Manipulation Exposed, [DS] Panicking Over Barr/Durham Investigation - Episode 2227b

@00:08:34 rbg i remember this is from january 16
@00:08:44 drugs are being provided to rbg
@00:08:52 rbg
@00:09:42 rbg

Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed - Episode 2071b

@00:32:25 adam schiff replacement rbg steps down

We Are (Closer) Than You Think, Messages Received, On The Ready - Episode 1972b

@00:06:52 rbg that is very interesting he

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:20:01 rbg is back in the news and they're
@00:20:29 treating rbg
@00:20:38 provided to rbg in order to sustain
@00:24:31 might have helped rbg

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:07:34 speaking rbg interrupted now you
@00:07:57 johnson some time ago and rbg just

The [DS] Is Now Vulnerable and Exposed, More Victories Right Around The Corner - Episode 1825

@00:36:17 again q has never said that rbg is dead
@00:37:37 i want to go back to rbg and what she

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:08:54 everyone is still looking for rbg again
@00:21:54 number 752 and reminded us that rbg was

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:39:04 rbg big problems down below it says the

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:13:46 was a video of rbg and this was out of
@00:14:13 april 2018 so that rbg had a very
@00:14:42 now i'm not saying this isn't or is rbg
@00:14:58 saying that this really is an rbg but it

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:31:24 with rbg coming back into the picture
@00:32:04 is reporting that rbg was back at the
@00:32:39 never said that rbg was dead and i
@00:32:58 national emergency and rbg returns yet

Military Exercises In Multiple Cities, Arrests, We Have The Watch - Episode 1790b

@00:21:33 have not heard anything about rbg unless
@00:22:23 posts q has been mentioning that rbg is
@00:22:41 turns out to be rbg

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:26:27 following and it's a picture of rbg
@00:26:52 pointing us to rbg might have been we've

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:08:16 laws on the books because they knew rbg
@00:08:34 that we have not seen rbg she has
@00:08:48 saying that rbg was spotted at a concert
@00:09:03 notorious rbg in song that featured her
@00:09:35 rbg so this is kind of strange because
@00:11:59 tweet about rbg being at the show last
@00:12:15 notorious rbg in sung written and
@00:13:29 knew eventually that rbg wasn't going to

Follow The Watch, The World Is Watching, We Know Everything - Episode 1782b

@00:03:07 observer saying that rbg has cancer
@00:03:19 rbg doesn't have cancer now those videos
@00:03:23 saying that rbg did have cancer those
@00:08:36 with abortion now rbg is at the center
@00:09:39 because we do believe that rbg well she
@00:16:18 rbg they needed this movement to go as

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

@00:01:32 was talking about rbg and he said
@00:01:39 since december where he hopes rbg gets
@00:30:12 we know that rbg well she went into
@00:30:33 trump hasn't tweeted anything about rbg
@00:31:18 everyone that he hopes rbg is healthy

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:29:50 talking about rbg and he mentioned this
@00:30:31 and rbg is 85 and if you used the

Panic, [DS] Trolls Trump, Think Mirror, We Are Getting Closer - Episode 1777b

@00:23:27 think rbg will be showing up at the

Emotions Cloud Judgement & Logic, Senate, SC Meant Everything, Stay The Course - Episode 1774b

@00:05:08 cute continually says rbg is next now
@00:27:59 they're waiting for rbg to retire or for

Insurance Activated, Playing Out As Planned, Blocking/Protecting Will Fail - Episode 1773b

@00:04:07 happening here and we can see that rbg

[DS] Sends A Coded Message, Incoming FF - Episode 1768b

@00:23:27 rbg next letting it and this was back in

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:28:32 rbg big problems hmm let me read what's

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:09:12 starts off with capitol rbg all bold in
@00:16:25 about a documentary on rbg on january

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:15:50 rbg ruth bader ginsburg as 187 clown