
New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:26:03 he hired huber and hubert gave
@00:29:44 and then q says durham take over huber

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:31:36 i am my name is john durham a hubert
@00:32:40 thursday that parts of what huber was
@00:33:57 sessions what directed huber
@00:35:01 huber after requests by congressional
@00:35:21 situation with john huber you're not
@00:35:23 doing anything mr huber remember that
@00:35:31 we're gonna have to have it mr hubert

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:14:55 durham hired hubert holy people we know

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:06:57 says luann huber watch the big fish to

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:06:10 investigators huber and starting all

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:07:05 john durham and hiring john huber and

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:06:42 huber and getting all these sealed

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:25:00 highlight huber here and q says what if
@00:25:14 key was going to talk about huber in a
@00:26:50 highlighting huber down here that's a
@00:26:52 reminder to everyone that huber is

Live Stream Friday Nov 8, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- Judgement Day Coming!

@00:23:58 about bar talking about huber not going
@00:24:08 we covered that months ago that huber
@00:25:24 answers the question but huber who knows

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:09:49 have huber now we have trey gowdy coming

Live Stream 10-4-19 - Coup Attempt Update, Climate Cult and More!

@00:09:32 john huber he wants to interview me yeah

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:13:22 huber but i think it's horowitz because

Long Process Of Public Awakening Officially In Progress- See For Yourself

@00:11:22 back then q said think hubert think do

The Look Of Defeat! As Trump Triumphant In Mexico Border Deal and China!

@00:20:45 2604 when q said false huber will bring
@00:20:55 the trolls attack huber and then back
@00:21:01 of name that being huber to house
@00:21:09 the last the name huber let them start
@00:21:12 attacking huber while their role quietly

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:16:13 huber you go after her the person that

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:17:00 giuliani unloads on john huber no way
@00:17:04 huber should have gotten out of the way
@00:17:21 other day so huber had originally been
@00:18:04 department so what huber did would have
@00:19:28 huber misquoting william bar as you can
@00:19:34 see clearly q has told us that huber is
@00:19:46 huber has been up to but you have this
@00:21:00 friday on us attorney hubert proves
@00:23:05 get the left to start siding with huber

Barr Finally Reveals What Huber Has Been Up to- Bad News For Deep State!!

@00:10:13 what is john huber up to yeah good
@00:10:22 know it says huber the us attorney in
@00:10:40 but huber was can has conducted his
@00:11:31 question what huber was investigating or
@00:11:38 republicans sent huber a letter we
@00:11:56 huber is currently wrapping up an
@00:13:02 said and says huber was also initially
@00:13:47 attacking huber and now changing topics

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:14:46 huber investigation of clinton
@00:15:07 joe to jennifer says that john the huber
@00:15:17 says hubert hasn't even interviewed the
@00:16:05 statements saying the huber hasn't done
@00:19:14 huber so kill has been very clear about
@00:20:00 damage behind the scenes john huber has
@00:20:13 very very busy many many cases huber has

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:02:09 huber there is your team right there

Very Strange Timing- Did You Hear What She Said This Time??

@00:08:04 huber and all the stuff that's all this

"You Should Not Be Trusted!" Gaetz Calls Out Nadler... As FISA Awaits!

@00:18:10 forget who appointed huber that was

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:16:24 counsel report huber etc house democrats

Booom!! THE Bombshell Q Proof the Deep State Doesn't Want You to See!

@00:19:48 general john huber just like you told us

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:18:37 was the one that appointed huber and he
@00:18:42 huber and it was just sessions who did
@00:18:59 huber talking about clear vision for the
@00:19:40 we have whitaker writing to john huber
@00:19:47 sessions talking a john huber telling

This Blumenthal Discovery Will Convince Many the STORM Is Upon Us!!

@00:11:25 bar is meeting with huber and oh i g we

Snowden Lovers Will Hate This- Illusion Destroyed!!! Darkness to Light

@00:03:13 special prosecutor john huber meets with

Stage Set- Nadler Admits No Proof Of Obstruction! ...But "We Have to Look"

@00:16:14 it says here huber interview regarding
@00:16:39 that this has has to do with huber and
@00:17:02 somehow only huber yeah they're probably
@00:17:09 where huber is from that's where he
@00:18:02 mike pompeo is meeting with john huber

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:25:42 huber cute then ghost starts talking in
@00:26:25 for huber we get it that is the really
@00:33:09 huber was busy behind the scenes while
@00:33:15 huber and getting this storm all nicely
@00:33:32 appointed and tasked hubert that was
@00:37:16 quote huber says every one of the

Q "Mass Infiltration" Drop Decoded- As Storm Rolls Into High Gear!

@00:05:54 huber and oh i g o ig report so they get

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:26:35 leaks regarding huber and thank you says
@00:35:27 we have bar meeting huber and o ig there
@00:35:43 d-class special counsel report huber etc

These Stories Will Demonstrate Who the Opposition Party Truly Is

@00:20:12 investigations and john huber and all

Pentagon, Army Corps of Engineers on Standby As Trump Delivers Final Border Security Address

@00:17:05 special prosecutor john huber give him
@00:17:23 huber is not doing anything he's doing
@00:17:26 nothing huber has done nothing since

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:12:17 john huber so you have the does did you

Nunes to Submit Proposal For New "Transparency Type of Office"- Great Idea!

@00:05:04 another or huber hiding in the wings
@00:12:12 doubted sessions in huber you will all

The Doc That Will Finally Exonerate Flynn and Expose Deep State!

@00:03:47 special prosecutor john huber was a
@00:03:53 huber for some strategic reason that's
@00:08:15 make investigator john huber available

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:25:02 huber and the explosive prosecution
@00:25:56 where is huber nobody is above the law
@00:26:40 what if there's another huber hiding out
@00:27:22 had said so huber is a head-fake
@00:27:35 huber is not a fake
@00:27:37 he says false huber will bring severe
@00:27:44 maine huber that is to house created

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Deliver Hundreds of Pages of Evidence!

@00:06:17 attorney john huber was tasked to
@00:16:56 when was huber activated by sessions and
@00:17:14 assigned to huber
@00:17:30 assigned to huber among other people i
@00:18:59 says huber to testify regarding clinton
@00:19:01 foundation yes you will and huber to

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:19:23 huber ray long meetings held within a
@00:19:59 horowitz while whittaker horowitz huber
@00:20:18 meeting with christopher ray huber

NBC Sounding Like Q Anon! "There appears there is a separate criminal investigation going on..."

@00:22:44 to does whittaker also see oversee huber
@00:22:53 period and what cases is huber + o ig
@00:25:02 huber drops first to last content and
@00:25:16 role of huber as portrayed by q there
@00:25:32 huber would be scheduled to testify

Q Anon - "The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media "- Gotta Love It!

@00:02:33 we have justin huber testimony to house

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:09:34 with john huber let dropping the bomb on
@00:21:53 thank you says huber finds us to wait
@00:22:37 regarding huber why has the fisa court

Pence Shares Image Of Himself With Pro Q SWAT Officer- Media Flips!

@00:05:47 prosecutors assigned to john huber
@00:06:43 huber the us attorney investigating the
@00:07:41 about to drop thanks to john huber and
@00:08:00 sessions who appointed huber
@00:15:26 huber clinton foundation maybe that's
@00:15:44 person who leaked huber clinton
@00:17:14 doubted sessions and huber
@00:19:58 limitation is regarding huber activities
@00:21:32 breaking news huber to whistleblower
@00:34:26 and huber

NYT Article Mounts Huge Defense Against Storm that is "NOT Happening"!

@00:05:45 why because right here john huber is
@00:15:25 we know that john huber is gonna testify

Q Anon Update- "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming ... Nothing"

@00:17:11 huber to testify to house gop on do j's
@00:18:10 said he wanted huber to appear before
@00:18:20 we don't know anything what is huber up
@00:19:28 same thing you know where john huber is

Q On Sessions, Gowdy, Goodlatte Resignations- "Logical Thinking Required"

@00:18:14 that would be john huber and you know
@00:18:17 there's an article there who is huber
@00:18:19 who reconfirmed huber who originally
@00:18:24 appointed huber that would be obama
@00:18:32 huber moving forward q says mandate
@00:18:34 charged to huber resources provided to
@00:18:39 huber who is horowitz michael horowitz
@00:18:50 horowitz and huber have been given what
@00:19:03 huber there's a team effort going on a

Trump-Putin 2.0 Set For 11-11 "Now What Are the Odds of That?"

@00:10:54 oh ig works with hubert okay important
@00:10:57 to remember huber reports directly to

GOP Lawmakers Want Huber to "Appear Before Congress"!!!

@00:16:57 appointed special prosecutor john huber
@00:17:13 huber has not interviewed any key
@00:17:47 metals there is no evidence john huber
@00:18:15 huber guys doing anything and we're
@00:18:46 yeah why is mr. huber kind of moving on
@00:19:22 hey huber what are you up to you know we

TA-DA!! Sessions Subpoenaed to Produce Unredacted Docs TODAY 10-4!

@00:27:04 huber to me right here yeah what's he
@00:27:22 next drop q says sessions meeting huber
@00:27:30 sessions meeting huber the day prior to
@00:29:42 basically meeting with john huber and as

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:11:57 so that sessions and huber can step in

Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening

@00:18:06 general involved huber and horowitz and

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:07:16 appoints utah us attorney john huber to
@00:08:28 situation huber with has not directly
@00:09:05 about the huber has the ability to
@00:10:10 huber start but interestingly if nothing

Update: DOJ Will Examine New Project Veritas Revelations!

@00:15:27 huber with multiple meetings right this

Attempted Coup Officially Revealed As POTUS Declassifies Evidence!!

@00:25:50 huber and sessions having multiple

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:23:47 know but huber has not directly
@00:23:59 and hubert are following standard deal j
@00:24:42 the investigation hubert
@00:25:48 all happening coincidence versus huber

MSM "Polls" Now Siding With Sessions! Enjoy the Show!!!

@00:05:33 utah you know john huber maybe you walk
@00:13:47 information that's not true huber has

WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!!

@00:19:45 why is huber being discussed now this
@00:19:51 pundit that writer saying the huber you
@00:20:10 fox news talking mentioning john huber
@00:20:13 and then q says why is huber being
@00:20:15 discussed now why is huber all of a
@00:20:28 discussed by right or left hubert did
@00:20:37 hubert did not do this and did not do
@00:21:05 can goes on who those huber work with
@00:21:18 disposal of john huber will bruce or
@00:21:28 know talking with john huber hubert plus
@00:22:31 happen because sessions and huber and

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:12:32 interviewed by huber or mueller bruce or
@00:12:55 effective a us attorney john huber can
@00:13:57 what exactly is miller and huber doing
@00:15:08 to call john huber you know to let him
@00:15:21 does not know if huber has already
@00:15:43 that john huber and maybe even robert
@00:15:50 so i know he's definitely saying huber
@00:16:11 or with john huber so we'll see where
@00:18:54 people and then huber he's already met
@00:18:56 with huber and the inspector general
@00:19:09 that bruce aras never met with huber and

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:31:51 huber or i'll let you read into that big
@00:31:54 big news coming out today on huber and
@00:32:34 involves the appointment of john huber

Q Reveals Plan for Justice As Sessions Drops Major Hint!!

@00:27:45 session of a us attorney john huber and

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:07:47 people the ig report and huber will help
@00:07:51 make that happen who appointed huber we
@00:12:26 this is where we are huber coming these

New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming

@00:13:48 john huber they're reviewing the fisa
@00:20:55 hugh says huber layers yeah we're

Here We Go Again- "Something BIG is About to DROP" 7-29-18

@00:26:02 built huber i believe this is a sentence
@00:26:13 supposedly or i think it reads huber

"Known Beforehand?" Q Solves Rosenstein Drama of Past Weeks

@00:12:43 who huber reports - and that's the next
@00:12:53 when you think of john huber and you
@00:13:27 huber clc which i think means carbon
@00:24:53 john huber to investigate lawmakers
@00:25:01 you again that john huber reports to him

"Silence Is Golden"- Q Returns, Honks At Patriots, Drops New Proofs!

@00:05:00 who does huber report to directly the
@00:08:58 honorable john huber united states
@00:16:07 huber where we go one we go all

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:11:18 now with john huber waiting in the wings

Q Mops Floor With Trolls- Very Impressive Stuff!

@00:13:43 he's put together with huber and all

Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!!

@00:16:42 horowitz and john huber that queue has
@00:17:09 horowitz is working with huber john
@00:17:11 huber has a staff of four hundred and
@00:17:14 seventy investigators giving huber
@00:17:53 drop 16 60 ask yourself does huber have
@00:19:02 guys and rolled out john huber and the

"They Can End This At Any Time"- Q: MSM Afraid to Ask About Q

@00:18:32 us attorney general huber is waiting in

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:10:33 the door to this noose refer to huber or
@00:10:37 referred to hubert non-public clinton
@00:10:41 connected refer to huber sinha keep
@00:10:49 refer to huber what about dlj text email
@00:10:54 john huber who is going to bring
@00:11:05 yeah let's refer that to huber to what
@00:11:08 dl j whitehouse tarmac refer to huber
@00:11:22 of huber regarding above scope and

WOW! Q Drops Laser Beam Precision PROOF- Future Proves Past!!!!!

@00:19:13 above and beyond trump like john huber
@00:22:03 thank huber and by the way this was when
@00:22:59 read last post huber started in november
@00:23:25 huber setting stage so this was already
@00:23:30 thank says q ig equals fbi huber equals
@00:23:44 then huber himself will handle the dl j
@00:25:33 listening 11:3 equals when huber made a
@00:25:37 sealed indictment 11 6 is when huber

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:23:40 when the huber start in november john
@00:23:55 requests why inspector general huber

Release of "Modified" IG Report First Nail In Deep State's Coffin- Here's Why

@00:08:11 is reason for us attorney john huber

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:06:25 huber right and combining it well
@00:08:01 informing them that huber is conducting
@00:08:10 investigate huber has been investigating
@00:08:19 sessions has ordered huber to team up
@00:08:48 who is working with huber has a staff of
@00:08:51 470 investigators giving huber access to
@00:09:30 attorney huber has full authority to

Q: "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? "

@00:08:23 hueber coming john huber and this whole

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:07:08 general huber
@00:09:30 about specter general huber says kuhn on
@00:09:32 who appointed hubert while that would be
@00:10:28 huber turley called it brilliant to

Trump Co-Signs Q Drop On IG Breaking News- "God Bless USA"

@00:01:09 and trust huber yeah right there so if
@00:01:26 history books john huber of course it
@00:04:07 misconduct to huber for possible

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:47:56 appointed huber sessions what department

Q Eye Opener- "What would be the purpose of creating confusion? "

@00:12:54 define single shooter who is huber and
@00:12:59 because john huber is being brought in
@00:14:07 session secretly engage huber because
@00:14:11 sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:18:29 brought in huber and why these things

Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2)

@00:13:47 why what are the powers of john huber
@00:14:00 move was to put in huber a federal


@00:14:32 appointing john huber yeah as a federal

"They Broke In During the Fire ... Distraction" - Q

@00:11:46 and trust john huber the us attorney

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:04:58 huber turley called it brilliant to
@00:06:05 made public john huber appointed by and
@00:06:10 who was john huber appointed by my
@00:06:13 friends john huber us attorney general
@00:09:20 huber made public why now everything has