Five Eyes

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The Permanent Coup- An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:23:45 almost threatened five eyes i mean they
@00:23:48 broke up five eyes over over huawei from
@00:23:53 i mean there there were literally five

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:45:08 the brain for $325 the eyes for three
@00:45:12 hundred and twenty five dollars each a

New Zealand and China: An Alternative Perspective

@00:01:09 about something so we've got the five
@00:01:11 eyes countries right we've got new
@00:01:16 five eyes sort of conglomerate and we
@00:07:57 remember new zealand is in five eyes
@00:08:07 five eyes country country and then what
@00:08:16 the countries involved in five eyes she
@00:12:17 want to be in five eyes you can't have
@00:12:27 five eyes any longer china has always
@00:12:29 looked at the five eyes relationship
@00:16:16 article from december how five eyes
@00:18:49 2018 five eyes alliance reportedly
@00:22:14 broadening five eyes and their alliances

An Interview with George and Simona Papadopoulos

@00:31:32 did they try that in five minutes change
@00:31:40 in my eyes they're viewed as positive

RAW CUT: An interview with George and Simona Papadopolous

@00:31:12 okay finally five minutes of man change
@00:31:20 today my eyes that are viewed as

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:37:24 five eyes everywhere in order to try to

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:01:19 called the five eyes agreement five eyes
@00:01:42 passed from five eyes through the five
@00:01:45 eyes channels to our government and
@00:02:41 covering for five eyes are they covering
@00:02:51 information that came out of five eyes
@00:05:34 there what there was no five eyes
@00:09:59 the five eyes gchq australia any of the

What the heck happened with George Webb today?!

@00:17:59 met with five eyes in new zealand when

UPDATE: Kim DotCom, Hannity, and Seth Rich

@00:01:25 five eyes intelligence sharing network

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:19:16 republican presidential debate the five
@00:19:18 eyes nations australia canada new