Dems Afraid To Admit Bernie IS The Front Runner- Sabotage Awaits!

@00:04:19 rbg loretta lynch they had all these

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:10:47 have got rid of rbg like rbg you got to

King Size Illegal Immigration Loophole Officially Closes Today (8-21-19)!

@00:19:56 oh our be rbg both must be photoshop

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:07:08 the doctors currently treating rbg and
@00:07:55 drugs are being provided to rbg in order
@00:08:08 of rbg and who is managing her care who

Genius!! Trump Considering Most Clever Move Yet On Citizenship Question!

@00:15:43 issue with rbg and all these

Epstein Case Bombshell, RBG Surprise, Trump Drops 180 Degree Bomb and More!

@00:17:39 rbg praises brett kavanaugh again for
@00:18:21 rbg yesterday at this events there is a
@00:19:07 rbg video live from yesterday at george

Exposed! The Beto, Booker Foreign Language Stunt - Plus New Q Drops!

@00:22:18 rbg who knows just throwing out ideas

HA!! Trump Surprise Move Sends Dems Into NEW Panic Mode!

@00:12:29 rbg statements oh we we have problems
@00:12:43 with rbg we went over that already but

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:16:08 or rbg is gone goodbye in the next two

Q Anon Direct Message About Smollett Shocking New Narrative Shift

@00:11:23 rbg you know he just this is like the

New Derangement Of the Left Spreads In All Directions! + Q Anon Latest Drops!!

@00:15:44 up this picture of rbg hey no and the

Q Anon- "What Happens If the Phone Records of Smullett Leak?"

@00:12:15 rbg go together apparently because they

Battle For America Rages! Q Bombshells- HRC, Bill, "F-15", "Phase III"

@00:29:25 which really turns out to be the rbg
@00:30:28 affiliated with the doctor for rbg and q
@00:31:14 medical diagnosis of our rbg q hat set a
@00:31:49 together with these stock photos of rbg

Senate Intel Chairman: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion!!

@00:21:32 pending yeah they're pending and rbg
@00:21:53 the rbg vote because she's not mentioned
@00:22:05 rbg voting from home secretly when no

"Congress Has 10 Days Left"- Trump Drops Historic SOTU Speech!

@00:15:00 claims that he hug he was hugged by rbg

Dems Now Trying to Cut Off ALL Possible Wall Funding Options Preceding SOTU

@00:10:47 notorious rbg in in song right there so
@00:16:27 delightful what are the light to see rbg
@00:20:51 saying that rbg was at this event

Attorney Gives Celebs, Media 48 Hr Warning- Diocese Of Covington Gets "Suspicious Packages"!

@00:20:47 for rbg how do we know because this
@00:20:54 saying that rbg that they called her

As Prospects of RBG Replacement Looms- Q Hints At Coming Battle

@00:15:33 bye and finally my friends we have rbg
@00:19:05 have the rbg announcement but see what
@00:19:13 is this the time of departure for rbg
@00:20:41 whole rbg thing with her medical
@00:22:00 rbg is what queue the same right they

These Stories Will Demonstrate Who the Opposition Party Truly Is

@00:22:12 possible rbg departure now let's look

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:08:48 rbg ginsburg mrs. supreme court

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:14:07 so we can see juice as rbg why was she
@00:14:34 showing us from that book cuse says rbg
@00:15:29 these shocking claims by rbg and it goes
@00:17:18 is currently treating rbg yeah who are
@00:17:40 are being provided to rbg in order to
@00:17:48 real medical diagnosis of rbg what what
@00:41:47 is the real medical diagnosis of rbg
@00:41:51 well either way for rbg as it is for

Q Team: "Today, the Republic, Took Back Control"

@00:07:22 anthony kennedy and then q says rbg