Inspector General

AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:25:53 by us but this inspector general

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.20

@00:38:01 inspector general robert storch from the

BaltiMore -In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.17.20

@00:18:38 inspector general almost two years ago

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:05:05 attorney general bill barr
@00:05:07 and inspector durham to find out those
@00:13:06 well as to doj's office of inspector
@00:13:08 general

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:06:56 inspector general also found that cia
@00:09:14 document the inspector general report

What Matters Now - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.20

@00:23:00 knucklehead the inspector general for

Model Citizen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.20

@00:13:02 is asking the ohio inspector general to
@00:13:19 that the inspector general look into if
@00:13:33 the inspector general to open an
@00:14:08 turning to the inspector general because

Slam Dunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.20

@00:16:12 inspector general who doesn't really

Yet To Come - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.20

@00:05:03 were 18 the 18th was the inspector
@00:05:05 general of the intelligence community
@00:05:47 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:05:49 general under penalty of perjury that

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:16:10 inspector general report released
@00:16:28 attach a told the inspector general that

2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

@00:23:34 fbi the inspector general report details
@00:23:45 by the way the inspector general michael
@00:23:50 example the inspector general uncovered
@00:25:03 the inspector general report also talks

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:28:53 justice department inspector general

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:10:34 doj inspector general michael e harlan's

Cracked Corn - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.19

@00:06:18 the mission of the office of inspector
@00:06:19 general and the comprehensive work that
@00:08:06 montage then the inspector general that

Quiet No Longer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.19

@00:16:53 inspector general report into trump's

Q Anon/News - Information Warfare - IPOT Presents - 11.21.19

@00:21:58 it out so the inspector general will be

Three O' Two - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.25.19

@00:02:12 again in the last hour the inspector
@00:02:14 general report a letter from the
@00:02:16 inspector general michael horowitz on
@00:03:33 inspector general if this report comes

WhistleTroller - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.19

@00:10:56 justice department's inspector general
@00:11:51 inspector general which is led by

Impeachy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.25.19

@00:01:39 community inspector general formally
@00:02:04 the intelligence community inspector
@00:02:06 general who was appointed by president

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:11:37 about an obama appointed inspector
@00:11:39 general that criminally referred the f
@00:12:16 inspector general michael horowitz on
@00:13:00 course the inspector general found that
@00:13:17 that first part was that the inspector
@00:13:20 general found that jim comey let his
@00:13:28 actions the inspector general an obama
@00:13:31 appointed inspector general a lot of
@00:13:45 the inspector general's report i think
@00:13:49 that you have an inspector general who
@00:14:30 inspector general found that deputy
@00:14:53 general flynn and george papadopolis for
@00:14:59 inspector general stating that either
@00:16:39 department of justice inspector general

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:10:23 referral from the department's inspector
@00:10:25 general sources familiar with the
@00:11:04 memos as confidential doj inspector
@00:11:07 general michael horowitz had referred

Q Anon/News - Unpredictable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.19

@00:09:45 he trusts attorney general william barr
@00:09:47 and justice department inspector general

Q Anon/News - Smoke and Mirrors - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.27.19

@00:15:11 inspector general whistleblower believes

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:17:44 horowitz report inspector general report

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:08:20 investigation and doj inspector general

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:20:02 after an extensive review by inspector
@00:20:04 general michael horowitz his office into

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:07:10 course horowitz being our inspector
@00:07:11 general and the prosecutor john huber

Q Anon/News - PANIC - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.11.19

@00:03:28 inspector general michael horowitz is

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:32:08 doj officials doj inspector general

Q Anon/News - Stay In the Light - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.12.19

@00:29:00 act and that was recognized by inspector
@00:29:04 general horowitz so this guy has

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:03:16 inspector general found that mccabe had

Q Anon/News - Thundercats - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.19

@00:02:55 inspector general to the department of

Q Anon/News - Survival Of The FITTEST - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.19

@00:28:26 inspector general has been asked to

Q Anon/News - Give a Dog a Bone - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.19

@00:10:09 the inspector general for odie and i
@00:10:15 wow indeed when the inspector can't even

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:03:19 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:24:04 office of the inspector general
@00:24:20 office of the inspector general

Q Anon/News - Bread From the Baker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.19

@00:16:31 is the inspector general looking at this
@00:19:38 october by former fbi general counsel
@00:19:43 inspector general has documented other

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:09:22 of the inspector general could review

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:06:14 coleman who was inspector general of the

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:05:30 the justice department's inspector
@00:05:32 general was informed that the documents
@00:05:48 whistleblower status from doj inspector
@00:05:51 general michael horowitz michael

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:30:19 conjunction with the office of inspector
@00:30:22 general approve the release of

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:05:58 work in tandem with ig inspector general

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:13:33 who is horowitz he's the inspector
@00:13:35 general mandate charged the horowitz to

Q Anon - Front and Center Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.6.18

@00:04:09 persuaded him to let the doj inspector
@00:04:11 general vet the documents first that way

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:04:11 inspector general into alleged illegal

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:10:49 james baker the former general counsel
@00:10:54 is fully cooperating with the inspector
@00:10:57 general and with the federal grand jury

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:05:02 inspector general has been asked to

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:02:00 to release know therefore that inspector
@00:02:03 general has been asked to review these

Q Anon - 17 Second Delta - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.21.18

@00:08:03 general counsel of the fbi has turned
@00:08:07 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:11:16 baker the former general counsel of the
@00:11:21 cooperating with the inspector general

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:01:35 meet the inspector general michael
@00:01:38 horowitz was sworn in as the inspector
@00:01:40 general of the department of justice doj
@00:01:58 chairman of the council of the inspector
@00:02:09 all the inspectors general since 2015
@00:02:46 security agency inspector general
@00:02:58 storch as the inspector general for the
@00:05:13 regarding inspector general is okay
@00:05:51 is comprised of all inspectors general
@00:05:58 inspector general act of 1978 5 usc app
@00:06:48 inspector general investigator in

Q Anon - Truth To Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.19.18

@00:16:09 michael horowitz inspector general and

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:04:11 intelligence community inspector general

Q Anon - ..Controls the Future pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.29.18

@00:29:26 justice inspector general currently is
@00:29:53 also requested that the inspector
@00:29:54 general broadly review more than 30
@00:33:13 cooperation with the inspector general

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:33:47 intelligence community inspector general

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:33:11 department's inspector general opened an

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:22:00 inspector general recently released a
@00:24:36 of justice inspector general report on

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:39:15 of justice inspector general michael

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:15:11 inspector general michael horowitz over

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:20:02 election inspector general horowitz on

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:05:21 in cooperation with the inspector
@00:05:23 general to review certain prosecutorial
@00:06:48 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:32:32 formal subpoena to the doj inspector
@00:32:34 general michael horowitz for documents
@00:33:26 with doj inspector general michael
@00:33:53 work with inspector general horowitz you
@00:35:20 the inspector general to review certain
@00:38:10 inspector general michael horowitz who

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2

@00:02:14 inspector general intends to colin

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Deep State D-Day? - 6. 7.18

@00:04:12 upcoming justice department inspector
@00:04:14 general report on the fbi's handling of
@00:05:45 of inspector general cybersecurity

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:02:11 department inspector general michael
@00:03:04 inspector general michael horowitz will
@00:22:10 grilling the inspector general
@00:24:20 campari even the inspector general for

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:05:57 huber to team up with the inspector
@00:05:59 general within the justice department to
@00:06:13 informed the chairman that inspector
@00:06:14 general michael horowitz who is working
@00:07:50 powers of the inspector general with the
@00:24:50 attorney general rod rosenstein and fbi
@00:24:55 expansion of the doj inspector general's
@00:25:55 inspector general michael horowitz to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.22.18

@00:04:19 inspector general to expand its current

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 20 18

@00:05:12 have this coming inspector general will

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:09:41 here from breitbart report inspector
@00:09:44 general would declare fbi doj broke law
@00:09:50 justice department inspector general

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18

@00:18:02 inspector general okay now there can be
@00:18:05 more than one inspector general which

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:36:14 the us department of justice inspector
@00:36:17 general with a prosecutor who can bring

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:04:45 investigation by the inspector general
@00:07:12 the inspector general or congress who
@00:09:58 oversight committee and the inspector
@00:10:00 general who fulfilled congress's request
@00:11:44 attorney the big inspector general

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.24.18

@00:08:45 the inspector general department of
@00:20:30 out by the epa's office of inspector
@00:20:32 general oh ig moreover despite much

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.16.18

@00:06:54 inspector general investigates that

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.14.18

@00:07:25 inspector general said friday he was
@00:07:29 the inspector general said in a lengthy

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:39:25 that's the inspector general report

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.3.18

@00:03:06 remember that is the inspector general
@00:14:12 the us department of justice's inspector
@00:14:14 general with a prosecutor who can bring
@00:15:36 inspector general ig which the reports

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.29.18

@00:03:14 right here that is correct doj inspector
@00:03:19 general reviews alleged fossil abuses by
@00:03:21 doj fbi inspector general opens probe of
@00:03:38 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:03:49 attorney general jeff sessions the
@00:03:51 office of the inspector general released

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:05:28 said that the inspector general office
@00:13:22 inspector general for the department of