Inspector General

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Ukraine Report Exposes Targeting of Giuliani

@00:41:57 attorney general william barr rebuked
@00:42:03 an independent inspector general and

The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:03:07 department inspector general michael

CHOP, FOIA, and other Musings

@00:29:37 at there's the office of the inspector
@00:29:38 general there is the office of

Rosenstein’s Role: Protect the Department of Justice at All Costs

@00:14:20 inspector general in december 2019 in
@00:14:36 the inspector general concluded and i

News Updates and Analysis

@00:17:03 department of justice inspector general

Reading the Updated Stimulus

@00:24:53 office of inspector general so that they
@00:48:49 money the inspector general needs money

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:05:10 inspector general under oath not once

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:33:17 intelligence community inspector general
@00:35:19 community inspector general he also was

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:20:31 the inspector general

The 30,000 Foot Explanation of the General Flynn case

@00:06:46 members president trump and general
@00:06:53 new inspector general report on fisa

Revisiting Admiral Rogers, FusionGPS, and Horowitz

@00:06:26 office of inspector general horowitz
@00:23:40 report from the office of inspector
@00:23:42 general that has gone widely unreported

Letter from President Donald J. Trump

@00:09:08 inspector general reports who the world

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:22:07 the doj inspector general or i could go
@00:22:16 inspector general so those are my two
@00:23:57 the intelligence community inspector
@00:23:59 general my problem
@00:25:29 the inspector general and obviously we

DOJ IG Releases Report on FBI Management of Confidential Human Sources

@00:02:46 this is this is an audit the inspector
@00:02:50 general for the department of justice

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:25:53 office of inspector general has produced
@00:26:02 sued the inspector general and the fbi
@00:28:51 knowledge and the inspector general told
@00:36:51 says i mean it's the inspector general

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:04:16 here's the deal the inspector general
@00:04:22 the inspector general of the department
@00:18:43 integrity of the inspector general
@00:31:36 consistent with the inspector general

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:03:37 congress the office of inspector general
@00:09:14 the doj office of inspector general
@00:11:12 the office of inspector general is
@00:21:03 inspector general found this probably

The Whistleblower Explained (And Crowdstrike?!)

@00:11:16 complaint with the inspector general for
@00:11:38 intelligence community inspector general
@00:12:25 forwarded to the inspector general does
@00:18:01 inspector general we now know that none
@00:19:33 complaint with the inspector general for
@00:25:41 intelligence community inspector general

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:09:02 agents and then to the inspector general

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:01:40 investigation while the inspector
@00:01:43 general was investigating the clinton
@00:03:26 office of inspector general because they
@00:08:22 inspector general while they were
@00:08:46 inspector general while under oath again
@00:08:49 he was on tape lying to the inspector
@00:08:51 general while under oath can you guys
@00:09:14 the inspector general when he was being

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:04:16 the attention of the inspector general
@00:22:34 concerning notification by the inspector
@00:22:37 general of the doj to the special
@00:22:48 the inspector general notified special
@00:31:59 the public from the published inspector
@00:32:01 general report any information regarding
@00:32:58 the inspector general and to the fisa
@00:36:53 what i signed the inspector general will

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:36:55 the office of inspector general
@00:40:32 is the associate deputy attorney general
@00:40:38 assistant inspector general in oversight

The controversy surrounding Fentanyl

@00:26:28 this is an office of inspector general

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:17:58 got corroboration from the inspector
@00:18:00 general of the united states of america

LIVE! A week in review

@00:09:00 release that the inspector general put
@00:17:53 easier for the inspector general and
@00:17:55 other government you know inspector or

diGenova, Ratcliffe, and Nunes

@00:26:49 department inspector general michael

LIVE STREAM: A Breakdown of Top Stories

@00:43:52 the office of inspector general was

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:45:16 basis for it the inspector general is
@00:45:48 the inspector general at the department

Spygate 101: An Overview

@00:43:18 um michael horowitz is the inspector
@00:43:21 general of the united states of america
@00:43:34 their own ig inspector general and he

Get up to speed! Comprehensive News Update

@00:01:51 jordan says is it the inspector general
@00:06:27 handling referrals from the inspector
@00:06:29 general he could be doing that and we

FISA Shenanigans

@00:03:40 the doj inspector general michael
@00:15:27 documents up but the the the inspector
@00:15:31 general wasn't just handed them over in
@00:15:54 inspector general to someone else or a
@00:17:46 committee on intelligence and inspector
@00:17:50 general horowitz never got their hands
@00:18:49 because the the inspector general finds
@00:22:14 the inspector general doing an

LIVE STREAM: What happened with Barr?

@00:23:03 the inspector general for the department

Mazie Hirono and William Barr: A Deconstruction

@00:26:46 department of justice inspector general
@00:27:00 inspector general and the office of
@00:27:44 weaponizing that if the inspector
@00:27:46 general looks into what william barr did

LIVE STREAM: News Roundup for April 26th

@00:04:39 inspector general as well as the the

A News Roundup!

@00:07:25 justice department's inspector general
@00:07:42 if the department of justice inspector
@00:07:45 general does a review of the special

More: Fusion GPS and a Conflict of Interest

@00:01:52 summary report from the inspector
@00:01:54 general and it was this and it kind of

Nullifying the Unconstitutional

@00:09:05 the inspector general and gives the
@00:09:06 inspector general access to any and all
@00:09:08 records the inspector general may need
@00:09:59 inspector general funded under this act
@00:10:07 inspector general has responsibilities
@00:10:14 or impede that inspector general's
@00:10:22 expressly refers to the inspector
@00:10:23 general and expressly limits the
@00:10:25 inspector general's right of access i'm
@00:13:21 inspector general i don't i don't quite

FOLLOW UP: Fusion GPS and the OIG

@00:00:15 inspector general michael horowitz his
@00:10:14 know that the the the inspector general

An Interview with Dr. Dave Janda

@00:35:23 department of justice inspector general

OIG Summary Report: Stunning Revelations

@00:00:21 by the office of the inspector general
@00:01:17 office of inspector general for the
@00:01:48 office of inspector general is in the
@00:01:58 specifically the office of inspector
@00:02:02 general will initiate a review that will

Attkisson Part I: The Facts

@00:31:26 the computer to the inspector general or

An Update on NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery

@00:27:35 inspector general of the air force
@00:27:37 specter in general the cia inspector

Must Watch: Is Nothing Happening?

@00:06:40 energy's office of inspector general huh
@00:30:37 the justice department's inspector
@00:30:39 general michael michael horn he's been
@00:30:43 his team we informed the inspector
@00:30:47 general of our submission and documents

Follow Up: Getting Ahead of the Story- Rosenstein & McCabe

@00:04:50 inspector general which is why they came

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:23:55 more rapid version of what the inspector
@00:23:59 general was doing in regards to the

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:11:12 inspector general we'll see what the
@00:11:14 inspector general did you read the fisa
@00:12:54 appropriate to let the inspector general
@00:21:08 inside the fbi to both the inspector
@00:21:11 general and possibly even a grand jury

Did Huber Interview Ohr?

@00:02:20 inspector general has - the transcripts
@00:18:57 investigative unit of the inspector
@00:18:59 general is providing congress with
@00:19:14 inspector general horowitz has
@00:19:53 why is inspector general horowitz
@00:19:59 further ask yourself why inspector
@00:20:01 general michael horowitz or someone

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:12:21 department inspector general said monday
@00:12:57 inspector general mike horowitz michael
@00:15:28 department of justice inspector general
@00:34:07 theo j's inspector general later this

Quick Clip: Rosenstein on FISA

@00:04:40 review by the inspector general we'll
@00:04:42 see what the inspector general did you
@00:06:36 it's appropriate to let the inspector
@00:06:37 general complete that investigation

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:37:05 inspector general but just as a private

Livestream: OIG Analysis- Baker, Ghattas, and the Special Counsel

@00:11:04 investor the inspector general was doing
@00:11:15 people doing it and the inspector
@00:11:16 general sorry had to clear my throat
@00:11:33 so the inspector general goes to them to
@00:13:36 inspector general has throughout this as

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:10:13 all the attorney general jeff sessions
@00:10:21 also being looked into by the inspector
@00:10:22 general
@00:10:26 he can make referrals for the inspector
@00:10:30 general can make referrals for
@00:11:16 matters beyond what the inspector
@00:11:19 general does i will talk more about this
@00:12:25 we'll be getting out of this inspector
@00:12:26 general this is the mid-year exam

The Timeline Cross: Horowitz, Strzok, and Papadopoulos

@00:04:21 it possible or is the is the inspector
@00:04:26 general
@00:06:06 notified the inspector general was now
@00:08:30 of inspector general initiated a review
@00:09:08 the inspector general was suddenly

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:00:35 the office of inspector general writes
@00:02:17 they hand it over to the inspector
@00:02:20 general at that point it just so
@00:02:23 happened that at the time the inspector
@00:02:25 general was speaking to mccabe about the
@00:02:50 department of justice inspector general
@00:09:39 inspector general respectively but there
@00:10:37 the ig where the inspector general is

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:11:40 the office of inspector general
@00:15:03 inspector general smack the place up

LIVESTREAM: Mccabe leaks- Analysis of the OIG Report

@00:05:00 investigation to the office of inspector
@00:05:02 general for the justice department

The Letter from Sessions: What does it mean??

@00:03:29 the department's inspector general
@00:03:41 the inspector general has now confirmed
@00:03:55 department's office of the inspector
@00:03:56 general explicitly for the purpose of
@00:04:40 why the inspector general michael
@00:06:23 inspector general with broad discretion
@00:06:42 inspector general finds evidence of
@00:06:50 chats thank you so much if the inspector
@00:06:54 general finds evidence of criminal
@00:07:09 the inspector general has the authority
@00:07:19 attorney general and the deputy attorney
@00:07:21 general for prosecution or other action
@00:07:26 the inspector general also may under
@00:07:49 that the inspector general has much
@00:08:20 investigation what an inspector general
@00:08:30 within an inspector general
@00:08:46 inspector general on the
@00:11:10 inspector general the additional matters

Goodlatte: Confirms Grand Jury (Follow up to last video)

@00:01:26 lot of confidence in the inspector
@00:01:27 general but we won't know what we have
@00:01:31 inspector general report goes well
@00:03:51 last thursday the inspector general has
@00:04:24 inspector general has - the transcripts

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:01:47 evidence discovered by inspector general
@00:04:19 justice's office of expense inspector
@00:04:21 general regarding the fbi's

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:11:46 the big one the full inspector general

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:03:00 investigation while the inspector
@00:03:05 general let's do this however that okay
@00:03:10 while the inspector general is appointed
@00:03:23 inspector general has a great deal of
@00:08:38 inspector general some allegations of
@00:08:47 inspector-general oprs jurisdiction is
@00:15:23 so justice department inspector general
@00:24:24 a former inspector general for the doj
@00:28:09 inspector general investigation saying
@00:38:41 coming the inspector general is doing a

Special Prosecutor, Letters from Majority, and the Roundup!

@00:04:00 accessible by an inspector general or
@00:04:03 the inspector general it's outside of
@00:06:41 and i do really feel like the inspector
@00:06:44 general report is set to drop any day
@00:12:25 department of justice inspector general
@00:24:47 inspector general has an obligation to
@00:25:18 with the inspector general that
@00:25:38 inspector general because of the
@00:28:00 explaining the power of the inspector
@00:28:01 general they can make an arrest without
@00:28:12 authorized by the attorney general for
@00:28:18 inspector general assistant inspector
@00:28:20 general or agent or for any felony
@00:28:25 if such inspector general assistant
@00:28:27 inspector general or agent has
@00:29:46 dear attorney general sessions and
@00:29:49 deputy attorney general rosenstein as
@00:29:53 inspector general is currently reviewing
@00:32:16 request to the inspector general asked

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:01:47 inspector general and i did a big video
@00:02:37 the department of justice inspector
@00:02:40 general michael horowitz announced today
@00:03:09 inspector general act the review will
@00:07:24 justice inspector general says he has
@00:07:36 leaders inspector general horowitz at
@00:07:55 the oig the office of inspector general
@00:08:27 office of inspector general tuesday
@00:11:05 text messages the inspector general met

Livestream: A Timeline of Collusion

@00:36:56 9th of january the inspector general the
@00:36:59 9th of january 2017 the inspector
@00:37:02 general begins his investigation it will

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:05:03 inspector general report the 1.5 million

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:01:42 og the inspector general so that you
@00:02:00 inspector general michael horowitz is
@00:02:43 holder's interpretation of the inspector
@00:02:46 general act of 1978 and he puts a link
@00:05:08 just by ignoring the inspector general
@00:05:13 that go from making the inspector
@00:05:15 general turn their wheels why even have
@00:05:17 an inspector general why why horowitz
@00:09:30 inspector general must have complete
@00:09:37 the agency that relate to that inspector
@00:11:41 inspector general empowerment act of
@00:12:01 grassley introduces s 579 the inspector
@00:12:05 general empowerment act of 2015
@00:13:09 12 2015 a confident inspector general
@00:13:23 introduces hr 6450 inspector general
@00:13:37 16th 2015 inspector general michael
@00:13:55 meeting to freedom inspector general

Have You Seen my Stapler, Strzok??

@00:03:44 inspector general had opened an
@00:07:53 department's inspector general
@00:07:59 trump the inspector general's office
@00:15:29 department's inspector general began
@00:17:46 department's inspector general michael
@00:23:01 inspector general for the intelligence
@00:23:19 i'm sorry about that the inspector
@00:23:21 general for the intelligence community
@00:23:40 inspector general the website obtained

BREAKING! Montgomery has PROOF of Trump eavesdropping

@00:09:13 with the inspector general of the air

Jason Chaffetz- "I am healthy" Is there more here?

@00:10:22 republicans as the inspector general of

FULL AUDIO!! Sheriff Joe and Blixeth on Montgomery

@00:16:24 click the inspector general of the air
@00:16:27 force spectre in general the cia
@00:16:28 inspector gentle united states holder he