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@00:04:08 conspiracies linking the virus to 5g
@00:04:13 that but 5g is bad for us i don't like

[2.13] Latest QAnon, Drops/Proofs/Attacks - Harvard & Yale Being Investigated - Coronavirus Vaccines

@00:44:02 a question where do i stand on 5g i try
@00:44:08 that's my answer to that i don't do 5g
@00:45:27 between 5g & coronavirus in china i've

[1.21] New Q - Peach Mint - POTUS @ Davos - “Coronavirus” - UFO Disclosure

@00:08:08 talking about things like 5g i heard him
@00:08:25 supports vaccines and 5g and things like
@00:08:34 like he's supporting 5g or vaccines or

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:25:09 he says there's nothing wrong with 5g
@00:25:13 the problem with 5g is the freaking
@00:25:19 how 5g is wrong he said that they're
@00:25:23 frequency onto 5g technologies and
@00:25:26 that's why they're trying to roll 5g out
@00:25:32 says nothing about 5g inherently being

5 Reasons NOT To Get Vaccinated

@00:12:57 know the 4g 5g wi-fi getting back into

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:25:04 ether and not through wi-fi 4g 5g all
@00:31:39 things like 5g is under control by trump
@00:33:57 i'm just not vibing with it like the 5g

[7.17] Q Recap: Epstein Connections, NYC Blackout, & My Stolen Tweet Was Q'ed!

@00:38:39 their electromagnetic you know 5g

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:24:57 supporting for lack of a better term 5g
@00:25:19 fight against big pharma and 5g and

[6.6] Q on Infowars? - Michael Flynn - Suspicious Deaths - 5G Pushback - Pfizer's Alzheimers Drug

@00:00:30 vaccines as well some good news on 5g
@00:08:56 about 5g i found this in local news
@00:09:02 some good news on 5g i know a lot of
@00:09:11 push back against super fast 5g wireless
@00:09:29 talks saying right here check it out 5g
@00:10:04 against 5g good news

[5.27] Attacks on QAnon - More Mainstream UFO Articles - Cancer Studies, Vaccines & 5G

@00:22:25 this time magazine on 5g they wrote this
@00:22:30 everything you need to know about 5g i
@00:22:58 about 5g networks have no basis in
@00:23:16 of them are knowingly lying 5g networks
@00:23:32 to 5g a lot of these mainstream media
@00:23:44 about 5g networks so it's a it's a big
@00:23:51 research do your own research on 5g

[5.25] Live from Autism One

@00:01:38 emf 4g 5g wi-fi all that not-so-good

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:35:38 oh some stuff on 5g what's happened in

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:01:10 what else big ag big pharma 5g vaccines
@00:22:05 nexium moving on into discussing 5g then
@00:22:13 times put this out the other day your 5g
@00:25:12 and your microwave oven and 4g 5g etc

[5.8] Live Chat

@00:44:53 do i think 5g is stopped i think there's
@00:45:20 doubt that a lot of people saying 5g is
@00:45:45 the 4g 5g twin towers all of that
@00:46:01 don't we 5g geoengineering big pharma

[4.25] Latest Q (FBI Spying) / Rothschilds Sell Assets / UFO Disclosure (Sort Of) / Vaccine Truth

@00:15:16 on into talking 5g so verizon naming
@00:15:21 will get the 5g ultra wideband network
@00:15:30 the samsung galaxy 5g phone some sales
@00:15:33 to try to get people onto this 5g
@00:15:45 get out of that 5g nonsense it's harmful
@00:15:55 control over 5g so he can shut that

[4.13] NSA Q Proof / Assange / Trump & 5G / Anti-Vaxxers are Winning / Glyphosate Toxicology Report

@00:00:22 and i want to talk about vaccines 5g
@00:09:43 things let's talk 5g vaccines than
@00:09:45 glyphosate so first 5g trump talking
@00:09:48 about 5g today saying it's a must-win
@00:10:08 people out there saying that somehow 5g
@00:10:18 got to understand the 5g that we're
@00:10:41 okay but because of the particular 5g
@00:11:00 5g like that what would he be doing he
@00:11:11 must-win race to develop the 5g
@00:11:39 think might be going on with this 5g
@00:12:13 wi-fi 4g 5g stuff that can begin to come
@00:17:36 we went through 5g vaccines cute

[2.28] Conspiracy Theories Make You Violent! / Good Vaccine News / Climate Change / UFOs / 5G

@00:00:28 talking about vaccines 5g climate change
@00:29:52 want to talk about here is 5g so forbes
@00:29:55 running this yesterday how will 5g
@00:30:09 and she writes this piece touting 5g as
@00:30:20 potential of 5g networks it's gonna make
@00:30:41 mention of health aspects of 5g in this
@00:30:44 article now one quick point on 5g here
@00:30:53 say that 5g has been turned good by the
@00:31:04 don't vibe with it because 5g no matter
@00:31:08 whose hands and 5g technology is in it's
@00:31:17 or the cia turns it on over here 5g is
@00:31:26 your ear that's harmful 5g ten times the
@00:31:48 trump is touting 5g for and supporting
@00:31:59 groups they're all bringing 5g networks
@00:32:21 so 5g in my eyes hasn't been turned good
@00:32:35 utilize 4g 5g wi-fi things like that
@00:33:06 vaccines climate change 5g pta and good

[2.26] Q Brief: BIG BIG BIG Happenings in the next 21 days?

@00:00:40 force on 5g i'm gonna be doing some more

[2.25] Live: 4th of July in D.C. / FDA&Vaccines / Space Force / 5G

@00:01:34 was signed and 5g as well a lot to
@00:01:38 discuss by way of 5g i'll be doing a lot
@00:01:48 how in fact 5g is definitely not good
@00:01:52 for us and how we can avoid it avoid 5g
@00:25:43 very long conversation one on 5g to i
@00:25:46 want to get to 5g right now if you guys
@00:25:58 terms of 5g trump tweeting in support of
@00:26:01 5g really made a lot of people question
@00:26:16 support of 5g 5 g's something where we
@00:26:26 5g pulsed millimeter wave frequencies in
@00:27:39 at the same time he's getting 5g into
@00:27:43 tweeting about 5g it's again it's
@00:27:52 they have some sort of way of making 5g
@00:28:03 has control of 5g it's going to be
@00:28:15 we are talking about 5g same thing as 4g
@00:28:53 with 5g
@00:29:01 control over 5g because china is doing
@00:29:10 control 5g so they can have control of
@00:29:18 say okay great we have control over 5g
@00:29:27 communication that don't utilize 5g what
@00:29:45 5g in some way that doesn't harm us it's
@00:29:47 let's gain control of 5g so we can turn
@00:30:06 for jean 5g harma 6g is just gonna like
@00:32:37 have now with 4g or with what 5g would
@00:34:03 stuff but anyway 5g i don't think 5g has

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:34:16 coming out later tonight or tomorrow 5g

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:00:38 about them possibly being compromised 5g
@00:23:52 couple of last things 5g wow
@00:23:55 5g being talked about in the mainstream
@00:24:02 killer 5g warning expert warned
@00:24:28 below in the description 5g is scary
@00:24:36 away from the wi-fi the 4g 5g the guinta

[1.28 Live] Roger Stone & Infowars / Comet Ping Ping Fire / Deep State vs. The Great Awakening

@00:32:32 talk about 5g what do you want me to say
@00:32:36 5g yeah man
@00:32:44 about 5g lately good news is that a very
@00:32:57 have been stifled from implementing 5g
@00:33:04 implementing 5g but at the same time
@00:33:09 trying to test run prototype 5g in
@00:33:28 ever implement 5g i believe right now
@00:33:51 lot of people believe those are 5g
@00:33:53 towers they're not 5g towers they are
@00:33:57 between gwen towers and 5g towers
@00:34:07 5g wind towers or lf they're extremely
@00:34:15 scale of 5g not quite so there's that

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:00:45 to mention on gmos vaccines 5g all those
@00:11:07 gmos 5g
@00:13:44 5g so a little bit of news on 5g and
@00:13:52 t over fake 5g because what's
@00:14:03 at&t is calling a new marketing term 5g
@00:14:10 and they're calling a new service 5g but
@00:14:14 it's not really 5g it doesn't use 5g
@00:14:17 bandwidths they're just calling it 5g
@00:14:43 have 5g on the market yet i believe
@00:14:53 centers that's prototyping 5g right now
@00:15:00 lot of fear porn out there about 5g that
@00:15:07 implement 5g and trying to bring it out
@00:15:12 disagree with and don't want but 5g is

[12.7] Bad Actors at Bush's Funeral / Clinton Foundation / 9.11 Bombshell / Huawei / Catholic Abuse

@00:12:59 company is a major player in 5g networks
@00:13:06 i'm all for 5g getting stopped right and
@00:13:17 excuse me implementing 5g in their
@00:14:13 good news at that 5g company couple last
@00:16:43 on that 5g company cfo arrested 9/11

[11.30] QProof on Pence's Twitter / Putin / Church Raided / Space Force / 5G / MMS

@00:10:12 about 5g so i found a couple of
@00:10:14 interesting articles about 5g that i
@00:10:17 lot of people are more scared about 5g
@00:10:22 saying 5g is good right it's very bad
@00:10:34 5g halting it so new zealand here
@00:10:38 halting a chinese company from 5g
@00:10:44 is one of those countries halting 5g
@00:10:46 australia's 5g network as also being
@00:10:57 5g in america so that same chinese
@00:11:07 might not win the 5g race if it doesn't
@00:11:17 systems of 5g in america since 2012 so
@00:11:29 information being shared around about 5g
@00:11:47 control and trying to get 5g out to the
@00:11:51 stifling occurring with that 5g which is

[10.5] Live from Irvine

@00:31:57 sprayed 5g and and whatnot

[10.4] Live chat - Q: Are you ready to see ARRESTS?

@00:22:35 into you know 5g and the too deep into

[10.3] Live Chat

@00:20:20 know we can talk about 5g if you guys

[10.1] QAnon Updates - Plane Crashes - 400 Guns Stolen from UPS Facility - 5G Rollout

@00:00:33 and then i got some news on 5g that
@00:10:02 very last thing let's talk about 5g so
@00:10:14 is rolling out there 5g home internet
@00:10:30 convenience guys 5g is not something we
@00:10:34 want 5g those particular band widths
@00:10:55 sorts of problems right with 5g that's
@00:11:46 that way so that's why 5g is something
@00:11:58 trump's fcc bets big on 5g here's how it
@00:12:24 fan of trumps fcc betting big on 5g now
@00:13:37 wave i mean 3g 4g 5g wi-fi etc etc

How to Activate Your Pineal Gland

@00:05:22 frequencies all of the 3g 4g 5g

Dissecting MK-Ultra MONARCH Programming

@00:14:34 at society we have things like 5g trying

Beach Philosophy w/ The Certified Health Nut Troy Casey

@00:14:54 nonsense and microwaves and 5g and

1.29 - Memo to Release Today?/Current Indictment Count/CEOs Resigning

@00:12:55 nationalize the 5g network and i do not
@00:13:06 administration 5g is something that is
@00:13:15 wi-fi and especially 5g 5g is going to
@00:13:20 as this small graphic here shows 5g is
@00:13:42 a nationwide 5g network within three
@00:13:56 the wi-fi 4g 5g and we can we can bring
@00:15:06 wants to nationalize 5g which is all for

Live Chat - FISA/FBI/Secret Societies/Secret Space Program/Tesla/Electric Universe/Health/Big Pharma

@00:20:43 so 5g somebody mentioned absolutely
@00:22:16 5g and all that jazz is the transverse
@00:23:06 systems in 5g that literally harm our

Thursday morning hangout

@00:19:03 somebody said 5g is the danger totally

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:32:51 then you got 5g i don't know if that's

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #1

@00:05:44 how can we stop 5g you know a lot of
@00:05:56 to 5g at least get away get away from


@00:18:37 someone says so this new 5g networks
@00:18:46 electricity electromagnetic energy 5g is

5.23 - 5/22 Manchester False Flag as Seth Rich Story Explodes & BIG Project Updates

@00:10:16 story to conveniently roll out 5g which