
The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:04:43 involving the sale of uranium one now

Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed - Episode 2245b

@00:22:07 number one uranium one the cell 25
@00:22:12 uranium stocks placing them under the

NG Positioned In Cities, EAS Tested & Ready, It Has Begun - Episode 2230b

@00:12:35 with russia think uranium one

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:09:32 of uranium 1 wait haven't we heard of
@00:09:35 uranium 1 before who was involved with
@00:09:37 uranium 1 wasn't that muller comey obama
@00:10:30 uranium market and this brings me back
@00:10:39 think uranium one sale of u.s. uranium
@00:11:25 who was involved with uranium one

How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity? The People Must See The Truth - Episode 2222b

@00:07:29 in his own little trouble with uranium

The 16 Year Plan Has Failed, The [DS] Worst Nightmare Has Come True, We The People - Episode 2213b

@00:06:16 own where she didn't do her job uranium
@00:08:03 and there was nothing there uranium one

[DS] Playbook Revealed, Ammunition Running Low, Shields Up - Episode 2208b

@00:33:57 flynn what about uranium one what about

[DS] Worst Nightmare, A United People, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 2201b

@00:12:16 working with russia with uranium selling
@00:12:19 them uranium they were working with iran

New FBI Docs Show Obama Administration Spied On Trump And The Senate - Episode 2184b

@00:40:57 clinton email scandal uranium one and

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:02:19 hack it's about uranium 1 scandal it's
@00:02:23 about the uranium scandal

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:22:20 korea uranium one fbi department of

One By One All The Exits Are Being Blocked WW, Hold, Wait For It - Episode 2125b

@00:06:10 hillary's email scandal or uranium one

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:08:29 uranium one the spying epstein
@00:13:03 build uranium one funnel with arrows
@00:13:18 know uranium one funnel through canada

Silent Running Tactics Engaged, Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 2118b

@00:14:37 investigations clinton emails uranium

[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:23:02 187 uranium one fund supply iran north

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:34:54 scalia under this is says uranium one

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:23:01 to ukraine think uranium 1 and this is
@00:23:05 in brackets a bold sale of u.s. uranium
@00:24:55 more than selling of uranium more than
@00:35:11 investigation uranium one cover up the

[DS] Getting Ahead Of Deep Fakes, Durham Appoints A New Criminal Chief - Episode 2083b

@00:22:09 what clinton has been doing the uranium

[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed - Episode 2070b

@00:30:02 uranium production and as they continued

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:34:59 ukraine uranium one the scam that john
@00:37:40 ukraine uranium 1 obama's birth

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:31:54 import a hundred thirty tons of uranium
@00:32:10 all this uranium why was it being

Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

@00:19:39 that related to clinton's uranium one
@00:20:10 re bo important uranium one export
@00:20:58 uranium one what if trump knew precisely

Backchannels Important, Iran Ready To Flip, [DS]/MSM Panic – Episode 2065

@00:26:14 uranium one scandal they don't want the

[DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam - Episode 2063b

@00:35:29 continually making more and more uranium

The [DS]/D’s Are In The Dark, Moves & Countermoves, Checkmate - Episode 2062b

@00:24:47 power your uranium processing europe
@00:32:37 longer observe any limits on uranium
@00:32:56 uranium enrichment remember this really
@00:33:01 and uranium richmond this was all a

[DS] Just Made Their Move, Patriots Knew The Plan, Watch Happens Next - Episode 2059b

@00:02:03 uranium one deal what was going on with
@00:17:33 the exchange uranium one risk the
@00:17:50 hrc ran against hussein uranium one

The Gathering, The Storm Is Here, It’s Happening, Time To Harvest - Episode 1990b

@00:21:46 of email think of uranium 1 think of the

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:33:09 where did the uranium one material end
@00:33:17 lutely to find cover what if uranium one
@00:33:40 uranium to iran syria war
@00:33:43 what does uranium one provide to find

Chatter Intercepted, High Alert, Patriots Ready To Counter The Next Event - Episode 1988b

@00:27:21 uranium one and the rest we knew that

The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

@00:03:51 email scandal uranium one and the rest

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:29:59 spying uranium one the email scandal

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:27:55 scandal the uranium one and everything

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:23:00 uranium one emails and you keep bringing

Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences - Episode 1964b

@00:05:06 email scandal to protect the uranium one
@00:13:40 just gonna skip this uranium one i don't

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:08:25 clinton uranium one fisa you name it
@00:17:13 on uranium one and everything else you

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:17:46 fisa gate spygate uranium one hillary

Fell Right Into The Trap, Next Wave Coming, Pain - Episode 1956b

@00:19:30 acquire uranium business in the united
@00:19:38 uranium one that should me should be
@00:20:34 so uranium one the iran deal clinton's

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:24:59 uranium one and everything else and once

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:02:18 looking at the uranium one scandal

Future Proves Past, Distractions, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1947b

@00:28:33 of natural resources like uranium they

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:13:08 are e uranium one he's working to save
@00:13:23 save himself from uranium one charges

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:03:17 spying with uranium one with everything
@00:35:44 the uranium one investigation the

Year Of The Boomerang, Timing Is Everything, Force Of Nature, Sheep No More - Episode 1925b

@00:20:37 like clinton's the uranium one scandal
@00:44:04 muller uranium one tied to uranium on

Raids, Timeline & The Message Of Treason - Episode 1924b

@00:02:59 uranium one clinton emails election

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:15:10 investigation email scale uranium one it
@00:17:13 uranium one scandal the email scandal
@00:29:36 uranium one email all of this is going

Timing Is Everything, Strategically Planned From The Beginning - Episode 1920b

@00:12:27 uranium one not to mention the
@00:14:51 the uranium one the email scandal
@00:30:25 fisa the email scandal the uranium one

Define Psychological Projection, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1918b

@00:34:14 we have uranium one the email scandal

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:02:03 from fisa spying email scandal uranium

Did You Notice What Was Happening, The Plan Was Designed This Way - Episode 1912b

@00:22:53 iran to reverse the uranium enrichment
@00:25:37 since the beginning remember the uranium

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:21:49 corruption treason crimes uranium 1 etc
@00:24:46 individual on uranium 1q trump they've

Independence Day Message Sent & Received, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1908b

@00:05:52 know those are uranium one investigation
@00:16:20 says that they will enrich uranium to

[DS], [MSM] Are Taking The Bait, It’s All About Exposure - Episode 1907b

@00:08:18 with the clinton email with uranium one

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:03:55 uranium one foundation they're winding

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:03:40 fisa email scandals uranium one you name
@00:18:41 breached the uranium limit now does this

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:12:31 the uranium one deal putin knows
@00:27:37 the enrichment uranium limit under the

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:12:25 investigations going on with uranium one

Boom, The Hammer Just Fell, Justice Is On It’s Way- Episode 1876b

@00:19:03 is uranium 1 investigation of the

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:34:51 same thing with the uranium one deal

Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock - Episode 1849b

@00:21:35 uranium one who spied on who that's
@00:22:46 everything with uranium one it's game

[DS] Code Words, Panic In DC, Patriots In Control - Episode 1846b

@00:19:16 obama uranium one obstructed justice

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:11:57 uranium one deal and many many other

The Patriots Have The [DS] Exactly Where They Want Them, MOAB Incoming - Episode 1840b

@00:18:48 scandal there's no uranium one scandal

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:28:19 uranium one risk the welfare of the
@00:28:31 against hussein uranium one donations to

America For Sale, Ukraine & China In The News, News Unlocks - Episode 1833b

@00:18:45 uranium 1 deal in which russia purchased
@00:18:48 uranium reportedly donated 1 145 million
@00:19:50 uranium 1 during the same period that
@00:19:53 millions from the uranium 1 interests
@00:29:40 uranium one the collusion with the

They Thought They Were Safe, Nobody Could Touch Them, They Were Wrong - Episode 1831b

@00:11:22 about uranium one investigation think

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:07:27 and we apply it to the uranium one

The Door Is Open, The People Have To Decide To Walk Through It - Episode 1820b

@00:20:47 charges of the uranium one scandal this

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:02:48 investigation into the uranium one deal

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:15:48 connection to uranium 1 and russia yes
@00:16:28 uranium and they knew that russia was
@00:16:33 uranium and muller was the head of the
@00:16:51 committed to get us uranium if they had
@00:17:15 attempts to get our uranium but if they
@00:17:27 the uranium sale and it is quite likely
@00:19:47 mueller will face charges are uranium

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:20:23 investigating hint uranium one clinton
@00:20:39 investigate matters such as uranium one
@00:31:53 foundation and the uranium one issues
@00:32:59 scrutiny of uranium one hillary clinton
@00:33:17 uranium one issues then attorney general

T [-21], Big Happenings Are Going To Take Place, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1802b

@00:30:00 six explosive uranium one facts
@00:30:05 former head of russia's uranium company
@00:30:32 involved in the uranium deal fbi agents
@00:30:39 uranium one story clinton mega donor
@00:30:42 frank holmes lied about selling uranium
@00:38:39 the investigation into the uranium one

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:38:46 bold uranium one fbi informant a 1 dws

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:04:09 clinton email scandal into the uranium
@00:37:15 scandals with the uranium one the emails

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:13:15 uranium one iran why are we attacked
@00:22:11 about uranium one and all the other

Military Exercises In Multiple Cities, Arrests, We Have The Watch - Episode 1790b

@00:10:17 going to go for treason for the uranium
@00:17:55 server the uranium one she had
@00:26:41 collusion the uranium one deal brennan

Prosecution & Transparency, Rule Of Law, Power Returned To The People - Episode 1788b

@00:20:02 showed both skull kaavo and uranium one
@00:20:10 raza tom's acquisition of uranium one
@00:20:30 wanted to buy uranium 1 as part of a
@00:20:34 domination of the global uranium market

Confirmation, Countdown Begins, T-Minus, Optics Are Important - Episode 1787b

@00:29:19 by ignoring clinton uranium deal in
@00:29:25 go with clinton the uranium one and
@00:29:36 uranium one deal and everything else so

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:10:02 uranium one now he's involved with the

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:11:14 the uranium one now something very

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

@00:04:52 he is involved in the uranium one deal

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:02:43 of the uranium one scandal cue has been

Panic, [DS] Trolls Trump, Think Mirror, We Are Getting Closer - Episode 1777b

@00:26:16 remember the uranium one deal the

Boxed In, No Escape, Watch, Everything Is About To Change, Wait For It - Episode 1776b

@00:08:41 may all be connected to uranium one the
@00:12:33 trump as a part we have uranium one we

Watch The Water, Prisons Activated, [DS] Coded Messages - Episode 1770b

@00:03:35 face charges regarding uranium one he
@00:17:28 uranium one deal and what was really

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:13:08 involved in the uranium one scandal

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda - Episode 1764b

@00:07:07 for uranium one he's working right now

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:14:06 enriched uranium extracted from nuclear

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:26:16 of classified nsa material uranium one
@00:26:22 2013 which was the uranium one sale
@00:26:38 country was involved in the uranium one
@00:28:39 involved in the uranium one scandal what
@00:30:45 uranium enrichment new narrative created

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:14:44 are uranium one remember muller was mild
@00:14:47 in uranium one deal he's working to save
@00:16:43 he knows everything uranium 1 benghazi
@00:22:56 key players in the uranium 1 scandal and
@00:23:46 were both involved in the uranium 1 deal

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:12:04 was involved in the uranium one along
@00:12:09 uranium what i'm talking about benghazi

The First Alarm Is About To Ring, The Clock Is Ticking Down - Episode 1750b

@00:14:05 about the dossier uranium one the

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:30:02 uranium one iran deal weak in command of
@00:34:21 location where did the uranium one
@00:34:30 define cover what if the uranium one
@00:34:49 operation with the uranium one and
@00:34:56 but obama supplied uranium to iran and

It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

@00:16:24 the dossier defies abuse to the uranium

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:27:56 uranium one and he was talking to
@00:28:11 foothold in our uranium industry bribery

Typos Are Deliberate, Is This The Team Around POTUS? Watch You Will See - Episode 1732b

@00:05:40 the clinton foundation and uranium one

Boom, [HR[D]C] Panic, Dec 5, Another Whistleblower, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming - Episode 1730b

@00:06:37 that the uranium 1 deal and the
@00:07:41 attached the uranium one deal now how
@00:15:10 charges are e uranium one deal he's now
@00:15:24 when the uranium 1 deal was approved
@00:17:09 the uranium 1 deal and everything else

Trump Warns DECLAS Bad, Something Public Should Not See, Start The Clock - Episode 1729b

@00:06:14 foundation and uranium one to a
@00:06:33 uranium one the delivered documents also
@00:06:46 involved in the uranium 1 deal now the

We Know, Locked And Loaded, All In Place, Picture Worth Many Sentences - Episode 1728b

@00:12:33 control of 20% of the uranium capacity

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:24:29 putin has any information on the uranium

Like Clockwork, Why Is The Fed Subject Of So Many Conspiracy Theories? - Episode 1679a

@00:11:39 wrong with the uranium one deal there's

The Presidential Alert Test & Full Senate Vote On Target - Episode 1674b

@00:26:07 in into syria creating uranium one and

Conspiracy No Longer A Conspiracy, Patriots In Control, Unite - Episode 1671b

@00:28:30 bring in the uranium one then you can

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:04:22 clinton emails with uranium one with

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:02:14 investigation uranium one and so forth

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

@00:21:53 and uranium to china russia example one
@00:23:58 187 uranium one fun supply iran north
@00:34:02 gradually assumed control of uranium 1
@00:34:14 uranium one's chairman used his family
@00:34:39 majority stake in uranium one mr.

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:15:14 months ago to look into uranium 1 and
@00:15:26 informant for uranium one hashtag magga

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:04:53 clinton her emails uranium one you name
@00:14:37 with clinton emails with uranium one and

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:12:59 steel dossier with uranium one the

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:03:17 know about the uranium one the clinton

Conspiracy, Treason, It's Time To Connect The Dots, The Great Awakening - Episode 1644b

@00:15:21 email server the uranium one issue comes
@00:16:16 uranium sample to moscow in 2009 who was
@00:17:03 uranium one deal guess who was still at

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:35:01 uranium one and it also helped bankroll
@00:35:24 has to do with obama and uranium 1 so

A Week To Remember, Dark To Light - Episode 1620b

@00:03:26 russian owned mining company uranium one

Boom, The Entire Plan Has Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 1618b

@00:11:21 going to launch a probe whether uranium
@00:11:32 uranium one deal q has been telling us
@00:11:34 what they've been doing with the uranium
@00:11:40 going to look into uranium imports now
@00:11:55 circumstances of uranium ore and fraud
@00:12:03 the probe will cover the entire uranium
@00:12:58 there's a uranium probe they have the

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:08:19 buy the uranium from russia to create

It Must Happen, People Will Reject, Will Be Lost, Their World Will Implode - Episode 1604b

@00:12:52 on to say putin uranium one will come
@00:13:30 happening with the uranium one what's

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:10:33 the uranium and everything else so we
@00:38:07 ukrainian-russian uranium to explode in

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:19:31 giving uranium to the russians giving

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:17:01 have employed depleted uranium munitions

The Trap Was Set, The Trap Has Been Sprung - Episode 1577b

@00:12:13 they were using uranium being brought

Q Asks Who Is In Control, Then Shows Us - Episode 1573b

@00:10:58 iran must stop enrichment of uranium

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:06:06 the clinton foundation uranium one and
@00:17:59 finding out about the uranium one deal

Trust The Plan, The Plan Is Not Going To Be Straightforward - Episode 1569b

@00:19:53 exposed those dealing in uranium create

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:23:02 about what they're doing with uranium

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:09:42 slush fund money with the uranium one

Is The Trap Being Set In The Middle East? Breaking Down The Plan - Episode 1565b

@00:04:10 uranium that's being smuggled in what
@00:10:40 raza tom is the russian link to uranium
@00:10:43 one we know uranium one involves
@00:10:58 uranium and we could see that trump has
@00:11:47 raza tom is part of this uranium one
@00:11:53 uranium one deal with raza tom and this
@00:11:59 uranium perdue
@00:12:13 ownership of the uranium one mining firm
@00:12:15 and its american assets now uranium one
@00:12:23 license so they can't export uranium one
@00:12:27 so the extracted uranium could not be
@00:12:45 about this uranium one deal the nrc in
@00:12:55 logistic services to simply add uranium
@00:12:59 one to the list of clients whose uranium
@00:14:10 have funneling uranium it's all
@00:16:41 uranium deal was delivered and used to
@00:20:57 what is going on with the uranium one
@00:21:10 being done with the uranium and

Evil Has Lost Control, The Deal Silenced Everyone - Episode 1564b

@00:06:50 uranium to certain areas to create
@00:19:22 doing with the uranium what they're
@00:20:32 the uranium enrichment but he also said

Prepare Yourself, Deep State Narrative Falling Apart - Episode 1562b

@00:10:56 push a war with the uranium one deal and

Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

@00:14:34 uranium one deal these people had a hand

The Plan Is On Schedule, Countries Move To Review The Deal - Episode 1558b

@00:17:59 uranium who they made deals with who
@00:20:01 investigation with the uranium one the
@00:20:13 in syria with russia with uranium with

America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

@00:12:33 where they're also supplying uranium and
@00:17:15 basically selling them uranium one
@00:18:22 somehow the uranium went missing did he
@00:18:28 selling uranium on to russia deep state

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:19:12 uranium one material end up syria now
@00:19:16 the uranium one material this is the
@00:19:19 whole clinton of selling uranium one to
@00:19:34 sell uranium to russia but actually some
@00:19:40 syria what if the uranium one material
@00:19:47 the uranium to russia the other was
@00:19:57 states so what if the uranium one
@00:20:15 one of their puppets with the uranium
@00:20:33 uranium one to iran syria war what does
@00:20:37 uranium one provide cover so the united
@00:20:45 uranium one deal why did we strike syria
@00:22:32 so the uranium one was the back door to
@00:22:35 get uranium into syria where the deep
@00:22:48 uranium deal via the uranium one deal
@00:22:53 they could ship uranium of the same

Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played - Episode 1550b

@00:08:21 headed right now now on the uranium one
@00:08:40 uranium 1 scandal was completely
@00:09:00 uranium company ian telfer made for
@00:09:11 uranium one in three separate
@00:09:18 to the clinton foundation uranium one's
@00:10:07 the contrary uranium one has in fact
@00:10:20 uranium 1 has in fact shipped yellowcake
@00:10:28 claimed he sold uranium 1 before a
@00:10:47 uranium to russia hillary clinton's
@00:10:59 foreign investors involving the uranium
@00:11:04 uranium deal flowed a combined 145
@00:11:12 agency's heads who approved the uranium
@00:11:26 the uranium 1 story and we could see

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:06:17 2016 with insight into the uranium one
@00:06:23 lied for clinton uranium one deal the

The Agenda Is Set, Conflict Levels Rise, Deep State Goes For It All - Episode 1541b

@00:01:44 uranium one investigation going on all

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:10:18 out about the uranium one deal about the

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:24:17 uranium one deal so as you can see you

Did The Deep State Just Hint At Their Next Targeted Event - Episode 1522b

@00:05:51 uranium missile system none of the

The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce Might Be More Than One Event - Episode 1519b

@00:20:05 investigation in fisa uranium one

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:06:19 faiza uranium one clinton emails but the

The Deep State Has Lost Control, The Take Down Will Begin Soon - Episode 1515b

@00:20:02 uranium one nuclear technology to other

Confusion Is Part Of Their Plan, Who Has The Ultimate Power? - Episode 1512b

@00:02:16 uranium one with the fisa with obama

Are The American People Being Played? If So This Will Not End Well - Episode 1511b

@00:03:46 everything the uranium one deal the

Yes, The Purge Is Real - Episode 1508b

@00:06:43 uranium one and he was part of the obama

The 'Wet Work' Continues, Russian Plane Crash Might Not Have Been An Accident - Episode 1496b

@00:05:05 basically is part of the uranium 1 deal
@00:05:50 uranium 1 the uranium mining company at
@00:05:58 20% of the u.s. greenie uranium

Nation Alert, Active Sleeper Cells Ready To Push The Next Event:Q - Episode 1487b

@00:05:41 it also feeds back to the uranium one
@00:07:48 them a uranium one we made a lot of

'Doomsday Clock' Moves Again, Is Everything Lining Up For An Event? - Episode 1482b

@00:05:35 uranium one deal think about what they
@00:08:36 pages the russian collusion the uranium

There Is No Other Choice, The Time Has Come To Have The Event Of Events - Episode 1480b

@00:01:56 do with the fisa memo with uranium one

The Greatest Push To Start WWIII Has Just Begun - Episode 1476b

@00:01:38 everywhere uranium one clinton emails

Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b

@00:06:19 on the uranium one child trafficking

The Cabal Begins Operation Take Control At Any Cost - Episode 1472b

@00:04:56 uranium one deal infusion gps email
@00:05:06 of a former uranium uranium
@00:06:03 the same raza tom that purchased uranium
@00:06:06 one tenem was importing russian uranium

Are The American People Being Prepared For A Nuclear Pearl Harbor? - Episode 1471

@00:02:19 uranium one there's the trump dossier
@00:02:38 analysts turn uranium transportation
@00:02:49 the uranium one deal now of course this
@00:03:13 deeply embedded in the russian uranium
@00:03:54 federation uranium and uranium enriched
@00:05:15 now that he is mixed up in his uranium
@00:05:38 the uranium one deal and this was thanks

To Convince The Public This Is What The Cabal Does - Episode 1470b

@00:11:20 the uranium one deal into obama into

The Old Wag The Dog Distraction Being Used On The Cabal, But Why?- Episode 1466b

@00:14:49 following trails into their uranium 1

He Who Controls The Creation Of Currency Controls The World - Episode 1465

@00:09:14 uranium one deal we see that fusion gps
@00:10:31 uranium one deal fusion gps and we can

This Could Be The Year That Justice Is Served - Episode 1464b

@00:01:54 scandal the uranium 1 scandal the

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:01:17 going on with the uranium one with co me
@00:04:43 uranium one the comey memos the
@00:15:08 investigation into the uranium one deal

The Cabal Didn't Expect This To Happen, Next Event Locked And Loaded - Episode 1462b

@00:01:53 the uranium 1 deal the trump dossier
@00:01:59 uranium 1 and the rest and they're very

The Cabal Initiates The First Event, Let The Games Begin - Episode 1460b

@00:05:07 doing the spying the uranium one the

It's All Happening At An Accelerated Pace, Will The Event Be Triggered? - Episode 1458b

@00:02:04 with the uranium 1 deal fusion gps it
@00:02:22 the uranium 1 deal and we see that this
@00:16:16 going on about the uranium one deal

The Draining Of The Swamp Nuclear Option Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1457b

@00:02:38 the uranium one deal child trafficking
@00:07:04 uranium one deal when we look at the
@00:17:40 out about the uranium one deal about

It Has All Come To This Moment, What Happens Next - Episode 1455b

@00:02:55 with the russians uranium one deal fbi
@00:04:03 investigation into the uranium one deal

Desperation Is Setting In, The Cabal Is Trapped - Episode 1454b

@00:02:55 uranium one deal fbi works for the cabal
@00:04:03 investigation into the uranium one deal

The Doomsday Event Has Started, This Is Their Warning - Episode 1452b

@00:17:06 investigations in the uranium one deal

The Battle Accelerates, The Truth Is Being Forced Into The Open - Episode 1446b

@00:01:33 fusion gps russian collusion the uranium
@00:06:52 uranium one investigation demanding
@00:07:06 uranium one being able to export
@00:07:08 yellowcake uranium out of the united
@00:07:18 yellowcake uranium the raw material used
@00:07:30 approved some of that uranium going

Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b

@00:04:55 comey lied we have the uranium one deal
@00:09:38 what's been happening with the uranium

The Cabal Will Be Crushed By The Truth - Episode 1433b

@00:08:22 that the truth between the uranium one

Time Is Running Out For The Cabal, Tick-Tock - Episode 1431b

@00:02:47 happened with uranium one deal and

Are The Globalists Moving Forward With Their One Currency Agenda? - Episode 1427b

@00:06:21 with the uranium one well this
@00:06:35 agency and at the time uranium one deal
@00:06:48 uranium one deal now since his name has
@00:07:09 dismiss his knowledge of the uranium one
@00:07:18 relating to uranium one and political

It Has Begun, Russia And Syria Are Now Asking The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1425b

@00:02:05 looking into the uranium 1 deal and the

Layer By Layer The Cabal Is Being Exposed To The World - Episode 1420b

@00:06:11 with the uranium one deal john mccain

The Cabal Makes Their Move For A New Middle East Event - Episode 1418b

@00:05:05 with the uranium one deal well things
@00:05:30 uranium was being transferred to moscow

Something Big Is Happening That Hasn't Happened Since 2011 - Episode 1417b

@00:01:47 coming out about the uranium one deal
@00:02:26 uranium 1 deal on august 28th 2015
@00:03:59 sights on the uranium one scandal weeks

Desperation Has Set In, The Cabal Is Pushing All Agendas - Episode 1414b

@00:17:03 ukraine the clintons the uranium one

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:05:22 all us uranium from the report we found
@00:05:47 uranium to russia on an airport tarmac
@00:07:46 the uranium deal that news story hit we
@00:08:42 because they don't want the uranium one
@00:22:09 uranium one deal distract everyone from

Something Big Is About To Happen & It Might Take Place At An Amusement Park - Episode 1411b

@00:03:34 bribery with uranium one and remember
@00:11:09 clinton the uranium one deal there's a

The Dominoes Are Falling And It Doesn't Look Good For The Cabal - Episode 1410b

@00:01:51 uranium one deal and how mueller is

Here It All Comes, The Truth And The Event All At The Same Time - Episode 1409b

@00:01:18 the uranium one deal fusion gps and
@00:03:13 looking into the uranium one deal with

Mop Up Operation: Is The Cabal Destroying Records? - Episode 1408b

@00:01:59 the russian owned mining company uranium
@00:03:51 with the uranium deal they made a lot of

The Event Warning Meter Has Hit Code Red - Episode 1405b

@00:04:20 uranium deal extortion bribery some

It's All About To Hit The Fan, The Cabal's Next Move Will Cover It All Up - Episode 1404b

@00:03:17 that is the uranium case which we
@00:03:28 swath of american uranium and the fbi

The Truth Is Starting To Slowly Leak Out, The Cabal Worries Begin - Episode 1403b

@00:03:23 handed them 20% of america's uranium
@00:03:39 cash the uranium one deal as approved by
@00:03:50 speaking fees from uranium one
@00:04:05 shareholders of the uranium one just
@00:04:45 that this uranium deal turning out to be

The Central Banker, Deep State Secret Weapon, The 'Kill Switch' - Episode 1280b

@00:04:01 dollars from uranium one which was sold
@00:04:07 russia control 20% of the uranium

It's Happening, It's Exactly What We Thought The Deep State Would Do - Episode 1240b

@00:06:34 uranium to go to russia russian speech
@00:06:53 uranium to go to russia and bill
@00:07:33 several investors in uranium one a
@00:07:52 uranium production capacity in the
@00:08:05 russian owned uranium one had exceeded
@00:08:14 donations from uranium investors spiked
@00:08:20 to secure uranium one was being

The Elite & Ultra Wealthy Are Preparing For Something Big - Episode 1238b

@00:14:03 grade plutonium uranium nuclear bombs
@00:14:45 plutonium uranium and whatnot and we can

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:13:00 us uranium to russia and nine investors
@00:13:28 the head of russia's uranium company so

The 'Deep State' Soft Coup Is Now In Progress To Take Full Control Of The Country - Episode 1204b

@00:22:59 they've used depleted uranium in syria
@00:23:16 remember depleted uranium well this
@00:23:35 problems with the uranium bits and
@00:24:04 depleted uranium rounds and they saw a

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 847

@00:08:02 tons of enriched uranium to russia
@00:08:15 stockpile of enriched uranium to around
@00:08:18 300 kilograms the enriched uranium
@00:08:22 unenriched uranium compound already

The US Push For War Is Now Appearing On All Fronts - Episode 825b

@00:16:27 lifted the ban on uranium enrichment
@00:16:37 the exports of the enriched uranium from

NATO Assisting Ukraine To Prepare For A Dirty Bomb Attack - Episode 773b

@00:20:15 using depleted uranium and they're
@00:20:59 using depleted uranium white phosphorus

Pentagon's New Law of War Manual Justifies War Crimes And Censorship - Episode 745b

@00:19:11 the use of depleted uranium was
@00:19:21 depleted uranium which they used in iraq
@00:19:56 uranium is a problem people have taken

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:21:48 know uranium was trying to be smuggled

False Flag Botched As Four Men Caught Smuggling Uranium In Ukraine - Episode 736b

@00:00:44 smuggling uranium in ukraine now before
@00:13:34 uranium and they were attempting to sell
@00:13:50 material seized was uranium 230
@00:14:26 trying to move uranium trying to get it

US Gov Is Using The NDAA To Indefinitely Detain Those Who Commit A “Belligerent Act" - Episode 606

@00:37:41 20-percent enriched uranium
@00:38:12 iaea monitoring seals on its uranium

Central Bankers Lose Control Of The Middle East, Yemen Government Falls - Episode 572

@00:41:54 their hands on uranium and we see obama

Obama Planning For A Western-Backed Coalition No-Fly Zone Over Syria - Episode 462

@00:39:43 about 88 pounds of uranium compounds in

Central Bankers/US Government Set The Stage For The False Flag Event - Episode 436

@00:26:25 bomb one would require uranium a nuclear

Dirty Bomb Material Seized In Ukraine To Be Used For A False Flag Event -- Episode 359

@00:37:26 possibly contained uranium-235 with a

Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

@00:39:39 nuclear material highly enriched uranium

World Focused On Russia While US & NATO Buildup Military Assets Near Russia -- Episode 322

@00:18:27 enriched uranium a deca decades old
@00:39:04 enriched uranium at undeclared

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:35:11 of highly enriched uranium plutonium or

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 297

@00:14:52 can't produce this much uranium but this

Will The False Flag Event At The Superbowl Get The Green Light ?- Episode 278

@00:19:56 uranium and this is all a smoke and

As The FED Tapers The US Reports Syria Might Have Biological Weapons -- Episode 276

@00:24:46 the size of its uranium enrichment

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:20:20 enrichment of uranium beyond permitted

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:01:27 amount of natural resources gold uranium
@00:24:01 they have uranium they have diamonds

False Flag Event Is A Go, Tapering To Begin In 2014 -- Episode 242

@00:23:41 uranium because this will be used in the
@00:24:21 increase our uranium enrichment and we
@00:30:39 uranium enrichment all this sets up all
@00:33:13 program for uranium enrichment with all

"Lone Wolves" Will Be Spreading Terror Throughout The U.S. Says A U.S. Congressman -- Episode 241

@00:27:06 increase its uranium enrichment goals to
@00:28:17 them into creating more uranium and

NSA Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy -- Episode 240

@00:17:28 african republic is for the uranium
@00:17:32 paris is focusing on the uranium
@00:17:42 uranium content the highest in

Iran Makes A Move To Replace The U.S. Military Presence In The Middle East -- Episode 238

@00:26:20 enriched uranium because they understand

Alert: UN Sealed Evidence Could Be Used To Strike Syria -- Episode 228

@00:36:27 accepted iranian your iranians uranium

China And Japan Tensions Could Lead To A False Flag Event -- Episode 227

@00:22:34 uranium enrichment program they are not
@00:23:09 are cutting back on your uranium

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 2)

@00:03:04 continue enriching uranium and again the

Do You Think It's Only The Job Numbers That Are Manipulated? -- Episode 219

@00:29:24 already enrich enough uranium 45 atomic
@00:29:35 bombs worth of low-enriched uranium and

The Power Grid, NASDAQ And HealthCare.gov All Have Glitches -- Episode 194

@00:15:56 uranium platinum all the different

Will The Government Sabotage The "Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- Episode 185

@00:22:12 end to uranium enrichment europe will

al-Qeada Handing Terrorist Baton Over To al-Shabaab -- Episode 176

@00:32:56 almost enough uranium to build a nuclear
@00:33:06 months now they're saying uranium two

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 175

@00:15:31 enough uranium to do it and the

"We're Not Some Banana Republic, This Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" -- Episode 174

@00:26:00 uranium for a bomb in two months they

Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

@00:29:39 malley all rich with uranium gold oil
@00:29:44 kenya has oil uranium and gold and um

Alert -- One Step Closer To The Big Event, Be Prepared!! -- Episode 172

@00:20:50 undetermined quantities of uranium so
@00:21:48 uranium they want all of this especially

The Government Is Using A Serious Crisis To Pass The Gun Bills -- Episode 165

@00:31:45 of uranium enrichment for iran number

War Or Not To W..., What Was The Question? -- Episode 160

@00:26:04 enriching uranium only for civilian

You Will Be Watched, Recorded and Tracked During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 119

@00:29:15 it had traces of uranium inside but the
@00:29:29 was depleted uranium and from other

The Economic Storm Is Surrounding The Government And There Is No Escape -- Episode 110

@00:23:48 enriched uranium short of crossing his