
The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:03:09 horowitz 2018 report
@00:06:42 he lied to ig horowitz under oath
@00:06:46 and ig horowitz documents that

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:14:21 um his hearing with horowitz at the
@00:14:36 with horowitz that was really we got so
@00:14:38 much out of it we finally got horowitz

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Analyzing the Testimony of Sally Yates

@00:39:37 ig horowitz on the carter page fisa now

New Filings in the General Flynn Case

@00:29:01 the committee wrote to ig horowitz in a

News Updates and Analysis

@00:17:04 michael horowitz and ongoing reviews by

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:33:42 horowitz i'm gonna race durin to it they

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:32:41 horowitz didn't get any whistleblowers

McCain and Crowdstrike: When Worlds Converge

@00:03:41 from horowitz

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:02:58 you mean horowitz and he goes no no
@00:06:26 office of inspector general horowitz
@00:06:59 report that he released horowitz he's in
@00:12:01 horowitz wasn't able to say the fbi
@00:12:21 as per horowitz singularly made the

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:01:38 tomorrow with horowitz in front of i
@00:22:04 the horowitz announce said that they had

Intermission Update: Horowitz Hearing

@00:00:44 horowitz said that it was murky for them

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:26:01 horowitz had already proven himself to
@00:35:25 the day when horowitz was giving

The DOJ IG Releases Report on CI (Part II)

@00:08:40 is typical of a horowitz report meaning

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:02:03 here is the fact that horowitz when he
@00:08:04 horowitz on the fisa investigation so
@00:08:17 michael horowitz donated when
@00:08:58 to people if he so michael horowitz can
@00:09:37 what michael horowitz has donated to
@00:10:02 michael horowitz sometimes they don't do
@00:10:04 that obviously this dr. michael horowitz
@00:11:58 my god michael horowitz once 20 years
@00:13:54 specific issue of michael horowitz i am
@00:17:55 that michael horowitz found in fast and
@00:18:07 task by michael horowitz trump soldier
@00:18:20 the hearings that horowitz sat in on in
@00:19:15 horowitz is some deep state plant i beg
@00:20:20 and this somebody said horowitz did work
@00:21:55 no horowitz didn't donate to the dnc but
@00:24:54 michael horowitz said in terms of the
@00:30:10 bias that michael horowitz made in the
@00:32:28 conclusions that horowitz came to in the
@00:32:49 michael horowitz would say i was not
@00:33:36 so everybody excoriating horowitz for
@00:34:18 doj because horowitz can't arrest people
@00:34:20 and horowitz also can't charge anyone so
@00:39:55 that michael horowitz made a conclusion
@00:40:06 his function and he horowitz referred
@00:40:31 oig and michael horowitz go after jim
@00:41:56 tell me how horowitz is a swamp rat in
@00:42:42 michael horowitz referred mccabe for
@00:43:29 michael horowitz is a swamp rat or deep
@00:45:20 stuff we have without horowitz we would
@00:45:24 michael horowitz if it weren't for
@00:45:26 michael horowitz peter struck would have
@00:45:52 people saying things about horowitz and
@00:45:57 false like if you're gonna say horowitz
@00:46:12 i'm just um not a fan of horowitz none
@00:47:48 horowitz is protecting the deep state i

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:03:32 that ig horowitz announced that in
@00:08:00 horowitz has been in depth doing his
@00:11:35 foundation etc and michael horowitz

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:03:03 horowitz hearing from a little bit
@00:05:52 to you in the horowitz hearing from
@00:08:49 an investigation by horowitz of the
@00:09:07 horowitz as is required when the ig
@00:09:23 horowitz and they say the doj declined
@00:11:38 the ig horowitz fights a report etc so
@00:14:01 horowitz there was a fisa abuse fisa
@00:14:49 that horowitz ism is is unswayed by a
@00:15:23 horowitz that i wanted to focus on the
@00:15:44 some background what what horowitz is
@00:15:53 stuff horowitz was i don't know the
@00:19:22 between horowitz and john durham the us
@00:20:11 we made a mr. horowitz i'm gonna kind of
@00:21:16 horowitz says the following as the

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:06:13 horowitz recommends this and we have not

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:15:15 horowitz did nothing and i'm like
@00:15:23 what are you even talking about horowitz
@00:15:32 dotted every i horowitz recommended
@00:15:48 saying oh horowitz let him skate again
@00:15:54 all horowitz has literally zero power or
@00:19:02 doesn't rest on horowitz it rests on you
@00:21:22 page talking to michael horowitz about

Dark to Light: Byrne it all Down

@00:12:49 horowitz who's conducting an

Questions about McCabe and the Prince/Garner connection

@00:05:50 horowitz while he was doing the
@00:06:20 michael horowitz did the investigation
@00:06:22 into mccabe's leak mccabe told horowitz
@00:07:34 that horowitz was now putting out to the

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:01:14 actually we got the michael horowitz ig
@00:01:58 michael horowitz was investigating the
@00:09:22 mccabe tells the ig horowitz that the
@00:17:15 tell you the ig report from horowitz on

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:10:34 2018 before michael horowitz was
@00:26:50 horowitz i would think that i lean more
@00:28:30 back to horowitz because the oig report

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:38:00 that um it was gonna be horowitz that
@00:44:03 horowitz refer to matter to him to be

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:45:50 mike horowitz who is a superb government

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:43:18 um michael horowitz is the inspector
@00:43:44 for horowitz to be able to get
@00:44:15 horowitz was appointed by obama there's
@00:44:35 horowitz is doing an investigation into
@00:45:28 sign to work with horowitz who's doing
@00:46:58 horowitz to get this all out into the

Did James Comey have the DNC emails in March of 2016?

@00:23:33 horowitz he brought it to everybody he

Get up to speed! Comprehensive News Update

@00:07:35 michael horowitz also has an open
@00:07:49 directly with mr. horowitz on looking at

FISA Shenanigans

@00:03:42 horowitz who by the way we have learned
@00:04:06 those memos from horowitz
@00:09:11 did you nervous say that that horowitz
@00:09:31 horowitz decided that three fisa
@00:10:40 michael horowitz could have come to any
@00:11:43 the first fisa warrant horowitz did his
@00:13:59 michael horowitz was never able excuse
@00:17:11 everything michael horowitz easily comes
@00:17:50 general horowitz never got their hands
@00:18:28 everything michael horowitz probably
@00:21:39 anyone who had met with horowitz and his

LIVE STREAM: News Roundup for April 26th

@00:24:50 know horowitz he didn't know barr he
@00:24:55 he doesn't know horowitz he tries to put
@00:25:12 previously that horowitz was completely

Manning: DOJ Investigated Abedin in October of 2016

@00:06:37 investigation that horowitz was doing

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:29:56 thing where i said that horowitz was

A News Roundup!

@00:07:27 michael horowitz to get directly
@00:07:30 involved michael horowitz to get

LIVESTREAM: Barr Report-

@00:15:31 going on for the past year with horowitz

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:02:13 horowitz and trey gowdy also mentioned a
@00:02:20 to work with horowitz on this fisa
@00:02:45 horowitz has been looking into the spies

Friday 2/22: Dark to Light Quick Clip

@00:02:19 work horowitz found in the course of his
@00:02:25 second horowitz found that fusion gps
@00:03:59 horowitz but and whereas in has been

More: Fusion GPS and a Conflict of Interest

@00:02:55 again the reason why michael horowitz

FOLLOW UP: Fusion GPS and the OIG

@00:00:15 inspector general michael horowitz his

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:35:24 horowitz to be looking over this to see

LIVE STREAM: Buzzfeed Release on Cohen and Sater

@00:37:31 done david horowitz from this david
@00:37:34 horowitz david horowitz is on here uh

OIG Summary Report: Stunning Revelations

@00:13:58 that's michael horowitz definitely

Introduction: The Case of Sharyl Attkisson

@00:05:14 michael horowitz and she hands over her

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:31:02 horowitz their information they just
@00:31:05 sent a letter to horowitz saying we've
@00:31:09 departments horowitz would not be able
@00:31:26 horowitz hasn't touched any of his stuff

Analysis: John Solomon and the News

@00:03:49 michael horowitz sit on it did session

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:01:46 gonna start getting the horowitz fights

Follow Up: Getting Ahead of the Story- Rosenstein & McCabe

@00:03:57 stuff back to horowitz and we've talked

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:00:19 conjunction with michael horowitz since
@00:00:34 with horowitz to interview people that
@00:00:38 horowitz doesn't have the power to bring
@00:01:00 on these matters with michael horowitz
@00:02:39 hoover he's talking about horowitz
@00:02:41 horowitz and huber are working together
@00:13:53 horowitz was not limited in scope
@00:13:56 horowitz is investigating all avenues of
@00:14:19 likely since the time when horowitz
@00:14:29 august 2017 when horowitz was bound by
@00:19:14 inspector general horowitz has
@00:19:22 and horowitz are connected
@00:19:53 why is inspector general horowitz
@00:20:01 general michael horowitz or someone
@00:22:13 a waste horowitz is deep state plant

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:06:29 ray horowitz team on fisa know when he

There is More, Than Ohr

@00:09:46 12 days or so after michael horowitz

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:12:57 inspector general mike horowitz michael
@00:12:59 horowitz revealed the continued
@00:15:09 testimony horowitz on the mid-year exam
@00:36:13 anomaly and horowitz
@00:36:29 ongoing at the time so horowitz made

Quick Clip: Rosenstein on FISA

@00:00:09 same thing that i did for the horowitz
@00:08:31 what we have heard from horowitz so far

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:03:40 that to if he could mr. horowitz yes and
@00:07:02 that you know horowitz is actually from
@00:12:19 horowitz basically stating i'm not going
@00:32:39 he lets horowitz finish speaking however
@00:34:46 make the distinction horowitz is that he
@00:36:46 horowitz very closely okay i just wanted
@00:37:44 klee horowitz approaches the answers to
@00:39:49 horowitz having a friendly lawyerly talk
@00:43:50 the entire time and then horowitz he
@00:43:53 horowitz basically basically tells him i

PART I: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:00:22 testimony of horowitz in front of the
@00:05:09 let's listen to horowitz confirming that
@00:06:33 horowitz is a little wishy-washy about
@00:08:18 investigation mr. horowitz did you make
@00:10:05 that horowitz is being targeted i don't
@00:10:46 they don't really care what horowitz is
@00:10:51 are interview or interviewing horowitz
@00:12:07 assertion that mr. horowitz did his
@00:16:46 poor horowitz all he's doing is his job
@00:22:01 i took horowitz his opening statement
@00:25:14 investigation horowitz said well you
@00:25:20 yeah thank you michael horowitz wow he's
@00:26:21 do here is get horowitz to admit on the
@00:26:37 and horowitz this happens over and over
@00:26:40 again and horowitz notices it every time
@00:27:27 horowitz wrote it do you did you guys
@00:31:00 horowitz will say over and over again
@00:32:48 foundation matter because horowitz wants
@00:33:02 horowitz makes it clear that james comey
@00:46:55 been saying horowitz is a good guy for a

Livestream: OIG Analysis- Baker, Ghattas, and the Special Counsel

@00:20:13 to horowitz his testimony today as well

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:08:35 with michael horowitz sean hannity is
@00:09:41 ig report from michael horowitz

The Timeline Cross: Horowitz, Strzok, and Papadopoulos

@00:05:13 in this article horowitz provides the
@00:05:17 text message it states that horowitz
@00:05:49 shoulder from ig horowitz on july 27th
@00:06:41 messages from horowitz now i had a lot
@00:08:13 2017 michael horowitz sent a letter in
@00:10:23 horowitz laid out in a response to a
@00:11:55 from ig horowitz on july 27th deputy ag
@00:12:19 day that horowitz briefs the special

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:02:53 michael horowitz announced today that in
@00:04:39 explanation of why it is that horowitz
@00:06:20 call to the contrary says horowitz as
@00:11:03 to what his lawyers saying how horowitz
@00:17:02 tandem with michael horowitz think about
@00:21:21 horowitz says that mccabe lacked candor

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:07:25 horowitz who has a very sort of a sort

The Letter from Sessions: What does it mean??

@00:03:31 michael horowitz to review certain
@00:04:45 horowitz was so pissed off i covered
@00:04:50 michael horowitz and everybody was

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:01:49 horowitz and we know again jeff sessions
@00:01:57 with horowitz on the investigation into

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:02:42 horowitz is dirty how could you say
@00:02:48 series on why horowitz may be doing the
@00:03:14 that office horowitz was appointed by
@00:03:24 statutory independence which horowitz
@00:03:37 process that begins with horowitz and
@00:04:41 responsibility agreed with horowitz has
@00:15:27 michael horowitz has for some time been
@00:15:48 horowitz his findings are what sparked
@00:28:48 you've never liked oig horowitz remember
@00:29:04 wrong by the way thankfully horowitz

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:12:43 michael horowitz has been reviewing the
@00:12:53 horowitz has told lawmakers he's aiming
@00:13:00 evidenced emerged that horowitz may be
@00:13:10 horowitz his review mccabe should be in
@00:22:10 parallel horowitz not a special counsel
@00:22:17 working with horowitz we're gonna read
@00:25:04 same reason why horowitz had to inform
@00:26:16 testimony to horowitz and a doj
@00:28:55 interview that ig horowitz is not
@00:29:01 before when i've talked about horowitz
@00:29:15 likely since when i g horowitz informed

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:01:52 ago about michael horowitz who many
@00:02:14 michael horowitz was basically
@00:02:40 general michael horowitz announced today
@00:07:36 leaders inspector general horowitz at
@00:08:15 grassley asked horowitz about the
@00:08:59 letter from michael horowitz to ron
@00:30:58 dr. general michael horowitz has zeroed
@00:31:11 classified information mr. horowitz says
@00:32:08 horowitz isn't talking mccabe isn't
@00:40:13 sessions is working with horowitz on the
@00:40:16 fisa in addition horowitz is running an
@00:40:44 you're mistaken horowitz has an axe to

LIVESTREAM: Page, P-Dop, and the Media, Oh My!

@00:11:12 horowitz investigation surfaced it's now
@00:13:09 horowitz rosenstein muller and all the

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:07:40 we're going to get and remember horowitz

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:01:40 go through this threat on horowitz the
@00:02:00 inspector general michael horowitz is
@00:02:07 obama nominated michael horowitz in july
@00:02:16 february mr. horowitz was confirmed in
@00:02:38 horowitz inherited a position that was
@00:03:51 it morale pop michael horowitz was a
@00:04:57 reform in budget michael horowitz laid
@00:05:17 an inspector general why why horowitz
@00:06:32 horowitz doesn't even pay any attention
@00:08:19 both he and horowitz work together and
@00:08:30 end goal foreshadowing horowitz and
@00:08:44 room cleared out and horowitz was alone
@00:10:10 4th horowitz finally secured a
@00:10:29 record where michael horowitz expertly
@00:11:11 fast and furious ig horowitz details the
@00:11:22 note how horowitz correctly attaches his
@00:11:49 horowitz in his war against the obama
@00:12:39 administered 2015 michael horowitz
@00:13:07 michael horowitz radio interview august
@00:13:12 michael horowitz takes to the airwaves
@00:13:41 horowitz waged a war of attrition and
@00:13:59 michael horowitz is a reformer and a
@00:14:19 horowitz has done since his time back
@00:17:42 michael horowitz so dan mangino has been

Have You Seen my Stapler, Strzok??

@00:17:49 horowitz who is leading a broad