
Cuties and Useful Idiots

@00:00:16 trafficking
@00:04:30 against sex trafficking
@00:04:58 human trafficking pedophilia
@00:13:56 and help the child sex trafficking trade
@00:14:00 one in four victims of trafficking are
@00:14:30 against child trafficking and pedophiles
@00:15:50 was a major hub for sex trafficking
@00:18:38 trafficking movement and how they
@00:18:51 undermines legitimate anti-trafficking
@00:19:12 and child trafficking
@00:20:16 majority of sex trafficking cases
@00:21:11 of human trafficking case data
@00:22:18 trafficking begin with some family
@00:23:23 child trafficking
@00:23:34 about human trafficking
@00:24:19 trafficking and and this is
@00:24:40 trafficking conspiracy
@00:25:45 child trafficking now look at travis vue
@00:27:17 outrage of child trafficking is hate
@00:27:25 this is because end child trafficking
@00:27:44 child trafficking pet and pedophilia and
@00:29:20 and trying to stop child trafficking
@00:29:46 child trafficking why is that the issue
@00:29:57 trafficking and
@00:31:43 trafficking conspiracy theories and it's
@00:31:50 trafficking and they're taking their
@00:32:08 you notice how child trafficking is a
@00:32:53 child trafficking the lockdown
@00:33:20 that child trafficking is a conspiracy
@00:36:02 and child trafficking their their their
@00:36:07 human trafficking in general people are

Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking

@00:02:54 trafficking and pedophilia we don't like
@00:03:10 child trafficking because it's almost
@00:05:33 and stop child trafficking they are
@00:06:11 read it's a map of human trafficking
@00:06:27 human trafficking but with a dark twist
@00:07:14 human trafficking and child exploitation
@00:09:05 trafficking movement
@00:09:56 the child trafficking continues as long
@00:10:13 trafficking and a lot of that ties back
@00:10:38 organizations that house trafficking
@00:11:01 being done to help child trafficking
@00:11:03 victims or human trafficking victims
@00:11:29 child trafficking thing under control
@00:15:11 of human trafficking and child
@00:15:32 anti-trafficking memes to their millions
@00:16:09 supposed legitimate anti-trafficking
@00:16:17 anti-trafficking activists who were
@00:16:25 facts about child trafficking only to
@00:17:07 anti-trafficking group
@00:17:29 trafficking hotline
@00:18:21 right there proof and anti-trafficking
@00:19:31 trafficking 2009
@00:19:35 been in the anti-trafficking business
@00:19:42 the revenue from human trafficking grew
@00:20:15 human trafficking for the purposes of
@00:20:29 child trafficking
@00:20:33 human trafficking cases
@00:20:51 trafficking since trump was elected
@00:24:48 our human trafficking gravy train our
@00:25:59 the truth about child sex trafficking
@00:26:10 people they know trafficking usually
@00:28:49 and trial trafficking it's just normal
@00:28:51 child trafficking like exploiting their
@00:31:23 strategy is that child sex trafficking
@00:31:59 trafficking and prostitution
@00:44:00 and all the busts of trafficking
@00:44:08 end ending human trafficking project
@00:44:17 to shut down child trafficking okay
@00:44:28 from child trafficking and child trauma

Your Awakening Stories #1

@00:08:28 trafficking

Charities and Mind Control

@00:05:09 around to child trafficking in child's
@00:17:43 is accused of running a baby trafficking

Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked

@00:04:29 predator trafficking these rings they've
@00:07:01 isn't trafficking
@00:08:40 victims that are sex trafficking are on
@00:08:44 80 of child trafficking is done online
@00:11:23 trafficking site there was a site called
@00:14:40 guys are you trafficking children and
@00:14:46 saying wayfarers trafficking children
@00:16:19 and that that guy was was trafficking
@00:16:49 trafficking and so was jeffrey epstein
@00:17:06 trafficking is peter nygard the canadian
@00:18:00 forced labor and human trafficking yeah
@00:18:14 trafficking network that they profit so
@00:22:45 about dyncorp human trafficking i'm
@00:24:09 sex trafficking sex slave farm and
@00:24:45 also facilitated trafficking human
@00:24:48 trafficking on their classified ads
@00:25:15 trafficking
@00:25:18 sex trafficking bill
@00:25:50 human trafficking he's built the border
@00:25:53 them trafficking across the border he's
@00:26:24 craigslist facilitates human trafficking
@00:28:07 human trafficking
@00:28:22 trafficking
@00:28:30 trafficking it's very possible
@00:29:59 haitian child trafficking scheme
@00:35:19 sex child trafficking he's not
@00:35:21 trafficking at all
@00:36:28 of human trafficking the shutdown of
@00:36:32 major conduit for their trafficking
@00:38:41 prostitution and human trafficking
@00:42:25 because part of the human trafficking

Technofascist Takeover - 6 videos to watch and share

@00:14:32 human trafficking things like this and
@00:15:02 to combating human trafficking human
@00:15:05 trafficking is just a word for slavery
@00:15:12 in 2018 in 2011 human trafficking
@00:15:27 trafficking jumped to one hundred and
@00:15:45 trafficking are they really bad at it or
@00:15:57 can kind of engage in human trafficking

To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy

@00:47:24 trafficking contrary to media reports
@00:47:38 discussing human trafficking it began
@00:47:49 child trafficking laura silsbee was
@00:48:39 to trafficking children

deleted Homo Sorosensus

@00:22:18 trafficking

Breaking Your Will

@00:13:52 trafficking miners in a rare ruling they
@00:14:07 trafficking involving minors calling it

The Cyber Laundry

@00:14:49 perhaps trafficking proceeds and sex

The Lab Rat Who Knew Too Much

@00:13:07 trafficking okay it says and it even
@00:13:23 trafficking one page two pages three
@00:14:02 human trafficking biggest business
@00:14:06 human trafficking we're literally back
@00:14:38 trafficking there a lot of it is for
@00:14:51 some trafficking is for that some
@00:14:53 trafficking a lot is for the sex trade
@00:25:45 involves utah human trafficking remaking
@00:26:04 who was trafficking women from the
@00:32:02 trafficking and remember before she died
@00:33:58 peterson busted for trafficking in

Child Predation Services of Arizona

@00:00:03 connections between human trafficking
@00:03:25 connection between child trafficking and
@00:04:10 trafficking and this blog says we we
@00:05:37 global sex trafficking of children who
@00:06:05 agencies and global sex trafficking
@00:08:49 trafficking isn't that interesting and
@00:09:17 peterson this guy who was trafficking
@00:10:43 nexium sex trafficking nexium sex
@00:11:09 what human trafficking among other
@00:12:56 arizona human trafficking council

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific

@00:00:33 guy who was busted for sex trafficking
@00:00:40 trafficking in a scheme out of arizona
@00:04:22 the purest form of human trafficking
@00:09:29 potential sex trafficking clients for
@00:09:38 sex trafficking victims so boom there
@00:09:54 trafficking they worded that really
@00:09:59 identifying potential sex trafficking
@00:11:44 domestic violence sex trafficking and
@00:16:47 a major human trafficking source by
@00:22:37 was arrested on sex trafficking charges
@00:24:07 human trafficking problem in all these
@00:25:13 ocean to free up human trafficking
@00:34:03 find clients for human trafficking that
@00:34:09 had something do with human trafficking
@00:34:35 recent sex trafficking related busts
@00:35:46 involved with human trafficking the
@00:36:05 oceans is it all about trafficking
@00:37:13 trafficking and sex trafficking are
@00:37:22 was working with human trafficking
@00:37:37 trafficking charity through his mccain

Maxwell Sisters Connections - Tech, NASA & more

@00:00:29 sex trafficking operation and here's a

BOMBSHELL! Ghislaine Maxwell Family Ties! Robert the triple agent? Sisters in Tech

@00:01:15 trafficking operation that jeffrey
@00:28:15 sex trafficking operation which was used

The LEAKED Censorship File - BLACKLIST

@00:22:48 say sex trafficking of minors which we

The Crimes Must Not Be Buried with Jeffrey Epstein

@00:18:52 trafficking human trafficking so mc
@00:23:36 trafficking operation and then hoods
@00:34:34 wrote in the email i'm a trafficking
@00:35:18 trafficking i've seen that evil and i

Epstein Enemy Emerges from the Swamp?

@00:06:29 underage sex trafficking ring among
@00:30:11 trafficking operation interesting indeed

Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp - Puzzle Pieces #1

@00:01:15 there's also human trafficking and child
@00:16:19 trafficking charge don't have time to go
@00:23:49 counts including child trafficking child

Wax My RGBalls

@00:12:26 trafficking cult does as well

Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists

@00:01:11 course these sex trafficking and the
@00:01:15 trafficking of minors does figure into
@00:02:57 trafficking and molestation and rape
@00:40:09 trafficking and you know he funds
@00:42:15 his sex trafficking operation are the
@00:43:42 trafficking operation by leveraging

Epstein Stories You Won't Find in the News

@00:00:09 with one count of sex trafficking and
@00:00:14 trafficking the 66 year old billionaire
@00:01:22 jeffrey epstein's sex trafficking
@00:02:02 trafficking charges and the exploitation
@00:02:27 trafficking is these rabbit trails i
@00:15:21 nexium is a sex trafficking cult among
@00:15:30 accused of sex trafficking and he
@00:22:18 trafficking scandal and that nexium case

Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments

@00:15:11 charged with sex trafficking human
@00:15:13 trafficking for its operation why does

Cabal Spotted in Sri Lanka - Coded Messages?

@00:08:31 trafficking and human slave labor and
@00:21:12 is human trafficking missing children
@00:21:44 charges of human trafficking and child
@00:21:46 trafficking the next name is des oh

Human Misery for Fun and Profit - Clinton, O'Brien, Andrés, Epstein

@00:13:25 the sex cult it's actually a trafficking
@00:15:00 trafficking whether it be for labor or
@00:16:33 trafficking ring why would the clintons
@00:16:45 suspected of human trafficking
@00:17:43 child sex trafficking task force leader
@00:18:01 child trafficking business is now done

Child Trafficking Agent Called In on Smollett Case

@00:01:10 trafficking and child prostitution task
@00:01:42 investigating child sex trafficking in
@00:01:54 investigating child sex trafficking in
@00:14:39 mack aliceandmac nexium sex trafficking
@00:19:36 trafficking task force was called into
@00:20:59 sex trafficking in hollywood because if
@00:28:22 trafficking they get kids whose parents
@00:30:09 the child sex trafficking problem in

Avenatti, Geragos, NXIVM, Smollett connected! Which Swamp Creature is NEXT?

@00:02:23 their sex trafficking charges possible's
@00:02:26 child sex trafficking charges there's
@00:08:30 as silent children about sex trafficking

Swamp Update! Elites Arrested, Ghoulish Censorship, Conform or Die Politics

@00:23:43 are tied to human trafficking and snc
@00:23:46 lavin had a human trafficking charge

The Richest Most Twisted Swamp Creatures Ever

@00:48:24 the clinton silsbee trafficking scandal
@00:51:07 child crimes and trafficking of human
@00:51:39 trafficking and there's more than that
@00:52:57 sex trafficking sex slavery and possibly

How Fake News Happens and Why Truth Scares Them!

@00:09:29 trafficking and like like nexium like

Controlled Journalism - Fact Checking, Fake News & Phony Philanthropy

@00:23:41 trafficking us they're ripping us off

I'm Mad as H#ll and I'm not Gonna Take It Any More

@00:05:25 trafficking ring a human trafficking

Post National = Post Sanity & Post Decency

@00:25:21 trafficking and profiting from the sale

Child Euthanasia in Toronto, Planned Techno Google City & the Apathetic Defenders

@00:08:10 worse child rape and human trafficking

Q Decode NXIVM - What MSM isn't Reporting

@00:01:42 part and the sex trafficking part that
@00:02:21 racketeering and sex trafficking sex
@00:02:25 trafficking of children it looks like to
@00:03:09 human trafficking arrests up s a saudi
@00:03:44 purchasers of human trafficking they're
@00:03:49 trafficking and that money must be
@00:04:02 charges for nexium is human trafficking
@00:07:33 the human trafficking everyone thinks
@00:36:06 running a massive trafficking money

Freeform 40,000 foot view Quew Anon

@00:01:45 human trafficking and it very well could
@00:01:52 human trafficking and i believe that a
@00:02:39 was a human trafficking
@00:03:41 hear about the child trafficking for
@00:03:49 in the child trafficking angle than the

Babies, Bathwater, Spiritual Battles

@00:03:58 and child trafficking child sex
@00:04:01 trafficking and adult trafficking is the
@00:08:17 human trafficking and and horrible
@00:22:05 about human trafficking it's so key

Is Q A PsyOp? Conspiracy Label via Hollyweird

@00:00:56 trafficking takes place or why are they

Somebody Would Have Talked NXIVM Red Pill

@00:10:58 trafficking sex slavery gun running and

Walk Away Into Q Anon the Great Awakening Worldwide

@00:00:13 trafficking ring out of a basement of a
@00:07:45 of child trafficking could be working

WHAT? A Hillary *&#$ Video?? NBC news seeds the narrative

@00:02:05 going on on facebook human trafficking

Red Pill #3 - Trafficking and Blackmail

@00:02:55 related to the child trafficking not for
@00:09:18 storm that is coming human trafficking
@00:09:26 child trafficking sex trafficking and

Islamic Terror Ghost Story The Parliament Hill Shooting

@00:22:13 screen shows that human trafficking has

Ottawa Human Trafficking Cop Suicide(d)

@00:06:42 crime unit and human trafficking
@00:06:47 with human trafficking because that
@00:07:01 trafficking that's going on so that is
@00:09:28 i find out he's in the human trafficking
@00:11:18 human trafficking ties into this i

Border Crisis CBSA says Criminals Coming To Canada

@00:02:48 possession or trafficking and drugs or