Bill Gates

People in the Dark Shadows

@00:29:18 here's bill gates sneaking in
@00:30:39 i think it's bill gates bill gates
@00:31:50 bill gates want to
@00:37:15 bill gates and microsoft
@00:38:08 along with bill gates of course these

Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking

@00:37:19 bill and melinda gates

Who Do You Trust

@00:02:26 so when i look out i see bill gates
@00:05:03 bill gates narrative
@00:16:04 on the news like bill gates but many
@00:31:18 and i want to show you this clip of bill
@00:31:20 gates but you don't have a choice people
@00:32:37 bill gates also warns us that this is
@00:33:45 bill gates and is i call this pandemic
@00:34:09 anthony fauci and people from bill and
@00:34:12 melinda gates the welcome trust
@00:36:26 of people like bill gates who is not in
@00:39:59 id 2020 is a bill gates
@00:40:06 bill gates has partnered with mastercard
@00:40:44 check bill gates is not
@00:41:00 the study was funded in part by bill and
@00:41:02 melinda gates
@00:42:21 bill gates is not planning to microchip
@00:42:34 here's them saying that bill gates is
@00:43:02 bill gates says that's a conspiracy
@00:43:13 that whole thing right there is bill
@00:43:14 gates and melinda gates are they trying
@00:43:22 aha to bill and me when we got into this

Your Awakening Stories #1

@00:09:08 paul allen and bill gates

Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now

@00:12:38 vaccines bill gates who's going to get

Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked

@00:23:48 the world's children just like bill
@00:23:50 gates does
@00:23:52 that's bill gates's bread and butter
@00:27:34 the same usual suspects bill and melinda
@00:27:36 gates newmark

Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2

@00:31:14 mean here's some of the people bill
@00:31:18 gates

deleted Attack of the Updates (& Note to Contributors)

@00:01:00 on that when it first began bill gates

Technofascist Takeover - 6 videos to watch and share

@00:01:06 cartoon of bill gates explaining his
@00:17:19 by a bill and melinda gates and that's

deleted Riots & Lockdown - 4th Generation Warfare

@00:15:04 cell based meat along with who bill
@00:15:07 gates and richard branson and softbank
@00:21:07 this story remember i said that bill
@00:21:10 gates invested in this memphis meats and
@00:21:59 and it's very close connection to bill
@00:22:02 gates
@00:22:48 delicious and bill gates will make a lot

BOOM! Guess Who is Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation?

@00:08:27 bill gates that would be the burning
@00:08:35 the bill and melinda gates foundation or
@00:09:45 grady and bill gates when you know all
@00:09:51 connections to bill gates
@00:10:02 the bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:10:24 ways to bill gates here's just two of
@00:11:08 this bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:11:22 and the bill and melinda gates
@00:12:05 pepfar bill and melinda gates have
@00:12:45 the cova 19 response bill gates of
@00:12:49 course here is a clip of bill gates a
@00:12:54 couple of clips probably of bill gates
@00:13:54 our lives and i think bill gates knows
@00:15:45 yours if you're bill gates your longtime
@00:17:35 the bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:18:33 polio vaccine about bill gates and his
@00:19:24 the bill and melinda gates foundation

BARDA Whistleblower Links to Health Mafia

@00:03:15 project guess who started that bill and
@00:03:19 melinda gates but not just bill and
@00:03:21 melinda gates the leadership council of
@00:03:36 course the bill and melinda gates
@00:07:41 bill and melinda gates foundation the
@00:10:09 path once again is bill and melinda
@00:10:12 gates see the overlap why would a
@00:11:19 venture includes people from the bill
@00:11:22 and melinda gates foundation people from
@00:11:29 also bill and melinda gates and even
@00:17:14 case funded by the bill and melinda
@00:17:16 gates foundation very curious very
@00:17:26 together on anything else they did bill
@00:17:29 and melinda gates and oxford university
@00:18:25 from path the bill and melinda gates
@00:18:48 bill and melinda gates the ministry of
@00:19:24 hydroxychloroquine worked with bill and
@00:19:26 melinda gates at paths in vietnam to
@00:19:48 oxford bill and melinda gates include
@00:20:25 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:20:42 bill and melinda gates and that's why
@00:21:26 the fda has halted a bill gates

MORE Public Health Mafia Connections

@00:01:54 bill and melinda gates foundation boom
@00:02:11 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:02:13 what projects are the bill and melinda
@00:02:16 gates foundation sponsoring through the
@00:04:50 international development and the bill
@00:04:51 and melinda gates foundation i should
@00:07:23 if bill gates foundation and the uk
@00:13:37 he's from the bill and melinda gates
@00:20:25 funding from george soros and bill gates
@00:20:42 and above and here we see bill and
@00:20:44 melinda gates and we see open society
@00:21:37 that the bill and melinda gates
@00:23:30 health is supported in a big way by bill
@00:23:34 and melinda gates and george soros and

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

@00:00:29 bill gates and some of the characters
@00:04:27 pharmaceutical manufacturers the bill
@00:04:30 and melinda gates foundation for gavi
@00:09:40 from these foundations of note the bill
@00:09:45 and melinda gates foundation the
@00:11:18 the funders of the gpm b are the bill
@00:11:24 and melinda gates foundation the
@00:15:11 those are bill and melinda gates efforts
@00:16:32 forum and the bill and melinda gates
@00:19:04 that bill and melinda gates were
@00:19:11 writer on may 2nd wonders why bill gates
@00:19:17 bill gates was asked about event 201 and
@00:19:24 was on april 12th 2020 bill gates said
@00:20:48 now why would bill gates want to deny
@00:21:00 bill and melinda gates foundation there
@00:21:11 chris elias he is the face of the bill
@00:21:16 and melinda gates foundation i thought
@00:25:27 before we move on he was at the bill and
@00:25:29 melinda gates global grand challenges
@00:25:34 from 2003 to 2010 directly for bill and
@00:25:39 melinda gates for seven years that was a
@00:30:46 foundations bill and melinda gates as
@00:30:55 that the bill and melinda gates
@00:30:56 foundation exists but bill and melinda
@00:30:58 gates also have something called the
@00:30:59 bill and melinda gates foundation trust
@00:39:25 exposing more about bill gates and the

Beware the Contact Tracers

@00:18:35 aids that's bill gates we've talked
@00:18:43 gates and foul qi grand challenges
@00:18:48 launched in 2003 by the bill and melinda
@00:18:51 gates foundation who else our partners

To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy

@00:00:00 we're gonna be talking about bill gates
@00:04:20 now we're going to be looking at bill
@00:04:23 gates and his company microsoft and his
@00:04:26 sure the bill and melinda gates
@00:04:30 things come up when we look at bill
@00:04:32 gates because of his strategic
@00:04:36 organization did you know that bill
@00:04:39 gates is the second largest funder of
@00:04:50 organization that means that now bill
@00:04:53 and melinda gates are the largest
@00:05:16 it's kind of a bill gates production
@00:05:45 bill gates bill gates is having all his
@00:05:56 we can see that that's true bill gates
@00:06:08 hyperbole to say that bill gates is
@00:06:23 and the general public all think of bill
@00:06:26 gates as this ultimate do-gooder but
@00:12:50 make money and you can see bill gates
@00:12:56 the bill and melinda gates foundation to
@00:14:50 like that this is what bill gates
@00:24:23 always begging for money bill gates is
@00:25:27 created by bill gates and this psycho i
@00:26:06 that what bill gates was doing when he
@00:26:20 decay pain is did bill gates know this
@00:26:57 another person bill gates made a mistake
@00:30:53 and rockefeller know each other and bill
@00:30:57 gates hired marina abramovic to make his
@00:31:55 funds it of course bill gates in case
@00:39:36 and bill and melinda gates were set to
@00:44:38 why would bill gates select this woman
@00:44:46 bill gates partnered with the clinton
@00:44:53 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:45:59 bill gates as i just showed you do you
@00:46:29 you know bill gates did too in 2010 the
@00:46:32 bill and melinda gates foundation and

Trump Investigating NIH and PEPFAR?

@00:11:46 videos i'm working on microsoft and bill
@00:11:49 gates are up to some very creepy fourth
@00:12:16 these ngos and to bill gates and to each


@00:05:48 the fact that bill gates owns microsoft

The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand

@00:00:12 has been on a tear against bill gates
@00:01:03 just after bill gates was brought into
@00:01:33 have clips from bill gates clips from
@00:15:06 for bill and melinda gates now but she
@00:15:53 for global health that is funded by bill
@00:15:58 gates of course the project novak is
@00:16:19 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:18:39 when he approached bill gates
@00:18:42 get bill gates to join them in the
@00:18:47 out that's what happened from bill
@00:19:02 thing for polio and he approached bill
@00:19:05 gates to form a partnership in the year
@00:19:07 2000 bill says in the video that he knew
@00:19:23 it all went wrong bill gates now
@00:20:49 unprecedented effort led by the bill and
@00:20:52 melinda gates foundation the world
@00:21:43 basically to bill and melinda gates they
@00:21:59 disdain for bill gates but i don't think
@00:22:08 for bill gates and i know this because
@00:22:34 bill gates are a strategic philanthropy
@00:29:05 was bill gates according to bill gates
@00:30:08 bill gates scoffs at that because he's
@00:30:14 and power in control bill gates is an
@00:30:28 on bill gates's scam and con and grift
@00:30:34 remember bill gates got brought into
@00:30:49 part because bill gates never would have
@00:31:54 reopening on yeah i was bill gates that
@00:32:17 makes bill gates look but he's the best
@00:32:21 they've got i'm bill gates i'm not a
@00:33:02 creation arm and in slid you know bill
@00:33:06 gates into that millia with his crazy
@00:39:00 backs of this ruse and of course bill
@00:39:05 gates in his utter glee his utter glee
@00:39:25 humanity committed by bill gates we're
@00:39:32 media our luck step covering up for bill
@00:39:37 gates oh yeah listen to the irony of
@00:39:42 this video clip where bill gates is

RFK Speaks Out, PEPFAR gets deeper. BOOM info

@00:00:36 line of work she works for the bill and
@00:00:38 melinda gates foundation laura burks
@00:03:06 of interest etc with bill gates between
@00:03:09 anthony foutch ii and bill gates and
@00:03:11 bill gates and practically anyone
@00:04:06 bill gates you might hear of a lot of
@00:04:19 deeper at them you'll find that bill
@00:04:21 gates funds almost all of them almost
@00:10:10 exact same thing listen to bill gates
@00:12:33 so us welcome competing with bill gates
@00:13:25 the wellcome trust and bill & melinda
@00:13:27 gates foundation
@00:13:32 funding this thing but really bill gates
@00:13:36 this is all bill gates right here and we
@00:13:39 know that bill gates is one of the
@00:13:52 island bill gates got a united nations
@00:14:11 something it could be because bill gates
@00:14:22 largely bill gates just to prove it to
@00:14:39 tuberculosis and malaria bill and
@00:14:41 melinda gates foundation is the largest
@00:14:46 bill gates's own blog in october 20 19
@00:18:42 between the bill and melinda gates
@00:19:00 laura burks works now for the bill and
@00:19:04 melinda gates foundation a possible
@00:19:11 directly for bill gates directly boom
@00:19:23 bill gates and patrick holly goes over
@00:19:28 burks both have big money bill gates
@00:21:12 laura burks bill and melinda gates
@00:25:15 the same bane bill gates he's the second
@00:30:55 products now she works for bill &
@00:30:58 melinda gates foundation
@00:30:59 what are bill and melinda gates his
@00:32:32 look my feeling is that bill well bill
@00:32:38 gates is an insane psychopath i don't
@00:34:54 bill gates senior there's anthony foutch
@00:35:00 turner bill moyers that was at the
@00:35:36 beholden to bill gates they're invested
@00:35:38 in things with bill gates money money
@00:35:40 money comes from being loyal to bill
@00:35:44 gates in his plan
@00:35:50 directly for bill and melinda gates boom
@00:36:46 fund bill and melinda gates it's all the
@00:37:33 won't dig bill gates is the second

Not So Trusted Voices

@00:07:32 aren't you watching bill gates and all
@00:07:53 sponsored by bill gates and the world

Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity

@00:13:10 fund to fight aids bill melinda gates
@00:13:22 as usual to the clintons and bill gates

Qster and Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare

@00:20:24 cdc nbc bill gates you see how each one
@00:27:34 foutch ii like bill gates and like a

Ukraine got PEPFAR Money - What did they use it for?

@00:10:24 bill gates davos where george soros made

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx

@00:14:01 here's bono and bill gates talking about
@00:15:14 kieran daley from the bill and melinda
@00:15:16 gates foundation another board member is
@00:15:25 already said is bill gates of course
@00:15:27 bill gates loves it because
@00:15:29 bill gates is all about vaccines so he
@00:15:57 profitable for bill gates to cure a
@00:20:02 are partnered already with bill gates

Now This is a Killer App

@00:09:06 wuhan did bill gates and a bunch of

The Lab Rat Who Knew Too Much

@00:03:15 made a fortune working closely with bill
@00:03:17 gates at microsoft these are all red
@00:03:25 mit microsoft bill gates mind control
@00:03:53 with bill gates joined open wave a
@00:05:46 worked at bill gates invented internet
@00:08:27 belongs to it bill clinton belongs to it
@00:08:29 bill gates belongs to it it's gigantic

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific

@00:13:49 bill and melinda gates foundation mark
@00:13:51 suzman and joe sorrell bill gates of
@00:13:55 course bill gates from the bill and
@00:13:58 melinda gates foundation who has two
@00:14:33 founder bill gates marshall islands
@00:23:48 looked at earlier with bill gates and
@00:26:34 and bill gates is right in there and

BOMBSHELL! Ghislaine Maxwell Family Ties! Robert the triple agent? Sisters in Tech

@00:21:40 eating and in wandered bill gates and we

The Truth About SMART Cities

@00:23:38 same article bill gates has got one

Sustainable Development Is a Con Job

@00:07:36 ovation bill gates has said we need to

Dr Pizza Patterns - Those Who Scream the Loudest to Silence Others

@00:16:55 bill gates so he's a big deal but isn't

Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments

@00:13:11 research the gates foundation bill and
@00:13:13 melinda gates they've been doing it for

Spygate Swamp Lawyer Has a Surprising Client

@00:09:08 has overlapping interests with bill
@00:09:10 gates and the clintons it's big on well

Controlled Journalism - Fact Checking, Fake News & Phony Philanthropy

@00:06:03 soros bill and melinda gates bill and
@00:06:06 melinda gates invest in vaccinations in
@00:06:14 worry about ai things like that bill and
@00:06:17 melinda gates our main investors the

Celebrity Sausage and Population Control

@00:01:22 partnership with bill gates and
@00:14:17 bill gates is a great example now bill
@00:14:20 gates is an investor in this impossible
@00:14:59 vaccines bill gates changes the world
@00:18:43 and now watch this video clip where bill
@00:18:46 gates is at a ted talk comfortable
@00:20:17 lower that it's also confusing this bill
@00:20:20 gates want to keep people alive or does
@00:20:31 from more recently bill gates has a
@00:21:04 this program which bill gates as you
@00:22:25 business so bill and melinda gates it
@00:22:55 rights bill gates it could unleash waves
@00:23:05 bill gates is

DISTURBING - You Won't Believe This "Coincidence"

@00:08:26 bill gates i know that one google

The Official Credit Card of the New World Order - Part 1

@00:29:40 like the gates foundation why the gates
@00:29:46 that was back in 2014 the bill and
@00:29:49 melinda gates foundation is funding the

Common Core Canada - Marxist Math

@00:03:52 funded by people like bill gates what
@00:03:55 the hell is with bill gates he's he's
@00:04:04 passes away bill gates will be will take