Spirit cooking

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@00:12:36 that these people are all in two-spirit
@00:12:37 cooking anyone can look this up spear
@00:12:39 cooking is a satanic ritual marina
@00:12:42 abramovic who is who they were spirit
@00:12:46 cooking with and this is the woman
@00:12:58 woman she openly talks about how spirit
@00:13:01 cooking dinner
@00:13:07 doing in the spirit cooking dinners


@00:22:35 attended spirit cooking dinners and i'm
@00:23:27 pamela spear cooking dinners go to my
@00:23:32 two-spirit cooking dinner with what

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@00:03:08 will ferrell google then with spirit
@00:03:12 cooking google chelsea handler and will
@00:03:16 ferrell and the two words spirit cooking

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@00:12:37 their adrenochrome supply their spirit
@00:12:40 cooking supply and so they can continue


@00:15:29 witch who conducts spirit cooking
@00:24:31 talking about spirit cooking the other

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@00:19:27 spirit cooking so you know to do these

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@00:05:45 boarding their spirit cooking dinners


@00:04:58 so whether you know the ten spirit
@00:05:00 cooking dinners or they profit off of
@00:18:44 their emails they attend spirit cooking
@00:18:54 those attending spirit cooking dinners i


@00:19:14 spirit cooking dinner with marina
@00:27:04 pictures of her with spirit cooking


@00:18:40 who conducts the spirit cooking dinners
@00:19:33 spirit cooking the rituals you know this
@00:20:26 and that's their involvement in spirit
@00:20:30 cooking the child sex trafficking and


@00:04:59 john podesta goes to spirit cooking
@00:05:15 podesta they go to spirit cooking
@00:05:18 dinners and what are spirit cooking
@00:05:35 spirit cooking dinners involve
@00:05:59 spirit cooking dinner at my place you
@00:17:57 child sex trafficking the spirit cooking
@00:18:04 about today he talked about spirit
@00:18:06 cooking he said the spirit cooking
@00:18:21 spirit cooking there's reason the word
@00:22:03 abramovic spirit cooking they are tied
@00:23:54 involved in the spirit cooking and
@00:23:59 in spirit cooking it doesn't say that
@00:25:23 about spirit cooking and he specifically
@00:26:27 trafficking kind of philia spirit
@00:26:29 cooking and now she's up in hong kong