
Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:17:38 of soros connected louisville bail
@00:31:00 where george soros is barking orders at
@00:31:05 and we see george soros and these other
@00:31:16 orders from soros
@00:31:26 party and in this third link soros
@00:31:40 it says here george soros tells
@00:32:31 about we know what soros is doing notice

Boom! Graham "We've Got The Votes To Confirm" - Dems Go Psycho!

@00:09:54 pelosi democrats and george soros hit
@00:10:09 about soros and the left is doing
@00:10:27 they were funded by george soros which
@00:10:39 and soros is funding these prosecutors
@00:10:46 as to the soros prosecutorial power grab
@00:11:32 the fact that soros gave massive
@00:12:40 soros
@00:12:44 and the other woman george soros doesn't
@00:14:25 george soros realized it's easier to
@00:14:30 their own cities burn soros has worked
@00:14:40 become a way of life a soros-funded
@00:15:03 bankrolled by george soros
@00:15:19 soros spent roughly 1.7 million dollars
@00:15:39 exactly what soros is doing so this
@00:15:56 on soros now we know what he is doing
@00:16:03 the soros prosecutorial power grab map
@00:27:51 and is this what's happening to mr soros

Live 9-4-20 - All Going As Planned!!!

@00:50:17 yeah and beckton was funded by soros

Trump Drops Clue On Identity Of Leftist Street Violence Organizers!

@00:17:12 what happens if soros funded operations

Live Stream 8-21-20 - We Are Inching Closer!

@00:46:51 disseminated by george soros

Trump: New Vote-By-Mail Method In Florida Is "Safe and Secure"

@00:05:02 you might as well have george soros
@00:05:25 you might as well have george soros

Live Stream 7-10-20 - Tick Tock!

@00:38:18 court hands defeat to george soros and
@00:38:45 half an hour hour or so so now mr. soros
@00:39:36 billionaire george soros and his
@00:39:41 in a 5 to 3 vote declared soros could
@00:39:55 fact a blow to soros and his
@00:40:40 how radical soros is the billionaire's
@00:40:48 sex trafficking laws the soros position
@00:41:36 ai d to gauge just how radical soros is
@00:41:48 the soros position on prostitution and
@00:42:03 walter says the soros sex trafficking
@00:42:24 americans hearing that george soros is
@00:42:28 trafficking walter says the soros sex

Emboldened And Activated: Sleepers Emerging, Sinister Agenda Revealed!

@00:14:31 says that soros is backing this person
@00:14:35 this dianne vector backed by soros and
@00:14:43 much yeah soros spent roughly fifty

All Assets Deployed - Shocking List Of What Is Coming Soon Revealed!

@00:09:00 george soros is the deep states
@00:14:24 soros the world health organization

Psychology Of Radical Left's Information Control Fully Explained!

@00:11:48 soros really special haha yeah i forgot

Huge DECLAS Imminent- DNI Ratcliffe Releases More Docs!

@00:14:06 george soros he knows that that is why

Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:16:48 likely soros leftist anarchy truther

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:02:31 fail activate soros funded black lives
@00:23:57 happens if soros funded operations get

Meanwhile Future Is Proving Past! Logic PROVES How This Will End!!!

@00:11:56 an operative very likely paid by soros
@00:21:15 we need people like george soros who is
@00:21:27 george soros

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:53:17 soros to try and steal the election that

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:36:30 soros finance anti-trump events and

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:17:06 thanks to soros and these ngos

Deep State Secret Inside Comms Channels Revealed ... Information War Rages!

@00:22:40 a mr. soros how are you communicating
@00:24:15 shows us is link showing us that soros a
@00:24:18 soros
@00:24:33 shows us billionaire george soros
@00:24:57 andcue is showing us that soros is
@00:25:11 that soros thinks he's a smart guy and

Fake News All-Out Blitz! Claim HCQ Doesn't Work- Ignore Worldwide Studies!

@00:21:11 sounding like george soros far less

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:03:35 president we're gonna block soros and

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:06:07 are bought out from by soros years ago

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:44:35 refers to soros but now q comes back and

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:15:36 rothschild and the soros and q with
@00:15:39 going to tell us that soros answers to

Trump: "We Were Attacked"- As Left Pushes False Apocalyptic Narrative!

@00:06:26 just ask people like soros all right and

Left Unleashes Attacks On Trump Including Brand New HHS "Whistleblower"!!!

@00:15:54 going we have soros he's bankrolling ads

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:56:12 soros funded operative

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:48:52 george soros yap buzzfeed they buzzfeed

Schumer Shocking Threats To SC Justices Captures Lots Of Attention!

@00:18:56 by the liberal mega donors soros and
@00:21:55 from soros liberal mega donors jorts are

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:13:53 that soros is panicking about this
@00:14:56 the aftermath the fact that soros is

FRIDAY 2-21 Watching As Judgment Approaches...

@00:23:49 deep saint knows that soros knows that

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:22:21 the same zuckerberg that george soros is
@00:23:16 right here people george soros demands
@00:23:23 in league with drum soros is coming out

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:07:35 soros think about that like it says here
@00:07:51 somebody on behalf of george soros so
@00:08:28 behalf of george soros who was a close
@00:22:21 investigation at request of george soros
@00:23:28 when george soros calls who races tensor

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:24:39 george soros is panicking about you

FRIDAY 2-7-20 What Will Happen Next?

@00:42:39 think obviously soros knows this that is
@00:42:41 probably why soros is already looking to

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:27:25 sounding like soros so we know they're

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:24:39 soros funded televisions news stations

GOP Set To Restore Rule of Law As Dems Stumble To Finish Line!

@00:18:37 soros official leonard bernardo that

NYT New Report: Russians Hacked Burisma- Dems Are Victims! LOL

@00:21:09 george soros thanks to breitbart news
@00:22:07 non-profit shell entity of soros open
@00:22:33 soros agenda

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:11:26 george soros he's funding these

Clock Ticks On Nancy As Trump, Graham Hint At Big Move Coming!

@00:20:52 of america george soros we were talking

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:20:31 george soros for subverting legal system
@00:20:49 right there and this is the same soros
@00:20:51 right @q said yeah what is soros doing
@00:21:00 turns out soros had this whole entourage
@00:21:08 himself mentioning soros i don't think

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:25:47 says where is george soros ukraine hey
@00:26:02 in other words soros is like giuliani is

Turley Destroys Impeachment Argument- Left Quickly Threaten His Job!

@00:18:59 length to george soros it doesn't end
@00:19:21 soros and it's this organization like it

Graham Warning to Biden: "I Love You BUT ... I Have a Duty"

@00:22:41 system so you think george soros is
@00:22:50 indirectly george soros organizations

Live Stream Friday Nov 22, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:11:46 rumors that soros or hillary are getting

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:16:58 soros foundation demands fox news banjo

Forced Into the Light: Pelosi, Schiff Nervously Proceed With New Moves!

@00:23:24 then we have soros on life long funding

Brilliant!! GOP Strategic Counter-move Forces New Focus, Narrative Shift!

@00:19:24 these people being funded by soros we

Trump Silences Critics- Pulls Off Historic Deal With Turkey, Syria!

@00:15:31 soros connected traitor was outed by
@00:15:55 george soros operative fiona hill

Pelosi, Schiff Cross Irreversible Lines- Judgment Day Is Coming!!!

@00:12:01 for george soros for six years to add to
@00:13:05 on her resume working for soros darkness

Live Stream Friday 10-11-19 - Patriot News and Updates

@00:11:48 funded very likely by soros and soros

Graham Opens Investigation, Giuliani to Testify- Gowdy Joins Legal Team!

@00:19:58 who's now been hired by george soros who

Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

@00:27:24 like tom steyer and others soros
@00:30:43 that soros emerges as major funder of

Failed Attack Marks Beginning Of Major Biden Public Probe!

@00:25:59 george soros organization there you go
@00:26:50 gates and george soros there's the

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:15:37 on once again then we have this soros
@00:15:56 left billionaire george soros has
@00:16:42 in st. louis soros funded pac even

Cryptic Q Drops From Nov 2017 Unlocked ... ALL Coming to Pass!!!!

@00:05:32 an open letter produced by the soros

Did Someone Say Unstable? Pelosi Wants Trump "In Prison"! LOL!!

@00:11:52 people like soros yeah we'll see what

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:05:54 that you're taking orders from soros who

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:05:19 friend soros spent four hundred eight
@00:07:18 soros link district attorney blocks
@00:08:48 soros to support far-left radicals and

Snowden Lovers Will Hate This- Illusion Destroyed!!! Darkness to Light

@00:13:37 rothschilds soros you know see what you

Oops! "Accidental Graphic" Flashed On Fox Screen Shows RBG Deceased

@00:14:59 george soros funded group leading bds

How Cash Moves From Tax Payers to Pockets of Left

@00:25:07 themselves and then the whole soros and

Did Q Tell Us All We Needed to Know BEFORE 2018 Began?

@00:13:50 run the world cute talking about soros

Flashback- Clinton, Hussein Deliver Fiery Anti-Illegal Immigration Speeches!

@00:10:37 financier george soros with record of

Did This Recent Bongino Talk Pass the Q Test? Let's Examine

@00:11:56 soros roth clinton's etc have more power

Chief Patrol Agent: Women & Children "Purposely Pushed to Front" Before Attacks

@00:16:11 sky is in the same situation as soros in

Q- "Border Security = National Security" Can U See Where This is Going?

@00:26:36 right there that is the reason why soros
@00:27:16 because of all this thank you mr. soros

Trump-Putin 2.0 Set For 11-11 "Now What Are the Odds of That?"

@00:16:51 soros and taxpayer funding and we just

Southern Border "Operation Faithful Patriot" May Expand to 15,000 Troops

@00:04:48 them up to this soros and whoever else

New Bombshell Q Proof Marks Beginning Of New Era!!!

@00:08:31 criticizing soros his evil deeds there

One Year Later ... Welcome to the Eye of the Storm

@00:15:06 criticizing soros steyr and bloomberg
@00:16:08 well as his buddy george soros and

GOP Lawmakers Want Huber to "Appear Before Congress"!!!

@00:11:23 liberal organizations including soros

Look Here! [Bomb Scare], Don't Look There!! [Invasion of U.S.!!]

@00:08:44 today october 24th 2018 our george soros
@00:08:53 mr. soros were so sad that you were
@00:09:21 mr. soros oh and bill clinton and

Embedded Globalist Spanish TV Anchor Guy: "No Invasion here"!!!

@00:22:22 then soros yeah maybe trump is the one

Texas Dems Caught In Voting App Scam! Full Investigation Launched!

@00:09:56 pueblos seen from ted us yeah this soros

US Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Manafort Docs to Buzzfeed

@00:23:48 at election time soros us backed ngos

Feinstein Office, Ford Attorneys Now Under Investigation!

@00:22:07 guy's campaign alive george soros

BOOM! First Kavanaugh Accuser Referred For Criminal Prosecution!

@00:09:01 of the gate saying soros strikes again

More "Resistance" Operatives Deep Inside U.S Govt De-Masked

@00:17:00 soros he admitted it on camera already
@00:17:06 billionaire george soros is being

A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise!

@00:07:02 worked closely with george soros open

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:04:03 soros just gave him what is this and i
@00:04:37 admitting that george soros it has been
@00:05:00 race gradation george soros

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:08:03 it means going along with soros and the

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:29:26 soros answers to p so everybody's been

Red-Pill the Left?? Here's the Reality They Cannot Unsee

@00:14:47 yeah maybe soros yeah another globalist
@00:17:09 state law what george soros is funding
@00:17:32 the soros financed new israel fund and
@00:18:57 should be surprised that soros is behind

Q: Strzok Round 2 Coming! "Public Awareness Forces Hand"

@00:02:45 element removing the soros voting

Putin Reveals New "Idea" For Solving Mueller Probe- CLEVER!!! Press Conference Decoded

@00:22:17 states take george soros for instance

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:02:32 hillary clinton and the george soros

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:16:41 were worried about soros funding riots
@00:21:10 why did soros donate all his money
@00:21:43 q was saying that even soros knows his
@00:33:39 money funding and how soros is

"They Can End This At Any Time"- Q: MSM Afraid to Ask About Q

@00:13:59 george soros and was at one point long

"Shift in Tactics"- Is Flood Of New Q Proofs Coming?

@00:14:14 me that soros is organizing planned

An Eye-Opening Report About the "NWO" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH!

@00:24:51 funded by people like soros and they not

Trump Sounds Like Q On Memorial Day Weekend As Message, Storm Rolls On!

@00:15:39 revolution the soros funded cultural
@00:16:15 surprised you have a soros linked group
@00:17:32 billionaire george soros is doing
@00:17:54 back power enter george soros there's no
@00:17:59 soros the billionaire investor turned
@00:18:06 soros has admitted to orchestrating
@00:18:31 but soros doesn't seem to lose any sleep
@00:19:04 soros also fights to support illegal
@00:19:21 europe where soros has pushed for the eu
@00:19:49 soros backed candidate she told us she's
@00:20:03 running against george soros it's very
@00:20:09 george soros and my opponent the
@00:20:15 really a copy of what george soros is
@00:20:32 election soros is targeting local
@00:20:43 soros is working to advance one of the
@00:21:04 soros has been targeting over the last
@00:21:55 soros the open society also works to
@00:22:14 to which soros fuels this
@00:23:13 soros
@00:24:47 justice warrior the soros funded anti

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:34:05 does george soros fund worldwide counter

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:05:21 underground very likely soros funded


@00:07:36 we're seeing in puerto rico where soros
@00:11:59 george soros this judge here
@00:12:13 billionaire george soros there you go if
@00:41:12 george soros and his organizations they

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:33:42 they work together look up soros look up

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:23:01 stuff about soros basically everything
@00:43:53 talking about soros and these globalist

Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide!!!!!!

@00:05:01 deep state and soros and all these

Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18

@00:04:05 expressing itself is the soros fund at
@00:04:58 the soros funded revolution is now

Q Anon 2-5-18- "Welcome to the Global War"!

@00:07:35 engineered soros transfer of wealth that
@00:12:25 talking about soros transferring wealth

Deep State Truly Unraveling! Q Messages Decoded - 1-27-18

@00:03:41 anarchists the soros funded anarchists
@00:35:05 do you expect hillary and soros and
@00:37:39 from hilary soros and obama what does he

Late Night -Q Critical Interpretations For Patriots- 1-23-18 (PART 2)

@00:03:31 the soros funded the hillary obama

Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison

@00:14:18 george soros and donna brazile and mr.

Breaking Q-Anon: "Checkmate", "We are closer than you think" 1-14-18

@00:14:29 percent lost forever hello george soros

Shocking Reality About Q's Predicted "Great Awakening" Now Revealed!! Must Watch! 1-13-18

@00:07:03 george soros funded these organizations
@00:16:51 people like george soros fund these

Bannon Betrayal Backfires, Deep State Collapse Continues In Trump's Storm-1-7-18

@00:28:46 strongly connected to george soros in a

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:18:37 then you have people like soros george
@00:18:40 soros who's a nazi who corroborated with
@00:29:57 have now publicly indicted george soros
@00:31:17 condoleezza rice george soros is

Breaking- New Q-Anon Post Puts Patriots On High Alert Nationwide! 12-25-17

@00:13:15 believe funded by soros so these are the
@00:20:54 then he says that soros is owning the is

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:25:36 being funded by soros they're gonna deny

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:32:22 matter what soros has to say about it or

This Thanksgiving Rant Will Silence Trump Haters- 11/25/17 Podcast Episode #20

@00:11:49 like george soros and others that want

This Will Dismantle the Anarchy Paradigm Once and For All- 10/21/17 Podcast Episode #15

@00:02:31 george soros just dumped 18 billion
@00:26:00 about how george soros is dumping
@00:45:15 people can you imagine george soros

Here's the Secret to Seeing the Big Picture Today-10/15/17 Podcast Episode #14

@00:22:57 billionaire philanthropist george soros

Explosive Documents Prove Far-Left Violent Attacks Coming to America (Podcast #7)

@00:23:06 like the soros funded revolution needs
@00:25:22 nazis don't forget people george soros
@00:40:35 directly connected to george soros and
@00:40:44 george soros you can check this out
@00:41:17 george soros this came out back then and

Trump, America- Here's the Big Picture Few Are Willing to See- Podcast Episode #5 (8-13-17)

@00:24:04 soros and make up this what you will
@00:24:22 puppet for billionaire george soros and
@00:24:44 of george soros
@00:25:16 billionaire george soros according to
@00:29:53 if he is with george soros and now you

Are Proxy Armies Coming To America? Help Spread This!

@00:15:44 rifles being funded by soros basically

Breaking! Important Seth Rich Update- Help Spread!

@00:07:17 george soros and the funded revolution

Urgent! This Can Save America From Civil War!! Please Help Spread!

@00:01:03 like george soros and all the different