

@00:14:31 brennan or clapper but maybe a strzok or

POTUS has COVID (so they say)

@00:06:47 the brennan part of the chain clapper

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:24:51 leaders like john brennan and john kerry
@00:27:51 days is john brennan who i personally
@00:28:33 but anyway he said that john brennan and
@00:28:36 john kerry john brennan who he briefed

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:07:48 john brennan i believe he said went to
@00:12:07 gonna be taking a look at john brennan
@00:13:08 feeling that john brennan might have

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:14:19 was supposed to be on there brennan

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:09:31 obama looking at you brennan people like

[10.26] 8kun Soon! - Q Confirmed by A Retired General? - FISA Incoming - Snowden on Rogan - UFOs

@00:03:24 frederic brennan and i believe he sold
@00:03:58 here in this cbs report frederic brennan
@00:04:10 frederic brennan saying vice was

[10.7] "Whistleblowers" - 8chan Back SOON! - FISA Incoming - UFO Disclosure

@00:04:16 to know why john brennan is supporting

[10.4] Political Chat: Ukraine, Biden, Schiff, Clinton, FISA, fake polls

@00:11:42 hillary clinton i saw john brennan -
@00:11:44 john brennan on on a morning news
@00:12:22 brennan is about to be interviewed well
@00:12:50 up to the big fish so if john brennan if
@00:14:53 john brennan is being interviewed not

[9.4] 8chan - More Epstein Docs - Big Tech Problems - Vaccines - UFO Disclosure - TR3B Sightings?

@00:04:07 frederick brennan he sold it in 2016 to
@00:04:12 frederick brennan has been just going

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:19:14 brennan at the time the dni department

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:13:45 the top obama implicated clapper brennan

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:28:45 you know brennan someone says brennan

[1.29 Live] What’s Next at Sather HQ

@00:27:09 james comey and john brennan have been

[12.20] QAnon Updates / Catholic Church / Wall GoFundMe / "Drone" Shuts Down London Airport?

@00:09:32 about john brennan framing potus dark to

[12.11] Latest QAnon - Smocking Tweet - Antarctica Earthquake

@00:05:58 ad brennan to the graphic and update
@00:06:06 added john brennan into that meme
@00:07:16 seditious clown john brennan we know you
@00:07:27 brennan public awakening eagles game

[10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation?

@00:03:13 john brennan's name brennan they missed

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:04:32 addressed to john brennan it's really

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:05:38 nervous q says brennan should be nervous

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:08:31 brennan former cia director says here
@00:09:24 people brennan avenatti about it

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:08:06 right here john brennan i saw rolling
@00:08:14 john brennan was leading the
@00:08:31 cia john brennan was head of the group
@00:08:37 brennan right here trying to cover his
@00:08:49 basically saying john brennan complete
@00:08:58 john brennan came out and say that the
@00:09:22 angles about john brennan being complete

The 5 Minute Redpill: Geoengeering (aka "Chemtrails")

@00:06:39 former cia director john brennan
@00:06:44 director john brennan and his speech to

4.5 - MLK Conspiracies/CDC Scientist/Geoengineering Push/John Brennan/Newer, Scarier Frankenfoods

@00:08:13 between john brennan senator harry reid
@00:08:28 john brennan is being outed eyes are
@00:08:34 posted john brennan just went to town on
@00:09:18 john brennan in 1990 he dropped that on
@00:09:24 this tweet from john brennan was about
@00:09:32 know john brennan being outed from
@00:09:35 brennan had his eye on those multiple
@00:14:52 funny enough speaking of john brennan if
@00:14:54 you actually look at john brennan
@00:14:58 chemtrails so john brennan at the end of

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018

@00:13:03 brennan this company the analysis
@00:13:08 cia director john o brennan

3.29 - OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sightings

@00:05:54 by then cia director john brennan
@00:05:57 so john brennan makes some up

3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES

@00:04:47 maybe it's brennan or could be comey

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:07:18 names out there comey warner brennan and
@00:07:38 these names brennan clapper we'll talk
@00:07:40 about brennan in a minute here but
@00:12:57 directly from the cia x director brennan
@00:13:00 hired by nbc remember brennan being

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:01:35 discusses eric holder john brennan

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:08:02 petraeus and john brennan to get the
@00:39:32 assassination is what john brennan is
@00:39:41 got brennan brennan and my view is a war

5.31 - Aerospace Exec Spills the Alien Beans, Trump Tweets & Civil War in Congress?

@00:07:04 brennan was also subpoenaed and there

Mainstream Admits Chemtrails Are Real...Again.

@00:03:26 john brennan he actually gave a speech

Mar6 - Wiretapping Investigations Leading to a Spring Purge?

@00:02:10 they acquired to cia head john brennan

Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering

@00:01:40 brennan the current cia director gave a