready to return to the
@00:01:48 a summit with north korea before the one
@00:02:09 influence over north korea but one thing
@00:03:36 chairman qi announces visit to north
@00:03:39 korea this was on the 17th which was two
@00:03:47 the nature of the us-china north korea
@00:04:09 zhi jing ping will visit north korea for
@00:04:50 the like what happened with north korea
@00:05:01 china north korea and russia and what's
@00:06:19 all all for north korea or all three
@00:06:38 know china controls north korea we also
@00:06:44 controls north korea okay so think
@00:07:06 north korea very important he links the
@00:09:00 controls north korea but who really
@00:09:02 controls north korea we do they use our
@00:09:35 russia and north korea are all working
@00:10:31 due to the dems a lot iran north korea
@00:10:38 russia china iran north korea this is
@00:10:48 is reclusive north korea's only major
@00:10:55 north korea over efforts to persuade
@00:12:06 north korea by severing the ability of
@00:13:02 understand this is all connected north
@00:13:04 korea south korea japan china it's all
@00:13:45 north korea they're using north korea as
@00:16:32 south korea for other uses see korea and
@00:16:38 the democratic republic of korea which
@00:16:42 is north korea or naoko okay let me go
@00:16:47 see this just think north korea okay
@00:16:58 way to weaponize north korea despite the
@00:19:24 to control north korea and in a sense
@00:20:18 north korea in advance of the g20 summit
@00:22:25 is north korea china will position
@00:24:10 telling the world north korea is no
@00:24:33 one removing the threat posed by north
@00:24:35 korea by serving severing the ability of
@00:25:11 president jade to visit north korea this
@00:28:22 regional security issues think north
@00:28:24 korea right the two presidents look
@00:28:44 jinping traveling to north korea for
@00:31:57 then the denuclearization of north korea
@00:34:59 new north korea hostage release is
@00:36:54 opinion piece in north korea's state-run
@00:37:01 state visit to north korea in the front
@00:38:13 the summit between china and north korea
@00:38:20 in north korea in 14 years it's unlikely
@00:38:23 sensitive issues such as north korea
@00:39:29 percent of north korea's foreign trade
@00:39:36 north korea leader into making more
@00:40:03 self north korea
@00:40:44 regardless north korea can consider
@00:41:29 china's meeting with north korea it's
@00:41:36 part of it he says she said north korea
@00:42:32 talks between president trump and north
@00:42:34 korea so sunday it says we now enter a

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:26:59 are back from north korea maybe you were

Biden Deep Dive, China, Ukraine ITS ALL CONNECTED

@00:07:44 entered north korea to establish comms
@00:07:49 visit north korea why would the former
@00:08:43 think cold war think kgb us china north
@00:08:48 korea 3 facebook data dump who made it

Largest Pre-planned and Coordinated Propaganda Event in History

@00:06:22 north korea i have today ordered the
@00:06:37 meeting with north korea let me live let
@00:06:44 things off the list meeting with north
@00:06:46 korea de nuke plan / process sanctions
@00:07:00 north korea the treasury department did
@00:07:58 sanctions against north korea that were
@00:08:14 existing sanctions in north korea i have
@00:08:27 of helping north korea evade existing
@00:09:07 companies accused of helping north korea
@00:11:01 meeting with north korea d nuclear plan

Who has the 'real' control? AskTheQ T[-1]

@00:18:52 this pakistan north korea turkey and
@00:19:18 relatively normal visited north korea
@00:19:43 north korea where he was photographed in
@00:24:52 north korea was definitely meant to
@00:25:20 and north korea the grass showmanship of

Dark to Light! GOOG -Crowdstrike - C_A

@00:03:04 north korea singapore summit video story
@00:25:02 resigned in north korea why would the
@00:25:05 chairman of google trapped in north
@00:25:07 korea okay who would a lap why would
@00:25:11 north korea
@00:25:24 going private emails google north korea
@00:30:50 why did google visit north korea see
@00:31:36 think eric schmidt departure think north
@00:31:38 korea many draft many shared users for

@snowden Deep Dive Edition: Parade or Restraints?

@00:45:36 been picked up by hackers from north
@00:45:38 korea to russia and shot back at the

Moves & Countermoves. Death Blossom. D^ARP*A = F*^B, G00G

@00:26:46 schmidt departure think north korea many

Planned long ago. Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

@00:19:53 be something to do with north korea
@00:25:14 going on in north korea it's a huge big

Something Big Coming! ByeBye Dan, Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:45:17 policies and efforts in north korea are

Maps, Memes, and Facts: YOU are the NEWS Now

@00:06:21 force one canada to north korea and so
@00:06:41 and route 2 meeting to north korea
@00:15:11 north korea and the world it will
@00:19:17 blayne north korea probably or something

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:24:50 north korea regarding denuclearization
@00:33:48 this all happen before he goes to north
@00:33:50 korea d he says sky is falling pushed to

Deep Dig: The Importance of CHINA CHINA CHINA in the Q Posts

@00:02:39 do that but they they were saying north
@00:02:42 korea is a cia black site mockingbird is
@00:03:51 that this is why he's saying like north
@00:03:56 korea is a black site cia black site
@00:04:19 north korea so let's play hunt the spook
@00:04:25 the north korea stuff starting to come
@00:04:48 north korea participating in the olympic
@00:05:02 why did korea come together as a country
@00:05:04 versus north and south why didn't they
@00:30:28 north korea because of right now this
@00:33:16 north korea and then one of the atlantic
@00:37:12 order who controls north korea who
@00:37:15 really controls north korea we know it's

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:40:14 war three regarding north korea

POTUS wants NP as Speaker! Keep Calm Trust the Plan. New Flynn Evidence

@00:00:03 the north korea talks obviously those
@00:00:52 when i went to in north korea
@00:04:04 admits travel to north korea in the past
@00:04:24 which oh they asked about north korea
@00:04:30 to see north korea this was in april
@00:04:41 admitting travel to north korea then he
@00:05:04 trip to north korea will make heads roll
@00:05:10 north korea since future proves the past
@00:07:33 north korea what she's saying that's

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:14:39 in saudi arabia in in north korea

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:33:07 emails google north korea tesla google
@00:33:11 north korea

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:34:55 eric schmidt was he in north korea yes
@00:35:14 north korea why would north korea allow

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:17:35 kind of going through think north korea

QAnon: Red line, Red Red, Red Cross, Red October: Stay Tuned and Watch

@00:17:35 tweets it north and south korea and

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:09:33 time was north korea recommit to
@00:09:43 that i'm gonna talk about the north
@00:09:45 korean think south korea because that's
@00:09:51 news it says trump's trump praises north
@00:10:27 capital of north korea and then it was a
@00:10:41 could get the u.s. and north korea
@00:11:08 the u.s. and north korea together again
@00:12:03 running was running north korea you know
@00:12:05 it was north korea was out there as the

Qanon - 9:15pm EST #NewQ Live w/KatieG

@00:15:05 over north korea i just spit out my

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:40:07 island haiti north korea china russia

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:28:10 tarmac iran north korea uranium one fbi

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:18:22 think eric schmidt departure think north
@00:18:25 korea i mean it just goes on and and

Welcome to THE SWAMP. We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE. 8.12.2018

@00:38:07 was about north korea he's told us that

QAnon - MSM $160mm Slush Fund to Counter Conservatives 8.8.16

@00:03:56 war with north korea fake potus will
@00:04:25 north korea peace nigga

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Mahara NM #QStories #WeAreQ #16

@00:02:27 stage around north korea and the

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Maureen NY #QStories #WeAreQ #14

@00:06:42 arabia and north korea okay just let's
@00:06:45 take north korea real quick when trump
@00:06:50 is north korea's testing nuclear
@00:06:53 missiles north korea is gonna bomb the
@00:07:25 what north korea was and i see it i get

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Perry #QStories #WeAreQ #8

@00:02:05 countries like north korea and saudi

QAnon - Testimony #4 Mike #QStories #WeAreQ

@00:02:46 really doing with north korea we saw
@00:02:53 north korean leaders with bill clinton
@00:03:16 thing there with north korea and settled
@00:05:27 north korea we're starting to see it

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:12:09 keywords in there north korea framework
@00:35:06 north korea now committing to complete

QAnon - Breaking: Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani, without preconditions

@00:01:32 of north korea and russia are you
@00:04:04 more hello think north korea trump
@00:04:49 you with north korea oh you know what i

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:29:48 north korea is being run is not being

QAnon - AF1, Reflection, Apple, SA Independence, and a MUG

@00:14:27 what is 123 point 47 and why did north
@00:14:31 korea launched a test of its first
@00:14:42 to be proven which i love north korea
@00:16:43 testing its icbm in north korea so watch
@00:19:52 got to north korea we all know what
@00:40:39 was being bringing north korea into the
@00:40:44 the north korean icbm test that occurred
@00:41:03 like a cherry on top north korea right

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:34:29 north korea is not advancing their

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:09:56 and then at north korea generals
@00:14:35 north korea summit secrets from trump to

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:07:36 why was eric schmidt in north korea what
@00:07:43 in who else was in north korea during
@00:07:53 google travel to north korea yeah so
@00:09:00 think eric schmidt departure think north
@00:09:02 korea many drafts many shared users the

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:33:34 downplay the deal with north korea 500

Qanon - Missing Letters, Rogue Missles? What is coming?

@00:12:38 bites by north korea perhaps okay so
@00:18:36 flag against north korea to destroy the

QAnon - Dark to Light, RR, ES, Missing Letters 4BOOMs! 6.12 part 1

@00:03:20 dealing with the u.s. and south korea
@00:03:23 reuters reports the north korean leader
@00:04:18 2017 so a little over a year ago north
@00:04:20 korea accuses the u.s. of trying to
@00:09:40 here's eric schmidt over in north korea
@00:09:57 personal network for comms in north
@00:10:00 korea eric schmidt has no friends left
@00:10:02 in north korea
@00:10:07 to north north korea completely severed
@00:14:11 him right there in north korea so he's

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:08:32 north korea summit by leaking report to
@00:08:44 assessment in concluding that north
@00:08:47 korea does not intend to give up its
@00:10:56 north korea in the way that is now
@00:11:15 what noir north korea could become so
@00:12:26 iran urges north korea not to trust
@00:12:33 watches trump north korea talks so i

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:18:22 the summit in north korea i mean in
@00:18:25 singapore with north korea okay hey did

#QAnon - Resources, Website Upgrade, Channel Update with Katie G

@00:12:37 today north korea comes crawling back

QAnon - SIS good? Ask PS - EO Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:03:12 anon says um north korean news today
@00:03:18 post north korea canceling the stomach

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:07:43 barack obama has been to north korea and
@00:07:56 capabilities who feeds north korea was
@00:08:17 drop how did north karenia korea obtain
@00:26:52 look at north korea look at china look
@00:42:46 stage really can you say north korea
@00:45:39 public think is iran in north korea oh

QAnon - WE FIGHT! Conspiracy no more - FREEDOM!

@00:13:30 noticed right away was north korea
@00:13:38 is north korea singapore security that's
@00:39:30 it says north korea nk and then it says

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:18:33 it out as we can see from north korea to

QAnon - China, Russia, Others Coordinating w/Potus to Eliminate NWO?

@00:14:14 other stuff who controls north korea who
@00:14:17 really controls north korea well in
@00:14:19 november north korea wasn't freed yet
@00:15:33 be north saudi arabia and then north
@00:15:35 korea that would be freed so saudi
@00:15:36 arabia was freed then north korea was

QAnon - The Plot to NUKE America and Blame Russia SUM OF ALL FEARS

@00:16:43 russian or north korea comes down starts
@00:16:58 european union russia iran north korea
@00:17:24 it went from saudi arabia to north korea
@00:17:26 from north korea to armenia from irini
@00:29:49 post 237 november 30th what if north
@00:29:52 korea had miniature nuke payload
@00:29:56 delivery in 2004 what if north korea had
@00:30:13 union asia north korea iran deal russian
@00:31:11 north korea / iran why what does it mean

QAnon - Precursor, MOAB Still Incomming, Renegade, Evergreen

@00:10:50 schmidt departure think north korea many
@00:13:20 thank north korea north korea has been


@00:09:04 north korea iran russia china mexico

QAnon - MUST SEE! What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?

@00:09:31 them you know through north korea in
@00:10:05 aren't north korea developments

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:22:45 think north korea who controls the money
@00:23:17 just like with north korea iran is clown
@00:25:31 just like with north korea iran is clown
@00:27:19 pelosi said north korea builds the
@00:27:27 clowns ran north korea north korea sold
@00:28:15 pelosi said north korea builds the
@00:28:24 anyone clowns ran north korea and iran
@00:28:30 my god north korea sold missiles to iran
@00:31:58 realize what was going on in that north
@00:32:00 korea iran all that stuff oh my lord
@00:35:03 amazing cue he says cue says like north
@00:35:06 korea they have been freed assets on the
@00:35:13 with that love it just like with north
@00:35:16 korea the clown chains have been broken
@00:36:28 he says north korea just like north
@00:36:30 korea they've been freed okay
@00:36:40 to north korea north korea to armenia
@00:39:04 countries north korea now armenian next
@00:46:01 cross pakistan red cross north korea red

QAnon - Heads Roll, They Will Lose Everything, NP in NK

@00:23:04 admits travel to north korea past
@00:24:35 north korea
@00:26:05 north korea
@00:28:01 as left undeterred north korea would
@00:29:03 to north korea will make heads roll
@00:29:09 north korea since future proofs past so
@00:29:29 potus went to north korea to see kim
@00:31:07 north korea so she's concerned about
@00:31:24 got a link there north korea once
@00:32:16 buying and selling arms for north korea

QAnon - Pompeo (Kansas) Secretly Meets Kim Jong Un

@00:00:43 on north korea during his entire tenure

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:10:19 here's the tarmac iran north korea

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:15:46 with north korea he's done it with china

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea
@00:20:55 north korea uranium one doj mueller

#QAnon - DC Access, Sold Out, Pics leaked for THIS moment

@00:00:58 but we can see the title north korea

#QAnon - LIVE UDATE - Backpage, Epstein, Obama Pics

@00:23:19 right so the next one think north korea
@00:23:35 hussein used north korea as cabal
@00:24:10 yet so hasn't been answered north korea
@00:24:20 american people and blamed it on north
@00:24:22 korea
@00:25:14 north korea so that sounds plausible to
@00:25:23 brought up north korea saying hey this

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:23:50 arrests a one tarmac iran newton north
@00:23:54 korea uranium one fbi doj mueller
@00:27:59 comes back and says north korea q like
@00:28:08 of he's like you don't think north korea
@00:28:34 thought this was cool in north korea

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:01:55 people from north korea couldn't leave
@00:02:28 previously entered north korea to
@00:02:59 logically why did google visit north
@00:03:02 korea we've we've been over this before
@00:03:04 remember eric schmidt went to north
@00:03:06 korea to set up secret coms and email
@00:06:03 were kgb he says us china north korea
@00:08:27 union russia iran north korea syria
@00:13:21 and then us china north korea facebook
@00:13:54 these people in north korea
@00:14:21 them in north korea eric schmidt's
@00:15:25 all the ones that i had from north korea
@00:18:05 what does north korea represent threat
@00:23:38 us china north korea three he was kind
@00:23:51 here he said it says us china and north
@00:23:53 korea

#QAnon - Russia, Expelled Diplomats and Trump - What is going on?

@00:20:38 strategy to get north korea to negotiate
@00:22:06 with iran the same way he got north
@00:22:09 korea to ask for peace talks
@00:22:11 trump recognized that north korea is
@00:22:20 responsible for the north korea's bad
@00:29:29 gain peace talks with kim north korea he
@00:31:10 problems with north korea syria ukraine
@00:32:07 with north korea right now so once you

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:02:35 them that went straight to north korea
@00:16:08 jeong-hoon of north korea president z
@00:16:36 north korea will be denuclearize by then
@00:16:42 for the north korean people the people
@00:16:45 of north korea maybe have a fighting
@00:24:29 north korea has not conducted a missile

#Qanon - Deal Made, Clowns Out, Strings Cut!

@00:09:17 north korea i mean he's gonna be nuclear
@00:10:32 have been north korea it's sort of

#Qanon - Red October, Eyes in the Sky, Sum of All Fears (Part 2 of 3)

@00:04:13 was this did we decide it was north
@00:04:15 korea they're talking about what one of
@00:04:33 tying it to this whole north korea thing
@00:12:39 to mark in history south korea north
@00:12:42 korea heading for unification usa
@00:17:15 will be magical q and it's north korea
@00:24:12 seven seven three three new north korea

#Qanon - Watch the Water BOOM! NK/SK (Part 1 of 3)

@00:09:23 north korea right so the next post says
@00:13:03 signify why is north korea out of the
@00:16:49 can't say that right so pyongyang north
@00:16:52 korea korea's kim jong hoon hosted top
@00:17:16 not ok north korea da-da-da-da-da south
@00:18:58 the picture it's at the north and south
@00:19:05 that north korea is considering
@00:19:22 what it's pointing to is that north
@00:19:24 korea is no longer controlled by you

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:05:37 why is north korea out of the news cycle
@00:07:54 said what why has north korea and then
@00:07:59 over here why has north korea out of the
@00:08:28 showing you why has north korea dropped
@00:09:36 is north korea been out of the news
@00:10:42 implying he's in north korea i don't
@00:11:05 why has north korea been out of the news
@00:11:15 target on what north korea is all about
@00:15:34 uranium one north korea
@00:16:32 of usg government uranium one north
@00:16:36 korea why would russia tell the world
@00:23:15 one basically being given to north korea

#Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

@00:24:12 third firm suggesting a link to north
@00:24:14 korea and he's retweeted these so q is

#QAnon Division - Controversy WHO is Q Talking To?

@00:21:20 up north korea and the sister being with
@00:22:19 against at whatever russia iran north
@00:22:23 korea china whatever hey now what would

Qanon - Was or Is Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi this week? Latest Q Posts

@00:01:34 north korea and iran deal funding deals
@00:01:37 with iran and north korea t cells
@00:01:39 payoffs and then north korea mini and
@00:04:04 the tech to iran and north korea past
@00:04:07 from iran to north korea so the next
@00:04:19 nuclear weapons and pass on to north
@00:04:21 korea and this is a an old new york post
@00:04:28 on the iran north korea new clients and
@00:04:33 they provided provided north korea with
@00:05:09 north korea so read those two articles
@00:05:24 iran gives north korea funding north
@00:05:31 oil iran had cash north korea had
@00:05:36 an ideal match and then north korea iran
@00:05:42 our nuclear pals iran in north korea

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:12:39 blind eye on the nuclear build in north
@00:12:43 korea class one two three blind eye iran
@00:13:23 iran north korea plus reduce us capacity

#QAnon - Possible False Flags, POTUS Comments what?, Suspicious Death

@00:00:43 north korea and china so i just wanted
@00:29:23 for last resort war with north korea

#QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:10:31 iraq and north korea at the time that

#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

@00:46:04 an mp think about north korea that's

#Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:17:14 one deal think getting newton north
@00:17:17 korea the nukes there's a network that's
@00:18:37 could secretly fund north korea through
@00:18:48 why what does this have to do with north
@00:18:52 korea just sort of kind of won over that

#QAnon - Connection to Iranian Protests #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:13:29 north korea and perhaps there now why
@00:13:36 who feeds north korea was strategic
@00:13:55 north korea has nukes and tech to
@00:15:23 day how did north korea obtain uranium
@00:16:05 one deal is basically how north korea
@00:16:50 asia iran north korea it's all connected
@00:16:56 the drops on north korea and iran and
@00:17:13 one canada europe asia iran north korea
@00:17:35 canada europe asia iran north korea so
@00:17:43 and and iran gives it to north korea
@00:17:46 here's another one what if north korea
@00:17:51 what if north korea had icbm capability
@00:18:09 europe asia north korea this time he
@00:20:10 gonna cut off north korea so it's a big