
Your Awakening Stories #1

@00:04:00 video about 5g and how some of the


@00:02:06 things there 5g grid is not installed

Now This is a Killer App

@00:10:08 a place that just installed tons of 5g
@00:10:54 the 5g infrastructure in place so wuhan

Monolithic Conspiracy

@00:00:23 world dominator in 5g and wireless
@00:00:29 to use one way in their 5g networks and
@00:01:39 use not to install the huawei 5g
@00:03:02 germany should use huawei for its 5g
@00:18:28 of things through 5g so that brings us
@00:43:44 with huawei for their 5g networks is

The Great Reset / NWO - They Hate Us

@00:02:19 a graphic to show how 5g will work 5g
@00:02:32 the brain and 5g and that's because they
@00:04:45 this and that's why they need 5g
@00:32:23 to the future and the arrival of 5g my
@00:32:36 speeds and stable connections that 5g

Digital Democracy? One Company Controls it All

@00:04:56 buses and 5g and beyond meet that

I Know How We Can Hurt Them

@00:07:08 5g asurs in a new world of opportunities
@00:07:32 internet of things 5g these are all

Ruined People Ruined Culture - Roger Scruton & Post Black Pill Living

@00:14:43 to 5g without testing we do not consent

Anti Corruption Ireland - A Movement to be Reckoned With

@00:35:17 turbines the 5g the like you say it's
@00:46:17 know the 5g we are heavily water

4th Industrial Revolution is the Plan to End Humanity

@00:20:52 stopping this process 5g is going to
@00:21:50 cities tracked through the 5g and so it

Fintech and Censorship

@00:11:21 you want to have 5g and you you want all

OptoGenetics remote mind control via GM drugs. Q anon Dig

@00:01:01 project maybe even 5g i haven't even
@00:01:04 looked into 5g but it does probably play
@00:38:35 5g what is with the led light bulbs what