Pizza gate

Jeffrey Epstein: What they aren't talking about

@00:24:27 in their pizza gate and and q saying

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:11:35 and pizza gate when you were at the fbi
@00:11:48 talked about this pizza operation this
@00:11:50 pizza gate thing

A Rant and Review--- Watch if you want to hear me talk

@00:13:19 a whole big pizza gate talk they're

Speculating Thursday! The Wire Worn By P-Dop

@00:00:44 regards to pizza gate i will be covering
@00:00:46 the tightest frost pizza gate brought

I have an issue with Feldman. Here's why:

@00:11:33 first unsung hero of pizza gate then

What a tangled web we weave.....

@00:05:49 deep to the pedo gate pizza gate
@00:12:49 into pizza gate and elpida but like i

Everything you need to know about the Guccifer(s): America First Media

@00:04:02 we've got it way back before pizza gate

The statement by Awan attorney and how it relates to #elsagate

@00:00:45 right-wing pizza gate media but from a
@00:01:10 that this could be a pedo gate false
@00:01:19 pizza gate especially because of the
@00:03:15 pizza gate angle or do we continue i'm
@00:05:01 on pizza gate sort of a tangent as well

Imran Awan is subscribed to what on YouTube?!

@00:06:42 ultra right-wing pizza gate media
@00:06:47 even bring pizza get up i'm sitting
@00:06:50 hell is this dude talking about pizza
@00:06:51 gate in his statement the lawyer for
@00:06:55 pizza gate what does it have to do with

Livestream: info delivered

@00:03:49 and yes megyn kelly is a pizza gate
@00:04:15 actually a pizza gate victim slash

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:20:17 which involves blackmail pizza gate


@00:02:08 pedo gate coming and i don't like to
@00:02:09 call a pizza gate because it's much
@00:05:04 pizza gate question however there is

Media Matters and Ben Swann- What are they afraid of??

@00:00:25 report on pizza gate on a very large cbs
@00:00:35 of pizza gate now as you can see on my

YouTube Demonitizing my videos.... And it is just going to get worse...

@00:02:32 bother washington insiders with pizza
@00:02:34 gate i guess because it's in the title

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:03:37 pizzagate we have to be the news because
@00:35:22 when you become an elder like pizza gate
@00:39:32 keep the gate is now give a negative
@00:39:35 connotation to that because of the pizza
@00:39:37 place maybe we should not call it pizza
@00:39:41 gate you know yeah i think when i tried

YouTube is demonetizing my videos. CENSORSHIP ON IT'S Way

@00:01:38 happen with my pizza gate video

Does Donald Trump know about what is going on? Here are my thoughts

@00:00:27 releases pizza gate information and i do

Insider Reddit chat leaked-- Reddit is no more

@00:00:22 some insider information about pizza
@00:00:24 gate i am gonna be coming out with the
@00:00:27 video on pizza gate very soon i was
@00:00:33 news you know the the pizza gate threat
@00:00:53 basically complaining about the pizza
@00:00:54 gate subreddit being removed the ceo of
@00:01:54 pizza gate stuff as much as we try to