
UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Ukraine Report Exposes Targeting of Giuliani

@00:48:37 he's trending on twitter right now i

The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

@00:02:16 over on telegram used to be on twitter

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Whistleblower Fatigue?

@00:02:00 on twitter
@00:03:05 there is a user on twitter by the name
@00:03:25 on twitter if you want to go to twitter
@00:07:04 verified twitter user
@00:09:30 when i first tweeted this on twitter i
@00:09:56 twitter when you say you're being
@00:11:45 said on my twitter good friend of mine
@00:16:56 would be attacked on twitter
@00:17:11 afraid of twitter

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Scott Pryor of Tulsa

@00:00:23 fm streamed live on twitter youtube
@00:00:26 periscope that's twitter
@00:05:52 the stuff's all over twitter there's a
@00:11:42 twitter are freaking out that president
@00:12:57 google and twitter insider algorithms
@00:13:11 and twitter who exposes how ai

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The General Flynn Decision

@00:02:10 twitter cloud hub right america
@00:15:10 great follow on twitter if you haven't
@00:29:39 twitter is the real world
@00:29:43 messaging on twitter
@00:29:45 and they think that that twitter is an
@00:33:02 them on twitter
@00:33:20 not everybody's on twitter but this is
@00:34:22 twitter account and there it is

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The Permanent Coup- An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:00:03 on twitter
@00:13:05 every day you're on twitter you're

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The RNC, Then and Now

@00:20:03 saying on twitter
@00:39:31 tweets on twitter with the same text
@00:39:47 saying anything on twitter

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: The DNC Convention, Senate "Intelligence" and Culture Abounds?

@00:01:07 look um on on twitter at what these
@00:05:08 or they follow on twitter
@00:05:20 shared on his twitter this morning a
@00:09:38 twitter youtube cloudhub cloudhub
@00:29:40 you know intrepid twitter investigators
@00:33:19 somebody asked me on twitter today why

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 13, 2020

@00:00:23 moderating political content and twitter
@00:00:31 spokespeople at twitter including nick
@00:00:58 from twitter altogether
@00:13:15 shared it on twitter
@00:31:21 twitter and he's great he's at
@00:43:23 twitter if you know about twitter at all
@00:43:26 i put it up on my twitter um it's at
@00:43:28 tracybeans on twitter the video's there

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: August 11, 2020

@00:05:50 me on twitter at tracy traceybeans
@00:05:52 is uncoverdc week we are on twitter at
@00:18:34 twitter account it's at tracybeans
@00:18:36 on twitter you can find it there
@00:18:54 to twitter
@00:21:12 well periscope twitter
@00:21:30 through my twitter trying to find this
@00:26:16 on twitter scroll down you'll find this

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Analyzing the Testimony of Sally Yates

@00:39:53 on twitter john w hoover undercover
@00:45:25 somebody posted this on twitter for me

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:03:45 yeah there was a threat on twitter that
@00:06:51 on twitter um really really great thread
@00:09:41 corey cory's diggs on twitter did a
@00:31:06 verified on twitter
@00:31:10 me kicked off twitter too
@00:31:45 twitter if you're not already 1590

UncoverDC with Tracy Beanz: Tuesday, August 4th

@00:01:10 i heard a bunch of them on twitter

Sports in the Age of COVID

@00:13:17 on twitter and socials at uncoverdc and

Commentary: Big Tech and Bill Barr

@00:02:04 twitter friends twitter is a cesspool
@00:06:50 and i haven't even mentioned twitter who
@00:07:37 again may 28th twitter censors president
@00:07:42 twitter censors white house
@00:07:47 june 23 2020 twitter censors the
@00:08:13 july 21st here's what twitter did the
@00:08:22 twitter allows this tweet

Some News, and the NY Times Dossier Story

@00:07:19 by folks on twitter in our little
@00:07:22 twitter circle
@00:07:27 on twitter we have a ton of super
@00:09:31 on twitter nine paragraphs into this new
@00:13:17 a pseudonymous twitter account created
@00:13:55 twitter accounts
@00:14:10 right now stalking my twitter as we
@00:17:38 great twitter researcher
@00:24:53 was on my twitter this morning i
@00:25:42 it was monsieur america on twitter i
@00:28:08 twitter um
@00:28:24 twitter and that's okay but if you are
@00:28:25 on twitter i get a
@00:29:59 twitter feed
@00:31:38 my twitter feed

The Case of General Flynn: Analysis of the Sullivan En Banc Petition

@00:02:44 this amazing piece on twitter he is at

Article: The Plan

@00:17:12 twitter on a wide range of political
@00:17:17 you can find him on twitter at stu in sd

CHOP, FOIA, and other Musings

@00:09:13 twitter so he's been docked the heck out
@00:09:48 twitter account and his linkedin put you
@00:11:55 there have been some reports on twitter
@00:14:13 tyfa on twitter in the first armed

News Roundup for June 26th

@00:01:46 twitter that on-premises consumption of
@00:02:09 twitter

This needs to be said

@00:09:09 people are now on twitter saying what
@00:09:50 to caution you just stay off of twitter

Orbis: Perkins Coie Engaged FusionGPS to Provide Information to Challenge 2016 Election Validity

@00:01:53 twitter that i had a pretty massive
@00:02:15 anna on twitter all right guys you guys
@00:04:38 cases bought on twitter a notification

New Filings in the General Flynn Case

@00:05:06 jonathan turley is twitter you'll see
@00:05:31 this case and if you go to my twitter
@00:35:46 occasions including through twitter

Sullivan Files: Analysis and Commentary

@00:28:15 twitter or at john w huber i'm sorry on
@00:28:19 twitter one mr. flinn can secure the

Analysis and Discussion: General Flynn Transcripts and Amici Brief

@00:46:03 on twitter a little bit more no you

News Updates and Analysis

@00:02:47 on ron wyden twitter account if you woke
@00:15:40 twitter spats with erics wawel who
@00:26:16 twitter or if you're not on twitter you
@00:26:23 a look at his twitter account he's very
@00:35:35 that i follow on twitter filed it

Dark to Light: An Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes

@00:35:35 twitter or what have you
@00:36:12 in the twitter world and that are
@00:38:48 the filter of twitter and google and

Dark to Light: An Interview with Lee Smith

@00:02:43 twitter friends to come online with me
@00:04:02 smith's twitter if you're on my

DOJ Dismisses Case Against General Flynn

@00:03:58 traitorous twitter
@00:04:42 twitter a lot this is where all the news
@00:04:44 happens i spend my entire day on twitter
@00:04:49 um and i'm on twitter all day and i'm on

Recent Developments in the Case of General Flynn

@00:09:32 undercover hoover on twitter who is john

A Quick Chat on a Tuesday Afternoon!

@00:01:39 twitter friends hi everyone i'm reading
@00:05:42 on twitter you can find her at i think
@00:07:46 twitter at stu in sd and this article

Reading the Updated Stimulus

@00:00:18 shared it on twitter but first the
@00:02:44 twitter account which i'll pull up on
@00:02:56 twitter account i know a lot of you guys
@00:02:58 don't use twitter but for right now

deleted My Thoughts for You on Covid-19

@00:34:49 twitter account

Carter Page 302's Shed Light into Relationship with Intelligence Agencies

@00:13:21 shared the print screens on twitter of

Super Tuesday Election Analysis

@00:02:50 twitter as well
@00:13:02 the crazy on my twitter feed today the

You Need to Know: McCabe, Loretta Lynch, and the IG Report

@00:01:28 twitter right now as well youtube
@00:01:30 twitter d live facebook everybody's
@00:03:29 tweet on twitter two days the day before
@00:03:47 because twitter has shadow banned and
@00:05:05 band on twitter you can't see the tweet
@00:23:18 again everything's linked here twitter

Andrew McCabe: DOJ Not Bringing Charges for Leaks to WSJ

@00:14:25 don't mean you know engaged on twitter

It's ONLY Tuesday!!!

@00:02:13 i made a shortlist on twitter here we
@00:11:09 think for some reason that twitter is
@00:14:15 where is it my twitter feed is too busy
@00:19:41 a year ago where twitter user harold
@00:20:27 imperator rex on twitter i don't know if
@00:29:51 twitter accounts and podcasts then cnn
@00:32:32 on twitter and see what's going on that
@00:47:52 let on twitter hu b le tte oh goodness i
@00:48:03 there's a lot of funny stuff on twitter
@00:48:43 james woods is back on twitter

It's Been Awhile! News Roundup

@00:08:11 tom cotton is on twitter freaking out

Burisma Hacked by the Russians?! Not so fast...

@00:07:07 even had a little brief twitter
@00:11:13 looking through these guys twitter

Lee Smith: The Plot Against The President

@00:09:19 stuff out on twitter and explaining
@00:12:42 me i believe on twitter and this was
@00:17:01 twitter feed talking about talking about

LIVE: Dark to Light- It's a new year in Iran!

@00:11:34 twitter just waiting for her to open up
@00:21:35 say anything on twitter just like what's
@00:28:12 now i'll share it on twitter and i'll
@00:31:26 here's whatever twitter every twitter
@00:32:26 of the average twitter user but people
@00:43:12 people on on twitter and on message

The Dark to Light Podcast is LIVE

@00:07:03 integrity on twitter who had started
@00:21:44 twitter where people were asking some
@00:25:08 sorry um so we had problems with twitter
@00:26:14 but as far as the twitter thing we're
@00:27:49 youtube and my own twitter shatters here
@00:27:54 youtube you you you watch twitter just
@00:28:02 twitter people laughing so fox 77 says
@00:29:27 take them but somebody on twitter did a

The Landscape: Explained

@00:00:11 i took a poll on twitter this is gonna

Intermission Update: Horowitz Hearing

@00:05:52 on twitter of these hearings right now

Whistleblower Nate Cain shares his Story for the First Time

@00:20:50 on twitter but i haven't told people

The DOJ IG Releases Report on CI (Part II)

@00:09:50 twitter because that's ridiculous
@00:10:53 help share it on twitter and the website

DOJ IG Releases Report on FBI Management of Confidential Human Sources

@00:01:44 twitter that people don't really

It's Important

@00:11:46 sits on twitter all day long is not not
@00:13:28 twitter feed that marie ivanovitch is
@00:21:24 yet follow uncovered ec on twitter at on
@00:21:45 find me on twitter or periscope you can

Live Stream: Impeachment Roundup

@00:04:33 babinski you can find him on twitter at
@00:04:48 check out his twitter page and find out
@00:06:20 support his worldview again his twitter
@00:28:02 i will tweet them out on twitter thank
@00:28:08 they're on twitter ak uncovered ec we're

Statement from LTC (R) Jim Hickman on LTC Alex Vindman

@00:05:19 reached out again via twitter he
@00:10:33 twitter a source for getting the truth
@00:11:27 behalf on his twitter back to the
@00:15:30 want to reach him on twitter to support
@00:17:01 want to stop on by his twitter at jim

UPDATE: The Case of General Flynn and so Much More!

@00:01:13 meant to have my twitter open because
@00:37:47 shared it on my twitter here dear mr.
@00:43:00 funding on twitter and socials and stuff

Michael Horowitz is a Straight Shooter. Here's Why

@00:01:48 getting on my twitter yesterday for
@00:18:10 on twitter did an entire thread about

FISA Prep: Things to Remember

@00:02:09 maybe i'll just share this on twitter

Conquering the Spin

@00:00:11 hello hello hey hi my twitter pals how
@00:00:16 i see my twitter pals in the chat just
@00:28:20 talking to youtube twitter facebook and

The Declassification Confusion Explained

@00:02:13 it's available on twitter and i put it

The Whistleblower Explained (And Crowdstrike?!)

@00:01:32 refresh twitter there's new information

News Roundup: McCabe, Horowitz, Buck, Lewandowski and More

@00:02:31 folks on twitter that have compiled some
@00:03:26 clearly especially on twitter want corey
@00:06:36 on twitter have seen me tweet it
@00:10:08 single person on twitter and everywhere
@00:13:55 a bunch of kind of folks on twitter
@00:34:58 work on this rosy memos on twitter
@00:35:00 almost jingo is her twitter handle has
@00:44:21 twitter you can follow her she's are

Andrew McCabe: What you should know

@00:05:23 twitter account for a year so again to

General Flynn: Unsealed Motion to Compel

@00:00:46 did a pulled today on twitter about
@00:01:48 can find him on twitter at techno

LIVE: A Jeep, FOIA, and Nunes

@00:16:28 twitter she ran the swamp accountability
@00:16:39 where you saw all of these twitter
@00:18:58 on a twitter break but tweet it out some

Update: The Coming Week

@00:09:41 next couple days so my twitter might

Analysis and Commentary: The James Comey IG Report

@00:21:10 twitter account and in the description
@00:21:54 they'll go on twitter or they'll go on

The controversy surrounding Fentanyl

@00:02:32 done by brian on twitter after ryan
@00:15:23 twitter and i will put in the
@00:41:38 comments here from youtube from twitter

Dark to Light Special: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:03:04 on twitter which is still there you go
@00:16:12 go to my twitter perpetual maniac and
@00:24:27 youtube query twitter blacklist and then
@00:40:25 brazil and i posted that to my twitter

Coming into focus: The Weiner laptop and Jeffrey Epstein

@00:00:15 platforms twitter youtube facebook even
@00:26:31 on twitter 37,000 retweets this is a

LIVE! A week in review

@00:06:06 twitter here he's the one who
@00:07:04 set hello on twitter a couple times but
@00:08:30 one on twitter i mean these sorts of
@00:09:36 twitter where i explained how important

Jeffrey Epstein: What they aren't talking about

@00:26:52 on twitter who are always these people
@00:29:23 great you can find him on twitter at
@00:36:18 on twitter get into that conversation

Dark to Light Special: Joe Flynn

@00:02:32 on twitter until we open the legal
@00:02:42 twitter and stuff but it's interesting
@00:26:30 twitter from time to time she's out

Our Climate

@00:04:19 of leftist twitter users and pundits
@00:13:32 twitter share blu took the subtle
@00:18:15 over twitter to the same crowd that
@00:19:15 twitter and those elected officials are
@00:20:47 donors on twitter yesterday and when he
@00:25:42 what twitter is doing now i start to

The History of Elijah Cummings: True the Vote

@00:22:02 provide every facebook and twitter i'd

Dark to Light Special: UncoverDC, the IRA, and Rich

@00:00:09 this moment twitter is down across the
@00:00:11 entire globe the entire world's twitter
@00:05:46 i went on to my gaslight tv twitter
@00:18:40 twitter accounts linked with links to
@00:20:22 twitter has done a fantastic job of
@00:23:08 this purging of bots on twitter and the
@00:23:09 russian influence campaign on twitter
@00:23:30 out to them on twitter to ask when the
@00:35:39 on twitter they just disappear hopefully

A Guide to the Epstein Case

@00:45:26 case and that set off twitter in a

Dark to Light Special: BREAKING- Dennis Montgomery Speaks

@00:38:52 thousand twitter followers and whatever

Interview with Whistleblower Scott MacDonald

@00:00:34 twitter and stuff like that but please

SPECIAL: Dark to Light Episode

@00:08:40 there's this thing going on on twitter i
@00:16:03 poulsen on twitter like is this you from
@00:23:09 looking for and then on his twitter
@00:24:39 of people and their twitter accounts
@00:24:53 yeah my twitter account i will release
@00:25:14 eyes on my twitter because a lot of
@00:27:13 here with the twitter and all that i
@00:31:19 didn't know who she was on twitter so

FBI Whistleblower in 2013: Mishandling of Electronic Surveillance Evidence

@00:22:31 i'm gonna do a threat on twitter about

Live Stream: Where can you find me?

@00:07:34 that much on on youtube or even twitter
@00:09:10 so i put out a call on my twitter
@00:09:21 twitter 24 hours a day seven days a week
@00:09:28 doing my podcast i am on twitter sharing
@00:09:39 is on twitter and that's where i'm
@00:09:42 twitter everything you cannot shut me up
@00:09:47 doing on twitter no matter what so um i
@00:09:54 put out a call on twitter for some

Targeted: The Story of Eddie Gallagher

@00:27:15 crime and bernard kerik on twitter has
@00:31:34 twitter i was so excited when he got to

Barr BLOCKBUSTER: Analysis and Commentary

@00:38:00 like twitter spree of every time i see

FISA Shenanigans

@00:03:21 twitter account yesterday and i did a

LIVE STREAM: What happened with Barr?

@00:02:14 on twitter i should probably find it
@00:27:38 suspended from twitter he will be there

SPECIAL: Dark to Light - Full Episode

@00:22:37 started looking through her twitter
@00:23:09 twitter feed at all is this not what
@00:30:39 ultimately the platform from twitter for
@00:31:33 censored on twitter it was like the
@00:31:36 nunez was being censored on twitter they
@00:35:26 more than one twitter there's not more
@00:35:37 meanwhile the dude was also on twitter i
@00:35:49 but why not go after twitter then for

The Foreshadowing of Mifsud

@00:00:09 an hour ago but i told you on twitter
@00:06:12 you guys follow my twitter you'll see
@00:06:14 follow my twitter i recommend you do it
@00:08:55 i was looking on twitter for something
@00:15:06 twitter timeline and then all of a

Emmett Flood: The Importance of Precedent

@00:03:05 said on my timeline on twitter these

Mazie Hirono and William Barr: A Deconstruction

@00:00:39 on definitely check out my twitter page
@00:03:21 david webb's twitter page - at david

What am I working on?

@00:02:48 on my twitter account basically giving

LIVE STREAM: News Roundup for April 26th

@00:04:09 out on twitter and your social media and
@00:04:12 twitter right now just to get some
@00:09:25 twitter timeline i put it out today i'm
@00:26:07 just keep my twitter feet up and just
@00:26:14 on my twitter feed and i'm good with
@00:29:08 okay i'm at tracy being on twitter with
@00:30:45 twitter

Mueller Report: Volume II Summary

@00:24:39 twitter and stuff was referring to it as

Mueller Report: Volume I Summary

@00:01:42 page-by-page analysis on twitter of the
@00:14:36 about this this morning on twitter we
@00:15:44 reached out on twitter to say hey i have
@00:17:09 twitter broke my thread here but there's

The Pact: Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis

@00:22:33 twitter use or you know the way he gets
@00:28:26 against conserves we know twitter google
@00:32:53 so if you see somebody on twitter that
@00:33:00 you're looking at somebody on twitter
@00:34:40 or you know there's a thing on twitter
@00:36:23 my twitter history when i when i was
@00:36:29 back i'd been on twitter for years and

Behind the Referrals with Devin Nunes

@00:02:42 twitter where he said prediction friday

A News Roundup!

@00:02:58 on twitter and i just want to show you

LIVESTREAM: Barr Report-

@00:05:54 i know you're not on twitter anymore

Analysis: The Barr Letter

@00:17:36 i go to set the room since twitter

New Zealand and China: An Alternative Perspective

@00:00:22 on twitter that's at cg8 4 won 1-0 on
@00:00:25 twitter sent me two pictures which sent

The Targeting of #WalkAway

@00:12:37 statement on twitter in response to the
@00:14:30 like some of them on twitter said they

The Nunes lawsuit: It's not just about Twitter

@00:01:00 against twitter but it's not only
@00:01:01 against twitter and that's a people are
@00:01:03 just focusing on twitter but i was
@00:01:09 twitter elisabeth mayor mayor strategies
@00:01:15 twitter accounts which since the posting
@00:06:09 conservative twitter accounts and says
@00:08:17 defamatory twitter account in reference
@00:09:45 yet i haven't searched her twitter
@00:10:25 her twitter account to find some things
@00:10:57 more than just twitter he goes through
@00:12:38 twitter conspiracy meeting tonight don't
@00:13:15 it's horrible i think twitter needs to
@00:13:26 has more twitter followers than devin
@00:13:46 twitter this is more if you notice there
@00:14:22 is we're actually going after twitter
@00:14:47 exist twitter says that they don't have
@00:15:14 twitter becomes the gaslighting for all
@00:16:21 can't not have a twitter account can't
@00:16:25 twitter account otherwise you won't be
@00:16:51 lawsuit against twitter for censorship
@00:17:02 experienced on twitter he's kind of
@00:18:01 get emails from twitter it's constantly
@00:18:05 stuff so i think if twitter wants to be
@00:19:09 twitter see and that's what i mean
@00:19:34 twitter and censorship is much more

Friday 3/8: Dark to Light Quick Clip

@00:00:58 we've been doing at twitter is signaling

Misleading Miami Herald Headline Lights up Twitter

@00:00:05 at 9:47 a.m. i was on twitter this
@00:00:11 moments on twitter when i first opened

Update: Incoming on Sater and Cohen and CPAC Review

@00:02:05 hopping between twitter and youtube
@00:02:26 on twitter and i will link that in the

MUST WATCH: "The 200" Research Study DEBUNKED

@00:01:47 yesterday it's been all over twitter
@00:02:54 twitter that are doing the same but this
@00:03:46 twitter conversation about the four
@00:08:06 their twitter profiles which to me is
@00:09:51 that's just how twitter works especially
@00:16:52 twitter we're just supposed to you know
@00:25:32 the point of twitter why even have
@00:25:34 twitter why bother is the twitter

Attkisson Part II: The Appeal

@00:00:12 is here from seth abramson's twitter
@00:05:03 pointed this out to sheryl on twitter

Wednesday Wanderings

@00:02:22 and then i realized that on twitter

Update: A possible explanation

@00:04:06 twitter and said here's the possibility
@00:08:33 person on twitter accusing me of

LIVE STREAM: Buzzfeed Release on Cohen and Sater

@00:02:35 retraction and apology on my own twitter
@00:04:29 look like on twitter right here
@00:23:57 of targeted harassment twitter suspended
@00:25:01 offence on twitter while we have people
@00:25:38 so people are being banned look twitter
@00:26:18 has to control their twitter experience
@00:26:59 twitter check it out on periscope it's
@00:48:05 also you can also find me on twitter at

Worldwide: Eyes are on China

@00:01:11 twitter jen sia page where i have
@00:01:26 up to without having to be on twitter

Roger Stone: Roundup

@00:01:38 with someone on twitter is not illegal
@00:02:45 to me on twitter after he had seen some

Who is with me???

@00:18:34 twitter debate between hawaii senator

Thoughts: The Twists and Turns

@00:15:28 my twitter you guys just had the founder

BREAKING: Leak Investigation

@00:14:56 shared this on twitter stupid in
@00:30:00 on my twitter thread not not many just a

Crazy Days and Nights? I'd Say...

@00:38:24 gonna spill and on her twitter account

LIVESTREAM: Roy Moore targeted by "Russian" Copycats

@00:02:09 per facebook and twitter etc on ads on
@00:07:56 twitter accounts to follow more and then
@00:12:33 facebook and twitter to undermine
@00:13:50 i beg to differ but the twitter bot
@00:14:11 twitter followers so important it really
@00:15:50 twitter and social media they did this
@00:27:09 that i follow on twitter for information

Cohen, Comey, and More

@00:11:20 read twitter

LIVESTREAM: Michael Cohen

@00:00:32 twitter page so that everybody knows to
@00:00:53 on twitter really quickly and then we'll
@00:29:13 because it's techno fog on twitter
@00:31:00 twitter for everybody um again i'm doing

Highlights: The Crisis on the Border (Part 1)

@00:00:47 video i shared on twitter yesterday to a
@00:01:21 someone on the left today on my twitter
@00:12:59 it's woman on twitter and it's not
@00:25:07 right i like the way twitter does this
@00:37:01 twitter i hope you guys are bearing with
@00:38:08 her twitter account in the description

Celine Dion: The Dark Side

@00:01:57 is on twitter

Rant: Rampant Voter Fraud

@00:06:12 because yelling about it on twitter well

Matthew Whitaker: Corruption runs scared

@00:00:57 think that as i said on twitter it's a
@00:40:08 twitter account to promote his campaign
@00:40:20 of twitter saying ellison's use of
@00:40:22 twitter is questionable because he's

Part I Analysis: Bongino interviews P-Dop

@00:28:09 twitter number one your wife is not
@00:28:27 twitter now she's a russia's rutt she's
@00:28:38 out there and a lot of them on twitter

P-Dop Tweets: Clovis, Page, Caputo and Stone

@00:29:43 saavedra i like following him on twitter

Live at the #WalkAwayMarch Gala Dinner

@00:03:36 the u.s. minority twitter feed as well

News Roundup: Lost Activists, Early Ballots, McCaskill, and FinCEN

@00:01:02 would float through my twitter timeline
@00:01:54 twitter who have done amazing work so
@00:13:06 twitter its head snipe zero one one

Roundup: Carter, Hannity, and Solomon

@00:17:50 tuned to his twitter account and you
@00:22:04 wanted to go through my twitter timeline

News Roundup: Kavanaugh and Baker

@00:02:46 kind of funny that i got on my twitter
@00:03:25 twitter just to give them the credit and
@00:20:56 hysterical his twitter account is
@00:32:57 twitter i thought this might be helpful

Commentary and Analysis on the Kavanaugh Debacle

@00:05:34 from the left on my twitter thread the
@00:15:21 thomas whipped her on twitter doing a
@00:15:26 and then getting his twitter account
@00:15:35 we have harold finch got his twitter
@00:15:53 twitter that i fraternize with that were
@00:19:50 so if you go to twitter where i
@00:20:00 twitter has made it so that the

Rod Rosenstein and the Curious Case of the FISA

@00:34:23 twitter account love you guys thank you

Information Overview: Pdop and the Timeline

@00:18:24 come on twitter they really start

Cohen DID NOT go to Prague- Why is it important??

@00:00:10 undercover huber did on twitter because
@00:08:02 checking out papadopoulos his twitter
@00:08:03 account and simona the handlers twitter

Brennan and Maddow: An analysis by Finch

@00:00:07 i reached out to harold finch on twitter
@00:00:16 his twitter handle and he did two
@00:03:27 twitter so it's hard
@00:20:40 she has to if you know what the twitter
@00:35:24 and if you don't hang out on twitter a
@00:35:37 pushing twitter and telling people to
@00:35:40 hang out on twitter and like follow me
@00:35:42 on twitter and stuff and it's because
@00:38:16 documented on twitter papadopoulos paul
@00:39:32 discovery papadopoulos family on twitter

Papadopoulos: Sentencing Recommendation Raises more Questions

@00:02:37 carlson he's um on twitter as well he's

DNC Lawsuit: Where are you Mifsud?

@00:00:35 serve these papers on twitter they serve
@00:00:39 them electronically via twitter and my
@00:00:45 as a whole does this make twitter a
@00:00:46 public square in other words is twitter
@00:01:06 twitter as a platform and and and this
@00:01:23 court documents via twitter that's a
@00:01:37 serve the dnc on twitter i'm gonna link
@00:01:51 twitter because you know they're also
@00:09:25 served wikileaks via twitter yesterday

There is More, Than Ohr

@00:18:08 hannity's twitter account came down and
@00:18:17 twitter account offering quote news on
@00:19:27 stories i'm gonna thread this on twitter

NEW MYE RELEASE: DOJ Moves Huma Emails BACK to private server?!

@00:04:21 twitter for the stuff coming out about

Livestream: Michael Cohen

@00:13:22 know if you go back to my twitter i've
@00:17:53 no fog on twitter and a bunch of other
@00:22:37 quarter a page called twitter

It's a rant: Enough is Enough

@00:03:09 to him on twitter he's had my back many
@00:04:39 twitter was absolutely abhorrent and
@00:10:02 jokes about children openly on twitter
@00:21:36 there patton oswalt gets on twitter by
@00:24:25 did and i went around twitter and i
@00:25:01 twitter account of course can you

Quick Add: March 17 and the Indicted Leaker

@00:00:24 my twitter at gts underscore watch

Textron, Bell, and Strzok: A new connection

@00:10:33 economy on twitter here's a link this
@00:13:02 check out this dude's twitter i have the
@00:36:51 started posted on twitter yesterday i

An Interview with Brandon Straka: #WalkAway

@00:34:07 actually wrote a letter to twitter
@00:35:24 type like i've read iii or twitter i

Live: News Roundup (Solomon, Jordan, and More!)

@00:02:40 mitchell's twitter and i think it's just

Thought Stream: The Comey deal and More

@00:06:23 account pops up on twitter and i covered
@00:12:32 text exchange on twitter with that
@00:13:11 in 2018 was when hannah dee's twitter
@00:19:54 a twitter account to stick around on
@00:19:56 twitter because that's where i am
@00:20:06 it's on twitter guys it happens way
@00:20:12 twitter so you can see me tweeting

Trump Rally: Thoughts and reflections

@00:07:00 watches me and follows my twitter which
@00:08:11 12 followers on twitter you know what
@00:08:19 twitter and i just told him i said i

PART II: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

@00:01:06 comments on twitter and stuff like that

Livestream: OIG Analysis- Baker, Ghattas, and the Special Counsel

@00:00:47 on twitter i think i'm gonna do a

Rep. Goodlatte Acknowledges Huber! (And a follow up)

@00:09:53 president on twitter basically taking

The Original Guccifer and Papadopoulos

@00:00:20 thread from undercover hoover on twitter

P-Dop and Simona aren't allowed to visit

@00:01:11 twitter check this and just hightail it

The Timeline Cross: Horowitz, Strzok, and Papadopoulos

@00:12:44 this information it really does twitter
@00:14:37 can follow me obviously on twitter gab

The OIG Report Rebuttals: A McCabe example

@00:04:03 november 1st and the use of a twitter

They Had to Use a Wiretap- An overlooked text

@00:00:44 undercover huber on twitter did a

A Complicated Web: Deripaska, Warner, Waldman, Steele, and Levinson

@00:00:44 i'm gonna thread it on twitter as well
@00:03:00 hannity's twitter account came down now
@00:03:02 sean hannity's twitter account came down
@00:03:45 warner to fake sean hannity twitter

Revenge is a dish.... Schneiderman and Trump

@00:10:02 twitter account and even leaked the
@00:15:41 just he used his official twitter
@00:21:43 on gab twitter bit shoot steam it d tube

Manafort and Ellis take on the SC

@00:02:09 refuge to on twitter and he basically

The Week (so far) in a Quick Summary

@00:22:23 can go to your twitter and read a thread
@00:22:25 i can go to a twitter read through i
@00:24:45 box below follow me on gab twitter dee

Speculating Friday: The Special Counsel

@00:06:17 mean to start a twitter war with dan

Breaking: BOMBSHELL Nunes Interview!

@00:18:19 but i'll have twitter so stay tuned i

FEC Lawsuit, and Wikileaks to the Rescue!

@00:00:40 did on twitter about this as well so i
@00:15:55 on twitter gab dee two-bit shoot at

Continuation: What did I say at the end of my last Video? (And more)

@00:06:42 on twitter gab bitch u d tube at tracey

The Treasury Department has Been Busy

@00:00:20 thread on it on twitter i've been doing
@00:06:32 below you can follow me on twitter gab d

Operation Justice, and Meeting President Trump!

@00:12:41 put that up on my twitter but look at

In a World of Projection, This is Their Truth

@00:19:31 into a simplified twitter thread that

The Plot Thickens: Collaboration across the Administration

@00:27:23 democrats on twitter several sources say

Goodlatte: Confirms Grand Jury (Follow up to last video)

@00:00:43 twitter you guys are fantastic as you

Concrete: Rosenstein Subpoena makes Grand Jury a near certainty

@00:00:24 twitter came out and said this subpoena

LIVE: Dissecting the massive Omnibus Bill- Part I

@00:06:23 twitter and go through and just share

In Depth: Another Burkman attempt and the Lawsuit

@00:43:40 comment alive via his twitter handle at

Breakdown: The Firing

@00:00:16 from certain people on twitter that
@00:24:14 bow at the war economy on twitter let's

Investigation: You say Sater, I say ANOTHER spy

@00:26:21 help from someone on twitter who's

Live Stream: New Yorker Magazine- Huge Revelations

@00:00:52 twitter a lot for people to see which

My take: The Internet Bill of Rights

@00:09:16 know twitter and facebook and youtube
@00:10:38 there the fact that facebook twitter and
@00:15:40 change twitter facebook and youtube guys
@00:18:35 twitter and facebook and youtube and
@00:18:53 we weren't all on twitter we wouldn't
@00:25:27 freely on platforms like twitter and
@00:26:15 shift sent to twitter and facebook if
@00:27:24 be the american faction of of twitter

What is Sessions DOING?! (And the OIG)

@00:04:46 of a twitter account to publicize the
@00:20:36 twitter really quick because i shared
@00:25:37 haase 12 on twitter was the first person
@00:26:59 rosy unmasked almost jingo on twitter as
@00:39:05 me up on twitter everybody's been
@00:39:25 twitter hit me up on gab get me
@00:42:49 twitter are fantastic too so follow
@00:44:17 twitter and gab at traci beans and

What is left unspoken: An interview with Gigi Bowman

@00:23:20 have it right on top or on my twitter
@00:39:43 ever on twitter just ignore it it's made
@00:43:26 twitter what's your twitter handle

Live Stream: Analyzing the Democrat Memo

@00:42:51 at this stuff also follow me on twitter
@00:43:03 website in the march twitter the march

New rules all around! And, what happened on social media today???

@00:00:28 twitter basically bend a lot of people
@00:00:51 twitter lost people lots of people lost
@00:08:09 pedophilia on twitter twitter can't say
@00:10:23 about same thing with twitter i lose my
@00:10:26 followers on twitter all the time it's

The Mueller Investigation: Is there more to Gates?

@00:23:51 below follow me on gab and twitter at

Las Vegas Transparency: Is there something here?

@00:08:49 please follow me on twitter and gab at

LIVESTREAM: They may try, but they won't succeed- Marathon Edition

@00:40:18 special that i put up on my twitter
@00:43:14 gab and twitter at tracey beans with the

LIVESTREAM: Page, P-Dop, and the Media, Oh My!

@00:00:29 share it on twitter real quick see what
@00:01:30 so so let's start with my twitter today
@00:03:26 and strike on twitter so i say a couple
@00:03:30 different things on twitter today even

The MSM Flips- Stands by the Memo

@00:28:25 on twitter and gab please at tracey

Speculating Saturday: P-Dop & Strzok!

@00:08:15 me on facebook i'm sorry on twitter and

LIVESTREAM: They Released the Memo: Take 2!

@00:12:54 i'm gonna i'm gonna go to my twitter
@00:18:08 you if you watch twitter after this

Clearing up the Memo Spin

@00:16:15 little letters on twitter i'm not even
@00:16:47 great twitter account adam schiff once
@00:18:39 twitter so all these journalists are
@00:19:28 how powerful twitter is for you guys who
@00:19:31 twitter is not effective and that you
@00:22:10 nonsense twitter it's right here thank
@00:28:37 twitter facebook account holders have
@00:29:38 enough for that follow me on twitter and

Part I: Grassley digs for Connections

@00:30:21 on facebook i'm sorry on twitter and gab

MUST WATCH: Guccifer 2.0 Ties up Everything

@00:05:34 twitter account they have a website they
@00:15:51 link to his twitter below and here he
@00:24:50 him on twitter at with underscore
@00:51:04 follow me on twitter and gab at tracey
@00:51:17 twitter you guys know where to find me i

Horowitz and Happenings

@00:01:01 gentleman on twitter i guarantee i you
@00:26:22 the whole the whole twitter thread is
@00:26:24 like this his whole twitter thread is

Call the Clowns: Fake News and Russian Bots

@00:01:35 i'm just going to show this on twitter
@00:02:11 again exploiting twitter and facebook
@00:03:18 with twitter supposedly right the
@00:06:57 why does facebook and twitter care why
@00:07:15 feinstein feel the need to tell twitter
@00:07:36 natasha bertrand russia linked twitter
@00:08:25 twitter and facebook going to
@00:09:31 with me several twitter hashtags
@00:10:33 twitter hash bla bla okay here we go
@00:10:55 hashtag among twitter accounts believed
@00:11:12 patriotic americans using twitter the
@00:12:32 intervene if they're on twitter how are
@00:14:10 and twitter have developed significant
@00:16:04 twitter and facebook account holders
@00:17:25 beginning of twitter the hashtag now
@00:17:45 twitter user policies using a hashtag
@00:17:59 twitter was made for this is just crazy
@00:19:18 retribution from twitter and facebook
@00:19:38 are on my twitter just keep calling and
@00:31:30 twitter account so there has to be a

Fusing the Story: The House Speaks

@00:27:42 facebook and twitter facebook and
@00:27:44 twitter on pages 50 and 51 it gets

PART II: Fusing the Story

@00:21:48 carter with integrity act on twitter

Are you Brave Enough? Introducing Gabriel Harber

@00:29:53 people who interact with you on twitter
@00:34:37 on twitter please hit me up on youtube
@00:35:37 questions my dms are open on twitter so

Part I: Fusing the Story

@00:00:45 ecuador he posts a twitter picture of
@00:25:57 pasted that on twitter and i can't find

Beginnings: The day the news got exciting

@00:31:11 one of my friends on twitter helped me

LIVESTREAM: KPFA Stream- Credico and Christine Assange

@00:06:42 valley giants facebook and twitter
@00:19:58 on twitter and descending contact a
@00:49:54 anthony on twitter at scott anthony usa
@00:50:01 i'll just go to his twitter right now
@00:50:22 so i would take a look at his twitter

Debate: The "Dirty Dossier" vs. The "Dirty Dossier"

@00:03:12 that ridiculous i did a poll on twitter
@00:21:58 follow me on gavin twitter as well

New to Gab?? This tutorial is for YOU

@00:00:50 speech alternative to twitter which we
@00:01:27 you can also link your twitter account
@00:01:35 it over to twitter instantaneously at
@00:01:40 thing from twitter to gab because it is
@00:05:37 twitter lists used to be but but twitter
@00:06:51 instead of going on twitter and then you
@00:08:30 like twitter but a lot more free and a
@00:12:25 twitter at tracey beans tra cyb e anz

Who is Kramer???

@00:32:28 gab and twitter at tracey beans tra cyb

BREAKING- Roy Moore Files Voter Fraud Lawsuit PLUS a recap

@00:00:32 twitter friend of mine compiled this
@00:06:06 tweeted about on twitter but i want to
@00:08:59 twitter and i'll show you but the higher
@00:12:44 julian assange taking his twitter down

Labrador: House Judiciary ATTACK DOG

@00:09:26 twitter and gab at tracey beans tra cy

A Rant and Review--- Watch if you want to hear me talk

@00:00:54 lot of new followers on twitter and i
@00:02:23 there's a lot of people over on twitter
@00:03:13 just gonna go to my twitter feed like
@00:18:50 follow me on twitter at tracy means with

Rohrabacher, Rand Paul, and Wikileaks, Oh My!

@00:00:42 even more i did a thread on twitter that
@00:28:51 anz also twitter and gab at tracey beans

Have You Seen my Stapler, Strzok??

@00:14:52 twitter man
@00:38:53 put it on twitter there's a big reason i
@00:39:43 twitter at tracey beans tra cyb ea and z

Melyssa Hubbard Teaches "Spanking City Hall"

@00:28:01 twitter i have posted and said you know

Speculating Friday: PLEA FOR THE COUNTRY!!!

@00:26:22 find me on twitter and gap at tracey

The Prince and the Clowns: An exploratory tale

@00:01:37 flags for me and a number of my twitter
@00:40:01 also you can find me on twitter and gab

Part I: Scientology explored

@00:00:36 had sent me on twitter and i can't
@00:27:27 paypal follow me on twitter and gab at

The Purchase Heard Round the World- But is there more?

@00:16:33 twitter at tracey beans tra cyb ei nz

The Lobbying Backstory- Some Interesting Questions

@00:02:20 with gusoff or two via chat on twitter
@00:03:43 is at with integrity on twitter should
@00:24:16 just interesting follow me on twitter at

Speculating Thursday! The Wire Worn By P-Dop

@00:00:11 a twitter thread about this yesterday
@00:13:50 if you can please follow me on twitter

The House of Cards that Soros built?

@00:07:40 follow me on twitter at tracy beans tra

An Interview with Lisa Belanger

@00:59:17 me on twitter that uh i always talked

Trump is playing a game of 5D Chess, and he's winning!

@00:06:19 twitter if you guys want to go and look
@00:11:10 please follow me on twitter tracey beans

I have an issue with Feldman. Here's why:

@00:11:13 broke where was the first place twitter
@00:12:31 new twitter followers as a platform for

"To the Stars Academy" admitted WHAT?!?!

@00:00:20 twitter you've seen me talk about this
@00:05:28 twitter at tracey beans tra cyb ea and z

What a tangled web we weave.....

@00:13:07 brilliant person on twitter who flagged
@00:13:14 if you guys want to follow me on twitter
@00:13:18 have you as part of my little twitter
@00:13:19 family my twitter handle is at tracy

Debunking the fake news

@00:04:50 8th and so i did a twitter thread on it
@00:23:37 also follow me on twitter at tracey

All the happenings

@00:07:19 was talking with someone in twitter dm
@00:10:04 bellagio hotel on my twitter at tracey
@00:11:24 a z and please follow me on twitter i

Update on Paddock and more

@00:05:08 shared it on my twitter and sure enough
@00:05:37 twitter for sharing this information and

Wiretapping: It's come full circle

@00:00:20 adam carter with integrity on twitter at
@00:23:38 with a z follow me on twitter at tracey

Weather Modification-- PROVEN

@00:24:28 my patron you can find me on twitter at

A stream in the dark about Fake News

@00:02:41 posted it on twitter as a breaking
@00:03:51 article and i put it on twitter and it
@00:04:30 twitter and see the reasons why i why i
@00:05:45 on my twitter but i made a mistake very

We've FLOWN PAST CRAZY and we are on our way to INSANE

@00:05:53 twitter of all the places where this
@00:07:59 just like what i just saw on my twitter

Everything you need to know about the Guccifer(s): America First Media

@00:06:11 wonderful guy twitter handle aptly with
@00:06:17 of propping him and sharing his twitter
@00:09:25 numbers hahaha he has a twitter account
@00:13:28 the private twitter conversation between
@00:13:41 recently a twitter direct message
@00:14:37 this article is to prove the twitter
@00:27:18 twitter and just matt's really amazing
@00:28:17 these twitter twitter handles in the
@00:28:45 up on twitter if you like the work i do

It's time.

@00:03:37 from the team so go to matt's twitter at
@00:04:03 my twitter the other day so you'll be

Speculating Sunday: The case of the Special Prosecutor

@00:03:56 over to matt couch's twitter hannibal
@00:03:58 boots twitter flynn's twitter all those

Straight from the Source- Wheeler debunks theory

@00:03:06 if you go to my twitter at tracy dean's
@00:03:39 will be on my twitter account so much

DEBUNKED! Photo of Awan with Seth Rich at bar and more

@00:17:52 on twitter at tracey means i look

The House Judiciary attempting to #LOCKHERUP?!

@00:17:10 beans please follow me on twitter at

BREAK THE SYSTEM! Use #Reddcoin!!!

@00:03:10 bots on twitter and all you basically do

The statement by Awan attorney and how it relates to #elsagate

@00:05:05 in the comment section and on twitter so

Imran Awan is subscribed to what on YouTube?!

@00:08:03 flemming flynn on twitter him and the

Breaking News! Awan's are off to jail....

@00:07:27 after i said last night on my twitter

"Tip the Beanz" Birthday LiveStream- Feat. Moot and Couch

@00:04:39 groups on twitter little investigation
@00:11:03 other day on twitter i mean he gets he
@00:16:20 ways to fake a twitter chat so i don't
@00:17:11 remember the robin jung twitter dm
@00:19:23 or two on twitter so now they they they
@00:21:05 verbally but over you know twitter and

Trump and Russia??? Leakers Leak

@00:06:59 comment that he posted on twitter in
@00:29:02 twitter today the

What's going on in my next vid?

@00:00:55 drop some of them on my twitter today hi
@00:00:58 twitter today basically what they say is


@00:03:55 twitter i'm sharing a bunch of stuff i'm

Fake news, the hypocrisy and q&a(take 2)

@00:19:10 link it either on my twitter at tracey

New Puzzle? Anonscan and Questionanswr

@00:02:40 have a twitter account we have questions
@00:02:59 when the twitter account started soon
@00:03:10 more twitter followers but here we go
@00:15:31 twitter account
@00:17:27 is follow this twitter account which

Predictive Policing? FBI Crowdsources information

@00:09:04 a piece about a twitter conversation

What the heck happened with George Webb today?!

@00:06:43 on his own channel i posted on twitter

DEVELOPING: Awan and Anon

@00:00:26 eight five five on twitter as well as
@00:00:31 on twitter i want to thank the both of
@00:03:42 my twitter and i'll put it in the
@00:09:20 tweeting a lot follow me on twitter at

The events of the day and my thoughts

@00:06:17 on my twitter basically stating like you
@00:09:29 night twitter blew up with people saying
@00:09:35 would have been mocked off of twitter so
@00:11:19 can try to share a link on my twitter
@00:11:25 twitter if you guys want to follow me on
@00:11:27 twitter i do broadcasts in the dark oh

Sean Hannity goes nuclear on #SethRich investigation and more

@00:00:44 shared it on my twitter and sean hannity
@00:10:49 twitter has done a remarkable job of


@00:32:50 twitter followers at tracy beams tra cy

UPDATE: Kim DotCom, Hannity, and Seth Rich

@00:01:52 twitter with more than a hint of sarcasm
@00:04:17 on twitter i start seeing this exchange
@00:04:36 you go back on handy's twitter to may
@00:05:24 twitter but i'm just gonna get to the

A Twitter exchange with Pedophiles

@00:12:15 with this with this twitter thread i

PART 1: MS13 and Trump: Why did he direct us here?

@00:00:25 twitter follow you know put it in the
@00:04:49 twitter to hit democrats as enablers for

Perspective and a few messages

@00:00:41 share stuff on twitter i don't like

BREAKING!! Nuclear "DRILL" in NYC Metro Area-

@00:01:15 twitter the one who actually got his

Information Roundup: April 20, 2017

@00:15:27 information on twitter originally she

HEART PROGRESS and ANTIFA go hand in hand!

@00:00:05 to twitter and because i wanted to show
@00:00:19 here we are on my twitter page i just
@00:03:06 thing on my twitter in regards to anti

Jason Chaffetz- "I am healthy" Is there more here?

@00:01:13 think i shared it on my twitter or the
@00:08:33 as vocal on twitter over the past couple
@00:09:19 wow usually twitter jekyll
@00:15:44 here's his twitter
@00:17:38 shared their music on twitter this

Wikileaks Clinton emails tell us motive...

@00:00:00 hat tip to morpheus on twitter at red

"Guccifer2.0" Makes a HUGE error?

@00:02:08 between a twitter conversation between
@00:02:13 and there was also the twitter
@00:02:19 communicating on twitter
@00:05:49 underscore integrity on twitter an
@00:09:54 this twitter exchange that the goofs of

Situational Awareness: Context and thoughts

@00:03:23 blatantly obvious the entire twitter
@00:17:38 posted on jack pacific's twitter feed

Fake News?

@00:02:17 on twitter about what's fake and what's
@00:07:39 someone sites on his twitter says there
@00:08:54 all over twitter the other day it's

The Missing DC Girls

@00:00:03 of talk on twitter lately about these
@00:02:11 twitter account of the dc police
@00:09:50 nation's capital on its twitter feed

The Montgomery Breakdown

@00:13:35 you on twitter my friend morpheus i

Massive Breaking Story- Montgomery and the leaks

@00:04:52 my twitter at tracy beans tra cyb ea and
@00:06:47 i don't care about twitter i'm far past

Livestream: info delivered

@00:01:18 facebook on twitter

BREAKING!! The Roger Stone and Guccifer2.0 Connection- Info HE DOES NOT KNOW

@00:04:17 of twitter largely because i had
@00:04:20 commented on a twitter decision to ban
@00:05:46 largely because on twitter one and then
@00:07:58 stuff on twitter i picked this some
@00:08:02 up on twitter i read the whole thing in

My channel and Social Media

@00:00:03 noticed that my twitter is deactivated
@00:00:14 if you saw my twitter feed you saw that

Wikileaks Hints- What do they mean?

@00:05:34 published another twitter source that
@00:15:26 twitter hat or her twitter i think it's
@00:15:32 man twitter pictures a woman i don't
@00:28:35 stay tuned to this twitter account they

Conservative Performance Artist Martina Markota harassed by intolerant Left

@00:37:27 whoa social media twitter instagram

Full Interview! Assange in London with Hannity

@00:12:05 one topic on twitter political topic

Democrats and Russia- thoughts on a Friday

@00:00:12 twitter and i found a tweet from donald

#BeTheMedia Episode 2- Wikileaks information and More!

@00:13:24 something in pro on twitter on twitter
@00:13:26 young twitter that was the best he got
@00:14:07 hammered him on twitter people are tired
@00:23:24 twitter what is the story with cats
@00:23:39 twitter of cats judging kelly and and i
@00:24:18 have cats as their twitter picture she
@00:26:09 speaking of twitter this is going in
@00:26:25 active on twitter sharing their boy
@00:34:09 was very excited when i think twitter
@00:38:56 actually on twitter when he found out he
@00:39:06 okay and you invited twitter so we went
@00:42:49 that goes on ah i see you on twitter
@00:47:09 the newspaper online on twitter

#BeTheMedia Episode 1

@00:51:29 twitter feed throughout the night go

Wikileaks- Episode 1 of the Occult..... Wow

@00:01:03 this direction by the fbi's twitter
@00:01:07 account the wikileaks twitter account

Alien Invasion? Debunked

@00:08:16 spangled vision on twitter he's awesome

More information about the DNC doc-- PLEASE WATCH

@00:00:09 rochelle on twitter we got on the phone
@00:00:14 information yesterday this twitter
@00:00:58 twitter account popped up from katie
@00:01:07 order to intimidate twitter trump
@00:02:22 is not a real twitter account i'm doing

Clinton Health Bombshell from Debate and so much MORE!!

@00:00:21 facebook groups share it on twitter