Red Cross

[DS] Power Structure Dismantled, Think Military, Think Arrests, Good & Green - Episode 2190b

@00:31:27 low-flying helicopter with the red cross

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:02:07 to do with the red cross we'll be
@00:24:28 of a box with a red cross and it says
@00:24:40 gift has a red cross the file name is
@00:24:48 gift with a red cross i do believe that
@00:24:51 this might have to do with the red cross
@00:24:54 let's go back to post 252 red cross is
@00:25:27 accord scam trillions red cross scam
@00:25:43 in taking down so the red cross is a
@00:25:50 the red cross is corrupt it's used as a
@00:25:56 1249 this is april 23rd 2018 red cross
@00:26:21 given us a gift red cross the picture is
@00:26:57 punisher but behind it it's red and it
@00:27:10 with the red cross because queueadded
@00:27:14 like splotches of red behind it it looks
@00:27:24 something is going to break with the red
@00:27:27 cross it's unknown to many of the people
@00:39:28 with the red cross and other things and

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:36:09 two years ago red cross iran red cross
@00:36:14 pakistan red cross north korea red cross

deleted The World Is Watching, Silent No More, Time To Save America - Episode 2134b

@00:31:11 the red cross and then we have the ship

Operation Signal, Blockage Dismantled, Fire At Will Commander - Episode 2129b

@00:16:38 we go back to post 252 q said red cross

Buckle Up, Patriots Are Going To Bring It All Down, Senate Was The Key - Episode 2089b

@00:22:39 paris accord red cross foreign aid war

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:18:39 chinese red cross has received more than
@00:18:51 friday and yet the hashtag red cross has
@00:19:11 links to post 252 and it says red cross
@00:19:33 corrupt red cross via cash donations

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:13:17 accord red cross foreign aid war who

[24 Hr Warning], News Cycle Shift, Be Vigilant - Episode 1931b

@00:08:23 we're talking about the red cross we're
@00:16:44 the red cross have all this money where
@00:16:49 the red cross boxes with cash inside so
@00:17:24 an article that shows the red cross
@00:18:01 one area where the red cross does these
@00:18:15 of this and give us documents on the red
@00:18:17 cross audits and investigations the
@00:18:24 is the international federation of red
@00:18:26 cross and red crescent societies and
@00:18:47 complete access to american red cross
@00:18:53 is called the american red cross
@00:18:59 it's responding to concerns that the red
@00:19:02 cross tried to quash a review by the
@00:19:15 red cross has been a component of
@00:19:25 should know how the red cross spends
@00:19:38 the red cross struggle to fulfill its
@00:19:44 red cross transparency act gives the gao
@00:19:47 complete access to the red cross records
@00:19:52 red cross refuses to comply the
@00:20:06 is the letter to investigate the red
@00:20:08 cross then gives us another link to
@00:20:14 this is a report on the red cross that
@00:20:19 expenses once again where did the red
@00:20:24 cross spend this money where did it go
@00:20:31 and q is letting us know that the red
@00:20:34 cross is used to funnel funds away from
@00:20:56 the red cross is doing good and that's
@00:21:01 the red car the red cross is involved in

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:21:44 and anon puts up a video of the red
@00:21:48 cross and it shows that there is money
@00:21:52 inside of these red cost tins which are
@00:22:04 paris accord scam trillions red cross
@00:22:55 through the red cross but this is

Boom, Another Victory, Groundwork For The Economic Transition In Progress - Episode 1825a

@00:04:20 a soft brexit that could cross certain
@00:04:23 of maize red lines or a no brexit at all

Mueller Report Coming, [DS] Losing Narrative, Big Name About To Drop - Episode 1800b

@00:12:43 the other thing is the red cross the un

Trump Makes Move On [CB], Patriots In Control Of Economy - Episode 1787a

@00:08:02 this story is the following the red
@00:08:06 cross and the un warned the u.s. not to
@00:08:32 the international red cross the united

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:24:25 scam trillions red cross equals scam
@00:25:59 equals scam red cross equals scam went
@00:42:33 dollars for the wars to red cross to all

Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b

@00:16:04 potus to fire to cross red line will

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:24:36 rosenstein insurance yes cross the red

Operators Standing By,Stay Tuned & Watch 'Red October' - Episode 1678b

@00:15:17 post 2299 now q put up red vertically
@00:15:24 and red horizontally which made a cross
@00:15:26 and then said october so red october so
@00:15:29 it's a red cross october keep that in
@00:17:06 let's start from the beginning v red
@00:17:10 makes a cross and if we go back to post
@00:17:15 forty nine q talks a lot about the red
@00:17:17 cross and three nine two q says hey t in
@00:17:29 kill brackets red cross classified post
@00:17:33 four four eight red cross is corrupt and
@00:17:37 used as a piggy bank post 1249 red cross
@00:17:42 iran red cross pakistan red cross north
@00:17:46 korea red cross dot dot dot dot dot dot
@00:18:04 body parts things like that so the red
@00:18:08 cross could mean the actual red cross
@00:18:16 meaning is that it's a red line and it
@00:20:15 system called red october we also have
@00:20:19 the red cross so if we go back to the
@00:21:52 cross the red line and if he does he
@00:23:17 different things not just the red wave
@00:23:21 elections i think the red cross is going
@00:23:24 to be exposed we're going to see the red
@00:30:26 trapped themselves we also see that red
@00:30:35 is going to see red cross most likely be
@00:30:38 exposed we're going to see a red wave

The Presidential Alert Test & Full Senate Vote On Target - Episode 1674b

@00:20:32 going to cross the red line well it

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:41:42 want trump to cross the red line by

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:22:57 information would cross a red line now

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b

@00:19:19 information would cross a red line

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b

@00:15:58 don't cross the red lines like obama did

The Thunder Is Deafening, BIG Week Ahead - Episode 1648b

@00:04:21 sessions that would cross a red line and

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:34:24 kids in pull red shoes q podesta art
@00:34:28 coming from anonymous q says cross

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:23:39 would cross a red line for the rule of

Is The Trap Being Set In The Middle East? Breaking Down The Plan - Episode 1565b

@00:04:32 say we cross the red line what are you

The Plan Is On Schedule, Countries Move To Review The Deal - Episode 1558b

@00:12:56 committee of the red cross said there's

They Feel Threatened, Deep State Changes Tactics, Next Move Could Be Huge - Episode 1553b

@00:19:45 they used the red cross to maneuver all

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:10:08 nuclear states the red cross the red
@00:10:12 cross and iran the red cross and
@00:10:14 pakistan the red cross in north korea

Enjoy The Show, The Deep State Is In The Process Of Being Duped Again - Episode 1543b

@00:11:43 they don't see anything the red crescent
@00:11:47 is almost like the red cross so

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:19:45 samsung red cross podesta group tony

North Korea Can Withstand An Embargo, Is The Cabal Finished? - Episode 1374b

@00:10:39 actually working in the red cross is

The United Nations Issues A Warning For The US - Episode 1362b

@00:10:56 red cross they were out there saying

The Bubbles And Illusions Are About To Be Popped - Episode 1285b

@00:04:02 cross our red lines he doesn't speak in

The Central Banker, Deep State Secret Weapon, The 'Kill Switch' - Episode 1280b

@00:09:10 happening right now the red cross is out
@00:09:20 red cross has sent monitoring mission

US Sniffer Plane Scans North Korea, Be Prepared For The Next Event - Episode 1259b

@00:18:30 that's it cross the red line or that is
@00:18:42 cross this red line well that's it if

Are The Deceivers Being Deceived By Their Own Game? - Episode 1257b

@00:13:04 red lines israel uses the red line
@00:13:07 tactic trump he really doesn't use red
@00:13:13 well north korea if they cross this red

We Are Watching A Deadly Game Between Good And Evil - Episode 1252b

@00:16:53 really use the red line cross this line

The Deep State's Next Move Will Shock The World - Episode 1251b

@00:09:52 red line if they cross this red line
@00:16:55 cross all the red lines because it's

Ex-CIA Prediction Coming True, Soros Signals The Troops For The Spring Event - Episode 1232

@00:13:18 going to be crossing a red line and once
@00:13:19 they cross the red line that's it we

The Elite Initiate "Operation Remove Trump", Plans Are Set For Dec 19th - Episode 1153b

@00:17:47 letting the red cross in people are

US Government Preparing To Rescue Intelligence Officers In The Middle East - Episode 1145b

@00:09:20 international committee of the red cross

It's Time To Hold The Government Accountable For It's Actions - Episode 1122b

@00:13:07 they need out in syria we see the red
@00:13:10 cross they are having a very tough time
@00:13:27 attacking the red cross not allowing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1108

@00:03:16 international committee of the red cross

The Next Event Is Building And Ready To Explode Like A Volcano - Episode 1105b

@00:15:46 the red cross the un said they don't

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:12:11 they want some type of war if they cross
@00:12:14 a red line we see the u.s. they are

US Government Preparing The Next Phase Of The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 986b

@00:12:10 allow unicef the red cross the osce into

EU Police Carried Out Exercises For Civil Unrest In Germany & Other EU Countries - Episode 958b

@00:18:12 the red cross is saying well we should
@00:18:23 right now says we do not want the red
@00:18:25 cross in this area whatsoever because

President Obama Continues To Push The Authorization For War To Get WWIII Started - Episode 866b

@00:19:37 tomb idea have we been told that the red
@00:19:39 cross un entered mundeya on the

US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

@00:14:29 the red cross was asked you know did
@00:14:31 russia bomb a hospital a red cross

US Military Training Events Spread Across Europe In Preparation For War - Episode 756b

@00:20:46 red cross says that says the civilian

Military Assets Are Continually Prepositioned Around The World For The Upcoming War - Episode 750b

@00:14:42 laid down red lines germany france and
@00:14:47 ukraine focused on red lines russia must
@00:14:52 not cross now we heard this all before
@00:14:58 the red line that's it i mean we had
@00:15:17 after their goal so we see the red line
@00:15:23 russia not to cross it so you know

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:28:44 of the red cross has warned of a

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 675

@00:10:16 inspecting it red cross is inspecting it

The Economic Indicators Are Now Showing Signs Of A Collapse - Episode 673

@00:33:54 inspected by the un and the red cross

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:31:39 red cross has got in there but some of

The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Economic Collapse And War - Episode 638

@00:32:57 bombing they let some red cross plains

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Surface In U.S. Cities - Episode 636

@00:35:11 committee of the red cross first plane

China's Infrastructure Bank Enrollment Closed And The U.S. Is Left Out In The Cold - Episode 635

@00:39:08 russia and the red cross were calling
@00:39:45 red cross in there until the situation

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 634

@00:13:20 out in yemen we see the red cross the
@00:13:22 international committee of the red cross

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:37:37 red cross officials say they are still

The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630

@00:34:06 been no red cross and no international

People Of Libya On The Verge Of Capturing Oilfields, Central Bankers Making Their Move - Episode 503

@00:37:41 interesting is the red cross and the
@00:37:48 liberia the red cross said tuesday the
@00:38:09 things going on here the red cross says

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:16:17 states now it looks like the red cross

False Flag Warning: Expert Reports 'Imminent' ISIS Threat To The U.S. Power Grid- Episode 456

@00:23:28 ahead and doing it the red cross right
@00:23:40 things going on there so the red cross

Warning: DHS Preparing For 'National Day Of Rage' - Episode 447

@00:22:12 and the red cross is going to be
@00:22:25 international committee of the red cross

U.S. Preparing To Bomb Syria, FAA Shuts down Airspace To American Planes - Episode 445

@00:26:58 that will try to stop this now the red
@00:27:01 cross is heading out to the lugansk area
@00:27:05 the red cross is on its way to the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 443

@00:06:11 like we the red cross is helping with
@00:06:23 committee of the red cross has sent kiev
@00:06:37 here the red cross had not yet received

False Flag Warning: ISIS Dispatching Terrorists To The United States - Episode 441

@00:24:44 i don't think ukraine wants the red
@00:24:46 cross into the country to see exactly

Are The Riots In Ferguson Part Of The U.S. Agenda For Martial Law ?- Episode 440

@00:29:09 russia made a deal with the red cross

Central Bankers/US Government Are Now Preparing For Bail-Ins - Episode 439

@00:27:24 international committee of the red cross

Ebola, Civil Unrest, Open Borders And War As The Economy Collapses - Episode 438

@00:22:35 authority of the red cross we've agreed
@00:23:04 coming in with the red cross and of

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 437

@00:11:25 disguised as red cross peacekeepers and
@00:12:59 committee of the red cross in the

Central Bankers/US Government Strategic Plan For The Middle East - Episode 395

@00:22:00 sanctioned prisons porca writes that red
@00:22:02 cross found evidence of systematic

Iraq Is In Chaos And The U.S. Attack On Syria Is Inevitable - Episode 394

@00:26:13 be higher the red the red cross was in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 309

@00:14:52 cross the red line but putin was out

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:38:37 will cross the red line they will hit
@00:38:43 cross the red line they will bring the
@00:38:45 power down in the u.s. that will cross
@00:38:48 the red line and we all know this is not

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:42:01 chemical weapons and syria cross the red

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of Collapsing -- Episode 280

@00:37:03 they cross this red line if they use

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:22:24 building it up you know if they cross
@00:22:25 the red line and all this other stuff
@00:22:26 and you know they cross the red line and
@00:22:29 they had a cross the red line again and

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:41:55 august cross the red line and they used

The US Dollar Has Just Lost The Reserve Status -- Episode 221

@00:36:12 said just like he said there was a red
@00:36:14 line in syria if assad crosses that red
@00:36:20 we know that he did not cross any red

The Government Is Using A Serious Crisis To Pass The Gun Bills -- Episode 165

@00:31:24 new red line that iran cannot cross over

Fake Economy, Military Drills And War Spells Economic Collapse -- Episode 118

@00:22:26 that they cross the red line we have the

In The Dark Of Night The Government Prepares For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 114

@00:16:17 they cross the red line and obama you
@00:16:23 they cross the red line he will take

Remember It's Always The Opposite Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 113

@00:23:28 the use of chemical weapons would cross
@00:23:30 a red line and likely trigger american
@00:24:11 said aha they just cost they just cross
@00:24:14 the red line now we're going to go in

We Moved Out Of The Eye Of The Storm And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 86

@00:15:28 now crossed a red line well didn't cross
@00:15:30 the red line before we've crossed it
@00:16:06 cross the red line and the syrian people
@00:32:43 already saying that syria's cross the
@00:32:44 red line they're trying to get this war

The Economic Collapse Domino Effect -- Episode 73

@00:21:06 now the red cross is warning that unrest
@00:21:32 red cross and red crescent societies has

Media Blackout During An Economic Collapse -- Episode 58

@00:02:56 cross a red line because we want to

Promoting The Latest Cyber Attack For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 56

@00:07:49 up and the red cross is helping about

The Biggest Event Of The Year, The Economic Collapse -- Episode 48

@00:07:01 if they cross this red line of using