
The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:04:36 jeff sessions he directed huber the u.s
@00:04:48 was this a fake out was it really huber
@00:30:13 huber nobody's above the law the world
@00:30:33 number two durham's take over huber
@00:31:15 where was huber the response was durham
@00:31:22 as the same as huber so barr
@00:31:25 told us that durham took over for huber
@00:31:28 and it seems that huber was a
@00:31:35 bomber so they were looking at huber

Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b

@00:15:10 second then we have undercover huber

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:08:39 undercover hubert tweeted this out a

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:04:53 understood undercover huber responded to

They Never Thought She Would Lose, 16 Year Plan Push, Plan Exposed & Countered - Episode 2194b

@00:05:15 for it undercover hubert says this about

[DS] Power Structure Dismantled, Think Military, Think Arrests, Good & Green - Episode 2190b

@00:09:47 ogr house judiciary john huber ss c i
@00:10:12 he's out there and huber is out there
@00:10:29 huber and durham later john brennan was
@00:11:03 durham comes in when huber comes in they
@00:11:32 huber now it looks like the deep state
@00:48:50 now trump he mentioned us attorney huber
@00:48:57 tweeted out undercover huber is a great
@00:49:01 because the real at john w huber did
@00:49:19 very important do you really think huber
@00:49:27 undercover huber think about this for a
@00:49:30 second john huber has quite a bit

The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know - Episode 2189b

@00:20:06 undercover huber tweeted this out in

Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack - Episode 2185b

@00:00:40 trump signals next face huber enters the
@00:10:01 not heard from huber in a very long time
@00:10:11 going to be hearing from huber very soon
@00:10:16 huber what ever happened to john huber
@00:10:24 huber is now entering the ring let's go
@00:37:42 has mentioned huber we're going to the

Everything Is In Place To Break The [DS], Ratcliffe Locked On, Everything Is A Go - Episode 2183b

@00:06:20 very interestingly undercover huber
@00:06:29 what undercover huber tweeted out this
@00:06:54 field offices would undercover huber

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:20:48 trusts kansas trust horowitz trust huber
@00:21:00 the foundation huber we know huber is

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:16:38 what a joke undercover huber says looks
@00:21:40 undercover huber sheds some light on
@00:21:53 huber says even stranger sullivan has

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:02:38 onto bar onto durham onto huber
@00:41:07 together undercover huber found this out
@00:41:28 under cover huber points it out that

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:36:07 coming from undercover huber the last

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:17:55 and undercover huber tweeted this out
@00:39:44 durham presents his investigation huber

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:08:21 but undercover huber tweeted this out

Comms Compromised, Rule Of Law Day, Durham Is Coming- Episode 2162b

@00:11:04 undercover huber he is pleading with the

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:28:56 huber no spelling errors intended mobile

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:10:52 what she did onto trump undercover huber

The MSM Spin Begins, More Declassifications Coming, Another Trap Set - Episode 2154

@00:08:54 undercover huber he broke this down and
@00:09:21 huber the senate intel committee didn't

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:10:18 huber points certain things out he says

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:22:03 was huber made public well we know from

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:17:16 says huber says every one of the

Red/Green Castle Ready, Clock Activated, Stage Is Set - Episode 2124b

@00:07:19 now very interestingly john huber

Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off,Trump Comes Out Swinging - Episode 2090b

@00:17:28 investigation with dirham and huber and

Graham Activated, Message Received, Let The DEC[L]AS Begin - Episode 2087b

@00:08:07 trusts huber so it looks like that was a

Senate Trial Created A Trap, [DS] Didn’t Even See It Coming - Episode 2084b

@00:10:17 from undercover huber he tweeted out

Protected, Key To Hack, [AWAN] Back In The News, Flynn In Jail, Exactly [30] - Episode 2069b

@00:06:22 they came out saying that huber found
@00:06:39 baggage but we know that huber he wasn't

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:01:38 ahead of the story about huber but it
@00:01:48 telling us that huber and an outside
@00:18:13 huber found nothing in regards to
@00:18:30 uncovered he said huber was not tasked
@00:19:01 with rex here i am oh huber almost
@00:19:55 2604 and anon says so hubert is a
@00:20:02 huber will bring severe pain to dc
@00:20:07 forced release of named huber to house
@00:20:43 same exact mandate huber recommended
@00:20:59 huber finding nothing maybe that was
@00:21:41 same exact mandate huber this other

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:00:42 hubert durham and bar prepare facts and
@00:04:04 believe that huber found nothing on
@00:08:59 huber dirham they're starting to wrap up
@00:09:03 actually he did mention that huber is
@00:09:13 any of the investigations huber dirham
@00:09:33 important that a lot of what huber has
@00:09:58 says so huber is a head-fake
@00:10:01 if so brilliant q.q says false huber
@00:10:11 forced release of name of hubert to
@00:11:15 leak from what huber and durham have
@00:11:52 know that bar huber durham they're gonna
@00:12:15 really think huber spent two years and

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:18:55 investigation is going on the huber

Nobody Is Above The Law [Not Anymore], Justice Will Be Served - Episode 2053b

@00:16:16 the public durham huber bar this is the
@00:16:21 used to educate the people durham huber
@00:21:21 debar durham huber released be important

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:29:53 huber let's move on to post 13 18 it

The Call To Declas, Smear Campaign Alert, United We Stand - Episode 2046b

@00:08:38 still have huber we still have durum all
@00:25:22 says where is huber well we haven't
@00:25:27 really heard anything about hubert it's
@00:28:18 coc a chain of command followed huber
@00:28:48 illegal purposes and q mentions huber
@00:29:21 huber collecting information on the
@00:30:11 got confirmation huber is investigating

FISA Is The Start, FISA Leads To Declas, Misspellings Matter - Episode 2043b

@00:26:18 built huber no spelling errors intended

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:22:34 impeachment is undercover huber lays out
@00:22:40 is what undercover huber tweeted out in

The Swamp Is Being Drained, Justice Marker, Disinformation Necessary, Event? - Episode 2036b

@00:39:57 attorney huber was going to testify
@00:40:04 but huber never testified but what did

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:10:35 remember us attorney durham bar huber

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:02:22 at hubert durham bar he focused on fisa

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:14:19 durham we have huber all working on

FISA Works Both Ways, Phones Present, Impeachment Boomerang - Episode 2025b

@00:31:35 huber is still investigating and when we

Trump Brings The Storm, A Name To Remember, The Takedown - Episode 2024b

@00:28:23 all bar durum huber horowitz and the

[DS] Is Running Out Of Time, Patriots Set The Trap, & Are Nudging Them Into It - Episode 2006b

@00:11:22 why because of bar durham horowitz huber
@00:12:28 trust horowitz trusts huber and it seems

Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers - Episode 2001b

@00:08:49 everything that bar and durham and huber

The Patriots Are Over The Target, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 1985b

@00:19:39 horowitz huber they all have been

[DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again - Episode 1980b

@00:22:01 now pursuing with durham with huber with
@00:28:30 huber of the district of utah said the
@00:29:01 remember huber is looking through all

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:30:13 and huber and horowitz they're trump

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:17:04 trusts kansas trust horowitz trust huber

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming - Episode 1969b

@00:18:43 undercover huber so sydney powell put

[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man - Episode 1966b

@00:13:37 the ig investigation on this case huber
@00:15:46 horowitz huber durham think about what
@00:30:17 dirham huber barr produce the evidence

Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences - Episode 1964b

@00:03:08 felix aider undercover huber tweeted out
@00:04:38 undercover huber was right and seder was

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:23:04 durham huber tom fitton jay sekulow

Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

@00:15:03 arrests epstein huber everything else

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:02:09 huber and barr they're all working on

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:18:21 department us attorney huber do

We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b

@00:24:54 huber interview re they range from
@00:25:16 and missed think scope so huber his

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:09:39 trust horowitz trusts huber so their cue
@00:19:09 that huber is reviewing anything related
@00:19:29 prosecuted you know we still have huber

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:21:08 being conducted by barr hubert durham

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:03:34 us attorney john huber had other issues

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:22:06 huber has joined 93 us attorneys from
@00:22:18 remember huber is heading up

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:09:31 investigating all of this huber horowitz

Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted - Episode 1899b

@00:16:26 ah yes attorney general bill barr huber

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:12:20 know from durham we know from huber we

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:11:24 that the hubert investigation into the
@00:11:33 represents john huber is the special
@00:11:42 justice fbi sessions nominated huber to
@00:11:58 john huber on january 8th demanding
@00:12:39 connecticut led by john durham now huber
@00:12:48 and jodie says the following huber was
@00:14:51 but huber has not directly interviewed
@00:14:56 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:15:01 but sessions and huber our following
@00:15:12 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:16:13 coincidence verse huber start but
@00:16:46 post 2604 and annan says say huber is a
@00:16:52 if so brilliant q q says false huber
@00:17:01 forced release of named huber to house
@00:17:19 and he is saying listen from huber no
@00:26:14 horowitz huber and ray long meeting held

Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon - Episode 1871b

@00:18:06 you can see that us attorney huber is
@00:18:26 attorney huber tweeted out this sentence

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:06:24 huber and ray met long meetings held

The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down - Episode 1865b

@00:19:08 trump with bar with huber with graham

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop - Episode 1863b

@00:32:20 resigned barnett with huber and oh i g
@00:32:35 huber etc wait a minute they did

[DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1861b

@00:08:33 the us attorney john huber along with ag

Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock - Episode 1849b

@00:10:08 we have huber we have horowitz we have

It’s Time To Turn The Tables And Bring Justice, Pain Coming- Episode 1847b

@00:18:09 the start and prepare public for huber
@00:19:38 spying foundation built huber and as you

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:19:30 been going on here with barr huber the
@00:19:40 meeting with the us attorney john huber
@00:19:45 the meeting was notable as huber had
@00:19:59 huber is conducting his work from
@00:20:06 a day after bars meeting with huber on
@00:20:48 rosenstein barr huber former acting
@00:23:36 june ratcliffe also noted that huber the

We Have The Source, Optics Are Important, PANIC In DC- Episode 1839b

@00:23:33 huber horowitz the shadow investigator

Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey - Episode 1838b

@00:09:53 ig involved huber ag horowitz storch

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:02:02 we have meadows we have huber we have
@00:02:32 leaks huber and horowitz they've been
@00:09:18 so huber
@00:09:47 their side because once huber and

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence - Episode 1835b

@00:10:04 investigations with huber and the other

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:18:50 with hubert and others behind the scenes

Keep An Eye On The Sword, Nobody Walks Away From This - Episode 1824b

@00:08:41 and whitaker d class sc report huber etc

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:16:51 was the testimony of huber about the
@00:17:08 was john hubert was going to testify in

Promises Soon To Be Kept, Justice Is Coming, [DS] Cannot Stop It - Episode 1817b

@00:31:02 attorney john huber for the district of
@00:31:47 in china so it looks like huber is doing

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b

@00:09:12 cooperating with the investigation huber

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:17:32 appointed huber qsr sessions q says who
@00:17:37 had direct oversight over huber rod
@00:17:49 really had oversight over huber it was
@00:18:32 attorney huber this is what it says us
@00:20:03 department of justice hubert directive
@00:20:18 huber to look into any matters that were
@00:20:45 whittaker to john huber and it says as
@00:21:15 well huber didn't speak to anyone qoe
@00:21:26 have been huber but there might have
@00:32:04 huber that would occur you know follow
@00:33:24 attorney john huber matt whittaker who
@00:33:28 emailed the letter to huber that day
@00:33:33 huber a copy of the letter the justice

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:08:20 media puts out there undercover huber
@00:08:25 not john huber it's someone who's using
@00:08:28 the name undercover huber tweeted out
@00:26:58 meeting with huber and o ig so it looks
@00:27:09 says us attorney john huber who serves
@00:27:33 meet huber and oh why g and here it is
@00:29:14 with huber noi and michael horowitz they

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:25:09 ig huber interview re they range from
@00:25:54 q has told us that bar met with huber

Stage Is Set, [DS] Ammo Depleted, Wait For It, Trump Card - Episode 1806b

@00:19:22 appointed and tasked huber sessions who
@00:26:00 lines provides more information huber

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:20:04 huber and q gives us an article to

Confirmation, Countdown Begins, T-Minus, Optics Are Important - Episode 1787b

@00:22:34 zero leaks re huber zero now remember
@00:33:40 going to meet with huber and oh i j the
@00:33:52 class special counter report huber

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:23:46 ig huber d class and everything else can

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:08:34 attorney john huber to investigate the
@00:08:50 any indication huber has talked to
@00:09:36 was leaked from huber nothing so they
@00:09:44 huber they said huber
@00:09:56 leaks from huber we've seen all the
@00:10:30 questions regarding huber and his
@00:10:58 reach so huber he's working in the
@00:11:28 but huber has not directly interviewed
@00:11:31 appointment of huber by session
@00:11:36 sessions in huber are following standard
@00:11:45 be happening but huber ability to

The Swamp Is Everywhere, Housing Cleaning, We Will Not Be Silenced - Episode 1767b

@00:09:21 investigators huber which was brought

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:03:17 else assigned to mimic what huber is
@00:24:02 states now huber or the second unnamed

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:15:06 cue has been telling us that huber is
@00:15:14 huber doing the same exact thing but
@00:15:18 behind the scenes huber was sent out

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:02:17 huber and we know that john huber is
@00:03:16 is a letter going to john huber and a
@00:03:19 lot of people think well john huber is
@00:03:27 annan put down so huber is a head-fake
@00:03:39 false huber will bring severe pain to dc
@00:03:47 the kill brackets all caps bold huber to
@00:05:19 not long now i believe huber was there
@00:05:23 and because huber was brought out into
@00:05:35 do i think huber is going to bring the
@00:05:47 other individual will work with huber at
@00:05:51 the time and huber will be the lead post
@00:06:06 of this post but huber has not directly
@00:06:10 the appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:06:15 but sessions in huber are following
@00:06:26 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:07:25 coincidence verse huber start but
@00:08:05 asking huber for information doesn't
@00:08:10 mean just because huber is not handing
@00:08:15 doesn't mean that huber is doing nothing
@00:08:18 remember behind huber there's somebody
@00:08:28 and they see huber doing nothing they

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:39:30 investigation headed by john w huber the
@00:39:57 by john huber telling us this is where

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:33:42 it all brackets huber brackets turn the

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:27:09 sessions trust rate russ huber trust
@00:27:13 this narrative to mean that huber is
@00:29:00 counsel were bs from the beginning huber
@00:29:32 is bs huber and horowitz come out and
@00:31:12 four huber and horowitz can resume their

MSM Fell For It, Everything Is Going As Planned, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1751b

@00:09:59 we have huber horowitz and this other

Carpet Bomb Just Dropped, Did You See How It Works - Episode 1741b

@00:04:26 john huber did not attend this hearing
@00:04:35 huber we'll be talking about that in
@00:04:42 then huber declined leaving congress in
@00:04:48 keep in the back of your mind huber was
@00:08:56 are saying that because huber did not
@00:09:06 huber oh ig horowitz are now deep state
@00:09:24 and said where is huber soaked you
@00:09:27 already knew that huber wasn't involved
@00:09:28 in this huber was with eric barnett an
@00:09:41 huber called the proliferation of sex
@00:10:01 obvious reasons why huber would not
@00:10:05 pierre at this hearing first huber is
@00:10:20 to do with huber this has been known for
@00:10:22 a long time second we know that huber is

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:15:39 attorney john huber and the explosive
@00:16:59 where is huber so where is huber and why
@00:17:20 huber right now we don't know maybe
@00:18:21 interesting so all eyes were on huber
@00:18:58 post 2604 and anan says so huber is a
@00:19:08 out and said now that's false huber is
@00:19:12 huber will bring severe pain to dc so
@00:19:16 huber is actually investigating he has
@00:19:33 to release the name of huber this is all
@00:19:36 caps bold and brackets surrounding huber
@00:19:57 eyes on huber and in the background you
@00:20:05 the same things that huber is doing now
@00:20:11 huber trying to protect themselves from
@00:20:12 huber but little do they know there's

It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

@00:01:55 going to testify on a 13th we know huber

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:18:53 foundation is in the news because huber

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:24:13 testimonies clinton huber commis coming

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:14:53 now huber has been working on this and
@00:16:51 was huber activated by sessions i think
@00:16:57 assigned to huber 470 investigators
@00:17:53 hubert to testify re clinton foundation
@00:18:08 now completed huber is going to testify
@00:18:11 huber is going to reveal active probe

[DS] Stunts Will Attempt To Delay, New Dates For Hearing Set - Episode 1733b

@00:10:18 also oversee huber and oh i j yes what
@00:10:23 cases is huber and oh i g+ team of four
@00:10:46 servers that would be huber who has
@00:10:53 twelve huber is in utah so his access to
@00:15:15 post here then q says huber drops first
@00:15:26 a look at the first huber drop this is
@00:15:44 public john huber appointed by sessions
@00:15:54 why the reboot because john huber was
@00:16:13 books q so what was the last huber drop
@00:16:45 the post here role of huber as portrayed
@00:16:54 probable probability that huber would be
@00:17:37 testify under oath and huber why does
@00:23:37 whitaker horowitz huber and ray long
@00:24:05 huber and ray they were all in there

Lift Off On 1.1.19, Courts-Martial Around The Corner - Episode 1731b

@00:12:27 our coms huber thises two-way street in
@00:12:39 sessions and john huber and robert
@00:13:08 coming now the other part john huber is
@00:13:18 on him illegally john huber is using
@00:14:07 are a whitaker panic are a huber why has

Boom, [HR[D]C] Panic, Dec 5, Another Whistleblower, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming - Episode 1730b

@00:04:44 leaked huber and this is in brackets
@00:05:07 doubted sessions in huber you will all
@00:05:17 public are hubert activities no further
@00:05:36 all those who doubted sessions in huber
@00:10:12 but huber has not directly interviewed
@00:10:17 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:10:21 but sessions and huber are following
@00:10:33 but huber ability to prosecute an em
@00:11:34 coincidence verse huber start but but
@00:12:26 breaking news huber to whistleblower
@00:18:41 federal prosecutors assigned to huber
@00:25:43 testifying on december 5th huber was

Trump Warns DECLAS Bad, Something Public Should Not See, Start The Clock - Episode 1729b

@00:07:06 john huber was scheduled to testify on
@00:07:12 supposed to testify huber is supposed to
@00:07:36 far as q goes as far as huber as far as
@00:13:01 5th huber is going to be at a hearing

The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected - Episode 1723b

@00:07:23 huber to appear on the hill december
@00:09:29 huber and this is about these
@00:11:47 john huber and we know the articles came

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:07:37 clinton and mr. john huber with the
@00:08:11 that john huber has been investigating
@00:22:46 huber is getting ready the plan is

Next Phase Of Operation Put Into Motion, Behold The Power Of The Plan - Episode 1713b

@00:07:49 point in november 2017 and it said huber
@00:08:03 now sessions brought in huber who is
@00:08:07 huber and annan said special prosecutor
@00:08:10 outside of dc utah huber was unanimously
@00:08:16 session who are a confirmed huber and it
@00:08:25 huber set the an and said obama
@00:08:31 optics the end and said huber has now
@00:08:56 to huber and annan said he delves into
@00:09:17 huber
@00:09:38 said same as huber plus who was sessions

Conspiracy No More, People Will Reject, It's Time - Episode 1711b

@00:08:29 with huber and horowitz and the rest so

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:33:37 and huber have conducted they've been

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:25:21 sensitive info oh yg works with huber
@00:25:32 acronym meant hubert reports directly to

Swamp Being Drained, Hint Of A Time Line - Episode 1687b

@00:07:47 we have huber we have horowitz

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:02:29 patriots huber sessions horowitz this is

Sting Operation Active,The Coverup,Comms Active - Episode 1680b

@00:28:26 huber the same day as potus alert
@00:28:29 sessions meeting huber the day prior to

Deep State Playbook Dead,Fear,Panic,Cornered,The Light Is Shining Brighter - Episode 1673b

@00:18:01 we can see that huber horowitz sessions

D5 Avalanche Is About To Hit & The Deep State Has No Place To Hide - Episode 1672b

@00:08:13 huber and trust grassley so let's go

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:15:34 huber i g horowitz to storch and

Everyone Is In Place, Tick Tock, Deep State Running Out Of Time - Episode 1669b

@00:12:03 huber july respondenten harvard two

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:31:25 nothing but huber and horowitz they've

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b

@00:26:14 know that huber reports the sessions
@00:26:16 huber must be ready to start wrapping up
@00:26:23 is why sessions and huber most likely
@00:28:11 remember huber and horowitz they

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b

@00:09:10 horowitz and huber and they're releasing

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s] - Episode 1655b

@00:34:48 huber has not directly interviewed
@00:34:52 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:35:10 but huber ability to prosecute an imp
@00:36:17 coincidence verse huber start but

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:15:10 attorney general appointed huber nine
@00:15:16 fisa false application huber has not
@00:15:20 interview or huber has not interview my
@00:15:36 why is huber being discussed now what if
@00:15:42 to drop that name why is huber being
@00:15:47 did you know huber did not directly
@00:15:50 interview bruce or huber did not hubert
@00:16:01 yes huber has interviewed these
@00:16:32 state defend huber that's where we are
@00:16:36 right now remember huber does the
@00:16:44 that huber and horowitz is doing they're
@00:16:57 media and the deep state defend huber

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated - Episode 1653b

@00:03:10 that huber horowitz or anyone else says
@00:04:45 distraction while huber and horowitz do
@00:22:36 why is huber being discussed now what if
@00:22:41 to drop that name why is huber being
@00:22:44 discussed now why is huber all of a
@00:22:52 discussed by right or left huber did not
@00:22:58 hubert did not huber did not sessions
@00:23:07 does huber work with specifically who
@00:23:17 huber + ig + 470 inside or outside of
@00:23:52 rationally when emotional why is hubert
@00:24:03 that name huber would be put in an
@00:24:09 of the plan not sure why is huber being
@00:24:17 but they aren't aware why is huber all
@00:24:39 ties to russia huber did not directly
@00:24:45 before bruce or huber did not huber did
@00:25:00 maybe they're worried who does huber
@00:25:06 investigates huber who prosecutes
@00:25:19 out huber + ig + 470 dream team of 2018
@00:38:08 huber what data is in utah ah the data
@00:38:20 huber is in utah doing all this because
@00:40:59 huber horowitz who does the
@00:41:02 investigation huber horowitz who

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:08:03 from huber from sessions and the rest
@00:16:56 huber voluntarily or otherwise posed
@00:17:41 huber hasn't either even though hubert
@00:18:41 and 50 seconds q says our ec huber
@00:18:54 interviewed by huber 3045 based on
@00:19:08 huber has already interviewed bruce or
@00:20:01 again that huber has not interviewed
@00:20:40 about or not being interviewed by huber
@00:21:31 declassify everything since huber has
@00:24:00 huber so we can see that's confirmed

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:35:30 huber
@00:37:13 plan huber has everything let's move on
@00:38:29 inspector general and huber reviewing
@00:38:43 out of all this is huber is doing all
@00:40:25 think about what huber and horowitz have

The Thunder Is Deafening, BIG Week Ahead - Episode 1648b

@00:21:39 in the meantime horowitz huber and the

To Know Your Enemy,You Must Become Your Enemy,Appear Weak When You Are Strong - Episode 1647b

@00:26:50 witch-hunt all along it's huber and
@00:27:20 a different investigation by huber and

There Are Major Signs That The Deep State Is Planning Something Big - Episode 1642b

@00:23:24 second special counsel that is huber
@00:23:28 huber is creating and going after all

Exposing The Truth Comes With Pain, Confusion & Proof, Divided Becomes One - Episode 1627b

@00:11:07 huber beforehand to make sure the most
@00:19:17 foundation to structure layers huber
@00:28:48 they're discussing and now with huber

The FISA Push Is Here, It Will Bring Down The House - Episode 1626b

@00:13:28 trump redacted fisa huber needs redacted

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:13:45 from who does huber directly report to
@00:13:51 sidestepped are a huber chain of command

It's Happening, Silence, Disinformation, It Was All Necessary, It's Time - Episode 1622b

@00:12:15 it's worldwide q said who does huber
@00:14:56 honorable john huber united states
@00:15:03 huber we right to refer the following
@00:22:35 read it all so he says think huber where
@00:23:21 indicate guilt for individuals huber is

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:21:21 relevant huber handles rest of country

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:15:05 individual is huber so ig horowitz and
@00:15:09 huber they are doing this post 1660 q
@00:15:14 says ask yourself does huber have the
@00:16:01 and yes who burr huber has a level of
@00:18:26 huber can impanel in any state sealed

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:41:54 against children noose reference huber
@00:42:00 reference to huber plus fbi protection
@00:42:06 acts reference to huber what about
@00:42:20 huber rod rosenstein ig report release
@00:42:26 date info push of huber scope and size
@00:43:07 booom reference to huber non-public
@00:43:31 heinous and systemic reference to huber
@00:43:48 reference to huber what about department
@00:44:26 by huber and the scope and size biggest

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:20:35 15:14 queue says we have it all huber
@00:22:50 the bottom of all this says huber recent
@00:22:59 requests dec think huber coincidence you
@00:23:11 huber has started the investigation back
@00:23:23 reread last post huber started in
@00:23:44 huber setting stage important note so
@00:23:53 huber was there think inspector general
@00:23:57 equals fbi huber equals department of
@00:24:41 it on november 3rd huber made a sealed
@00:24:49 november 6 huber made a sealed

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:17:19 bring in huber to work with horowitz and

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:28:15 huber who appointed huber sessions

The Countdown Begins, The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1574b

@00:15:13 kansas trust horowitz trusts huber and
@00:16:04 sessions brought on huber to work with
@00:16:08 horowitz because huber can prosecute q

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:07:10 misconduct to huber for possible
@00:08:14 ig / huber who appointed huber sessions
@00:08:43 sessions appointed john huber utah's top
@00:09:26 going to pair horowitz with huber and by
@00:09:37 investigator and allows huber to do

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:24:44 pompeyo sessions huber haspel they're

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:19:12 who is huber well prior to confirmation
@00:19:18 mr. huber served in leadership roles
@00:19:27 huber personally protected a number of
@00:20:09 implicate national security huber is a
@00:20:46 why did session secretly engage huber
@00:20:55 couldn't why did sessions reveal huber

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:10:25 powers of huber and horowitz
@00:10:30 huber can prosecute our democrats using

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:20:58 john huber and it was later leaked to
@00:21:00 huber had impaneled a grand jury and
@00:21:03 that the investigation that huber took

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:04:14 huber an fbi director christopher rea
@00:04:39 horowitz trust huber and they're leading
@00:04:59 attorney john huber nor special counsel

The Silence Is Deafening, Indicators Point To An Event On The Horizon - Episode 1319b

@00:03:14 enforcement and us attorney john huber