North Korea

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un Just Did Something Very Very Strange ...

@00:27:55 north korea yeah
@00:28:06 and is he setting up north korea 2.0

Trump Warns Shocking Documents About To Be Unveiled!

@00:27:03 here talking about north korea unveils
@00:27:23 trying to convince north korea to
@00:27:40 china seeking north korea commitment

Live Stream 7-17-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:34:13 extreme threatening pressure on north
@00:34:16 korea which is why he's not talking to

Fake News All-Out Blitz! Claim HCQ Doesn't Work- Ignore Worldwide Studies!

@00:22:20 north korea not saying anything why is

Disney CEO Suddenly Resigns As Storm "Purge" Rages On!

@00:16:48 reminds me of north korea just remind

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:21:49 state north korea iran russia china

LIVE Jan 17, 2020: Coup Update, Senate Hearing ++

@00:24:41 opens up the gates to north korea no to

Decoding Iranian Counter-Attacks - Boom! Patriots In Control!!!

@00:15:40 8th 21 this whole thing with north korea
@00:17:42 about north korea nuclear situation and
@00:17:52 replay of the situation in north korea

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:18:56 had to do with north korea and iran and
@00:19:02 north korea situation and back then q
@00:19:16 just imagine north korea like a james
@00:19:24 have built on north korea paycheck so
@00:19:28 q said iran nuclear deal north korea
@00:19:52 iran north korea iran deal funding iran
@00:19:56 north korea t cells payoffs and on and
@00:20:38 important saudi arabia north korea north
@00:20:40 korea armenia armenia to iran and then
@00:21:17 state north korea iran russia china

ACCESS DENIED!!- Biggs Blocked From Schiff's Secret Basement Hearings!

@00:24:39 on in north korea i mean coming economy

Live Stream Friday 10-11-19 - Patriot News and Updates

@00:18:32 way that he deals with north korea

MSM Actually Admits Trump-Q Anon Good Relationship- Focus Is On Antifa!

@00:08:12 north korea tested a three short-range

FISA DECLAS Is Here! Patriots In Control!

@00:22:38 showing us north korea situation and

This is VERY Damaging!

@00:12:00 under dictatorship in north korea this

DOJ Announces Resumption Of Federal Death Penalty- 5 Executions Scheduled!

@00:23:41 on north korea the day of the mother
@00:23:44 hearing coincidence yeah no wonder north
@00:23:47 korea fired off a missile and then q
@00:23:52 that's what happened the north korea

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:03:31 about korea north korea oh my god what

Antifa Thugs Leave Journalist Hospitalized With Bleeding Brain!

@00:15:20 donald trump steps into north korea to
@00:15:34 donald trump what steps into north korea
@00:16:07 foot into north korea despite decades of

Self-Implosion! New Dems Reveal Themselves - Darkness to Light!!

@00:04:23 south korea with president moon while
@00:04:26 there if if chairman kim of north korea
@00:04:48 guy here in north korea hey kim jung

Mueller to Testify Publicly! Then Hannity Hints Of Huge Bomb About to Drop!!!

@00:02:33 north korea for example you know think

Someone Just Got REALLY Bad News!

@00:07:44 north korea and we know like we talked

Stone Prosecutors Caught In Their Own Logical Fallacy! Plus Iran Situation!

@00:04:18 make a deal with north korea same thing

The Look Of Defeat! As Trump Triumphant In Mexico Border Deal and China!

@00:04:21 this about north korea is this about

Trump "Expected to Challenge Teresa May" Regarding Spygate Role!

@00:15:51 move on north korea nuclear negotiator

Spygate 2.0- Ted Cruz Bombshell Coming Soon!

@00:08:13 power moves in north korea and iran and

Comey Turns On Brennan As Circular Firing Squad Continues!!

@00:02:18 any north korea everybody that is what

Is This THE Biggest Story No One Is Talking About??

@00:04:44 china iran north korea venezuela foreign
@00:05:02 under pressure by crisis in china north
@00:05:06 korea iran and venezuela all at the same
@00:05:35 what's happening in north korea let's
@00:09:04 happening why is north korea doing what
@00:09:07 they are doing we have north korea calls
@00:09:14 north korea testing missiles again what
@00:11:57 suppose they have north korea and russia
@00:12:58 north korea was set free and iran was
@00:15:27 china and north korea and iran and this

Trump Responds to Attacks On Free Speech: Here's the Interpretation!

@00:07:24 north korea nuclear arms-control and

Judgment Day Closing In: Nunes Prepares First 8 Criminal Referrals!

@00:09:28 even kim jung in north korea he's using

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:05:25 relationships with north korea north
@00:05:26 korea and all these stuff other

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:17:25 already existing sanctions on north
@00:17:29 korea and then trump says i have today
@00:18:20 north korea everything's been settled

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:14:36 summit with north korea is perhaps a new
@00:15:06 a reason why i left korea north korea

Trump Signals Threat Perfectly In Line With Q Drops! "[bye] Crooked Hillary"

@00:04:47 whole thing with north korea and the

Battle For America Rages! Q Bombshells- HRC, Bill, "F-15", "Phase III"

@00:24:14 reroute north korea think about that we

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:36:15 accuse a meeting with north korea

Tactics Exposed! PayPal Caught Targeting, Censoring Patriot Channel!

@00:05:26 died and then trump talks about north
@00:05:29 korea how things are going great then

Dems Response to Border Crisis?... Release ALL Child Traffickers INTO US!!!!

@00:05:31 state was doing in north korea and iran

Look Who Strikes Again- This Time With Super Secret "Sources" On Ginsburg!

@00:06:54 isis iran north korea etc and basically

Graham Demands Answers From FBI On Stone Raid Tactics - Sets Deadline to Respond

@00:04:28 see if talks will be successful north
@00:04:30 korea relationship is best it has ever
@00:04:45 north korea trump reminding you of the
@00:04:53 north korea talking about

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:07:56 arabia north korea showed you a lot of

National Emergency Plan Officially Drafted - Returning Of Asylum Seekers Begins!

@00:05:44 on north korea and then he says here

The Stage is Now Set! Left's Agenda Fully Revealed ... Tic Toc

@00:19:26 kenan of north korea at the end of

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:28:56 regarding north korea huh fotis peace on

Dems Unleash Wave Of Radical Left Female Politicians- Pay Attention!

@00:08:35 she has set this whole thing with north
@00:08:37 korea a lot of things that she has said

Trump Trolls Dems... Then Gives Out Contract For 115 Miles of Wall!

@00:08:35 with my team working on north korea like
@00:15:11 going on with north korea and national

Bombshell Affidavit Surfaces- All Eyes On Broward County

@00:26:36 to north korea and all that we went over

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:22:58 forever changing with north korea q want

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:23:44 happened in north korea this year with

Circus Update PLUS- What Did Q Mean By "N" In NWO?? Big Review!

@00:25:54 then said the sum of all fears north
@00:25:56 korea potus hostage threat this song
@00:26:12 here about north korea really has not as

Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! "NOTHING IS HAPPENING"! (Special Presentation)

@00:03:08 tensions with north korea and the iran

MSM "Polls" Now Siding With Sessions! Enjoy the Show!!!

@00:25:07 north korea china russia cuba and then

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:09:10 reba leave that was regarding north
@00:09:11 korea way back earlier this year and

Storm Resumes? Former CDC Head Arrested In NYC!!

@00:22:54 tax reform saved the world from north
@00:22:58 korea stock market gain on and on and on

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:19:25 edward snowden departure think north
@00:19:28 korea

Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like

@00:20:01 haiti clothes north korea access clothes

"Listen Very Carefully"- Revealing 2016 Video Helps Paint Big Picture

@00:29:40 red cross red red north korea hussein
@00:30:14 organizations intertwined between north
@00:30:17 korea and china and you know haiti and

All Planned!! The Bill That Opened Door For Social Media Censorship & Control

@00:14:22 market and cause a war with north korea
@00:14:30 push they would rather see north korea
@00:32:56 about north korea he showed you what had
@00:32:59 been going on in north korea look at
@00:33:02 he told us that north korea would be

What Does Panic Look Like? We Are Seeing This Now

@00:02:43 what's going on in north korea and iran

"Keep Your Eyes On the Ball"- Did Q Smash It Out of the Park Again?

@00:04:18 other nation states north korea just
@00:04:23 before it even happen that north korea
@00:30:08 remain classified to the very end north
@00:30:11 korea is not being run by kim he's an
@00:30:35 in north korea unless they had that kind

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:06:12 the world think north korea since that
@00:06:14 time north korea has been freed from the

Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER"

@00:09:26 whole thing in north korea being freed
@00:09:32 of north korea

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:08:12 and this is as big as north korea and

YIKES!!! Huge Hole Surfaces In Lynch-Bill Tarmac Meeting Claims

@00:17:05 change the narrative north korea is not

The "Walk Away" Has Begun! "Enjoy the Show"

@00:22:49 hate war economic decline north korea
@00:22:53 promoting north korea to end talks with

"They Can End This At Any Time"- Q: MSM Afraid to Ask About Q

@00:08:42 north korea facilities in general kelly
@00:08:44 thanks q says north korea equals fake
@00:08:51 about north korea originating in the uk
@00:09:00 immigration and all that north korea

Shocker! NY Gov Candidate: ICE Is "Terrorist Organization"!!

@00:13:26 what's going on in north korea you know

Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds

@00:03:57 hearings and you know the korea north
@00:04:00 korea they want to distract from all

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:02:20 we have seen with north korea and qa9
@00:18:27 google why was eric schmidt in north
@00:18:29 korea he says that twice what private
@00:18:32 network did eric schmidt set up in north
@00:18:35 korea he says that twice
@00:18:37 who else was in north korea during this
@00:18:45 north korea why would north korea allow
@00:20:31 north korea all the stuff and then

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:04:22 what we saw in north korea is coming to
@00:04:41 after what we just saw in north korea so

Q: "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? "

@00:01:33 never gave up on north korea and he was
@00:01:56 obama tried to get obama to visit north
@00:01:58 korea and kim jong-un obama what did he
@00:02:07 have something to say from north korea
@00:05:26 thing with kim jeong-hoon in north korea
@00:07:01 were removed from north korea that is
@00:09:50 either a missile from north korea that

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:04:51 thing with north korea and kim jong-un
@00:05:19 deals with north korea and all that they
@00:25:56 all the stuff in north korea is

"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

@00:12:35 singapore summit with north korea and

4AM Clown Drops Fail As Big Swamp-Draining News Looms!

@00:03:50 to meet with north korea and the nuclear

"BOOM"!! - Q Returns With Really Bad News For the Deep State!

@00:01:39 north korea back then q is saying boom

Trump Sounds Like Q On Memorial Day Weekend As Message, Storm Rolls On!

@00:06:29 these stories about the north korea

Prove Q and the Great Awakening In 3 Easy Steps- Enemy Will Hate This!

@00:28:46 talking about north korea kim the tanner

Q Drops Timed With 4am MSM Publish- Coincidence?

@00:09:09 north korea threatening to cancel u.s.

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:04:41 north korea and we see how all the stuff
@00:04:44 is developing now in terms of north
@00:04:47 korea we can see how that is beautifully
@00:04:52 the patriots freed north korea and
@00:04:55 historic events are now happening north
@00:04:58 korea plans to dismantle nuclear test
@00:05:17 north korea of course when q was telling
@00:21:15 different countries saudi arabia north
@00:21:17 korea all over everywhere but they don't

Mueller Mystery Decoded- "Use Logic"-Q

@00:14:06 through north korea and all the stuff

Q- "Today Evil Lost Control ... Suicide Watch"

@00:10:28 state operations we had north korea and

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:31:23 pakistan red cross north korea red cross
@00:34:03 think north korea he goes on to say how
@00:35:09 north korea clowns out strings cut we
@00:36:58 north korea and pakistan and iran and
@00:37:36 israel and north korea they all of them
@00:38:54 north korea and all that now that we're

Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q!

@00:15:24 north korea vows all sorts of support to
@00:15:31 assad awards ambassador so we have north
@00:15:35 korea who is now oh kim jeong-hoon is

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:13:27 being freed north korea being the big
@00:18:36 secretary of state north korea iran
@00:33:18 schmidt departure think north korea yeah

Something Big Is Coming! "MOAB" Trump Red Carpet State Dinner?

@00:09:08 north korea developments receiving
@00:09:15 north korea development is the storm
@00:09:35 hostage no more north korea hostage no


@00:13:45 relationship with north korea happened
@00:14:04 in late may or early june with north
@00:14:07 korea a groundbreaking historic summit
@00:16:35 intelligence in north korea and you

"Archive OFFLINE immediately "- Q on Pelosi Admission

@00:15:21 pelosi sparked at mitts travel to north
@00:15:24 korea archive immediately they have they
@00:15:36 admitting her connections to north korea
@00:16:24 when i went to in north korea
@00:16:54 intelligence connections and north korea
@00:17:13 regarding intel true trip to north korea
@00:17:21 official to visit north korea since they
@00:18:06 yeah buying and selling in north korea

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:19:05 north korea was the net result of all
@00:19:16 we are with north korea so people are

These Very Special New Q Revelations WILL Brighten Your Day! Please Share!!

@00:11:00 trump is not going to attack north korea
@00:11:20 he wants to attack korea north korea
@00:11:41 result of all that tough talk with north
@00:11:43 korea is that he the trunk storm the
@00:11:47 patriots delivered north korea out of
@00:11:56 think north korea guys when you see this
@00:23:25 this before remember that with north
@00:23:27 korea a month ago he was telling us what
@00:23:32 about north korea but he the first time

"We Don't Say His Name" CAUGHT In Giant "Spider Web"!

@00:16:20 north korea being denuclearize we
@00:16:27 big news was coming from north korea of
@00:16:52 about north korea and today what they

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

@00:31:22 should be thinking about north korea and
@00:31:28 freeing of north korea think logically

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:10:18 q goes on in the next post says north
@00:10:22 korea diffused russia testing new

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:09:26 we'll see about that iran north korea
@00:10:05 another doubter here q says north korea
@00:10:18 news out of north korea

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:36:41 whole north korea situation says you are
@00:37:37 day this last week with the north korea

"You Failed"- Q Addresses New Anti-Q Psyop Attacks!

@00:01:27 were gonna change in north korea while
@00:02:51 dismantled in north korea my friends
@00:02:58 talking about north korea right the last
@00:03:16 everything think back north korea
@00:03:24 number 936 march 10th q said north korea
@00:03:34 freedom look at that north korea from
@00:03:42 working on the key on the north korea
@00:03:55 signify why is north korea out of the
@00:04:03 us all the north korea hence including
@00:04:10 bill clinton in north korea and seoul
@00:04:14 past north korea being freed and trump
@00:18:05 north korea is all coming out and when

Q- General Flynn Will Be cleared In 30 Days!

@00:01:53 course of north korea traveled to china
@00:02:07 traded company previously entered north
@00:02:10 korea to establish communications think
@00:02:34 google visit north korea why would the
@00:03:24 russia think kgb yeah us china north
@00:03:29 korea so there's a connection there
@00:03:33 this whole thing with north korea and
@00:07:03 russia iran north korea syria pakistan
@00:09:02 final stage what this north korea
@00:09:41 north korea and all that well we'll see

Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18

@00:10:18 cia's north korea and when you hear
@00:10:21 north korea people you should be
@00:10:32 of north korea think john podesta bill

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:12:46 in cia's north korea and he talked about

Q Reveals Dark Secret Behind Creation Of MSM Narratives! 2-15-18

@00:06:48 the other day of these people in north
@00:06:51 korea and all that who knows then he

The Most Disturbing Q Crumbs Yet- Brace For This!

@00:04:57 players in north korea and the clintons
@00:05:18 il this former leader here of north
@00:05:23 korea
@00:08:33 you have the cia operation in north
@00:08:36 korea it shouldn't take much to put

Q Reveals Shocking Truth About Snowden! 2-11-18 (Part 1)

@00:09:15 we have a lot of stuff about north korea
@00:09:24 out north korea painting the mountains

Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison

@00:05:47 north korea while they're doing it
@00:05:57 eye to north korea we already know about
@00:06:02 schmidt in north korea right so that's
@00:06:06 stuff was happening in north korea a
@00:06:22 fund supply iran north korea reduce plus
@00:06:28 this building up of iran and north korea
@00:13:00 north korea and iran give them nukes and

Trump's New America Giving Birth! Patriots Rising, Deep State Destroyed- 1-20-18

@00:08:16 why was es eric schmidt right in north
@00:08:19 korea why is and he says that twice why
@00:08:22 was es in north korea hmm right there
@00:08:28 set up in north korea this is big deal
@00:08:31 who else was in north korea during this
@00:09:31 emails google north korea tesla the memo

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:25:55 know oh loki's about the new cooks north
@00:25:57 korea they're looking all year they've

Here's the Secret to Seeing the Big Picture Today-10/15/17 Podcast Episode #14

@00:31:00 war against north korea will he wage a
@00:33:13 thing with north korea and iran
@00:33:25 you right now people attacking north
@00:33:27 korea and attacking iran will not make

Details Matter: Here's Exactly HOW the NWO is Forming. 9/24/17 Podcast Episode #11

@00:47:46 put out all these threats to north korea
@00:48:08 especially with north korea

Trump, America- Here's the Big Picture Few Are Willing to See- Podcast Episode #5 (8-13-17)

@00:32:10 thing anyone's talking about is north
@00:32:12 korea
@00:32:17 north korea and
@00:32:35 end quote over north korea not only did
@00:32:52 regarding north korea what's that all
@00:33:01 tough on north korea you know they ever
@00:33:23 talking about is north korea why can't
@00:33:34 north korea this whole week and people i
@00:33:38 assure you this whole thing with north
@00:33:40 korea it's just another game it's just
@00:33:54 they're going to get you with the north
@00:33:56 korea thing or the a we got to get iran
@00:34:09 face that the whole thing with north
@00:34:12 korea has allowed him to increase the
@00:34:17 that because of the north korea thing
@00:34:45 north korea siop north korea is not
@00:35:31 you have this whole thing with north
@00:35:32 korea just rolling right along this week
@00:35:41 along and i'm not saying north korea is
@00:36:05 north korea psy app this week this whole
@00:36:08 north korea thing run the other way they
@00:36:19 north korea and anyone who's been
@00:36:56 on north korea and here we go again
@00:36:59 military action in north korea so this
@00:37:11 they're talking about this north korea
@00:37:40 this stuff with north korea and again
@00:38:44 sound strong north korea because if he
@00:39:40 about north korea north korea north
@00:39:42 korea and he just says loves you know
@00:39:44 they north korea does anything crazy