Saudi Arabia

Following Strange Events New Battle For C-19 Narrative Begins!

@00:06:27 straight to remove the keystone saudi
@00:06:29 arabia

New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:27:27 saudi arabia around that time
@00:27:30 in saudi arabia by may 20th so they're

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:05:46 saudi arabia to remove the keystone
@00:05:53 saudi arabia he makes a deal
@00:22:52 which is when trump went to saudi arabia
@00:23:02 including trump's trip to saudi arabia

Keystone Removal! Big Picture Now Coming To View In Middle East!

@00:08:13 recalled his first trip to saudi arabia
@00:08:34 saudi arabia this is part of the sword

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:06:38 goes to saudi arabia in 2017 of may 2017

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:06:15 over to saudi arabia to remove the

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:09:48 looks like saudi arabia these arabs
@00:33:00 person in saudi arabia wherever this

FAILED! Reporters Coordinate Trump Attacks With Pro-China Talking Points

@00:19:10 because drunk already went to saudi
@00:19:13 arabia and removed the keystone and he

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:42:45 what is happening in saudi arabia
@00:43:10 saudi arabia folks

Silent War! Trump Continues Warning Enemies With Cryptic Messages!

@00:05:31 and then trump down here says saudi
@00:05:34 arabia and russia are arguing over the

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:04:31 rolling trump makes a visit to saudi
@00:04:33 arabia and gets the ball rolling for
@00:14:23 topic keep your eyes on saudi arabia to

Dems Afraid To Admit Bernie IS The Front Runner- Sabotage Awaits!

@00:04:50 right away he goes out to saudi arabia

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:27:50 the queue drops october 2017 saudi
@00:27:53 arabia muslim brother mb right there
@00:28:24 things they mentioned saudi arabia
@00:28:26 muslim brotherhood the keystone saudi
@00:28:29 arabia oh think about all right that is

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:24:21 world in this case saudi arabia take a
@00:24:35 swarms of locusts have arrived in saudi
@00:24:37 arabia and yemen and then it goes on

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:04:37 that includes in saudi arabia trump goes

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:04:30 traveling the world he goes to saudi
@00:04:32 arabia to cut ties of the deep state of
@00:04:37 families of saudi arabia and that we saw
@00:04:39 the mass arrests in saudi arabia later

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:04:56 the keystone in saudi arabia

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:04:31 the keystone in saudi arabia removes

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:20:36 showing us think saudi arabia order is
@00:20:38 important saudi arabia north korea north

Live Stream Friday 12-6-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:45:40 student from saudi arabia you know what
@00:45:56 that saudi arabia is a big big deal big
@00:46:00 deal right saudi arabia is one of the
@00:46:11 inaugurated he went to saudi arabia say
@00:46:35 saudi arabia so keep that in mind when
@00:46:40 of saudi arabia just called to express
@00:47:25 saudi arabia just like it says in the

Dems to Draft Articles Of Impeachment As America, GOP Unite Behind Trump!

@00:04:01 troops of saudi arabia is false or to

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:55:13 report by saudi state outlet al arabia
@00:55:20 saudi propaganda
@00:55:57 inaugurated straight to saudi arabia

Mystery CIA "Whistleblower" Revealed! Guess Who He's Connected With

@00:22:28 and saudi arabia i take i i have to say

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:05:16 he went straight to saudi arabia first

Facebook Auto-Generates Pages For ISIS, Al-Qaeda!!!… Bans 8Chan Links!

@00:05:39 saudi arabia of course and we'll leave

Facebook Shuts Down Netanyahu's Account Days Before Critical Elections!

@00:13:42 saudi arabia to intervene in yemen's
@00:13:46 weekend attack on saudi oil facilities
@00:14:04 pompeo out to saudi arabia to talk with

NYT Recycles Kavanaugh Smear Hoax- Dems Quickly Call For Impeachment!!

@00:04:33 saudi arabia saudi arabia is in the news
@00:11:28 situation in saudi arabia and of course
@00:12:15 situation in saudi arabia we're gonna
@00:12:22 based on the attack on saudi arabia
@00:20:08 saudi arabia drone attacks knocked out
@00:22:23 now just like it is with saudi arabia

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:14:41 saudi arabia with regards to 9/11 and
@00:15:36 justice from saudi arabia yeah it's not

New Lawsuit: Mueller Helped Cover Saudi Involvement In 9/11!

@00:16:34 muller helped saudi arabia cover up 9/11

Judge Orders New Discoveries In Huge Hillary Emails FOIA Case!

@00:15:21 necessary to understand us saudi arabia

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:03:06 saudi arabia and israel and other

Mueller to Testify Publicly! Then Hannity Hints Of Huge Bomb About to Drop!!!

@00:18:37 obviously mike pompeo is in saudi arabia

The Real Reason ICE Raids Were Delayed 2 Weeks ... No He Didn't!!

@00:19:14 mean that saudi arabia is innocent or

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:06:34 says saudi arabia claims iran backed
@00:06:41 facilities and it says here saudi arabia

Trial Begins In Brooklyn- Many Will Go Down ... Future Proves Past!

@00:04:54 starting with saudi arabia and

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:07:14 went to saudi arabia cut off the ties to

Judgment Day Closing In: Nunes Prepares First 8 Criminal Referrals!

@00:07:18 world including saudi arabia we saw that

Dems Border-Erasing Strategy Revealed By Q Nov 2017!

@00:18:27 arrests made in saudi arabia so very
@00:18:36 in saudi arabia follow the money when
@00:18:43 us back in 2017 that the trip to saudi
@00:18:47 arabia and the strings that were cut

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:05:21 the same he went to saudi arabia and all

Road to Justice Post Blockade Removal- Q Anon Map Right Again!

@00:12:08 you know sue it saudi arabia all the

Trump, Q Team Deliver More Proofs, Direct Message to Patriots!

@00:05:24 saudi arabia right away they come out

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:04:59 off ties from saudi arabia
@00:05:05 knew that saudi arabia was involved in

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:05:43 off as saudi or in saudi arabia and then

"Why Would [HUSSEIN] Transfer US Gov't Control of the Internet to a Non-profit CA Co?"

@00:05:29 them off in saudi arabia and then you

Dems Response to Border Crisis?... Release ALL Child Traffickers INTO US!!!!

@00:03:59 cutting ties of the deep state is saudi
@00:04:02 arabia the president got to work and we
@00:05:32 in china in saudi arabia he told that
@00:05:38 the world and that one of them in saudi
@00:05:39 arabia was cut off that's the first

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:06:05 saudi arabia immediately gets on a plane
@00:06:19 from saudi arabia all a lot of the
@00:06:22 corruption from saudi arabia which q
@00:07:54 back then he talked a lot about saudi
@00:07:56 arabia north korea showed you a lot of

How Cash Moves From Tax Payers to Pockets of Left

@00:06:52 away goes to saudi arabia to cut off

Grassley to Evaluate Process of Requesting Trump Taxes- Can Request Dems Taxes!

@00:15:50 after sculpture celebrating saudi arabia
@00:16:14 nine-foot tall statue celebrating saudi
@00:16:17 arabia if you could believe that is at

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:27:37 brennan's background regarding saudi
@00:27:39 arabia does the cia hold blackmail on

Did Q Tell Us All We Needed to Know BEFORE 2018 Began?

@00:13:30 talking a lot about saudi arabia the
@00:14:11 you know follow a lot about saudi arabia
@00:15:20 lot of talk about saudi arabia with the
@00:16:56 need to see that cue talking about saudi
@00:16:58 arabia a lot and the federal reserve and
@00:17:18 those segments in saudi arabia so i want
@00:17:21 people to know that this whole saudi
@00:17:23 arabia thing is very very big and it's a

Trump Trolls Dems... Then Gives Out Contract For 115 Miles of Wall!

@00:06:11 saudi arabia saudi arabia has now agreed
@00:06:38 they needed to separate the us and saudi
@00:06:41 arabia from any kind of deals and you
@00:06:44 can and we're gonna read about saudi
@00:06:45 arabia maybe later again but there it is
@00:07:04 thanks to saudi arabia so there it is
@00:09:50 and thank you saudi arabia for helping
@00:10:31 children saved by the raids in saudi
@00:10:34 arabia alone a wonder trump's making
@00:10:37 deals with saudi arabia today because
@00:10:39 over a year ago saudi arabia
@00:10:49 saudi arabia big role in the storm three

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:35:44 saudi arabia who knows a lot of you do a

"Lots of sealed indictments"- Fox Starting to Sound Like Q Anon!!!

@00:10:33 and saudi arabia so you would ask who
@00:11:00 the us and saudi arabia among others

Texas Dems Caught In Voting App Scam! Full Investigation Launched!

@00:12:48 keeps going right saudi arabia claims
@00:13:35 of trying to sever trump the trump saudi
@00:13:38 arabia relationship that maybe saw
@00:16:20 saudi arabia so at least we have to ask

1 Week After Shocking Doc Revealed- Google CEO: China is "Important For Us"

@00:22:10 really crazy story and you know saudi
@00:22:13 arabia came out of the gate denying that
@00:22:55 and crown prince in saudi arabia on
@00:23:30 traveling to saudi arabia and then i
@00:23:39 deal you know saudi arabia you know some
@00:23:42 sources inside of saudi arabia i'm now
@00:23:51 back-and-forth going on between saudi
@00:23:53 arabia and turkey on this big story you
@00:24:04 arrived in riyadh saudi arabia on

Bizarre Online Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories Pick Up Steam

@00:22:25 just like israel and saudi arabia and

Leaks From FBI Directly to Media Officially Confirmed! Goodbye [RR]

@00:01:55 who shows you an old drop here saudi
@00:01:57 arabia controlled this is from december
@00:02:01 saudi arabia controlled us puppets
@00:02:08 staged coincidence directly after saudi
@00:02:11 arabia don't you realize the war has
@00:02:16 saudi arabia right and cute back then
@00:02:51 saudi arabia cooperating nic's them when

A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise!

@00:05:30 talk about the uk and saudi arabia right

Trump Proclaims "National Preparedness Month"- Q Highlights Warning

@00:22:01 hillary equals alice saudi arabia is the
@00:37:17 lot to do with saudi arabia so q is

MSM "Polls" Now Siding With Sessions! Enjoy the Show!!!

@00:24:03 hillary and saudi arabia references
@00:24:07 carroll saudi arabia the bloody
@00:25:04 off saudi arabia epstein island haiti
@00:25:18 saudi arabia equals wonderland who are
@00:25:25 since cue reread drops regarding saudi
@00:25:27 arabia so q wants you to have some fun
@00:25:51 child marriage still an issue in saudi
@00:25:53 arabia what are the odds of that that's
@00:26:00 then he shows us another link saudi
@00:26:21 us that this was a big issue in saudi
@00:26:23 arabia and that makes a lot of sense
@00:26:43 q said saudi arabia was a priority we
@00:26:50 saudi arabia was practically the first
@00:27:03 purging that took place in saudi arabia

Special Report: "No Name" Mystery Decoded With Q Clues

@00:13:21 saudi arabia that q says fbi america for
@00:13:31 saudi arabia three times puma and
@00:13:39 saudi arabia vital so we know that there
@00:13:42 was a great big purging in saudi arabia
@00:13:47 purging in saudi arabia unlocked

Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like

@00:19:55 saudi arabia access to the deep state is

All Planned!! The Bill That Opened Door For Social Media Censorship & Control

@00:30:16 going on in saudi arabia look it up back

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:26:56 the black cats and thank you says saudi
@00:26:59 arabia clinton foundation so maybe this

New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming

@00:21:05 yeah think the whole thing is saudi
@00:21:08 arabia from last year when the storm

Is Q Gone For Good This Time? Taking a Closer Look

@00:17:28 operation in saudi arabia this seems to
@00:17:32 be a connection with saudi arabia and

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:04:54 family in saudi arabia taken out which

Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER"

@00:09:24 arrests in saudi arabia we have the

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:08:35 taken out in saudi arabia in the drop it

"Truth Is Behind You" Q Old Mystery Drop Decoded- Wow!

@00:33:17 disinformation was put out about saudi
@00:33:20 arabia for a reason and think mirror

"We Have the Source" - Q Drops Assange,Wikileaks Bomb!

@00:18:40 earlier drops regarding saudi arabia

2 Distinct Plans Unfolding - Here's the Full Analysis

@00:27:18 great again and saudi arabia great again

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:02:26 seen in saudi arabia with the mass

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:06:58 operations that were happening in saudi
@00:07:01 arabia and throughout the middle east in
@00:07:44 the role of saudi arabia and iran and
@00:21:15 different countries saudi arabia north

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:37:34 these countries like saudi arabia and
@00:38:51 above and beyond just saudi arabia and
@00:41:31 the saudis per se the people of saudi
@00:41:33 arabia are not guilty at all these are


@00:37:51 heavy gunfire here in saudi arabia
@00:38:27 purged out of saudi arabia that may be
@00:38:31 working with saudi arabia now we already
@00:38:56 just a usa it's um is saudi arabia all
@00:39:31 and saudi arabia here ali hamed you know
@00:43:41 treason no name inside out saudi arabia
@00:43:44 saudi arabia saudi arabia it's all we
@00:43:47 connection with saudi arabia muslim
@00:43:56 paid says saudi arabia vital connection

"They Broke In During the Fire ... Distraction" - Q

@00:08:32 saudi arabia all of this is accomplished

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:16:11 old drops regarding saudi arabia

Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18

@00:04:28 saudi arabia had a purging going on and

Q Shines Light On Mind Control "Therapy" Programs!

@00:09:53 states why why is he focused on saudi
@00:09:55 arabia china russia that gives you an

Q- GITMO Will Be "Maximum Capacity"! 2-11-18 (Part 2)

@00:02:38 rothschilds clinton saudi arabia etc and

Q Anon 2-5-18- "Welcome to the Global War"!

@00:04:30 place in saudi arabia this purging that
@00:04:38 vegas shooting which we now know saudi
@00:04:43 arabia was a big part of that because
@00:12:56 already talked about dopey in saudi
@00:12:58 arabia and we know about the mi6 that

Q-Anon Revelations, Trump-Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes

@00:18:35 the raids in saudi arabia alone

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:16:39 9/11 and funded by saudi arabia and we
@00:20:41 their partners in saudi arabia with

Breaking- New Q-Anon Post Puts Patriots On High Alert Nationwide! 12-25-17

@00:19:06 saudi arabia sa so he's trying to make
@00:19:18 in saudi arabia the princes right any
@00:21:06 why is saudi arabia relevant mainstream
@00:21:23 there he's implying sa right there saudi
@00:21:28 arabia relevance saudi arabia has
@00:23:00 question mark saudi arabia why recently
@00:23:11 saudi arabia so he's implying that the
@00:23:16 for 9/11 is related to saudi arabia
@00:24:40 saudi arabia and then he goes on what is
@00:24:47 to saudi arabia and connected to al
@00:25:31 to saudi arabia connect to the bin laden
@00:25:33 family who is saudi arabia connected
@00:25:35 specifically who in saudi arabia is
@00:25:47 why are the events in saudi arabia
@00:25:58 saudi arabia
@00:26:41 connection to the saudi arabia the saudi
@00:28:18 in house saudi arabia and their princes
@00:28:40 people think saudi arabia in bed with

Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump's Storm On Deep State Rages On

@00:08:25 time people we saw this in saudi arabia
@00:08:31 these obama saudi princes

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:26:07 whole saudi arabia purge to their
@00:26:18 the the saudi arabia element that was
@00:26:32 those that element in saudi arabia has

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:29:02 saudi arabia purge last week how this is

Trump's "Storm" Has Begun! Here's the Evidence- 11/19/17 Podcast Episode #19

@00:08:57 saudi arabia purging that took place
@00:13:10 been all over saudi arabia's advocacy
@00:13:18 saudi arabia executed the prominent
@00:14:01 foundation of saudi arabia which
@00:14:25 saudi arabia remains a critical
@00:19:37 from all of this was he went to saudi
@00:19:40 arabia to start making deals and back
@00:19:59 and so he goes to saudi arabia and of
@00:20:09 today where you had this saudi purging
@00:20:16 corrupt politicians in saudi arabia and
@00:20:23 that the saudi connection was one of the

What Happened to 9/11 Truth? Here Is the Answer- Podcast #9

@00:41:11 you have the 28 pages let's blame saudi
@00:41:15 arabia and all of those people
@00:41:27 us and saudi arabia were involved and
@00:42:30 israel or on saudi arabia and whoever
@00:44:14 israel and saudi arabia and all these

This New Development Proves 100% ISIS Works For West

@00:09:15 calling out trump support of saudi
@00:09:19 arabia with this whole hundred and ten
@00:09:21 billion dollar deal to saudi arabia
@00:09:34 giving arms to saudi arabia and everyone
@00:09:41 going why why give so much arms to saudi
@00:09:44 arabia right there why is anyone not
@00:09:53 saudi arabia because all those arms are
@00:12:25 saudi arabia because they only attack

From 9/11 to Manchester Bombing: In-Your-Face Connections Revealed

@00:02:59 going to saudi arabia and why is he
@00:03:09 to saudi arabia and makes these crazy
@00:03:15 arms deal with saudi arabia and if
@00:03:30 is the deal with saudi arabia and israel
@00:03:42 united states israel and saudi arabia
@00:04:26 criminals saudi arabia giving them all
@00:04:29 not to mention israel saudi arabia and
@00:06:42 saudi arabia and israel said they would
@00:10:26 saudi arabia and israel giving more and
@00:10:29 more arms to saudi arabia so they can

Breaking: ISIS Cave Bombing Psyop Explained

@00:03:27 israel the us saudi arabia
@00:06:09 it's not just saudi arabia and israel
@00:08:57 allies whether it's israel saudi arabia

Is "The Greater Israel" Concept Being Used to Fool You? Must Watch!

@00:10:01 pages and this whole thing with saudi
@00:10:04 arabia and i'm thinking here we go again
@00:10:15 saudi arabia they want their kingdom too
@00:10:24 bed with the bin laden's in the saudi
@00:10:26 arabia and all this stuff you have
@00:10:34 selling weapons to the middle east saudi
@00:10:37 arabia in all these countries anybody
@00:29:05 in the middle east you got turkey saudi
@00:29:07 arabia all these cuts you know isis

1 Billion $$ & 13 Yrs Later- Terrorism Flourishing! ISIS Al Qaeda Roll On!

@00:08:13 mossad and nato and saudi arabia they're