
Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.20

@00:37:47 but this is inspector horowitz back in

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:08:54 we've got people on this case horowitz

Farm Born - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:04:02 think horowitz mid-year regarding fbi

What Matters Now - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.20

@00:23:54 we are right now and it was horowitz
@00:24:22 she is mentioned a lot in the horowitz

Revered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.27.20

@00:07:31 horowitz report and it wasn't really
@00:07:47 what horowitz had to save faulting the
@00:07:49 fbi horowitz wrote that because the
@00:08:07 horowitz found in the fbi investigation
@00:08:30 horowitz had to say and of course he was
@00:08:37 flags but some of horowitz his findings
@00:08:55 to the horowitz report the fbi has

Frog Nation - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.16.20

@00:16:24 like a horowitz report or something like

Yet To Come - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.20

@00:17:33 horowitz durum and bar are all in
@00:17:39 horowitz durham and bar were

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:01:27 horowitz has uncovered which to me is an

2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

@00:20:51 by horowitz here's the fbi they broke
@00:23:46 horowitz was appointed by barack obama

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:12:57 stuff who could have altered horowitz a
@00:24:04 about the horowitz report and how muller
@00:24:08 that horowitz report released necessary
@00:24:22 come out after the ig horowitz report so
@00:24:27 coming soon but horowitz report + comey
@00:25:11 sequence of events horowitz ig report
@00:28:55 michael horowitz the order from the
@00:30:01 horowitz obviously didn't find any

HomeComing 2020 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.16.19

@00:20:01 three things number one horowitz durham
@00:20:09 horowitz durham and bar were

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:10:37 horowitz more like borowitz announced
@00:15:53 essentially what michael horowitz was
@00:15:55 sent out to do michael horowitz doesn't
@00:15:59 michael horowitz seems like he has to

Cracked Corn - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.19

@00:06:23 horowitz and his staff durham said
@00:06:46 is we want to hear from horowitz and we
@00:09:59 bombshell it's out of horowitz we're

Gnarwhal II - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.2.19

@00:27:48 from horowitz on the 11th eig i want to

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.19

@00:24:28 and then of course we have ag horowitz

Very Best Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.23.19

@00:08:20 participation from andreessen horowitz

The People's Bridge - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.22.19

@00:07:41 horowitz on the 11th so it seems to all

Q Anon/News - Information Warfare - IPOT Presents - 11.21.19

@00:19:34 to be seeing horowitz coming out on the
@00:23:30 then of course horowitz on the eleven so

Three O' Two - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.25.19

@00:02:16 inspector general michael horowitz on
@00:02:27 well i'll be calling horowitz before the
@00:03:31 right now with michael horowitz the
@00:03:48 forward horowitz is moving forward at
@00:05:55 in regards to the horowitz report i just

WhistleTroller - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.19

@00:11:53 michael horowitz discovered core towns
@00:13:35 the horowitz report in 2018 but we've

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:22:03 alright so horowitz is finalizing his

Spy at the Pool - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.19

@00:12:33 horowitz and he will testify under oath

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:07:53 upcoming ig horowitz report and brian
@00:08:30 but i'm willing to bet horowitz the ig
@00:08:42 horowitz didn't spend the last year and
@00:10:42 telling steal all this stuff if horowitz
@00:11:11 like they're saying of this rg horowitz
@00:12:16 inspector general michael horowitz on
@00:16:41 michael horowitz that he had lied to

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:18:42 that would be the horowitz report now
@00:20:26 know horowitz people have not had leaks

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:11:07 general michael horowitz had referred

Q Anon/News - Unpredictable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.19

@00:09:49 michael horowitz to provide answers and

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:01:40 horowitz report which we know has to be
@00:02:06 horowitz report but we all know what's
@00:03:15 of course the horowitz report and that
@00:03:55 release of the horowitz report we know
@00:03:57 the horowitz report is necessary prior
@00:04:16 then we got this horowitz plus comey
@00:13:21 is going to be involved in the horowitz
@00:17:44 horowitz report inspector general report
@00:19:48 h report meaning the horowitz report
@00:22:04 horowitz report when released just

The WeatherMen - IPOT Presents - 6.21.19

@00:20:15 2001 as david horowitz explains the

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:08:22 michael horowitz is expected to release
@00:09:58 durham and horowitz we've got three
@00:10:07 first of all horowitz is investigating
@00:10:19 because of horowitz so he's the useless
@00:10:44 whether or not horowitz will put on his
@00:11:29 horowitz who really is the inspector in

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:20:04 general michael horowitz his office into

Q Anon/News - It's Happening - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.25.19

@00:14:52 mentioned that there is the horowitz
@00:15:53 report right that's horowitz will that

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:07:08 going on with horowitz and huber and of
@00:07:10 course horowitz being our inspector
@00:15:23 the story all along hubert and horowitz

Q Anon/News - PANIC - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.11.19

@00:03:28 inspector general michael horowitz is
@00:13:11 we'll just have to see what mr. horowitz
@00:13:39 horowitz and i'm confident mr. barr

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:21:01 horowitz freedom center and so on and so
@00:32:11 michael horowitz confirmed at a panel
@00:32:25 horowitz has previously found that
@00:32:38 horowitz found the fbi officials
@00:34:14 because horowitz and hubert are still

Q Anon/News - ZEROCOOL - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.19

@00:22:25 paul sperry breaking doj ig horowitz is

Q Anon/News - Stay In the Light - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.12.19

@00:29:04 general horowitz so this guy has
@00:30:25 remember the oig is horowitz the one who

Q Anon/News - Thundercats - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.19

@00:02:52 i g horowitz or if that would have been
@00:06:44 horowitz very well could be but i also

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:21:05 horowitz in huber to proceed with the

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:03:19 inspector general michael horowitz

Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

@00:10:00 that's inspector horowitz right and then
@00:10:32 all along right horowitz
@00:10:35 and huber now remember horowitz and
@00:21:28 michael horowitz in utah us attorney
@00:25:23 interviews with ig michael horowitz and

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:22:40 huber and horowitz has been quietly

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:05:14 and oh i g being horowitz yes what cases
@00:11:33 with horowitz and got interviewed about
@00:11:39 also had a talk with horowitz and let me

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:05:51 general michael horowitz michael
@00:05:57 senior member of horowitz office and
@00:06:53 seizure both ig horowitz and the house

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:21:17 horowitz they're gonna need to use some

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:03:03 horowitz have been doing a very deep
@00:07:47 and that's precisely where horowitz and
@00:20:55 horowitz has been doing a very deep dive

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:08:43 horowitz but deciding on whether or not

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:06:01 horowitz and they've had about what 470

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:08:52 gonna be huber is that gonna be horowitz
@00:12:47 hussein obama as well as horowitz right
@00:12:56 to see huber and horowitz come out you
@00:13:13 also very clear that humor and horowitz
@00:13:28 well ig horowitz has a team of over hunt
@00:13:33 who is horowitz he's the inspector
@00:13:35 general mandate charged the horowitz to
@00:14:28 horowitz whittaker watt nick all these

Q Anon - Mid Term Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.7.18

@00:08:53 we're talking about sessions horowitz

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:16:34 that's huber horowitz right horowitz

Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18

@00:34:31 huber and horowitz are and what they're
@00:34:55 frees him up to bring in ig horowitz and

Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18

@00:02:27 interest ig horowitz was tasked to final
@00:02:42 massive conflict of interest rg horowitz
@00:02:49 and horowitz enter the picture that was

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:13:41 vig that's horowitz grand jury

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:01:37 horowitz is here in the first place ig
@00:01:39 horowitz was tasked to final review and

Q Anon - 17 Second Delta - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.21.18

@00:11:49 would that be that would be horowitz
@00:11:50 right huber horowitz storch

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:01:14 broderick ig horowitz justice department
@00:01:22 where horowitz gave about an
@00:01:38 horowitz was sworn in as the inspector
@00:01:46 horowitz was previously confirmed by the
@00:03:58 like horowitz so these guys definitely
@00:05:16 right so he's familiar with horowitz and
@00:06:37 humor communicating with horowitz as
@00:06:50 horowitz and then you have intelligence
@00:08:25 horowitz and he's appointed on national
@00:10:18 therefore the ig horowitz is not genuine

Q Anon - Truth To Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.19.18

@00:16:09 michael horowitz inspector general and

Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18

@00:19:28 and huber and horowitz can finally take

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:26:36 sessions and therefore the ig horowitz
@00:28:03 plus ig being horowitz plus legal

Q Anon - The World Is Watching - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.1.18

@00:11:45 to do with horowitz and huber and
@00:13:32 horowitz and then they would have tried
@00:14:30 are finished and ig horowitz and huber
@00:15:25 horowitz and huber they wouldn't have
@00:17:33 staff well he were in horowitz got 470
@00:30:06 specifically horowitz who investigates
@00:30:09 well that's horowitz who prosecutes

Q Anon - Suicide Weekend? What's With #17? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.18

@00:13:43 huber and horowitz as well that's a big

Q Anon - Trump Ridin' Dirty? Poop Patrol? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.25.18

@00:13:45 regards to hubert horowitz and sessions

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:18:42 inspector horowitz and they can deal
@00:18:59 cases and teamed him up with horowitz
@00:20:19 huber horowitz ray mq would also like it

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

@00:31:28 we talk a lot about huber horowitz right

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:11:32 sessions he can report to horowitz and
@00:11:33 between him and horowitz 470

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18

@00:18:45 horowitz huber it's also possible or

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:29:30 horowitz working with huber to prosecute
@00:39:16 horowitz report on the fbi's hillary
@00:39:53 what does horowitz report say the report

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:15:11 inspector general michael horowitz over

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:14:34 to inspector horowitz and i would like
@00:20:02 election inspector general horowitz on
@00:20:55 interesting question mr. horowitz

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:05:14 with horowitz
@00:06:48 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:07:24 possible huber and horowitz can
@00:07:47 and horowitz who are already five months
@00:08:02 and horowitz were both appointed to
@00:12:28 horowitz about that about the handling
@00:32:34 general michael horowitz for documents
@00:33:28 horowitz
@00:33:53 work with inspector general horowitz you
@00:35:01 area and in cooperation with horowitz so
@00:38:10 inspector general michael horowitz who
@00:39:41 as possible huber and horowitz can
@00:40:05 the team of huber and horowitz who are
@00:40:19 and horowitz were both appointed to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.18.18/1

@00:18:27 horowitz is scheduled to testify any
@00:20:26 was the letter to inspector horowitz and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:02:13 horowitz is slated to testify before
@00:02:29 barring to have horowitz appear before
@00:03:04 inspector general michael horowitz will
@00:04:35 horowitz himself being called to testify

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:06:14 general michael horowitz who is working
@00:08:18 horowitz status as obama holdovers
@00:09:14 cases and teamed up with horowitz who
@00:09:29 team of huber and horowitz who are
@00:09:50 and horowitz who are already five months
@00:25:55 inspector general michael horowitz to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 20 18

@00:05:20 other day that horowitz was about to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:00:30 trust horowitz trusts huber cue post
@00:05:10 kansas trust horowitz trust humor and
@00:09:52 michael horowitz has found reasonable
@00:10:52 so as horowitz about to lower the boom

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18

@00:02:26 horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce
@00:20:14 fired or they're cooperating horowitz

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:04:47 michael horowitz there was an
@00:04:53 words horowitz had been in the words of
@00:05:08 horowitz was one of those rare
@00:05:17 he had in horowitz it's not clear
@00:09:02 legalities that horowitz was uncovering
@00:10:18 either congress or horowitz to the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.29.18

@00:03:38 inspector general michael horowitz