
Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:41:18 minds in this mass mkultra situation

List Of Obama Operatives Released- Nunes: "Criminal Referrals Coming"

@00:17:57 now being used as the mkultra tool for

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:26:12 mkultra and not aware that the cia

Groundhog Day!! Dems Roll Out Another "Whistleblower" 1 Week After Transcript!!

@00:11:15 blasi for it and get your mkultra and

Say Hello to the Climate Religion New Gaslighting Tactic!

@00:22:07 and there goes your mkultra right there

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:12:40 talking about mkultra how they're using

Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide!!!!!!

@00:36:30 on you know mind control and mkultra and

Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18

@00:04:28 mkultra experiment and all these cnn

Anti-Q Tactics Simplified For Easy Recognition (Followup 2-18-18)

@00:04:28 pedophilia and mkultra mind control

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:02:40 and on is exposing mind-control mkultra
@00:02:56 mkultra qa9 covered a couple of very big
@00:23:29 and on going after the exposing mkultra
@00:26:04 the mkultra and the pharmaceutical role
@00:26:36 mkultra and how they the deep state
@00:31:46 cooper who exposed mkultra a lot of

Q Shines Light On Mind Control "Therapy" Programs!

@00:05:43 modification using mkultra and keenan is
@00:05:49 pointing you to this project mkultra
@00:08:35 yeah the therapy of the mkultra right
@00:08:48 you already know about how this mkultra