@00:13:43 coming for the fisa abuses in the russia
@00:14:20 with fisa and obama gate happen

[9.21] SC Nominee This Weekend - New Epstein Flight Logs Coming - Fox Quiets More Guests

@00:02:46 digging into the fisa abuses so we'll

[8.5] Beirut Booms - FBI Raids - Biden's Fails - Trump Talks UFOs - Joe Rogan Rags on Q Followers

@00:16:16 because he's pivotal in this fisa gate
@00:16:48 to roll remember fisa is the start

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:05:22 had the fisa unmasking the d class that
@00:09:49 updates on what's going on with fisa
@00:10:22 in regards to the fisa abuses and she
@00:11:46 faiza he was saying fisa equals the
@00:14:33 essentially initiated that fisa gate
@00:27:10 flynn's case and the fisa d-class
@00:28:06 about all this fisa stuff through cue

[5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

@00:24:45 these fisa and maskings how do you

deleted [4.17] "Carrying Water" For the W.H.O. and Bill Gates - Breaking CHLORINE DIOXIDE News - FISA DECLAS

@00:24:15 is a load of fisa d classifications that
@00:24:18 have taken place in recent days fisa is
@00:24:26 about the fisa abuses
@00:24:37 of course the unsealing of fisa and
@00:24:56 regards to fisa gate and she continues
@00:26:37 the fisa information hope you enjoyed


@00:11:21 into this huge huge topic of fisa abuse
@00:27:12 next drop 39 21 fisa indictments equal
@00:27:19 start yet crazy huh fisa indictments
@00:27:49 fisa so bill bar is saying what happened
@00:29:31 believe this one is on the fisa abuse

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:13:37 americans basically abused the fisa
@00:13:48 involved with the illegal fisa unmasking

[1.13] New Jersey Vaccine Win! - Free Iran! - Epstein Docs - Veritas #Expose2020 & More

@00:11:41 fisa abuse denier to tackle fisa abuse
@00:11:55 which of course oversees the fisa
@00:12:12 fact that the fisa process was abused to

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:05:07 graham regarding senate fisa hearings
@00:09:42 inspector general's fisa ig report and
@00:11:34 fisa and durham for a minute and then
@00:13:22 if they always try to do and in fisa
@00:13:26 news fisa court news actually there's
@00:13:35 it's legit fisa court news this is a
@00:13:40 rosemary collier she's one of the fisa
@00:13:53 fisa court judge having her term cut

[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:03:39 given us regarding fisa and especially
@00:03:50 is when they told us about the four fisa
@00:03:51 warrants for fisa warrants on manafort
@00:04:01 when we're talking about these fisa
@00:04:54 understand that regards to this fisa
@00:05:48 and then cruises ted cruz's fisa is
@00:24:55 to understand that this fisa ig report
@00:26:01 about barr and durham and the fisa stuff

[12.13] Helluva Week Recap: IG Report - Impeachment - Greta - Vaccines - SPACE FORCE!

@00:04:31 have this fisa ig report that the public
@00:05:51 about fisa of course there's information

SEVEN Q Proofs From the IG Report (MINDBLOWN!)

@00:00:47 pages fisa application that this report
@00:01:34 fisa the other line said waterfall of

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:03:25 next drop here fisa gate meme q asking

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:09:48 we're gonna get the fisa ig report on on
@00:19:15 course they're doing that with the fisa

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:07:58 think we're gonna start seeing with fisa
@00:09:08 we're gonna see with fisa gate basically
@00:09:44 doing all this as fisa stuff illegally
@00:10:54 d remember before fisa dumped so there
@00:18:06 days there and again fisa imminent
@00:18:53 run some piece on fisa but i'll have

[11.11] 8kun Is Live And New Q!! - NBC Attacks Q - "Whistleblower" Censorship - Vaccines

@00:17:30 with these political leaders to fisa
@00:17:39 happen before fisa declassification

[10.31] Vaxxed 2 - #FakeWhistleblower Identified (Again) - Epstein - Air Force's Secret Space Thing

@00:12:21 interesting dots to connect their fisa
@00:12:28 about that impending fisa ig report and
@00:13:52 everything to do with fisa as well
@00:14:42 just ufos it's not just the legal fisa

Two Years of Q!

@00:20:47 maybe the fisa d class process and and
@00:44:32 think i wrote fisa abuses are gonna be

[10.26] 8kun Soon! - Q Confirmed by A Retired General? - FISA Incoming - Snowden on Rogan - UFOs

@00:01:23 up yet and also fisa gate coming down
@00:13:17 hitting remember in that fisa ig report
@00:13:57 with fisa is gonna lead to a lot of
@00:14:41 that shit anyway moving on to fisa so
@00:14:44 michael horowitz finalizing a fisa probe
@00:15:07 keep going with the fisa ig report it's
@00:18:28 fisa report man soon very soon and
@00:18:33 what's going on with the fisa
@00:18:46 in hand with the fisa disclosures fbi
@00:19:31 ig report hits on the fisa abuses i mean
@00:29:50 we went through q we went through fisa

[10.18] 8kun - Turkey Ceasefire - Mexico Violence - Elijah Cummings - Dark Web Bust - Flynns' Case

@00:13:39 towards the end of this fisa you know of
@00:13:55 why they delayed the fisa inspector
@00:16:27 towards the end of man that fisa ig

IG Report Delayed, But Will Cover More Than Just FISA - We Must Have PATIENCE!

@00:00:23 fisa abuses now as you may know we heard
@00:00:29 general fisa report was gonna come out
@00:04:48 than just fisa huh that's what it makes

[10.14] #ExposeCNN - FISA IG Report Out the 18th - Bill Gates & Epstein - Secret Space Program

@00:00:54 things too you know the fisa ig report
@00:06:55 how about fisa the ig report coming out
@00:07:15 ig report on the fisa abuses coming out
@00:07:37 focus on the fisa abuse it's not just
@00:07:48 this fisa report and i'm wondering if it
@00:08:43 thursday that's the day before the fisa
@00:08:58 before the fisa ig report so a lot of

[10.10] Major Q Proofs from President Trump's Twitter Before 8chan's Return

@00:00:37 the fisa abuses that's coming out next

[10.7] "Whistleblowers" - 8chan Back SOON! - FISA Incoming - UFO Disclosure

@00:00:13 a fisa ig report dropping within a
@00:17:04 brings us again 8chan coming soon fisa

[10.4] Political Chat: Ukraine, Biden, Schiff, Clinton, FISA, fake polls

@00:02:19 of you know fisa information
@00:02:22 the fisa investigations look to be
@00:12:05 fisa abuses you're looking for no no
@00:13:42 trying to get ahead of these fisa
@00:13:51 by trump to investigate fisa ah they're
@00:14:11 ahead of this fisa revelations and
@00:14:33 been learning about fisa is that a lot
@00:14:50 end of these fisa investigations because
@00:15:00 with the the fisa abuses and
@00:16:49 about fisa potentially also we're
@00:17:11 learning about fisa and of course this

[9.25] 8chan Coming Back? - Calls for Impeachment - Biden & Ukraine - Flynn Case News - Vax & UFO

@00:02:30 maybe fisa also epstein documents ten to
@00:11:36 them fisa doc dumps come in man that's

[9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - UFO/Space

@00:01:08 completing his fisa report more stuff
@00:12:19 fisa so zero hedge reports on here how
@00:17:02 fisa through the department of justice
@00:17:12 fisa abuse him completing his
@00:17:40 of the fisa abuse report so justice
@00:21:45 regards to of course fisa all this stuff
@00:22:18 illegally abused fisa to get the spying
@00:22:38 illegally abuse the fisa system to spy

[9.10] Live from the Swamp - Great Awakening Rally Tomorrow!

@00:40:16 a whole lot in regards to the fisa
@00:40:19 so really flynn's court case and fisa d
@00:40:39 same time that we're gonna get fisa d

[9.3] Hurricane - Hong Kong - Breaking Epstein News - FISA - Flynn - Big Tech - Space Force & UFOs

@00:01:14 what's such on that and we've got fisa
@00:20:00 to talking fisa now so epic times great
@00:20:33 where i mean we're waiting for fisa
@00:20:57 fisa d classifications are gonna be the
@00:21:44 posting again before they start fisa
@00:22:30 one last thing on fisa and this having
@00:23:22 illegally abusing fisa legally
@00:23:36 we get from fisa they sort of have to
@00:38:43 fisa news epstein news and just crazy

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:08:07 class all this fisa stuff is dumping

[8.23] Overstock CEO - David Koch Dies - CNN Hires McCabe - Amazon Forest Fires

@00:15:20 fisa abuses the justice department
@00:15:24 the fisa abuse investigation and some
@00:16:08 of course andrew run to cnn if fisa

[8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo

@00:07:38 implicated in the fisa crimes so that's
@00:10:17 like the whole fisa situation all over

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:02:43 president trump this is fisa they're

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:31:54 placeholder in regards to fisa t's equal
@00:39:07 with fisa and the illegal spying that

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:10:10 getting per day today's is fisa and
@00:10:42 fisa and the illegal tapping with fisa
@00:12:28 fisa abuse and treason to remove or a de
@00:15:56 fisa see what i'm gathering out here

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:04:48 thanks for playing fisa goes both ways
@00:04:53 fisa illegally to unmask and spy on many
@00:04:58 american citizens but fisa can also be
@00:05:15 then they can be fisa themselves so
@00:16:54 wot nick is crucial to the fisa
@00:17:00 fisa and the declassification that's so
@00:17:10 centered around the fisa and samantha
@00:23:58 fisa declassification coming likely
@00:24:11 fisa d class asap more stuff on epstein

Welcome to the Garage!

@00:17:53 declassification of fisa stuff and

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:12:07 fisa abuse but that us attorney durham
@00:12:13 prosecution's for fisa durham took over

[5.28] QAnon Attacks - Michael Flynn FISA - UFO "Disclosure" - Amazon Censors MMS

@00:05:40 big news obama appointed fisa court
@00:05:48 reportedly involved in multiple fisa
@00:05:56 fisa court etc etc but at the end of the
@00:06:08 and the fisa abuses and he says right
@00:06:19 other fisa warrants involved in this
@00:06:21 matter basically fraud on the fisa court
@00:06:31 with the fisa court boom then as the
@00:06:52 fisa the courts they have a lot of

[5.27] Attacks on QAnon - More Mainstream UFO Articles - Cancer Studies, Vaccines & 5G

@00:00:55 about some fisa news that's really on
@00:14:01 the underground fisa news
@00:15:09 out and again it's it's all this fisa

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:00:38 ordered the declassification of the fisa
@00:02:30 about fisa our buddy joe a good friend
@00:04:39 that people are saying fisa will get
@00:04:58 fisa a lot of the connections you can
@00:05:17 fly of fisa disclosed meaning it's a
@00:05:32 part of it is public the part of fisa
@00:05:41 fisa documents that involve spying on
@00:06:10 getting moving with that fisa d class
@00:08:25 page of fisa is it carter page etc etc q
@00:08:31 fisa all right
@00:09:27 remember fisa is this start what we're
@00:12:41 regarding fisa a lot of a big picture
@00:12:44 stuff regarding fisa i like this one
@00:12:46 here fisa implicates senior members this
@00:12:54 fisa equals the start as it says right
@00:12:56 here fisa equals immediate confirmation
@00:13:03 based on false info fisa equals
@00:13:27 can see fisa being the start and fisa is
@00:13:52 agencies okay so fisa meeting this start
@00:13:54 is that fisa is gonna start lady leading
@00:15:06 least one of these memes fisa gate enjoy
@00:16:21 we talked about fisa we talked about
@00:16:31 before his decision to declassify fisa
@00:38:23 cost of course fisa being dumped right
@00:38:28 fisa the declassification is beginning a
@00:38:48 people so they're declassifying fisa

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:30:25 administration fisa disclosures

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:01:06 we'll be taking a look at a fisa nexium
@00:16:22 move on now to fisa let's talk fisa for
@00:32:19 what the spying that occurred fisa

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:03:43 on with those fisa abuses i found this
@00:03:49 afraid bar could find explosive fisa
@00:26:47 once fisa happens that'll open the door

[5.9] The Space Episode: UFO & Free Energy Disclosure, Pole Shift, Antarctica

@00:06:59 now distraction from this fisa stuff

[5.3] Latest Q: May 2019 / MSM Admits Conspiracies are Popular / Infowars "Deplatforming"

@00:00:43 on with say fisa declassification and

[4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Geoengineering

@00:00:42 last night talking about latest q fisa d

[4.29] Latest Q / Rod Rosenstein / Attacks Against Q & Synagogue Shooting

@00:01:57 learning with fisa being declassified
@00:02:42 involved in fisa being involved in a lot
@00:03:43 that's knee-deep in fisa corruption they
@00:04:15 both ways fisa does two i would imagine
@00:04:21 data collected because a fisa is on his
@00:04:38 plus the wife fbi 302s fisa spying on
@00:05:53 declassify fisa and he's been saying
@00:06:21 have them hold that fisa
@00:08:56 rosenstein signed the fisa warrant was
@00:10:01 report fisa declassification tribunals

[4.25] Latest Q (FBI Spying) / Rothschilds Sell Assets / UFO Disclosure (Sort Of) / Vaccine Truth

@00:02:21 and he continued to say the fisa court
@00:04:07 that fisa court trying to get to the
@00:07:20 and with the fisa revelations coming
@00:07:38 fisa court working with the justice

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:03:56 we'll talk about fisa declassification
@00:06:05 us into talking about fisa
@00:06:16 trump is preparing to declassify fisa

[3.25] Q: "Justice Will Return" / Avenatti Arrested / Flynn / Parkland & Sandy Hook Suicide

@00:03:43 rosen stein who signed fraudulent fisa

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:09:27 this russia probe all the fisa abuses
@00:17:19 fisa just the russia probe you know it
@00:19:24 fisa and an oig report washington
@00:19:43 fisa abuse is still active he was at a
@00:19:57 mentioned the fisa related review now
@00:20:27 fisa declassification then we'll get the
@00:20:52 fisa declassification april you know we
@00:21:42 fisa d class or a yg report or that
@00:22:09 gives us q gives us i mean really fisa d

[2.26] Q Brief: BIG BIG BIG Happenings in the next 21 days?

@00:06:10 what about fisa she literally writes
@00:06:28 not just fisa documents but man what
@00:06:36 more fisa review justice department

[2.21] Q Brief - Latest Q Attacks (WaPo!), Ann Coulter, Red Castle, Mueller End

@00:12:52 fisa memo from congressional review

[2.20] Live: Daily Q Brief

@00:10:24 for declassifying the carter page fisa
@00:10:47 executive basis for declassifying fisa

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:03:30 fisa court to address fbi abuses in 2002
@00:04:16 abuses of fisa warrants and how the
@00:04:33 fisc the court that handles the fisa

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:03:21 fisa gate all now playing so with this

[12.7] Bad Actors at Bush's Funeral / Clinton Foundation / 9.11 Bombshell / Huawei / Catholic Abuse

@00:10:29 intelligence fisa world is watching so
@00:13:36 in that illegal fisa wiretapping of
@00:13:54 cfo arrested wow fisa you mentioned fisa
@00:13:59 right fisa coming soon so we have

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:12:35 fisa grant access to the nsa umbrella

[12.3] Latest Q / New Indictment Count / France Protests / 11.11 WAVE / Netanyahu / Pope / Fentanyl

@00:04:46 the fisa court kept quiet regarding the
@00:05:02 bet rod rosenstein has a fisa order on
@00:05:08 have fisa orders on them they're all
@00:05:13 bad actors tried to use fisa couple
@00:05:22 acted so obviously there's a fisa

[11.29] QAnon - Huber / Whitaker / FISA & Recent QAnon Attacks

@00:05:39 huber and whitaker but fisa thises
@00:05:49 saying that basically fisa he's going to

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:07:32 regarding fisa as requested by the house
@00:07:36 president when that fisa is gonna be
@00:08:14 they have no idea when this fisa is

[11.22] Huber / Whitaker / Saudi Arabia / Service Outages / Clinton Foundation Donations DROPPED!

@00:06:43 not only do those fisa documents out a
@00:06:55 actors there get implicated with fisa
@00:07:06 trump to stop the release of these fisa
@00:07:23 have fisa declassification starting that
@00:12:18 of fisa declassification i think there's

[11.7] Live - Talking Midterms Outcome & Path Forward

@00:05:27 but guess what comes next fisa it's
@00:05:37 elections to drop fisa there you go so
@00:05:46 boom fisa can drop so there you go why
@00:06:21 so where do we go forward from here fisa
@00:06:27 now fisa brings down the house oh-hoh a
@00:06:36 meanings exist as well fisa brings down
@00:06:49 contingency plan being fisa oh yeah i
@00:08:34 had fisa they knew they were going to
@00:08:36 have fisa they weren't going to have
@00:10:20 continuously q says fisa brings down the
@00:16:12 cards fisa brings down the house double
@00:18:20 mentioning fisa fisa asap let's also
@00:18:25 coming weeks right fisa i think fisa
@00:19:27 audit announcement will see when fisa

[11.6] Live Chat - Recent Q!

@00:10:47 just a little bit of fisa corruption
@00:18:40 but not in america here fisa deed class
@00:18:42 people are saying absolutely fisa

[9.28] LIVE - Kavanaugh / Esoteric Physics / UFOs / My Books

@00:39:32 fisa declassification funny about that

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:07:58 declassification of fisa good news that
@00:11:24 first movie was the fisa

[9.19] QAnon / Deep State FISA Stalling / Kavanaugh / Observatory / Space Force

@00:00:34 the fisa documents let's go ahead and
@00:01:52 security excuse so the fisa documents
@00:02:48 declassification of the fisa documents

[9.18] LIVE

@00:05:26 about that fisa declassification
@00:05:59 would declassify fbi texts and fisa
@00:08:34 have here declassification of fisa leads
@00:09:06 fisa being declassified as hugh stated

[9.16] Q / Flynn Signs Books WWG1WGA / Vatican / SpaceX / 10 Million Will Die of Cancer This Year

@00:02:16 were basically going to get the fisa
@00:06:19 talking about the fisa application panic
@00:09:16 q posts fisa getting dropped soon social

[9.11] Live

@00:17:40 waiting for these fisa docs to

[9.10] Q / FISA Coming / CBS Chief Quits / Bayer&Monsanto / MSM Talks Alien Life

@00:07:52 fisa corruption is about to drop you
@00:07:59 fisa dropping could be as early as this
@00:08:27 queue and the fisa stuff we're just kind

[9.6] QAnon / Censorship Hearings / FISA / False Flags / New York Times

@00:09:38 fisa warrant documents that congress
@00:09:49 but we're looking at the fisa pages
@00:10:19 go back on to the fisa thing real quick
@00:10:29 for things involving those fisa warrants
@00:10:32 so lots of things blowing up with fisa
@00:13:10 regards to the fisa documents that are

Jack Posobiec & Alex Jones: The INFOWARS on Q

@00:17:37 and then people are thinking fisa

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:01:20 with the china hack and the fisa
@00:20:06 quick on is fisa a few posts on that
@00:20:18 fisa on carter page this is a very soft
@00:21:03 comes huber guys good news fisa is what
@00:21:13 fisa if the fake steel dossier

[8.28] Aug 27/28th QAnon Analysis

@00:07:50 exact same press story to justify a fisa
@00:08:12 use those same stories to get fisa
@00:08:42 how they were able to justify this fisa
@00:12:58 fisa in the abcs versus inscom so this
@00:13:33 secrets the process of obtaining a fisa
@00:13:48 active fisa warrants interesting
@00:14:10 illegally violated fisa law in
@00:14:42 who must sign off on fisa warrants who
@00:15:07 create that fisa warrant against trump
@00:15:17 of that fisa warrant process during his
@00:16:08 getting mm-hmm could fisa warrants be
@00:16:30 with that fisa warrant defined

[8.7] Latest Q / Infowars Censored / Parkland Shooter Heard "Demons" / $Trillions Missing From DoD

@00:07:53 news report talking about fisa and
@00:08:00 had to do with fisa well that's the fisa
@00:08:21 of the declassified fisa report well q

[8.2] QAnon Update - WE ARE NOW MAINSTREAM!

@00:08:50 fabricated this fisa dossier and this is
@00:17:45 few posts talk about fisa fisa fisa fisa
@00:17:52 fisa was totally illegal and again as
@00:17:58 week or two is that fisa starts to
@00:17:59 unravel at all and fisa is crucial
@00:18:12 once fisa begins to start to unravel

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:09:40 fisa thises the foundation in the start
@00:10:05 it real quick is that fisa the illegal
@00:11:13 the mainstream and that's what fisa

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:03:40 of the information act cover fisa no it
@00:17:28 with this fisa warrant with the illegal

[5.13] - Q: Stay The Course

@00:10:07 fisa memo topic few months ago they

2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page

@00:01:36 fisa memo so donald trump blocked this
@00:11:20 points much more so than the recent fisa
@00:11:23 memo four-page fisa memo that came out

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:03:17 saying the fisa memo is only phase one
@00:03:27 fisa wiretapping issues and whatnot but

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:01:12 against plans to release the fisa abuse
@00:05:47 fisa memo and again we're gonna go back

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:02:38 schiff even saying this fisa memo could
@00:10:07 after the fisa memo votes so another

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:01:06 when he read the fisa memo on sunday
@00:01:58 fisa memo public so andrew mccabe dipped
@00:03:35 bogus trump dossier for that fisa
@00:04:59 ryan to block the fisa memo well of

1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals

@00:13:28 fisa memo is getting hopefully rushed

1.18 - "Meteors"/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures?

@00:12:17 classified fisa abuse report could end
@00:12:26 to surface but hashtag fisa gay somebody
@00:12:30 commented absolutely hashtag fisa gate


@00:19:25 single fisa court judge was appointed