false flag

The LEAKED Censorship File - BLACKLIST

@00:04:17 a false flag vatican knows about aliens
@00:04:24 or false proof earth is flat dinosaurs
@00:21:36 called a false flag had they done it
@00:21:40 false flags that there's a variety of

Censoring Opposition to Censorship

@00:16:59 be a technological false flag event a
@00:17:01 social media outrage mob false flag

Cabal Spotted in Sri Lanka - Coded Messages?

@00:10:59 false flag is that's the definition of
@00:11:02 definition of a false flag there's been

Anti Corruption Ireland - A Movement to be Reckoned With

@00:33:10 false flag operations because i i know

You Have to Kill The Cougar

@00:01:35 total fake news it was a false flag they

Hacking Democracy with False Flags

@00:00:09 events staged events false flag the
@00:00:15 right q asked us what false flag event
@00:01:11 false flag event preceded the passing of

Smollett story was a Set Up from the Get Go Obama? Kamala? Foxx in on it?

@00:02:04 this to him q asks what false flag event
@00:02:11 the bill did the false flag event

Luciferian World Order plus Missing TNT, Beltane & False Flags

@00:12:29 possibility that there could be a false
@00:12:32 flag attack in the united states
@00:19:43 don't think that if there is a false
@00:19:45 flag i don't think it will be at this

Myanmar & the Rohingya - Reading Article - The Other Side of the Story G O Comain

@00:12:24 know that the false flag terrorism is