Saudi Arabia

1917 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.6.20

@00:16:39 saudi arabia
@00:16:50 in saudi arabia under same context
@00:17:11 saudi arabia 1 us2 asia 3

AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:27:59 brunei but of course saudi arabia how

Sure Shot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.20

@00:01:47 iraq and we've also got a fire in saudi
@00:01:50 arabia

A Quick Burn - RedPill - IPOT Presents - 7.26.20

@00:06:50 saudi arabia china

WeatherMen III - ALL4FLOYD - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.21.20

@00:40:14 made a trip to saudi arabia

ROOKie Move - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.20.20

@00:21:17 annual aberdeen was a professor in saudi
@00:21:19 arabia who founded the institute for
@00:21:24 established by the government of saudi
@00:21:26 arabia with the support of the muslim

Farm Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.5.20

@00:29:50 you that saudi arabia knew all about it

Sick! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.20

@00:16:35 infestation of locusts in saudi arabia
@00:21:24 at saudi arabia had president trump not
@00:23:07 like saudi arabia has been kept abreast
@00:23:52 border security and possibly saudi
@00:23:55 arabia he was referencing plus plus plus
@00:23:59 plus to saudi arabia was that a direct
@00:24:27 reference saudi arabia the bloody
@00:24:46 talked about the house of saud saudi
@00:24:48 arabia being known as the bloody
@00:24:52 an article entitled saudi arabia the
@00:24:56 bloody wonderland saudi arabia is a
@00:26:52 again what this shows is that saudi
@00:26:54 arabia massive poor and of course a

DRK2LYT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.26.20

@00:22:24 scorpions of the earth have power saudi
@00:22:26 arabia and they were showing more this

Moving Forward - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.8.20

@00:14:07 also with saudi arabia at least while

Not Afraid - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.2.20

@00:24:32 drops regarding saudi arabia national

Tigers vs Tigers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.20

@00:14:22 saudi arabia ended up killing three
@00:16:33 adviser to saudi arabia and the uae is

Vase2Vase - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.4.20

@00:17:31 i would imagine israel saudi arabia i'm

On With the Show - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.7.19

@00:24:10 student from saudi arabia named mohammad
@00:25:54 represents the feelings of the saudi
@00:26:02 king of saudi arabia and i can tell you
@00:28:17 the u.s. against saudi arabia and maybe

Q Anon/News - Information Warfare - IPOT Presents - 11.21.19

@00:17:24 money from saudi arabia was one in

Ruff Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.19.19

@00:20:22 enough saudi arabia now don't get me
@00:20:40 saudi arabia now i don't want to debate
@00:20:41 about saudi arabia at least not right
@00:20:52 apply some logic to in saudi arabia now

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:28:28 trump saudi arabia oil supplier was
@00:28:47 saudi arabia secretary of state mark
@00:29:14 putting pressure on saudi arabia but you

Q Anon/News - Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.19

@00:02:46 mosque in mecca saudi arabia and as you

Q Anon/News - What the Frick is Going On? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.17.19

@00:10:12 saudi arabia imagine that the times

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:35:44 can gather it looks like saudi arabia is
@00:35:48 reference to a old article about saudi
@00:35:52 arabia called wonderland but that's just
@00:35:56 trafficking ports of saudi arabia and

Q Anon/News - HoneyPot? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.19

@00:14:51 saudi arabia ar khalil a longtime aide
@00:14:58 saudi business a fourth capcom investor
@00:29:30 that q has alluded to saudi arabia as

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:14:25 and representatives of saudi arabia and

BackPage News - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.23.19

@00:19:57 him gary for sure saudi arabia human

Q Anon:News The Clock Is Ticking In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 7 19

@00:32:15 brennan's background regarding saudi
@00:32:17 arabia he was a ci

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:15:00 emirates saudi arabia had engaged in
@00:15:32 saudi arabia well there would be good

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:26:05 a multitude of scandals saudi arabia

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:32:25 clinton being alice and saudi arabia
@00:32:30 referencing saudi arabia we are talking

Q Anon/News - Guardians of Intelligence - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.18

@00:23:05 understood being saudi arabia and

Q Anon News - Practice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.18

@00:06:30 number ten saudi arabia and iran and

Q Anon - Buh Bye - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.19.18

@00:10:55 uae and out in saudi arabia formula one
@00:10:59 saudi family and one of his partners out

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:07:16 regarding saudi arabia national guard /

Q Anon - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.24.18

@00:19:21 gonna explain that in a minute saudi
@00:19:22 arabia is not our friend but we also
@00:21:23 thing and it does seem like saudi arabia

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:14:49 hillary being the alice and saudi arabia

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:07:36 regards to saudi arabia we also talk
@00:08:11 saudi arabia on the six and while i'm on
@00:08:16 saudi arabia let me bring this up i want
@00:08:22 senate but it was regarding saudi arabia
@00:08:24 us senate advances saudi guided
@00:08:37 munitions to saudi arabia on tuesday the
@00:09:03 weapons sale to saudi arabia it would
@00:30:28 relating to saudi arabia and the

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:15:05 out of saudi arabia - which has been a
@00:27:35 travel to saudi arabia israel italy in

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:03:01 this was when the saudi purge was going
@00:03:03 on saudi arabia controlled us puppets
@00:03:23 out there in saudi arabia right they had
@00:04:56 arrests up indeed they are saudi arabia

Q Anon - 17 Great People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.7.18

@00:19:04 the corruption arrests in saudi arabia

Q Anon - Who Are the White Rabbits? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.2.18

@00:29:28 in saudi-arabia references hillary
@00:29:32 saudi arabia the bloody wonderland queue
@00:30:12 and saudi arabia so it looks like a lot
@00:30:55 saudi arabia the second reference is to
@00:30:57 saudi arabia the bloody wonderland which
@00:31:02 here entitled saudi arabia the bloody
@00:31:17 international saudi arabia violently
@00:31:29 saudi arabia so now this article goes on
@00:36:21 now to be saudi arabia all the best from
@00:37:28 2006 king abdullah of saudi arabia

Q Anon Clearance Denied! Red Shoes, the Pope and Anderson Cooper In Pursuit of Truth Presents

@00:01:10 15th saudi arabia accessed clothes and
@00:01:30 then we have government saudi arabia us
@00:01:37 pending government saudi arabia us push
@00:01:45 somalia access pending saudi arabia us
@00:02:30 saudi arabia has long
@00:03:43 ago saudi arabia was kind of pushing the
@00:04:39 u.s. really pushing saudi arabia to kind

Q Anon Vault 7, Spooks For Hire? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 31 18

@00:03:10 feed si being saudi arabia cf clinton

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:34:40 saudi saudi arabia as you can see here

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Q Review/World Update - 7.14.18

@00:10:15 on earlier drops regarding saudi arabia
@00:10:21 older event in regarding the saudi
@00:10:23 arabia royal family and i don't want to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.5.18

@00:13:21 military national guard one false saudi
@00:13:24 arabia true why was this necessary what
@00:13:27 questions were asked regarding saudi
@00:13:29 arabia prior to saudi arabia event why
@00:14:28 saudi arabia true why was this necessary
@00:14:34 saudi arabia prior to saudi arabia
@00:14:46 asked regarding saudi arabia prior to
@00:14:48 saudi arabia events backing it up to
@00:14:54 how did saudi arabia welcomed potus
@00:15:06 saudi arabia welcomed barack obama
@00:15:10 how did saudi arabia welcomed hillary
@00:15:54 saudi arabia is the primary us is
@00:16:05 martial law declared in saudi arabia why
@00:16:09 donated to clinton foundation by saudi
@00:16:12 arabia and of course alaa we'd been to
@00:16:26 saudi arabia how much money was donated
@00:16:32 by saudi arabia cc the idea they were
@00:16:34 taking care of the saudi family at this
@00:17:07 we have this saudi arabia arrests 11
@00:17:18 regarding the saudi arabia situation but
@00:17:36 regarding saudi arabia we had cute kind
@00:17:40 in saudi arabia and that set off these
@00:17:47 of 10 saudi princes so i think you see

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.28.18

@00:10:05 regarding saudi arabia national guard
@00:10:21 guard over there in saudi arabia and of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Deep State D-Day? - 6. 7.18

@00:15:24 intelligence bots saudi arabia and iran

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.14.18

@00:27:24 was a professor in saudi arabia who
@00:27:31 established by the government of saudi
@00:27:32 arabia with the support of the muslim

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18

@00:24:36 saudi arabia okay and then he went to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.30.18

@00:06:14 saudi arabia israel
@00:06:35 three-day trip to saudi arabia israel
@00:08:44 department's core missions in saudi
@00:08:46 arabia on saturday pompeo is due to hold
@00:08:48 talks with his counterpart saudi foreign
@00:09:26 more quickly after saudi arabia pompeyo
@00:09:40 this little trip saudi arabia israel
@00:12:40 kingdom of saudi arabia qatar kenya

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:17:54 hollywood the house of saud and saudi
@00:17:56 arabia the illuminati the internal

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.24.18

@00:02:48 order is important we sa being saudi
@00:02:50 arabia saudi arabia north korea north
@00:28:58 think saudi arabia order is important
@00:29:01 saudi arabia north korea north korea
@00:29:08 well saudi arabia member that was first

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.22.18

@00:07:10 destruction s a saudi arabia saudi
@00:07:14 arabia saudi arabia huma and hussein we

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:35:26 around syria the emirates iraq saudi
@00:35:32 arabia that whole area this important to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18/2

@00:14:15 on iran saudi arabia doesn't like you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.5.18

@00:08:46 all drops regarding sa most likely saudi
@00:08:49 arabia national guard the wave q 2
@00:22:54 somebody in saudi arabia
@00:40:03 drops regarding saudi arabia and
@00:40:17 drops but saudi arabia are they funding

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:10:13 analyst station chief in saudi arabia

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - QANON Research, John McCain Foundation

@00:05:05 saudi arabia walmart incorporated no god
@00:06:20 he had received from saudi arabia in