
10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:21:21 spacex and that's in that is in the q

Call the Ball - Buckle Up Here We Go

@00:15:30 this one spacex will attempt to launch
@00:15:54 made this article about spacex the other
@00:16:03 am on elon musk and spacex and the qsq
@00:16:12 with post 211 saying north korea spacex

deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:41:49 interesting about spacex right
@00:41:52 the spacex explosion blew up one of the
@00:42:03 what is spacex expand your thinking he
@00:42:13 to be it you know you can see spacex


@00:23:26 about spacex and this is relevant as
@00:23:31 shuttle program what a spacex expand
@00:23:36 spacex so he's going to technology here
@00:24:19 about spacex alright so i'm gonna try to
@00:28:41 spacex and he thinks via obama possibly

Qanon -Latest Q drops - Peacefully Uniting Patriots! #WeAreQ #QStories

@00:09:00 starliner spacex crew dragon missions

QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD*

@00:24:24 sean parker tesla motors and spacex elon

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:13:06 george soros spacex yeah interesting

#QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:08:44 is falcon 9 spacex f9s x and then jim
@00:10:54 now seek immediate falcon 9 spacex
@00:11:10 reused spacex rocket from vandenberg air

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:00:23 truth untruths about spacex and and its
@00:00:35 into ocean after spacex launch official
@00:00:48 launched by spacex this weekend ended up
@00:01:39 spacex says this is los angeles times it
@00:02:03 yeah bal places right so spacex do my
@00:02:19 spacex kicked off the year with a
@00:02:39 spacex did not broadcast the flight of
@00:03:22 so then spacex gave a statement it said
@00:30:13 know let's keep our eyes on the spacex

#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

@00:11:47 we'll be able to see the spacex launch
@00:11:59 it i don't know spacex can i zoom a long
@00:36:15 you don't like spacex bullshit but now
@00:48:22 get mo spacex launch was boring huh